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深水水道沉积体系及地震识别特征研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A deepwater channel complex sedimentary system developed on or beneath slope,and on badin floor. Deepwater channels act as important conduits for transporting terrigenous detrital materials to deepwater basin,and control the formation and evolution lf deepwater sedimentary systems.Generally,a deepwater channel complexforms during the periodt of a relative low stand of sea level,when large volumes of coarse-grained sediment erode the slope and deposit on badin floor.The internal fill is lften quite complex,and the nature of channel-fill deposits varies greatly.Deepwater chanels tend to develop a smooth longitudinal upconcavity that is balanced between erosion and deposition.Based on 2D seismic data and stratigraph,we recognized a central deepwater channel complex sedimentary system,which probably formed during the early Oliocene at 5.0 Ma in Qiongdongnan Basin northern South China Sea. On seismic reflection profiles, the studied channels present an overall“U”or “V”shape and middle-high-amplitude continual seismic phase.Combining the lithologic layering from drilling well and the published channel filling model, we constructed a model of the studied channel complex and found tha most of them were sandstone-rich aggradational channel-fill patterns.the deepwater channel complex can act as good hydrocarbon reservoirs.  相似文献   
东南亚地区烃源岩特征与主控因素   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
通过对东南亚主要含油气盆地沉积、构造特征的研究,揭示其烃源岩具有多期发育的特点.其中,始新统、渐新统和中新统是东南亚主要的3套烃源岩;前新生代生油岩分布局限,但具有一定的生烃潜力.以新生代河流-三角洲近岸沉积环境、含陆源干酪根的煤系和碳质页(泥)岩为主,其次为湖相和海相沉积环境泥岩和页岩.有机碳含量均已达到中等-好的源岩标准,以Ⅱ-Ⅲ型干酪根为主,大部分烃源岩都处于成熟到过成熟阶段.新生代烃源岩主要受盆地演化阶段和沉积环境两大地质因素控制,与区域海侵作用的方向和规模密切相关.烃源岩有机质类型的不同和热演化程度的差异,是形成东南亚地区多类型油气藏的重要因素之一.   相似文献   
利用反射地震并结合部分钻井资料,通过对万安盆地大量地震资料的详细解释,对研究区内碳酸盐台地进行地震识别,进而探讨台地的沉积特征与时空分布.万安盆地碳酸盐台地最初发育于早中新世,并于中中新世时达顶盛时期,呈南北向展布,主要分布在盆地中部走滑断块构造高部位及盆地南部边缘.东西两带台地具有不同的构造沉积背景,西带为被断层复杂...  相似文献   
南沙海区万安盆地构造演化与成因机制   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
本文基于地震、钻井和区域地质资料,运用回剥法和平衡剖面技术定量研究了万安盆地的构造沉降和伸展程度,重建盆地的构造演化史并探讨其成因机制。模拟结果表明,万安盆地构造沉降曲线为多段式,其南北部构造沉降差异明显,且沉降中心逐渐向南发展的趋势。晚始新世-渐新世(37.8~23.03 Ma BP)盆地中、北部快速沉降,存在两个沉降中心;早中新世(23.03~16.0 Ma BP)盆地南部也发生快速沉降,整个盆地存在3个沉降中心;中中新世(约16.0~11.63 Ma BP)沉降作用减弱,盆地进入裂后热沉降期。万安盆地的伸展和形成演化呈现北早南晚的特征,与南海海底扩张密切相关,同时受控于万安断裂带交替地右旋-左旋走滑作用,是伸展和走滑双重作用的结果。盆地的构造演化过程可细分为4个阶段:初始裂谷期、主要裂谷期、走滑改造期和裂后加速沉降期。  相似文献   
Based on seismic and drilling data, we calculated tectonic subsidence amounts and rates of the Wan’an Basin by backstripping. The genetic mechanism and syn-rifting process of the basin were analyzed in combination with the regional geological setting. The results reveal that the basin syn-rifted in the Eocene and early Miocene under the control of the dextral strike-slip Wan’an Fault Zone. The transtensional/extentional stresses along this fault zone may be attributed to seafloor spreading of the South China Sea (SCS) in multiple episodes. Extensive basal faults and some small initial rifts in the early Paleogene can be related to southeastward extrusion and clockwise rotation of the Indochina Block. During the Oligocene, the nearly N-S directed spreading of the SCS derived the transtensional stresses in a roughly NW-SE orientation. The basin subsided rapidly in the middle and north to form two major subsidence centers. In the early Miocene, the SCS spread again in a nearly NW-SE direction, resulting in rapid subsidence in the southern basin continuous extending until the period ~16.3 Ma.  相似文献   
尼罗河三角洲盆地已经进行了60余年的勘探实践,但是近年来随着勘探研究和钻探活动的继续深入,仍然不断有新的问题产生和新的勘探领域被发掘,显示出新的生命力和良好的勘探前景。尼罗河三角洲盆地虽然是一个世界级的富油气区,然而由于种种原因,中国油公司甚少涉及该盆地的研究,鲜见相关文献发表。通过对尼罗河三角洲盆地构造演化与沉积充填、烃源岩、储层等石油地质条件的研究,分析了尼罗河三角洲盆地的油气成藏特征与勘探潜力,并结合现今勘探现状指出了尼罗河三角洲盆地未来主要勘探领域与勘探方向:浅水区勘探程度较高,生产设施完善,经济门槛低,是实施滚动勘探的最佳区域;中深水—深水区渐新统是今后10年中—大型天然气田发现的主要潜力区;超深水区存在中新统和上新统大型生物气藏勘探潜力。  相似文献   
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