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The structure and seasonal variation of the East Asian Subtropical Westerly Jet (EAWJ) and associations with heating fields over East Asia are examined by using NCEP/NCAR reanalysis data. Obvious differences exist in the westerly jet intensity and location in different regions and seasons due to the ocean-land distribution and seasonal thermal contrast, as well as the dynamic and thermodynamic impacts of the Tibetan Plateau. In winter, the EAWJ center is situated over the western Pacific Ocean and the intensity is reduced gradually from east to west over the East Asian region. In summer, the EAWJ center is located over the north of the Tibetan Plateau and the jet intensity is reduced evidently compared with that in winter. The EAWJ seasonal evolution is characterized by the obvious longitudinal inconsistency of the northward migration and in-phase southward retreat of the EAWJ axis. A good correspondence between the seasonal variations of EAWJ and the meridional differences of air temperature (MDT) in the mid-upper troposphere demonstrates that the MDT is the basic reason for the seasonal variation of EAWJ. Correlation analyses indicate that the Kuroshio Current region to the south of Japan and the Tibetan Plateau are the key areas for the variations of the EAWJ intensities in winter and in summer, respectively. The strong sensible and latent heating in the Kuroshio Current region is closely related to the intensification of EAWJ in winter. In summer, strong sensible heating in the Tibetan Plateau corresponds to the EAWJ strengthening and southward shift, while the weak sensible heating in the Tibetan Plateau is consistent with the EAWJ weakening and northward migration.  相似文献   
Fine characterization of pore systems and heterogeneity of shale reservoirs are significant contents of shale gas reservoir physical property research.The research on micro-control factors of low productivity in the Qiongzhusi Formation(Fm.)is still controversial.The lower Cambrian Qiongzhusi Fm.in the Qujing,Yunnan was taken as the object to investigate the influence of mineral compositions on the phys-ical properties of the reservoir and the heterogeneity of shale,using the algorithm to improve the char-acterization ability of Atomic Force Microscopy(AFM).The results showed that:(1)The pores are mainly wedge-shaped pores and V-shaped pores.The pore diameter of the main pore segment ranges from 5 to 10 nm.Mesopores are mainly developed in the Qiongzhusi Fm.shale in Well QD1,with the average pore diameter of 6.08 nm.(2)Microscopic pore structure and shale surface properties show strong hetero-geneity,which complicates the micro-migration of shale gas and increases the difficulty of identifying high-quality reservoirs.(3)The increase of clay mineral content intensifies the compaction and then destroys the pores.Conversely,brittle minerals can protect pores.The support and protection of brittle minerals to pores space depend on their content,mechanical properties and diagenesis.(4)Compression damage to pores,large microscopic roughness and surface fluctuations and strong pore structure heterogeneity are the reasons for the poor gas storage capacity of the Qiongzhusi Fm.,which will lead to poor productivity in the Qiongzhusi Fm.  相似文献   
IntroductionDouble-Star is to use two stationary orbit satellitesto locate the target which is located in the overlayarea of the the satellites’wave-beam. The two sat-ellites can only supply two equations. In order toget the three-dimensional position of…  相似文献   
针对双权重标准差法对探空温度质量控制中阈值参数不确定的问题,提出了以正态波形指标偏度和峰度为判定依据的阈值Z参数优化算法。利用2017年福建3部探空温度资料和ERA5模式再分析温度数据,对探空温度增量数据进行不同数据集质控前后对比分析总结出:峰偏值CKS随阈值Z的分布曲线表明阈值Z偏大则会造成质控不完全,阈值Z偏小则会造成过度质控;以峰偏值CKS所确定的最优阈值Z双权重标准差法比固定阈值的更符合模式同化系统正态分布要求,为探空温度数据在模式同化的应用提供了更好的质控方法。在质控前后温度增量分布特征上,温度观测增量总是以某一固定增量值在整个气压高度上剔除离群值,其中57.15%的离群点主要分布在0~100 hPa范围内,42.85%的离群点均匀分布在100~1000 hPa范围内,其中0~100 hPa范围内温度增量绝对值大于10℃的异常点是由于温度传感器受太阳辐射等因素影响超出了正常探测误差范围,这些异常点可以在质控前提前剔除,进一步提升探空温度数据质量。  相似文献   
轻非水相液体(light non-aqueous phase liquid,LNPAL)在地下介质中的运移分布与残余捕获受多种因素影响和控制。LNAPL污染场地概念模型中一般视LNAPL从地表泄漏后穿过包气带至潜水面。然而地下介质的非均质性与包气带含水量的空间变异分布可形成复杂的LNAPL污染源区结构,LNAPL可能无法到达潜水面,而在毛细水带蓄积。文章基于数值模型综合分析了LNAPL泄漏量、介质非均质性与含水量空间变异分布、潜水面周期性变化等多种因素对LNAPL污染源区结构的影响。研究表明:(1)当泄漏量较大时,LNAPL可运移至潜水面;(2)当泄漏量较小时,对于上粗下细的层状非均质条件,LNAPL可能在毛细水带边缘发生蓄积,无法到达潜水面;(3)包气带中黏土透镜体并非都是LNAPL运移的阻碍,LNAPL可以穿透低含水量的黏土透镜体,只有高含水量的黏土透镜体才对LNAPL的入渗有阻碍作用;(4)潜水面周期性变化将导致污染范围扩大。  相似文献   
利用ECHO­G海气耦合气候模式模拟的中国东部过去近1000年的降水资料,通过经验正交函数分解方法得到了中国东部夏季降水分布的主要空间型态: 华北和华南地区与长江中下游地区反位相,即华北和华南地区降水多(少)时长江中下游地区降水少(多)。对31年滑动平均后3种空间分布型的时间系数进行Morlet小波分析和功率谱分析发现,3个地区均存在准60年的年代际振荡周期,长江中下游和华南地区均存在准200年的百年际振荡周期,华南地区还存在120年和80年的变化周期。全球海温场与3个地区夏季降水31年滑动平均后的相关分析表明,在40°~70°S,170°~60°W海域海温与华北和长江中下游地区夏季降水负相关,与华南地区夏季降水正相关除该区外的南北半球(30°~60°)中高纬海域海温与华北和长江中下游地区夏季降水正相关、与华南地区夏季降水负相关,说明在年代际和百年际时间尺度上,中高纬海域海温是影响长江中下游地区和华南地区夏季降水反相的主要因子之一。最后通过对太阳常数、火山活动等外强迫因子与中国东部夏季降水的功率谱分析发现: 中国东部夏季降水的年代际与百年际变化周期大都与外强迫因子的变化周期一致,说明外强迫因子,尤其是太阳常数和火山活动的变化是影响中国东部夏季降水年代际和百年际振荡的主要原因。  相似文献   
根据1916—2010年淮河蚌埠水文站大洪水资料,运用信息预测理论,构建大洪水可公度有序网络结构,同时采用峰谷定位法、前兆法等方法对淮河大洪水进行综合分析和预测.结果表明:2013—2014年淮河(蚌埠站)将有可能发生大洪水.  相似文献   
为了更好地把握风廓线雷达的探测性能和数据精度,对移动风廓线雷达与L波段探空雷达资料进行对比统计分析,结果表明:移动风廓线雷达的有效数据获取率达到80%的高度为3500m,符合边界层风廓线雷达的有效探测高度。移动风廓线的径向速度平均差和标准差随着高度的增加而增加,东西方向的径向速度误差比南北方向的高约0.5—1.0m/s。风廓线雷达自身数据的准确性良好,但是降雨对数据的准确性影响比较大。这次对比试验结果表明,对比试验应该选择比较平稳的天气过程。由于秋冬季节大气环流比较稳定,降雨类型多为层状云降雨,因而风廓线雷达数据可靠性高;对流性降雨过程往往造成风廓线雷达资料可靠性降低。  相似文献   
丘陵地区边界层风廓线雷达数据统计特性分析   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
采用数据获取率来分析和评价风廓线雷达的探测能力, 对通过2012年的风廓线数据进行统计分析。结果表明:数据获取率和信噪比都随季节变化, 夏季探测能力大于冬季。按照数据获取率达到80%的要求, 确定边界层风廓线雷达无降雨天气有效探测高度为3 km, 并确定低模和高模最佳衔接高度为0.6 km, 能够获得更好的数据获取率。在无降雨天气, 信噪比随高度呈现对数函数单调递减的变化规律, 夏季信噪比的衰减程度比冬季大;在降雨天气, 信噪比随高度呈现一次函数的变化规律, 其斜率范围在-10.44~-2.47之间, 而夏季信噪比的衰减程度比冬季小。  相似文献   
The centennial?Cmillennial variation of the East Asian summer monsoon (EASM) precipitation over the past 1000?years was investigated through the analysis of a millennium simulation of the coupled ECHO-G model. The model results indicate that the centennial?Cmillennial variation of the EASM is essentially a forced response to the external radiative forcing (insolation, volcanic aerosol, and green house gases). The strength of the response depends on latitude; and the spatial structure of the centennial?Cmillennial variation differs from the interannual variability that arises primarily from the internal feedback processes within the climate system. On millennial time scale, the extratropical and subtropical precipitation was generally strong during Medieval Warm Period (MWP) and weak during Little Ice Age (LIA). The tropical rainfall is insensitive to the effective solar radiation forcing (insolation plus radiative effect of volcanic aerosols) but significantly responds to the modern anthropogenic radiative forcing. On centennial time scale, the variation of the extratropical and subtropical rainfall also tends to follow the effective solar radiation forcing closely. The forced response features in-phase rainfall variability between the extratropics and subtropics, which is in contrast to the anti-correlation on the interannual time scale. Further, the behavior of the interannual?Cdecadal variation in the extratropics is effectively modulated by change of the mean states on the millennial time scale, suggesting that the structure of the internal mode may vary with significant changes in the external forcing. These findings imply that on the millennial time scale, (a) the proxy data in the extratropical EA may more sensitively reflect the EASM rainfall variations, and (b) the Meiyu and the northern China rainfall provide a consistent measure for the EASM strength.  相似文献   
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