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Abstract : The Hidaka metamorphic belt consists of an island-arc assembly of lower to upper crustal rocks formed during early to middle Paleogene time and exhumed during middle Paleogene to Miocene time. The tectonic evolution of the belt is divided into four stages, D0rs, D1, D2rs, and D3, based on their characteristic deformation, metamorphism, and igneous activity. The premetamorphic and igneous stage (D0) involves tectonic thickening of an uppermost Cretaceous and earliest Tertiary accretionary complex, including oceanic materials in the lower part of the complex. D1 is the stage of prograde metamorphism with increasing temperatures at a constant pressure during an early phase, and with a slight decrease of pressure at the peak metamorphic phase, accompanying flattening of metamorphic rocks and intrusions of mafic to intermediate igneous rocks. At the peak, incipient partial melting of pelitic and psammitic gneisses took place in the amphibolite–granulite facies transition zone, the melt and residuals cutting the foliations formed by flattening. In the deep crust, large amounts of S-type tonalite magma formed by crustal anatexis, intruded into the granulite facies gneiss zone and also into the upper levels of the metamorphic sequence during the subsequent stage. During D1 stage, mafic and intermediate magmas supplied and transported heat to form the arc-type crust and at the same time, the magmatic underplating caused extensional doming of the crust, giving rise to flattening and vertical uplifting of the crustal rocks. D2 stage is characterized by subhorizontal top-to-the-south displacement and thrusting of lower to upper crustal rocks, forming a basal detachment surface (décollement) and duplex structures associated with intrusions of S-type tonalite. Deformation structures and textures of high-temperature mylonites formed along the décollement, as well as the duplex structures, show that the D2 stage movement occurred under a N-S trending compressional tectonic regime. The depth of intra-crustal décollement in the Hidaka belt was defined by the effect of multiplication of two factors, the fraction of partial melt which increases downward, and the fluid flux which decreases downward. The crustal décollement, however, might have extended to the crust-mantle boundary and/or to the lithosphere and asthenosphere boundary. The subhorizontal movement was transitional to a dextral-reverse-slip (dextral transpression) movement accompanied by low-temperature mylonitization with retrograde metamorphism, the stage defined as D3. The crustal rocks from the basal décollement to the upper were tilted eastward on the N–S axis and exhumed during the D3 stage. During D2 and D3 stages, the intrusion of crustal acidic magmas enhanced the crustal deformation and exhumation in the compressional and subsequent transpressional tectonic regime.  相似文献   
A prominent feature of a granulite-facies shear zone from the Hidaka Main Zone (Japan) is the folding of orthopyroxene (opx) porphyroclasts. Dislocation density estimated by transmission electron microscope (TEM) and chemical etching in homogeneously folded domains is too low to account for the amplitude of crystallographic bending, leading us to propose a model similar to “flexural slip” folding, where folded layers are micrometer-wide opx layers between thin planar clinopyroxene (cpx) exsolutions. Extension (compression) in the extrados (intrados) of the folded layer is accommodated by dislocations at the cpx–opx interfaces. Alternatively to distributed deformation, crystal bending also localizes in grain boundaries (GBs), mostly oriented close to the (001) plane and with various misorientation angles but misorientation axes consistently close to the b-axis. For misorientation up to a few degrees, GBs were imaged as tilt walls composed of regularly spaced (100)[001] dislocations. For misorientation angles of 7°, individual dislocations are no longer visible, but high-resolution TEM (HRTEM) observation showed the partial continuity of opx tetrahedral chains through the boundary. For 21° misorientation, the two adjacent crystals are completely separated by an incoherent boundary. In spite of these atomic-scale variations, all GBs share orientation and rotation axis, suggesting a continuous process of misorientation by symmetric incorporation of (100)[001] dislocations. In addition to the dominant GBs perpendicular to the (100) plane, boundaries at low angle with (100) planes are also present, incorporating dislocations with a component of Burgers vector along the a-axis. The two kinds of boundaries combine to delimit subgrains, which progressively rotate with respect to host grains around the b-axis, eventually leading to recrystallization of large porphyroclasts.  相似文献   
The ultrahigh-temperature (UHT) metamorphism of the Napier Complex is characterized by the presence of dry mineral assemblages, the stability of which requires anhydrous conditions. Typically, the presence of the index mineral orthopyroxene in more than one lithology indicates that H2O activities were substantially low. In this study, we investigate a suite of UHT rocks comprising quartzo-feldspathic garnet gneiss, sapphirine granulite, garnet-orthopyroxene gneiss, and magnetite-quartz gneiss from Tonagh Island. High Al contents in orthopyroxene from sapphirine granulite, the presence of an equilibrium sapphirine-quartz assemblage, mesoperthite in quartzo-feldspathic garnet gneiss, and an inverted pigeonite-augite assemblage in magnetite-quartz gneiss indicate that the peak temperature conditions were higher than 1,000 °C. Petrology, mineral phase equilibria, and pressure-temperature computations presented in this study indicate that the Tonagh Island granulites experienced maximum P-T conditions of up to 9 kbar and 1,100 °C, which are comparable with previous P-T estimates for Tonagh and East Tonagh Islands. The textures and mineral reactions preserved by these UHT rocks are consistent with an isobaric cooling (IBC) history probably following an counterclockwise P-T path. We document the occurrence of very high-density CO2-rich fluid inclusions in the UHT rocks from Tonagh Island and characterize their nature, composition, and density from systematic petrographic and microthermometric studies. Our study shows the common presence of carbonic fluid inclusions entrapped within sapphirine, quartz, garnet and orthopyroxene. Analysed fluid inclusions in sapphirine, and some in garnet and quartz, were trapped during mineral growth at UHT conditions as 'primary' inclusions. The melting temperatures of fluids in most cases lie in the range of -56.3 to -57.2 °C, close to the triple point for pure CO2 (-56.6 °C). The only exceptions are fluid inclusions in magnetite-quartz gneiss, which show slight depression in their melting temperatures (-56.7 to -57.8 °C) suggesting traces of additional fluid species such as N2 in the dominantly CO2-rich fluid. Homogenization of pure CO2 inclusions in the quartzo-feldspathic garnet gneiss, sapphirine granulite, and garnet-orthopyroxene gneiss occurs into the liquid phase at temperatures in the range of -34.9 to +4.2 °C. This translates into very high CO2 densities in the range of 0.95-1.07 g/cm3. In the garnet-orthopyroxene gneiss, the composition and density of inclusions in the different minerals show systematic variation, with highest homogenization temperatures (lowest density) yielded by inclusions in garnet, as against inclusions with lowest homogenization (high density) in quartz. This could be a reflection of continued recrystallization of quartz with entrapment of late fluids along the IBC path. Very high-density CO2 inclusions in sapphirine associated with quartz in the Tonagh Island rocks provide potential evidence for the involvement of CO2-rich fluids during extreme crustal temperatures associated with UHT metamorphism. The estimated CO2 isochores for sapphirine granulite intersect the counterclockwise P-T trajectory of Tonagh Island rocks at around 6-9 kbar at 1,100 °C, which corresponds to the peak metamorphic conditions of this terrane derived from mineral phase equilibria, and the stability field of sapphirine + quartz. Therefore, we infer that CO2 was the dominant fluid species present during the peak metamorphism in Tonagh Island, and interpret that the fluid inclusions preserve traces of the synmetamorphic fluid from the UHT event. The stability of anhydrous minerals, such as orthopyroxene, in the study area might have been achieved by the lowering of H2O activity through the influx of CO2 at peak metamorphic conditions (>1,100 °C). Our microthermometric data support a counterclockwise P-T path for the Napier Complex.  相似文献   
The Higo terrane in west-central Kyushu Island, southwest Japan consists from north to south of the Manotani, Higo and Ryuhozan metamorphic complexes, which are intruded by the Higo plutonic complex (Miyanohara tonalite and Shiraishino granodiorite).The Higo and Manotani metamorphic complexes indicate an imbricate crustal section in which a sequence of metamorphic rocks with increasing metamorphic grade from high (northern part) to low (southern part) structural levels is exposed. The metamorphic rocks in these complexes can be divided into five metamorphic zones (zone A to zone E) from top to base (i.e., from north to south) on the basis of mineral parageneses of pelitic rocks. Greenschist-facies mineral assemblages in zone A (the Manotani metamorphic complex) give way to amphibolite-facies assemblages in zones B, C and D, which in turn are replaced by granulite-facies assemblages in zone E of the Higo metamorphic complex. The highest-grade part of the complex (zone E) indicates peak P–T conditions of ca. 720 MPa and ca. 870 °C. In addition highly aluminous Spr-bearing granulites and related high-temperature metamorphic rocks occur as blocks in peridotite intrusions and show UHT-metamorphic conditions of ca. 900 MPa and ca. 950 °C. The prograde and retrograde P–T evolution paths of the Higo and Manotani metamorphic complexes are estimated using reaction textures, mineral inclusion analyses and mineral chemistries, especially in zones A and D, which show a clockwise P–T path from Lws-including Pmp–Act field to Act–Chl–Epi field in zone A and St–Ky field to And field through Sil field in zone D.The Higo metamorphic complex has been traditionally considered to be the western-end of the Ryoke metamorphic belt in the Japanese Islands or part of the Kurosegawa–Paleo Ryoke terrane in south-west Japan. However, recent detailed studies including Permo–Triassic age (ca. 250 Ma) determinations from this complex indicate a close relationship with the high-grade metamorphic terranes in eastern-most Asia (e.g., north Dabie terrane) with similar metamorphic and igneous characteristics, protolith assembly, and metamorphic and igneous ages. The north Dabie high-grade terrane as a collisional metamorphic zone between the North China and the South China cratons could be extended to the N-NE along the transcurrent fault (Tan-Lu Fault) as the Sulu belt in Shandong Peninsula and the Imjingang belt in Korean Peninsula. The Higo and Manotani metamorphic complexes as well as the Hida–Oki terrane in Japan would also have belonged to this type of collisional terrane and then experienced a top-to-the-south displacement with forming a regional nappe structure before the intrusion of younger Shiraishino granodiorite (ca. 120 Ma).  相似文献   
It has been almost four decades since the first launch of geostationary meteorological satellite by Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA). The specifications of the geostationary meteorological satellites have shown tremendous progresses along with the generations, which are now entering their third generation. The third-generation geostationary meteorological satellites not only yield basic data for weather monitoring, but also globally observe the Earth’s environment. The development of multi-band imagers with improved spatial resolution onboard the third-generation geostationary meteorological satellites brings us meteorological data in larger size than those of the second-generation ones. Thus, new techniques for domestic and world-wide dissemination of the observational big data are needed. In this paper, we develop a web-based data visualization for Himawari-8 satellite sensed images in real time and with full resolution. This data visualization is supported by the ecosystems, which uses a tiled pyramid representation and parallel processing technique for terrain on an academic cloud system. We evaluate the performance of our techniques for domestic and international users on laboratory experiments. The results show that our data visualization is suitable for practical use on a temporal preview of observation image data for the domestic users.  相似文献   
Nd model ages using depleted mantle (TDM) values for the sedimentary rocks in the Inner Zone of the SW Japan and western area of Tanakura Tectonic Line in the NE Japan allow classification into five categories: 2.6–2.45, 2.3–2.05, 1.9–1.55, 1.45–1.25, and 1.2–0.85 Ga. The provenance of each terrane/belt/district is interpreted on the basis of the TDMs, 147Sm / 144Nd vs. 143Nd / 144Nd relation, Nd isotopic evolution of the source rocks in East China and U–Pb zircon ages. The provenance of 2.6–1.8 Ga rocks, which are reported from Hida–Oki and Renge belts and Kamiaso conglomerates, is inferred to be the Sino–Korean Craton (SKC). The 2.3–1.55 Ga rocks, mostly from Ryoke, Mino and Ashio belts, are originally related with the SKC and/or Yangtze Craton (YC). The provenances of the sedimentary rocks with 1.45–0.85 Ga, from the Suo belt, Higo and some districts in the Mino and Ashio belts, are different from the SKC and YC. Especially, the Higo with 1.2–0.85 Ga is considered as a fragment of collision zone in East China. Akiyoshi belt probably belongs to the youngest age category of 1.2–0.85 Ga.Some metasedimentary rocks from the Ryoke belt have extremely high 147Sm / 144Nd and 143Nd / 144Nd ratios, whose main components are probably derived from mafic igneous rocks within the Ryoke belt itself and from the adjacent Tamba belt.  相似文献   
Mineralogy and Petrology - In this paper, we describe the metamorphic conditions of Fe-rich granulite and variations in rare earth elements (REE) between peak garnet porphyroblasts and secondary...  相似文献   
This paper reports the first evidence of ultrahigh-temperature (UHT) metamorphism from the Sør Rondane Mountains, eastern Dronning Maud Land, East Antarctica, which is evident as orthopyroxene + spinel symplectite in an amphibolitized mafic granulite. The granulite consists of olivine, orthopyroxene, clinopyroxene, pargasitic amphibole, plagioclase, and ilmenite, and it possesses a within-plate alkali basalt signature. The local bulk chemical composition of symplectite, major and trace element compositions, and thermodynamic calculations for the symplectite, suggest the presence of garnet at the high-pressure stage and that the symplectite formed from garnet, olivine, and primary orthopyroxene by decompression from more than 12 kbar at 1000 °C. The granulite records a subsequent amphibolite-facies overprint (<700 °C at <6 kbar) that involved the chemical re-equilibration of several phases. The obtained pressure–temperature (PT) conditions and PT path are different from the UHT metamorphism from the Schirmacher Hills, central Dronning Maud Land, which is considered to have occurred in a back-arc tectonic setting. The relatively high-P conditions and the decompression path reconstructed in the present study are similar to those reported for southern India, Sri Lanka, and part of northeastern Mozambique, possibly reflecting continental thickening and exhumation during the main collision event between East and West Gondwana.  相似文献   
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