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The buried Chicxulub impact structure is marked by a dramatic ring of sinkholes (called cenotes if containing water), and adjacent less prominent partial rings, which have been shown to coincide with maxima in horizontal gravity gradients and a topographic depression. These observations, along with the discreteness and spacing of the features, suggest a formation mechanism involving faulting in the outer slump zone of the crater, which would thus have a diameter of approximately 180 km.
An opposing view, based primarily on the interpretation of gravity data, is that (he crater is much larger than the cenote ring implies. Given the association of the known cenote ring with faults, we here examine northern Yucatan for similar rings in gravity, surface features and elevation, which we might expect to be associated with outer concentric faults in the case of a larger, possibly multiring, structure.
No such outer rings have been found, although definite patterns are seen in the distribution of karst features outside the crater rim. We explain these patterns as resulting mainly from deformation related to the block fault zone that parallels tbe shelf edge of eastern Yucatan.  相似文献   
Anisotrophy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) results from 27 specimens drilled from the top and two sides of a single columnar basalt segment are presented. The magnetic foliation plane is nearly horizontal for all parts of the column, which is consistent with a primary magma flow pattern, without evidence of local convection or differentiative processes. The shape of AMS ellipsoids is however predominantly prolate, which may be indicative of increased magnetic grain elongation due to crystal growth or grain realignment normal to a vertical stress field (due to thermal contraction). Apparent systematic variations related to column shape are found in bulk susceptibility, anisotropy degree and degree of lineation and foliation; some of the variation may also be related to weathering effects. The results are consistent with a primary AMS pattern resulting from thermal contractive stresses during column formation. Comparison of results from previous studies of columnar basalts reveals that there is a relatively large variation in AMS properties. There appears to exist a number of factors which may locally control the magnetic anisotropy of columns and very likely some of their other characteristics.  相似文献   
Cooling rate (CR) effects on the intensity of thermoremanent magnetization has been documented for archaeomagnetic materials, where cooling in laboratory conditions is generally much faster compared to natural cooling rates. Since the latter condition also applies to many volcanic rocks, we have investigated in this study the influences of the CR on the determination of absolute paleointensity using recent basaltic rocks. We used magnetically and thermally stable samples mainly containing Ti-poor pseudo-singledomain titanomagnetites (the most widely used material for Thellier paleointensity experiments). These samples previously succeed in retrieving the strength of laboratory field intensities with the Coe’s version of the Thellier method in a simulated paleointensity experiment using similar cooling rates. Our experimental results indicate that the cooling rate effects produce systematic and significant overestimates of the absolute intensity up to 70%. The effect can be much larger than predicted by Neél theory for non-interacting single-domain grains.  相似文献   
A palaeo- and rock-magnetic study was carried out on the Jurassic–Cretaceous Guaniguanico Cordillera (15 sites, 112 oriented cores) in order to define a preliminary magnetostratigraphy and to obtain some constraints on the tectonic evolution of western Cuba. Rock-magnetic experiments indicate Ti-poor titanomagnetites as principal remanence carriers. Two magnetic phases seem to be present in a few samples: some spinels, which saturate at moderate magnetic fields and goethite, with higher coercivity. The presence of hematite (or mixture of spinels and hematite) is apparent in two units. In most cases the characteristic palaeodirections could be determined above 300°C. Eleven sites yield normal magnetic polarity and four reverse. The polarity zones can be tentatively correlated to chrons CM29–C24 in the reference geomagnetic polarity time scale. The mean palaeodirection calculated from all sites is Dm=335.7°, Im=43.1°, K=11, α95=12.3 and N=15. The corresponding palaeopole is Plat=66.4°, Plong=205.8°, K=13, and A95=11.1. This pole is not significantly different from North American Jurassic–Cretaceous poles. This suggests that no major latitudinal displacements and deformation have occurred since the Jurassic, in contrast to some previously proposed tectonic models.  相似文献   
Initial results of a thermal treatment study on the anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) of impact breccias from Chicxulub crater are used to investigate the nature of the magnetic fabrics. Chicxulub impact breccias are heterogeneous materials, with carbonate, basement and melt clasts within carbonate-rich or melt-rich matrix. Samples studied come from the carbonate-rich basal unit Lower Suevite in the Yaxcopoil-1 borehole impactite sequence (core depth interval: 885?C895 m). The Lower Suevite is characterized by mixed prolate and oblate ellipsoids with shallow to steep principal susceptibility axes, which had been related to emplacement as an excavation flow with ground-surge components during the early cratering stages. Thermal treatment results in changes in the fabrics with a tendency to oblate fabrics. Stepwise thermal treatment up to 700°C reveals different behaviors for the oblate, neutral and prolate fabrics marked by changes in AMS parameters and principal susceptibility axis orientations. A sample with oblate fabrics and vertical minimum axes showed an increase of magnetic susceptibility at high temperatures, indicating formation of secondary magnetite and fabric enhancement. A sample with neutral ellipsoid showed heating-induced changes towards oblate fabrics and vertical minimum susceptibility axes. Samples characterized by prolate ellipsoids with horizontal maximum axes showed no directional changes. In a sample with apparent intermediate or inverse fabrics, vertical maximum axes showed changes to horizontal inclinations, with the intermediate and maximum axes switching positions. Changes induced by stepwise thermal treatment appear useful to characterize the fabrics of impact lithologies. Further investigation of heating-induced effects in mineralogy, grain size and textural changes is, however, required to relate the different behaviors observed after stepwise thermal treatment with the magnetic mineralogy and emplacement mode of the breccias.  相似文献   
This paper presents the preliminary results from a study of Holocene-emerged shorelines, marine notches, and their tectonic implications along the Jalisco coast. The Pacific coast of Jalisco, SW Mexico, is an active tectonic margin. This coast has been the site of two of the largest earthquakes to occur in Mexico this century: the 1932 (Mw 8.2) Jalisco earthquake and the 1995 (Mw 8.0) Colima earthquake. Measurement and preliminary radiocarbon dating of emergent paleoshorelines along the Jalisco coast provide the first constraints upon the timing for tectonic uplift. Along this coastline, uplifted Holocene marine notches and wave-cut platforms occur at elevations ranging from ca. 1 to 4.5 m amsl. In situ intertidal organisms dated with radiocarbon, the first ever reported for the Jalisco area, provide preliminary results that record tectonic uplift during at least the past 1300 years BP at an average rate of about 3 mm/year. We propose a model in which coseismic subsidence produced by offshore earthquakes is rapidly recovered during the postseismic and interseismic periods. The long-term period is characterized by slow tectonic uplift of the Jalisco coast. We found no evidence of coastal interseismic and long-term subsidence along the Jalisco coast.  相似文献   
Twenty years after Tanaka and Kono's pioneering contribution (Tanaka and Kono, 1984), we give some new details on the effect of applied field strength during Thellier paleointensity experiments. Special attention is paid to the relation of magnitude of laboratory field and Coe's quality factors (Coe et al., 1978). Full thermoremanent magnetizations were imparted on natural samples containing low-Ti titanomagnetites of pseudo-single domain structure in a 40-μT magnetic field from 600?°C to room temperature. The samples were subjected to the routine Thellier procedure using a wide range of applied laboratory fields. Results indicate that values of laboratory fields may be accurately reproduced within 2% of standard error. The quality factors, however, decrease when the magnitude of ‘ancient’ field does not match to applied laboratory fields. To cite this article: J. Morales et al., C. R. Geoscience 338 (2006).  相似文献   
Surveys in Geophysics - It is of particular importance for structural geology, geophysical exploration and also obvious economical purposes to retrieve structures possibly hidden below salt domes....  相似文献   
Geomorphic analysis, employing topographic, morphologic, geologic, and bathymetric maps, and field studies show that the morphology of the southern coast of Mexico can be linked to lateral variations in the geometry and tectonism of the subduction zone. A reconnaissance study, based on the regional morphological characteristics and correlation with seismotectonic segments, regional tectonics and major bathymetric features, allows identification of several morphotectonic zones along the coast of southern Mexico: (1) Jalisco zone, (2) Colima zone, (3) Michoacan zone, (4) Guerrero zone, (5) Oaxaca zone, and (6) Tehuantepec zone. A range of geomorphological evidence, including marine terraces, river terraces, uplifted notches, and elevated wave-cut platforms, indicates local and regional uplift along the coast of the Jalisco, Michoacan, Guerrero and Oaxaca zones. Coasts of the Colima and Tehuantepec zones show morphological evidence of subsidence.  相似文献   
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