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Interannual to decadal variations in Middle Eastern temperature, precipitationand streamflow reflect the far-field influence of the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO), a dominant mode of Atlantic sector climate variability. Using a new sea surface temperature (SST) based index of the NAO and availablestreamflow data from five Middle Eastern rivers, we show that the first principal component of December through March streamflow variability reflects changes in the NAO. However, Middle East rivers have two primary flooding periods.The first is rainfall-driven runoff from December through March, regulated on interannual to decadal timescales by the NAO as reflected in local precipitation and temperature.The second period, from April through June, reflects spring snowmelt and contributes in excess of 50% of annual runoff.This period, known locally as the khamsin, displays no significantNAO connections and a less direct relationship with local climatic factors, suggesting that streamflow variability during this period reflects land-cover change, possibly related to agriculture and hydropower generation, and snowmelt.  相似文献   
We used a three-year (1998–2000) dataset of TRMM Precipitation Radar observations to investigate the scaling properties of spatial rainfall fields. This dataset allows consideration of spatial scales ranging from about 4.3 km to 138 km and short temporal scales corresponding to the sensor overpasses. The focus is on the marginal spatial moment scaling, which allows estimation of the scaling parameters from a single scene of data. Here we present a global perspective of the scaling properties of tropical rainfall in terms of its spatial variability, atmospheric forcing, predictability, and applicability. Our results reveal the following: 1) the scaling parameters exhibit strong variability associated with land/ocean contrast and mean precipitation at the synoptic scale; 2) there exists a one-to-one relationship between the scaling parameters and the large-scale spatial average rain rate of a universal functional form; 3) the majority of the scenes are consistent with the hypothesis of scale invariance at the moment orders of 0 and 2; 4) relatively there are more scale-invariant rain scenes over land than over ocean; and 5) for the scenes that are non-scale-invariant, deviation from scale-invariance mainly arises from the increasingly intermittent behavior of rainfall as spatial scale decreases. These results have important implications for the development and calibration of downscaling procedures designed to reproduce rainfall properties at different spatial scales and lead to a better understanding of the nature of tropical rainfall at various spatial resolutions.  相似文献   
徐淮地区发育一系列推覆-褶皱带,以皇藏峪背斜为界,区域剖面分为具有明显构造差异的东部、西部构造带,其中东部构造带样式主要表现为斜歪褶皱,西部构造带为一系列逆冲推覆构造,构造变形强烈。采用物理模拟手段对徐淮推覆-褶皱带构造的控制因素进行实验研究,选取硅胶、微玻璃珠模拟不同性质滑脱层,石英砂模拟沉积脆性盖层,改变盖层与基底摩擦力、滑脱层深度变化等控制因素。模拟结果表明,剖面上滑脱层性质及深度变化控制区域剖面构造的强弱变化。皇藏峪背斜以东主要以新元古界青白口系泥灰岩充当滑脱层,滑脱层深度大,构造样式主要表现为斜歪褶皱;皇藏峪背斜以西则以寒武系页岩为滑脱层,滑脱层深度小,构造样式主要表现为逆冲推覆构造。  相似文献   
Global North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) oceanic precipitation features in the latter half of the twentieth century are documented based on the intercomparison of multiple state-of-the-art precipitation datasets and the analysis of the NAO atmospheric circulation and SST anomalies. Most prominent precipitation anomalies occur over the ocean in the North Atlantic, where in winter a “quadrupole-like” pattern is found with centers in the western tropical Atlantic, sub-tropical Atlantic, high-latitude eastern Atlantic and over the Labrador Sea. The extent of the sub-tropical and high-latitude center and the amount of explained variance (over 50%) are quite remarkable. However, the tropical Atlantic center is probably the most intriguing feature of this pattern apparently linking the NAO with ITCZ variability. In summer, the pattern is “tripole-like” with centers in the eastern Mediterranean Sea, the North Sea/Baltic Sea and in the sub-polar Atlantic. In the eastern Indian Ocean, the correlation is positive in winter and negative in summer, with some link to ENSO variability. The sensitivity of these patterns to the choice of the NAO index is minor in winter while quite important in summer. Interannual NAO precipitation anomalies have driven similar fresh water variations in these “key” regions. In the sub-tropical and high-latitude Atlantic in winter precipitation anomalies have been roughly 15 and 10% of climatology per unit change of the NAO, respectively. Decadal changes of the NAO during the last 50 years have also influenced precipitation and fresh water flux at these time-scales, with values lower (higher) than usual in the high-latitude eastern North Atlantic (Labrador Sea) in the 1960s and the late 1970s, and an opposite situation since the early 1980s; in summer the North Sea/Baltic region has been drier than usual during the period 1965–1975 when the NAO was generally positive.  相似文献   
塔里木河下游生态输水后植被景观格局动态变化研究   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:4  
2000-2005年, 塔里木河流域管理局先后7次向塔里木河下游断流区进行了生态输水, 输水河道两岸的植被得到了一定的恢复. 以2000-2005的中巴资源卫星CCD影像为主要数据源, 获得了6 a的植被/非植被二值图, 并计算各年的景观格局指数, 分析了6 a植被景观格局的变化. 结果表明: 植被景观动态度在第四时段(2003-2004年)最大, 为47.83%; 在第三时段(2002-2003年)最小, 为-1.39%; 2000-2005年植被景观的动态变化呈正向趋势. 2000-2005年, 植被景观斑块个数与景观形状指数增加, 蔓延度指数下降了36.9, 斑块结合度指数均高于99, 表明研究区的植被景观破碎化程度、分离程度增加, 而景观类型联通性较高. 植被斑块面积均处于增加趋势且远离河道植被恢复率越小, 但植被景观的比重仍小于50%, 说明非植被类型是研究区的基质类型, 组成了景观的最大斑块. 针对缓冲区Zone 1, 植被景观的平均分维数处于减小趋势且2005年的斑块个数最小, 斑块结合度指数处于增加趋势, 表明近河道区域植被较为稳定, 受生态输水的干扰度较小, 植被景观斑块之间越来越聚集. 6 a间Zone 1的植被最大斑块指数均大于10%, 远高于其它5个缓冲带, 表明离河道越近植被景观的优势度最大.  相似文献   
Disintegration of marl slopes in Israel is directly related to the climatic characteristics of the region even where water is not an obvious component of the environment. Seasonal contrasts between long, dry summers and short, wet winters are manifested by wide ranges in temperature (13–26°C) and water content (5−>42 percent) within the marl. These variations lead to both solution and aggregation of carbonate material in the marl. Chemical disintegration in summer followed by mechanical disintegration in winter causes progressive weakening of the marl. The repeated wetting and drying results in the formation of an open texture in the marl. Scanning electron microscope (SEM) observations made over several seasons on marl from freshly excavated slopes confirm the progressive disintegration from the slope's surface to a depth of at least 1.50 m. Solution holes, channels, and gaps between aggregates and matrix, formed during the summer, greatly increase the effective porosity and permeability of the marl. Water infiltration in the winter results in the mechanical washing out of fine material to the surface of the slope by throughflow and piping.  相似文献   
狼山地区位于内蒙古阿拉善地块东北缘,其构造背景一直存在争议。报道狼山地区枕状玄武岩的锆石U-Pb年龄、地球化学研究成果。LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb定年结果表明,玄武岩中的锆石大多为捕获基底的锆石。根据锆石特征及侵入玄武岩的花岗岩年龄,得出玄武岩年龄为254~252Ma,属于二叠纪晚期。枕状玄武岩具有贫碱低钾的特征,亏损Nb、Ta、Ti、P,富集Rb、Ba、U等元素,富集轻稀土元素、亏损重稀土元素,具弱负Eu异常,显示岛弧玄武岩特征。初步认为玄武岩形成于活动大陆边缘弧环境,为古亚洲洋向南俯冲的产物,指示阿拉善地块北缘在二叠纪晚期为大陆边缘弧,为研究阿拉善地块东北缘晚古生代构造背景提供了证据。  相似文献   
The global distribution of area-averaged precipitation is extremely difficult to determine with precision. In this paper we will explain why satellite measurements are necessary for the production of global analyses of precipitation, summarize some of the various methods which have been used to estimate rainfall from satellite observations over the past two decades, and describe an attempt to use a mix of remotely sensed estimates and surface observations of rainfall to produce analyses of the large-scale rainfall for the globe. We will discuss the relationship between two types of satellite-derived precipitation estimates over the oceans from 40°N to 40°S, and then will conclude with a discussion of some possible physical mechanisms which might be responsible for the observed correlation between area-averaged rainfall and cloudiness.  相似文献   
内蒙古狼山地区新元古代狼山群变形特征及区域构造意义   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
狼山群作为阿拉善地块东北部重要的前寒武系地层单元,记录了复杂的构造变形演化历史。本文通过对狼山西南段出露的新元古代狼山群进行构造地质试点填图、剖面测制等方面的研究,总结了狼山群构造变形特征,并对其变形时代和期次进行了初步划分。研究表明狼山群第一期构造变形特征表现为一系列同斜倒转褶皱构造(D1),第二期为近东西向的韧性右行走滑剪切(D2),第三期为北东向巴彦乌拉山—狼山断裂活动对狼山群构造变形进行改造(D3)。结合该地区前人研究成果及年代学资料认为:新元古代狼山群同斜倒转褶皱主要受到古亚洲洋向南俯冲,在古生代晚期沿恩格尔乌缝合带与阿拉善地块北缘拼合,导致近南北向的构造挤压,在狼山地区形成了早期枢纽NEE-EW向的褶皱;晚古生代末期-中生代早期古亚洲洋关闭后发生的板内变形在狼山地区形成韧性右行剪切;三叠纪中晚期韧性左行剪切形成北东向走滑断裂,并使早期形成的褶皱枢纽走向转为北东,奠定了狼山地区现今的构造格局。  相似文献   
 Sinkhole development along the western shore of the Dead Sea became a major concern in 1990 with the appearance of a series of holes 2–15 m diameter and up to 7 m deep in the Newe Zohar area. One of these sinkholes, below the asphalt surface of the main road along the western shore of the Dead Sea, was opened by a passing bus. Repeated infilling and collapse of these holes indicated the extent of this ongoing process and the significance of this developing hazard. Since then sinkholes have developed in other areas including Qalia, Ein Samar, Ein Gedi and Mineral Beach. Three main types of sinkholes have been recognized. Gravel holes occurring in alluvial fans, mud holes occurring in the intervening bays of clay deposits between fans and a combination of both types at the front of young alluvial fans where they overlap mud flats. Fossil, relict sinkholes have been observed in the channels of some old alluvial fans. Sinkhole development is directly related to the regression of the Dead Sea and the corresponding lowering of the regional water table. Continuation of this process widens the neritic zone enveloping the sea and increases the sinkhole hazard of the region. Received: 4 February 1999 · Accepted: 8 April 1999  相似文献   
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