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将在一定时空限定范围内的不同低轨卫星COSMIC、GRACE、CHAMP、FY3C的电离层掩星电子密度剖面定义为一个掩星对来对比分析不同类型掩星电离层产品。结果表明:COSMIC掩星对之间的电子密度剖面整体轮廓符合得很好,电子密度剖面主要在250 km以下和500 km以上存在较大的偏差,250~500 km的电子密度整体偏差较小,统计得到的COSMIC掩星对的电子密度参量NmF2和hmF2的相关系数能分别达到0.99和0.97,具有高度相关性,不同COSMIC卫星之间没有明显的系统误差;COSMIC、GRACE、CHAMP和FY3C不同低轨卫星间的电子密度剖面略有差异,通过统计电子密度参量NmF2和hmF2之间的相关系数,COSMIC和CHAMP的相关系数分别为0.95和0.86,COSMIC和GRACE的相关系数分别为0.98和0.94,COSMIC和FY3C的相关系数分别为0.96和0.92,不同掩星类型之间的电子密度参量之间也具有高度相关性,验证了不同卫星任务GPS掩星电离层剖面的一致性。  相似文献   
1991—1992年ENSO事件的特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
根据美国国家海洋大气局气候分析中心(CAC)和中国气象局气候监测公报所提供的海-气资料,综合分析了1991-1992年ENSO事件的形成、发展过程。这次ENSO事件的主要特点是:①在ENSO事件爆发前一年内热带太平洋海气特性频频呈现异常,暖水堆积在赤道中太平洋(5°N-5°S,160°E-160°W)约12个月,然后自西向东传输,爆发1991-1992年ENSO事件。②对ENSO事件作出响应的西太  相似文献   
框架结构的串联多自由度简化体系等效刚度参数的识别法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
地框架结构和高耸建筑物进行地震反应分析时它常常被简化为串联多自由度体系。本文对此体系的刚度参数提出了一般的计算方法-参数识别法。  相似文献   
The local meteoric water line (MWL) has been established from north to south of the Tibetan Plateau based on the measured results of δD and δ18O in precipitation and river water, and the relationship between MWL and moisture origins discussed. The spatial and seasonal variations ofd in precipitation and river water on the Tibetan Plateau have been studied. Results show that the spatial and seasonal variations ofd between north and south of the Tanggula Mountains are related to different moisture origins and water recycling.  相似文献   
Based on summer observations of stable isotope of precipitation at Muztagata, western China, during 2002―2003, this paper presents the relationship between δ18O in precipitation and air temperature, and discusses the effect of moisture transport on δ18O in precipitation. Results show that air temperature correlates positively with δ18O in precipitation, and the temperature effect controls the δ18O of precipitation in this area. The Muztagata region exhibits high δ18O values in summer precipitation, similar to those shown at stations in adjacent regions. According to the results of our model set up to trace the moisture trajectories, the westerlies and local moisture circulation contribute to variations of oxygen isotopes in precipitation. In addition, the impacts of the moisture transport distance, the moisture transport level, and the incursion of the polar air mass also influence the variations of δ18O in precipitation. The moisture origins and transport mechanisms also contribute to the variation of δ18O in precipitation at Muztagata.  相似文献   
1 IntroductionMeteorological stations on the Tibetan Plateau are few in number and uneven in distribution, with a majority concentrated in the east and south. No stations exist so far within the large expanse in the middle or west of the Plateau. Moreover…  相似文献   
黑河流域生态—水文过程综合遥感观测联合试验总体设计   总被引:13,自引:4,他引:13  
介绍了"黑河流域生态—水文过程综合遥感观测联合试验"的背景、科学目标、试验组成和试验方案。试验的总体目标是显著提升对流域生态和水文过程的观测能力,建立国际领先的流域观测系统,提高遥感在流域生态—水文集成研究和水资源管理中的应用能力。由基础试验、专题试验、应用试验、产品与方法研究和信息系统组成。其中,①基础试验:搭载微波辐射计、成像光谱仪、热像仪、激光雷达等航空遥感设备,开展一系列关键生态和水文参量的观测;发展遥感正向模型及反演和估算方法。形成覆盖全流域的水文气象综合观测网,为流域生态—水文模型研究提供更有代表性的模型参数、驱动数据及更高精度的验证数据。构建无线传感器网络,度量生态水文模型所需的若干关键的驱动、参数和模型状态的空间异质性。开展航空遥感定标和地基遥感试验。依托传感器网络,并辅之以地面同步和加密观测,开展遥感产品真实性检验。②专题试验:开展"非均匀下垫面多尺度地表蒸散发观测试验",采用密集的涡动相关仪、大孔径闪烁仪与自动气象站的观测矩阵,为揭示地表蒸散发的空间异质性,实现非均匀下垫面地表蒸散发的尺度扩展,发展和验证蒸散发模型提供基础数据。③应用试验:在流域上、中、下游分别开展针对积雪和冻土水文、灌溉水平衡和作物生长、生态耗水的综合观测试验,将观测数据和遥感产品用于上游分布式水文模型、中游地表水—地下水—农作物生长耦合模型、下游生态耗水模型,通过实证研究提升遥感在流域生态—水文集成研究和水资源管理中的应用能力。加强试验将在2012年5月起按中游、上游、下游的顺序展开,全流域持续观测期为2013—2015年。在各类试验的支持下,开展全流域生态—水文关键参量遥感产品生产,发展尺度转换方法,建立多源遥感数据同化系统。  相似文献   
定量分析半干旱环境下盐碱化草地类型土壤水分的时间稳定性,是开展土壤水分尺度时空转换的前提,同时也是水文研究的重要组成部分。基于"黑河遥感—地面同步试验"干旱水文试验区临泽草地加密观测区16个土壤水分剖面的逐日持续观测数据,利用平均相对偏差及相关系数方法,对网格尺度上多层土壤水分的时间稳定性进行了分析。初步表明:①在土壤水分监测点布设上,在相对长的时期内,能代表网络水平上平均土壤水分最优观测的点是存在的,最优观测点位置的选择需要先密后稀,并根据事先的加密观测结果进行稳定性分析,保留平均相对偏差接近于0且其标准差最小的点开展长期观测。②在90 m×90 m的网格尺度上,土壤水分的空间结构在40 cm深度以上各层的时间稳定性是类似的,但稳定程度不同,表层最不稳定。在40 cm以下基本上趋于稳定,空间异质性降低。③研究区所在环境下网格尺度土壤水分空间分布在时间上强烈相关,观测刚开始的几天与其它时期的相关性比较低,在平稳期相关性较好,不稳定性主要由降水或灌溉事件引起。同时,由于环境的复杂性及观测的误差,这种特殊类型土壤水分的时间稳定特征还需要进一步研究。  相似文献   
The 213 m ice core from the Puruogangri Ice Field on the Tibetan Plateau facilitates the study of the regional temperature changes with its δ18O record of the past 100 years. Here we combine information from this core with that from the Dasuopu ice core (from the southern Tibetan Plateau), the Guliya ice core (from the northwestern Plateau) and the Dunde ice core (from the northeastern Plateau) to learn about the regional differences in temperature change across the Tibetan Plateau. The δ18O changes vary with region on the Plateau, the variations being especially large between South and North and between East and West. Moreover, these four ice cores present increasing δ18O trends, indicating warming on the Tibetan Plateau over the past 100 years. A comparative study of Northern Hemisphere (NH) temperature changes, the δ18O-reflected temperature changes on the Plateau, and available meteorological records show consistent trends in overall warming during the past 100 years.  相似文献   

Sampling was carried out at Baishui No. 1, the largest glacier on Mt. Yulong, China, during the summers of 1999 and 2000, to investigate the spatial variations of oxygen isotopes in the atmosphere-glacier-river system. The results confirm that there is an inverse relation between the oxygen isotopic composition of precipitation and air temperature/precipitation amount. This suggests that a strong “precipitation amount effect” exists in this typical monsoon temperate-glacier region. There are marked differences of the δ18O values of winter-accumulated snow, glacial meltwater, summer precipitation and the glacier-fed river water. Spatial and temporal variations of isotopic composition are controlled by climatic conditions. Isotopic fractionation and differentiation occur during phase changes, snow-to-ice and ice-to-meltwater transformations, and runoff processes. Variations of stable isotopes in glacier runoff can indicate variations of sources of supply, as well as different discharge-related processes. Ionic changes occur as a result of meltwater contact with glacier bed materials.

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