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This article studies the response of the distribution pattern and the physiological characteristics of the ecosystem to the spontaneous precipitation and the interaction between vegetation and the atmosphere on multiple scales in arid and semi-arid zones, based on measured data of the ecological physiological parameters in the Ordas Plateau of northern China. The results show that the vegetation biomass and the energy use efficiency of photosynthesis are especially sensitive to the annual precipitation; strong and complex interactions exist between the vegetation and the atmosphere on multiple scales leading to supernormal thermal heterogeneity of the underlying surface, the strong vortex movement and turbulence. This study can facilitate understanding of the land surface processes and the influences of global climate change as well as human activities on the human environment in the arid and semi-arid zones. It also aids in improving the parameterization schemes of turbulent fluxes of a heterogeneous underlying surface for land surface processes in climate models.  相似文献   
<正> 土地生产力下降、自然条件恶化,是当前人类所面临的世界性环境问题。在即将来临的21世纪,我国的粮食与环境问题面临着包括生物多样性锐减、巨大的人口压力、荒漠化等诸因素的严峻挑战。因此,国家将荒漠化防治作为一项重要的课题进行研究。 荒漠化防治与退化土地治理是一项复杂的系统工程,以新型生物技术、化学肥料与机  相似文献   
稀疏植被下垫面与大气相互作用研究进展   总被引:17,自引:9,他引:17  
介绍了国家自然科学基金委员会“十五”重点项目“稀疏植被下垫面与大气相互作用研究”的成果。通过资料分析、数值试验和理论分析。研究干旱地区稀疏植被复杂下垫面上水、热及CO2输运过程的机理;非均匀下垫面的复杂非线性线效应:干旱地区更合理的陆面过程参数化方案以及绿洲的稳定性;强沙尘暴的发展机制和干旱地区生态环境建设对策,主要结果表明:(1)揭示了植物生态生理过程、净第一生产力和生物量对气候的敏感性,为稀疏植被下垫面与大气相互作用研究提供了较好的接口。(2)发展了适用于干旱、半干旱地区土壤中水热输送交叉耦合的物理模型;以能量和物质守恒定律为基础的雪盖物理模型,它显著地改善了陆面过程的模拟效果,是国际上最早开发的同类模型之一。(3)发展了大气非平衡态热力学,证明了非线性区普遍成立的最小熵产生原理,为研究气候和环境复杂系统提供了新思路和新方法;提示了大气辐散和辐合运动对垂直湍流输送的影响,非均匀下垫面地气相互作用,为非均匀下垫面陆面过程参数化提供了物理基础;研究了绿洲稳定性并估算了绿洲临界尺度约3~6km,为绿洲保护和建设提供了理论依据;提出了干旱地区有限水资源条件下增强其稳定性抗干扰能力的生态环境建设对策。(4)发展了强沙尘暴发展的动力学模式,揭示了强沙尘暴发展辐射冷却的正反馈机制。展示了强沙尘暴预报的良好前景。  相似文献   
细根是植物根系中直径2 mm的部分,对植物群落功能的发挥和土壤碳库及全球碳循环具有重要意义。人工林是森林的重要组成部分,在全球碳循环中扮演着重要的角色,但目前对人工林的研究相对较少。沙枣人工林是西部荒漠地区重要的人工林类型,目前对于其固碳能力的研究尚属空白。利用土柱法和分解袋法,于2010年5~10月整个生长季节内,对三工河流域人工沙枣群落的细根生物量、分解与周转规律进行了研究。结果表明:沙枣群落的细根生物量表现出明显的季节和垂直变化,即在5~8月逐渐增加,8月达到最大值,9~10月逐渐下降。平均月细根生物量为146.24 g/m2,活细根和死细根分别占总细根生物量的73%和27%。在垂直变化上,随土壤深度增加细根生物量逐渐降低,其中,0~10 cm土层细根生物量比例最大,占总生物量的44.63%。沙枣群落的细根年分解率为58.5%。达到半分解和95%分解时,分别需要277d和1093d。沙枣群落的细根净生产力分别为151.99 g·m-2·a-1,细根年周转率分别为1.43次。实验证明,沙枣人工群落地下根系具有较高的生产力,具有良好的固碳能力,是适合在荒漠地区大力推广的人工林树种。  相似文献   
The distribution of plant species and relationships between species and soil factors in the east central part of Gurbantunggut Desert was studied to provide more insight into the flora and determine differences in vegetation across various parts of the desert. Two-way Cluster Analysis showed that the vegetation in the area could be divided into three groups, the first group was dominated by the shrub species, Ephedra przewalskii and the grass species, Carex physodes mainly in areas of flat grounds and gentle slopes; the second group was dominated by C. physodes, Artemisia songorica and A. xerophytica mainly on the slope of sand dunes and the third group was dominated by the shrub species, Haloxylon persicum mainly on the top of sand dunes. There was no difference in plant density between Groups 1 and 2 but there was a significant decrease in Group 3. Soil water under vegetation Group 3 was much lower than that in the other two groups at all soil depths. The EC, organic matter, total P and soluble Na, Ca and Mg varied very similarly with soil water. Canonical correspondence analysis(CCA) satisfactorily assessed the species-soil relations in the area. The distribution of plant species was strongly correlated with the soil factors of water content, organic matter, EC and nutrients. The variations in species occurrence explained by the three CCA axes were about 70%, indicating that some explanatory site variables may exist outside our studied parameters. Soil texture is suggested to be included in future studies to improve the explanation of CCA.  相似文献   
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