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The spatial database of landslides in Fengdu County of the reservoir region of the Three Gorges project (TGP) on the Yangtze River was compiled from a variety of different sources including field investigations on landslides, existing catalogues and archives on landslides, reports of meteorological events and human engineering activities that triggered slope failures. The major factors that are found to have affected the slope stabilities are outlined, and an assessment and zonation of landslide hazards of the region is made using an integrated information model, which is divided into destructive, disastrous, likely disastrous and essentially non-disastrous areas from the assessment of landslide hazards. The destructive and disastrous areas are respectively 1.9 and 13.8% of the total region, mostly being nearby townships, highways along the south bank of the Yangtze River and residential quarters along two flanks of the Yangtze River and its distributaries, that will impose direct impact to highway transportation and residential lives, and may effect to some degree the navigation of the Yangtze River, reservoir banks, and building of cities and towns.  相似文献   
专题地质填图及有关问题讨论   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
面积性地质调查及填图是今后地质调查的主要工作,如何做好这个工作,并实现地质调查和科研一体化,特别是在已有填图基础上,如何部署和开展新的填图工作,是一个亟待回答的新问题。专题地质填图是针对存在的重要地质或资源、环境问题,或是针对特定目标地质体等,以解决特定问题或满足社会特定需求为主要目的、填图与研究融为一体的地质填图,填图的范围和比例尺依据解决问题和目标地质体而定。专题地质填图是以问题和需求为驱动,是对已有的综合地质填图的补充和提高,是高效实现地调科研一体化的一种方式。论述了专题填图的内涵、必要性,以及开展专题填图的方式和方法。  相似文献   
安徽女山单斜辉石巨晶的地球化学   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
陈道公  夏群科 《矿物学报》1997,17(3):260-269
本文研究了安徽女山14个单斜辉石巨晶。它们属于铝普通辉石、透辉石和铁钠造辉石。主要元素、稀土和微量元素及同位素特征表明:它们是同一碱性玄武岩浆在幔源条件下不同程度结晶分异的产物,相对于寄主岩均属捕虏晶,可能自中生代即已开始形成。  相似文献   
本文对皖东郯庐断裂带东侧嘉山—来安地区广泛发育的上第三系玄武岩进行了研究。在以往工作的基础上对该区作了系统的同位素和微量元素地球化学研究;对皖东玄武岩的成因及其地幔源区性质加以探讨。为论证该区存在非均一的富集型地幔提供了地球化学证据。  相似文献   
广东麒麟绿钙闪石巨晶的地球化学特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
夏群科  张宗清 《地质论评》1997,43(6):638-645
本文对罕见的幔源绿钙闪石巨晶进行了综合的地球化学分析,主要元素,稀土微量元素和Sr,Nd同位素的特征表明;绿钙闪石巨晶是碱性玄武岩浆在地幔条件下的结晶产物;相对于寄主玄武岩,绿钙闪石巨晶均属捕虏晶,它们与共存的橄榄岩包体无成因联系,其形成可能与共存的黑色包体有关。  相似文献   
Southward thrusting occurred in Late Oligocene-Early Miocene in southern East Kunlun (昆仑) Mountains formed the South Kunlun thrust (SKT). Permian strata and Triassic rocks were thrusted over the Paleocene-Eocene red-beds of Fenghuoshan (风火山) Group and Oligocene brownish red conglomerate and sandstone of Yaxicuo (雅西错) Group along SKT faults, formed tectonic slices, low-angle thrust faults, multi-scaled outliers, and nappe structures in south of Middle Kunlun fault (MKF). In addition, SKT displacement or shortening is estimated to be ~(30-35) km across Dongdatan (东大滩) valley and East Wenquan (温泉) basin. 39Ar-40Ar dating of chlorite of ductile shear zone along front thrust fault indicates that SKT thrusting occurred at 26.5±2.7 Ma, and fission track dating of apatite from mylonitic granite in SKT gives the age 26±2 Ma, corresponding to initial time of rapid uplift of East Kunlun Mountains. Thrust faults and folds of SKT were covered unconformably by Late Miocene lacustrine strata, and major thrusting of SKT ended before 13.5-14.5 Ma according to regional chronological data in northern Tibetan plateau.  相似文献   
长江三峡及邻区地震活动的灰色预测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
胡道功  谭成轩 《地震地质》1996,18(4):436-442
根据历史地震记载和现今地震观测数据,运用灰色系统理论,建立了长江三峡及邻区下一个地震活跃期及活跃期内可能发生的最大地震的震级的灰色预测模型。预测结果表明,下一个地震活跃期将持续79a,活跃期内的最大地震震级不会超过5.2级。这对三峡地区地震问题的评价与防患提供了重要的依据  相似文献   
青藏高原渐新世晚期隆升的地质证据   总被引:26,自引:1,他引:26  
国内外学者普遍认为,地壳缩短增厚是青藏高原隆升的主要原因,青藏高原隆升对环境变迁和东亚季风具有重要影响,但对青藏高原隆升时代存在不同认识。通过统计分析青藏高原中段新生代不同时期的地层倾角,表明区域褶皱变形主要发生于古近纪,中新世湖相沉积地层产状平缓,挤压构造变形微弱,说明地壳缩短增厚主要发生于中新世前。湖相沉积地层的孢粉分析结果表明,青藏地区热带亚热带阔叶林植被自始新世中期开始逐步减少,至中新世早期濒临消亡;暗针叶林植被自渐新世早中期开始逐步增加,至中新世早中期达到繁盛程度甚至居主导地位。根据这些地质证据,结合全球气候变化、古气温及年代学资料,综合推断青藏高原渐新世晚期隆升高度达到海拔4000m左右。  相似文献   
Most pingos in the permafrost region of the high northern Tibetan Plateau form along active fault zones and many change position annually along the zones and thus appear to migrate. The fault zones conduct geothermal heat, which thins permafrost, and control cool to hot springs in the region. They maintain ground-water circulation through broken rock in an open system to supply water for pingo growth during the winter in overlying fluvial and lacustrian deposits. Springs remain after the pingos thaw in the summer. Fault movement, earthquakes and man's activities cause the water pathways supplying pingos to shift and consequently the pingos migrate.

The hazard posed to the new Golmud–Lhasa railway across the plateau by migrating pingos is restricted to active fault zones, but is serious, as these zones are common and generate large earthquakes. Pingos have damaged the highway and the oil pipeline adjacent to the railway since 2001. One caused tilting and breaking of a bridge pier and destroyed a highway bridge across the Chumaerhe fault. Another has already caused minor damage to a new railway bridge. Furthermore, the construction of a bridge pier in the North Wuli fault zone in July–August 2003 created a conduit for a new spring, which created a pingo during the following winter. Measures taken to drain the ground-water via a tunnel worked well and prevented damage before the railway tracks were laid. However, pier vibrations from subsequent train motion disrupted the drain and led to new springs, which may induce further pingo growth beneath the bridge.

The migrating pingos result from active fault movement promoting artesian ground-water circulation and changing water pathways under the seasonal temperature variations in the permafrost region. They pose a serious hazard to railway construction, which, in turn can further disturb the ground-water conduits and affect pingo migration.  相似文献   

皖苏若干新生代火山岩的钾氩年龄和铅锶同位素特征   总被引:20,自引:4,他引:20  
根据皖苏地区16个新生代玄武质火山岩的K-Ar年龄结果,认为该区新生代火山活动可以分为老第三纪(65—35Ma,主要在安徽),中新世(16—8Ma,主要在江苏)和更新世(0.6Ma,安徽女山)三期。玄武岩的铅锶同位素组成表明它们反映了其地幔岩浆源区的特征,及源区的不均一性,它们可能分别来源于比较原始的地幔和比较亏损的地幔,并有一定的混合和近期的富集作用。  相似文献   
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