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近年来的一些研究表明,由于地震前孕震区地下介质的电性结构的变化,将导致地磁短周期转换函数发生异常变化。通过对地震前后的地磁短周期转换函数的参数的计算、分析和研究,有可能提取出可靠的地震短临前兆异常(曾小苹等,1990)。为了进一步开展对该方法研究工作并使其在我区地震预测预报研究中得到应用,我们使用了静海台的地磁记录资料,分析计算了该台地磁短周期转换函数在地震前后的变化情况,确立了该方法应用天津地区地震预报的短临异常特征及指标,取得了较好的效果。  相似文献   
Du  Guoying  Zhao  Ezi  Liu  Chunrong  Tang  Xianghai 《中国海洋湖沼学报》2019,37(1):93-101
The community dynamics and potential carbon ?xation of intertidal macroalgae were investigated monthly from April 2014 to April 2015 in the northwest coast of Yellow Sea. Seasonal variations in biomass and carbon ?xation were presented and showed close relationship with community structure.The carbon ?xation rate ranged from 0.48±0.13 mg C/(g FW ·d) to 4.35±0.12 mg C/(g FW ·d). Sargassum thunbergii, Chondrus ocellatus and Ulva intestinalis were three most in?uential species which contributed27%, 21.9% and 18.5% variation of carbon ?xation rate, respectively. Standing carbon stocks ranged from7.52 g C/m~2 to 41.31 g C/m~2, and estimated carbon stocks varied from 11.77 g C/m 2 to 96.49 g C/m~2. The larger dif ference between estimated and standing carbon stocks implied that more ?xed carbon was exported from the community in summer and autumn than in winter. This study suggested that intertidal macroalgal community could provide a potential function in carbon ?xation of coastal ecosystem.  相似文献   
利用巴丹吉林沙漠北缘拐子湖流沙下垫面2013年7、10月和2014年1、4月的湍流通量资料,计算并分析了研究区近地层湍流强度,同时针对风速分量、温度、水汽和CO2归一化标准差随稳定度的变化关系和总体输送系数等陆面过程特征进行分析。结果表明:(1)风速各分量的湍流强度均随风速的增加逐渐减小,风速处于2 m·s-1以下时湍流发展最为旺盛。湍流强度主要由水平方向风速分量决定,垂直方向风速的作用较小,且近中性和不稳定层结利于湍流的发展。与其他地区相比,平坦且没有建筑物的沙漠地区,机械湍流较弱,湍流强度相应较小。(2)风速各分量的归一化标准差与稳定度(z/L)均满足1/3次方函数规律,其中垂直方向风速分量的拟合曲线方程较好。(3)动量输送系数Cd具有明显的夏季高、冬季低的变化状态且各月的日变化形态均呈夜间低、日间高的循环形态。热量输送系数Ch的不同月份日变化间并没有明显的排列次序,且日出日落前后具有明显的波动。不稳定层结时,CdCh均随风速的增加逐渐减小;稳定层结时,CdCh均随着风速的增加逐渐上升。  相似文献   
冀北滦平地区中生代火山岩地层锆石U-Pb测年及启示   总被引:26,自引:0,他引:26  
在冀北—辽西地区, 冀北的滦平地区是中生代地层最为齐全, 也是唯一的晚中生代沉积作用基本连续的地区.许多研究者认为该地区的土城子组与张家口之间存在着J3—K1界线和中生代的构造转换界面.该地区分布的主要中生代地层自下而上依次为髫髻山组、土城子组、张家口组、大北沟组、大店子组和西瓜园组.通过LAICPMS方法的锆石UPb测年, 获得了该地区中生代火山岩地层的年代格架, 即髫髻山组的顶界年龄为(162.8±3.2)Ma, 土城子组形成的主体年代范围是(142.6±1.3)~(136.4±1.9)Ma, 张家口组形成的年代范围是(135.7±1.8)~(135.2±2.3)Ma, 大店子组顶部安山岩的年龄是(131.4±3.7)~(130.2±3.0)Ma.锆石的稀土元素分析表明: 土城子组中锆石的稀土元素特征与张家口组中锆石的特征一致, 而与髫髻山组中的锆石有较大的区别.综合以上分析数据及野外地质特征可以得出以下结论: (1)该地区的土城子组与髫髻山组之间不仅时间间隔较长, 而且二者中火山岩的源区也有较大的区别; 土城子组与张家口组之间不仅时间上基本连续, 而且二者中火山岩的源区也有明显的一致性.这就表明了滦平地区的土城子组与张家口组是同一地质背景下的产物, 即该地区二者之间应不存在J3—K1界面和构造转换界面.(2)滦平地区大店子组顶部火山岩在年代上与辽西北票—义县地区的义县组底部、辽西凌源地区的张家口组顶部基本相当.   相似文献   
巴旦杏越冬冻害气象指标   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
低温冻害是危害新疆林果业持续健康高效发展的三大灾害之一,通过对越冬期间果树冻害历史灾情资料的调查及最低气温数据库的建立,研究冻害的发生时间、界限温度以及冻害发生年各项气象因子的变化特征,阐明果树越冬冻害与气象因子的关系.结果表明,可根据冬季平均气温、最低气温、降温天气及低温持续时间等确定该区巴旦杏越冬期发生冻害的气象指标.研究结果可为有效防范低温冻害提供理论依据,为林果业生产服务.  相似文献   
利用易语言调用surfer8.0绘图软件,设计实现临汾市17个县(市)气象站雨量等值图形化功能。该功能可以方便快捷地实现临汾市雨量等值图的图形化显示、输出和保存等工作。绘制的雨量等值线图结果直观、快捷、方便、准确,提高了工作效率。  相似文献   
阿荣旗2008年春季第一场透雨天气分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章应用天气预报业务中的常规预报产品资料,对2008年5月27日阿荣旗春季第一场透雨天气的大气环流背景和成因进行了深入分析对今后本地春季透雨预报思路提供了一定参考依据。  相似文献   
Inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry(ICP-MS) has become a powerful tool for providing reliable analytical results in many laboratories around the word. In this study, the mixture of HF and HNO3 acids in high-temperature and high-pressure closed-vessel digestion technique were used to decompose some Chinese reference materials, and thirty seven elements were determined by ICP-MS. Most of the results for Chinese soil reference materials were found to be in reasonable agreement with the reference values, except Cs, Ta, Li, Ge, Zn, Nd, Tb and Ta whose values need to be revised. Their precisions were typically lower than 5% RSD. However, the Precisions of Chinese clay reference materials, especially for GBW03102 and GBW03102a, were significantly different with reference values, probably reflecting the existence of a coarser-grained fraction(70 μm) in samples, and the formation of fluorides in Al-rich samples during sample decomposition by using the mixture of HF and HNO3 acids. Moreover, thirty-seven trace elements covering the mass range from Li to U in four Chinese clay reference materials were firstly provided with good precision and accuracy in this study.  相似文献   
We describe an in situ method for simultaneous measurement of U–Pb–Hf isotopes and trace element compositions of zircons using a quadrupole and multiple-collector inductively-coupled-plasma mass spectrometer (Q-ICP-MS and MC-ICP-MS, respectively) connected to a single excimer laser-ablation system. A laser-generated zircon aerosol was split behind the ablation cell into two transport tubes via a Y-shaped connector and simultaneously introduced into the two mass spectrometers. Hafnium isotopes were measured on the MC-ICP-MS instrument, while U–Pb ages and trace element compositions were determined using the Q-ICP-MS. The precision and accuracy of this method was evaluated using six well-known and widely used zircon standards (91500, Temora-2, GJ-1, Mud Tank, BR266 and Monastery). Analyses were carried out using spot sizes of 32, 44 and 60 μm. For the 44 and 60 μm spot, the resulting U–Pb ages, Hf isotopic and rare earth element (REE) compositions of these six zircons agree with recommended/reported values within 2σ error. The difference in relative standard deviations (RSD) of 206Pb/238U ages between split-flow measurements and those obtained separately on the Q-ICP-MS is within ~ 20% for 91500, Temora-2 and GJ-1, and ~ 60% for Mud Tank (due to its lower U and Pb concentrations). Our method provides a precise approach for determining the U–Pb age and the Hf isotopic and trace element compositions of zircon within a single ablation event. This is in particular important for analysis of zircons that are small or contain complicated zoning patterns. Finally, the REE composition of zircon BR266 is more homogeneous than other zircons and could be a suitable standard by which to benchmark new standards for microprobe analyses of zircons.  相似文献   
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