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PIMA在云南普朗斑岩铜矿矿物识别中的应用   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
章革  连长云  元春华 《地学前缘》2004,11(4):460-460
PIMA(Portable Irdrarecl Mineral Analyser)是由澳大利亚Integrated Spectronics Pty Ltd公司生产的一种短波红外反射光谱分析仪,波长1300~2500nm,分辨率7~10nm,取样间距2nm;信噪比通常是2500:1。普朗斑岩铜矿床位于云南省中甸地区,行政上隶属香格里拉藏族自治州格咱乡所辖。2003年9月下旬至10月中旬,中国地质调查局发展研究中心PIMA项目组同云南地质调查院和普朗项目组在矿区共同进行了野外地表岩石样品和钻孔岩芯样品的采  相似文献   
利用便携式短波红外光谱测量仪(PIMA)在云南普朗斑岩铜矿区开展了短波红外光谱测量工作,通过系统的野外数据采集,获得了研究区蚀变矿物组合及主要蚀变矿物的分布,并建立了普朗斑岩铜矿区蚀变矿物分带模式。在此基础上,建立了斑岩铜矿床找矿模型,该模型对普朗铜矿区及其外围的找矿工作具有积极的指导意义。  相似文献   
Detailed studies have been conducted on the geology and geochemistry of the deposit and granite in the mining district in the last two decades, and by comparing this deposit with other typical epithermal deposits in the world, it is clear that the Erentaolegai silver deposit is a lower-sulfidation, adularia-sericite-type epithermal silver deposit and the bulk mineralogy of this deposit is consistent with low-sulfidation epithermal mineralization. Determined by the Rb-Sr isochron method, the age of magmatic intrusives in the mining district is 120 Ma. So, it can be concluded that the local areas were marginally subjected to the movement in Late Yanshanian and produced granitic magma, and about 29% mantle material, as is calculated, was involved in magmatism. The magma experienced crystallization-differentiation, resulting in the formation of granite and quartz porphyry; the latter was the product of violent granitic magma crystallization-differentiation, so silver was enriched in later petrogenetic stages and post-petrogenetic ore fluids from which Ag was derived dominantly. Oxygen and hydrogen isotopic characteristics indicate that meteoric waters on the Earth‘ s surface played an important role in the formation of granitic magma and the deposit: ( 1 ) contributing a lot to the fundamental complex partial melting;(2) contributing a lot to magma crystallization-differentiation, and bringing silver into the magma which is eventually responsible for the formation of quartz porphyry; and (3) contributing a lot to the formation of great amounts of ore fluid. The lead isotopic characteristics show that the silver and lead have an affinity for each other.  相似文献   
多源信息图像综合处理技术是以数字图像处理学为基础,综合了计算机、信息论、遥感技术等学科信息处理的综合处理技术。农业地质是研究农业的地质背景条件及相关因素的科学。农业地质具有边缘学科的特点,单凭一种信息研究复杂的农业地质问题往往具有一定的局限性、偶然性和多解性,将各学科信息综合起来可靠性就大多了。应用多源信息图像综合处理技术将是深入系统研究农业地质问题的重要发展方向,也是农业地质研究的客观要求。 多源信息图像综合处理技术应用于农业地质时,应把它看成一个系统,即从多源数据资料的收集、整理及常规数据处理→图…  相似文献   
章革  连长云  王润生 《地质通报》2005,24(5):480-484
介绍了应用国内近两年新引进的便携式短波红外矿物分析仪(Portable Infrared Mineral Analyser,简称PIMA)在西藏驱龙铜矿区所做的矿物填图的工作情况,以及依据PIMA测试所获得的光谱数据进行矿物识别的初步研究成果。通过野外对探槽TC0701和TC1101系统采样和对应的光谱测试分析,识别出了与矿化和矿体有直接关系的蚀变指示矿物硬石膏(anhydrite)。在矿物识别过程中,提取到了可以作为矿区标准光谱的白云母等矿物的纯光谱曲线,并且在野外验证过程中确认了航天图像(Hyperion)上解译的零星分布的蚀变矿物绿泥石的存在。  相似文献   
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