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The enrichment of boron relative to similarly incompatible elements,such as Be, in arc volcanic rocks has been used as a proxy forthe involvement of slab flux in petrogenesis. New ion microprobeanalyses of single glass shards in tephra layers recovered bythe Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) in the Izu and NE Japan forearcbasins now allow the temporal variation in slab flux to be chartedsince 7 and 5 Ma, respectively. B/Be ratios are typically <70in NE Japan and <130 in Izu, with no single grain exceeding200. Although moderate to high for modern arcs, these valuesare much less than those recorded in the Marianas and Tongaat 3–4 Ma, shortly after the start of rifting of theirback-arc basins. This observation suggests that the peak B/Bevalues seen in Tonga and the Marianas are related to the tectonicsof slab roll-back and basin opening, rather than changes inthe dynamics of the Pacific Plate. There is no temporal trendto enrichment in the high field strength elements (HFSE) orrare earth elements (REE) in either Izu or NE Japan since 7Ma, although the two elemental groups do show clear positivecorrelation. A lack of correlation between REE, HFSE and B/Besuggests that slab flux is not the only control on melting inthese arcs.  相似文献   
Abstract   The Dras 1 Volcanic Formation of the Ladakh Himalaya, India, represents the eastern, upper crustal equivalent of the lower crustal gabbros and mantle peridotites of the Kohistan Arc exposed in Pakistan. Together these form a Cretaceous intraoceanic arc now located within the Indus Suture zone between India and Eurasia. During the Late Cretaceous, the Dras–Kohistan Arc, which was located above a north-dipping subduction zone, collided with the south-facing active margin of Eurasia, resulting in a switch from oceanic to continental arc volcanism. In the present study we analyzed samples from the pre-collisional Dras 1 Volcanic Formation and the postcollisional Kardung Volcanic Formation for a suite of trace elements and Nd isotopes. The Kardung Volcanic Formation shows more pronounced light rare earth element enrichment, higher Th/La and lower ɛNd values compared with the Dras 1 Volcanic Formation. These differences are consistent with an increase in the reworking of the continental crust by sediment subduction through the arc after collision. As little as 20% of the Nd in the Dras 1 Volcanic Formation might be provided by sources such as the Karakoram, while approximately 45% of the Nd in the Kardung Volcanic Formation is from this source. However, even before collision, the Dras–Kohistan Arc shows geochemical evidence for more continental sediment contamination than is seen in modern western Pacific arcs, implying its relative proximity to the Eurasian landmass. Comparison of the lava chemistry in the Dras–Kohistan Arc with that in the forearc turbidites suggests that these sediments are partially postcollisional, Jurutze Formation and not all pre-collisional Nindam Formation. Thus, the Dras–Eurasia collision can be dated as Turonian–Santonian (83.5–93.5 Ma), older than it was previously considered to be, but consistent with radiometric ages from Kohistan.  相似文献   
The Early to Middle Jurassic Talkeetna Arc section exposed inthe Chugach Mountains of south–central Alaska is 5–18km wide and extends for over 150 km. This accreted island arcincludes exposures of upper mantle to volcanic upper crust.The section comprises six lithological units, in order of decreasingdepth: (1) residual upper mantle harzburgite (with lesser proportionsof dunite); (2) pyroxenite; (3) basal gabbronorite; (4) lowercrustal gabbronorite; (5) mid-crustal plutonic rocks; (6) volcanicrocks. The pyroxenites overlie residual mantle peridotite, withsome interfingering of the two along the contact. The basalgabbronorite overlies pyroxenite, again with some interfingeringof the two units along their contact. Lower crustal gabbronorite(10 km thick) includes abundant rocks with well-developed modallayering. The mid-crustal plutonic rocks include a heterogeneousassemblage of gabbroic rocks, dioritic to tonalitic rocks (30–40%area), and concentrations of mafic dikes and chilled mafic inclusions.The volcanic rocks (7 km thick) range from basalt to rhyolite.Many of the evolved volcanic compositions are a result of fractionalcrystallization processes whose cumulate products are directlyobservable in the lower crustal gabbronorites. For example,Ti and Eu enrichments in lower crustal gabbronorites are mirroredby Ti and Eu depletions in evolved volcanic rocks. In addition,calculated parental liquids from ion microprobe analyses ofclinopyroxene in lower crustal gabbronorites indicate that theclinopyroxenes crystallized in equilibrium with liquids whosecompositions were the same as those of the volcanic rocks. Thecompositional variation of the main series of volcanic and chilledmafic rocks can be modeled through fractionation of observedphase compositions and phase proportions in lower crustal gabbronorite(i.e. cumulates). Primary, mantle-derived melts in the TalkeetnaArc underwent fractionation of pyroxenite at the base of thecrust. Our calculations suggest that more than 25 wt % of theprimary melts crystallized as pyroxenites at the base of thecrust. The discrepancy between the observed proportion of pyroxenites(less than 5% of the arc section) and the proportion requiredby crystal fractionation modeling (more than 25%) may be bestunderstood as the result of gravitational instability, withdense ultramafic cumulates, probably together with dense garnetgranulites, foundering into the underlying mantle during thetime when the Talkeetna Arc was magmatically active, or in theinitial phases of slow cooling (and sub-solidus garnet growth)immediately after the cessation of arc activity. KEY WORDS: island arc crust; layered gabbro; Alaska geology; island arc magmatism; lower crust  相似文献   
New Pb, Sr and Nd isotope data from volcaniclastic sedimentsrecovered from the Tonga forearc and Lau Basin permit the isotopicevolution of a section of this arc system, next to the modernisland of Ata, to be traced through the backarc basin riftingprocess from 7.0 Ma to the present. The new data suggest thatthe isotopic character of the mantle wedge remains constant,and of Pacific mid-ocean ridge basalt (MORB) character, duringthe early rifting phase. The isotopic evidence supports traceelement data in showing an increase in the sediment contributionto arc petrogenesis about 2–3 m.y. after the start ofLau Basin rifting. Since 0.45 Ma the sediment contribution decreasedto pre-rift values with the initiation of spreading in the adjacentbackarc basin, where the high sediment influence is not seenin the isotopes. The isotopes show a relative increase in thevolcaniclastic compared with pelagic sediment involvement duringrifting. The inferred peak in sediment subduction is probablythe result of a decoupling of the two plates owing to roll-backof the Pacific lithosphere at the time of arc rifting. KEY WORDS: isotopes; Pacific; rifting; subduction; volcanism *Corresponding author. Telephone: (508) 289 3437. Fax: (508) 457 2187. e-mail: pclift{at}whoi.edu  相似文献   
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