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本文介绍了一种多媒体应用的创作工具。利用这种工具可以编辑和组织文字、图象、图表、声音以及视频等多种媒体元素。并通过媒体链接以及超级链接,完成多媒体应用的制作。同时,也介绍了多媒体应用的播放。  相似文献   
探究城镇空间扩张的方向性及其时间变化特征,能够反映都市圈发展过程中核心城市与边缘地区空间关联的动态过程,为制定都市圈发展的相关政策提供科学依据。本文从都市圈的核心城市与边缘地区相互关联的视角,借鉴物理学中力的分解原理,构建了同时兼顾扩张强度和方向性的向心扩张指数CEI,并以郑州都市圈为对象,采用2000—2018年30 m分辨率的全球人造不透水面数据产品GAIA,分析了建设用地扩张的总体数量和占比变化、动态度及强度变化、以及空间方向性变化等特征,进一步应用多元逻辑回归模型,揭示了影响城镇空间扩张向心性的关键因素。结果表明:(1)向心扩张指数CEI为揭示都市圈核心城市对边缘地区的辐射带动作用提供方法支撑,能够定量刻画边缘地区朝向核心城市的发展趋势;(2)在郑州都市圈近20年的快速扩张过程中,尽管各区县市的DEI指数和CEI指数随时间而增减波动,但郑州都市圈总体呈现“核心—边缘”发展模式,除个别地级市中心城区及其下辖县以外,多数区县市的向心性显著且随时间增强,郑州市中心城区对于边缘地区具有显著的辐射带动作用;(3)核心城市与边缘地区的人均GDP差异及城镇化率差异是影响边缘地区向心扩张的重要...  相似文献   
South China as an amalgamation of the Yangtze and Cathaysia blocks is composed of Archean to Mesoproterozoic basement overlain by Neoproterozoic and younger cover. Both the constituent Yangtze and Cathaysia blocks contain well-preserved Neoproterozoic rocks that have been extensively studied in terms of the age and tectonic nature, but less is known about their earlier crustal history due to the incomplete rock record. Recent efforts in investigating the yet survived crustal nature based on isotopic and elemental signatures preserved in igneous and sedimentary rocks have steadily improved our knowledge about the pre-Neoproterozoic continental crustal evolution in South China. In this paper, we summarize the up-to-date pre-Neoproterozoic records, including petrological, geochronological, geochemical and geophysical data, across South China, and discuss its spatiotemporal patterns of the pre-Neoproterozoic crust and the relevant tectonic events. While the xenocrystic/inherited and detrital zircon records suggest widespread Archean (mainly ca. 2.5 Ga) crustal components within both the Yangtze and Cathaysia blocks, exposed Archean rocks are only limited to isolated crustal provinces in the Yangtze Block. These Archean rocks are dominated by TTGs (tonalite-trondhjemite-granodiorite) with varied ages (3.3–2.5 Ga) and zircon Hf isotopes, indicating a compositionally heterogeneous nature of the Archean Yangtze Block and, by inference, the development of multiple ancient terranes. The early Paleoproterozoic (2.4–2.2 Ga) tectonomagmatic events characterize the western Yangtze Block and are supportive of an east-west subdivision of the Yangtze basement, whereas the late Paleoproterozoic (2.1–1.7 Ga) orogeneses may have affected a larger area covering both the western and eastern parts of the Yangtze Block, and also the Cathaysia Block. The eastern Yangtze Block with generally northeastward-younging late Paleoproterozoic magmatism and metamorphism likely experienced a prolonged 2.05–1.75 Ga orogenic process welding the various Archean proto-continents, consistent with the documentation of a buried late Paleoproterozoic orogenic belt imaged by deep seismic profiling from its central part and of a slightly older ophiolitic mélange in the northern part. The Cathaysia Block was probably involved in a short-lived 1.9–1.8 Ga orogenic event. The two orogeneses overlapped in time and may have contributed to the cratonization of a possible unified South China, and are referred to be linked with the assembly of the Nuna Supercontinent. The subsequent late Paleoproterozoic to early Mesoproterozoic rift successions and intrusions (1.7–1.5 Ga) in the southwestern Yangtze Block, and the ca. 1.43 Ga rifting in Hainan Island of the Cathaysia Block could be responses to the Nuna break-up. Late Mesoproterozoic (1.2–1.0 Ga) magmatism of varied age and nature in different localities of the Yangtze Block is reflective of a complex tectonic process in the context of the assembly of the Rodinia Supercontinent. Similar-aged metamorphism (1.3–1.0 Ga) is recorded in Hainan Island, reflecting the Grenvillian continental collision during the Rodinia assembly, but further studies are necessary to better constrain the late Mesoproterozoic tectonic framework of South China.  相似文献   
扁铲侧胀试验(DMT)已在国内外岩土工程勘察、地基加固效果评价等领域中得到广泛应用。DMT的测试过程在扁铲探头贯入到测试位置后进行,因此探头的贯入过程对土体造成的扰动在一定程度上将直接影响测试结果。目前关于扁铲探头的贯入机理,以及贯入过程可能引起的土体扰动及其对测试结果的影响尚未研究清楚。通过室内模型试验手段,进行扁铲探头贯入不同初始密实状态下均质干砂的试验研究,分析了探头贯入过程中产生的土体位移场分布特征。试验结果表明:扁铲探头的楔形部和膜片所在的侧胀部贯入产生的挤压作用是引起土体变形扰动的主要原因;探头楔形部的贯入过程表现为向下和向斜侧面挤压土体,竖向位移量很小,产生向两侧扩展为主的扁状位移场,而探头侧胀部的贯入过程主要表现为向两侧面水平向挤压土体,产生半椭圆状水平位移场且分布范围明显更大,同时探头侧面表现为一定的剪切作用而产生较窄范围的竖向位移场。另外,扁铲探头贯入干砂产生的位移场受砂土初始密实状态的影响较小,主要表现为探头楔形部周围的位移场分布范围随密实度增大而扩大。  相似文献   
A review of advances in China’s flash flood early-warning system   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper summarizes the main flash flood early-warning systems of America, Europe, Japan, and Taiwan China and discusses their advantages and disadvantages. The latest development in flash flood prevention is also presented. China’s flash flood prevention system involves three stages. Herein, the warning methods and achievements in the first two stages are introduced in detail. Based on the worldwide experience of flash flood early-warning systems, the general research idea of the third stage is proposed from the viewpoint of requirements for flash flood prevention and construction progress of the next stage in China. Real-time dynamic warning systems can be applied to the early-warning platform at four levels (central level, provincial level, municipal level, and county level) . Through this, soil moisture, peak flow, and water level can be calculated in real-time using distributed hydrological models, and then flash flood warning indexes can be computed based on defined thresholds of runoff and water level. A compound warning index (CWI) can be applied to regions where rainfall and water level are measured by simple equipment. In this manner, flash-flood-related factors such as rainfall intensity and antecedent and cumulative rainfall depths can be determined using the CWI method. The proposed methodology for the third stage could support flash flood prevention measures in the 13th 5-Year Plan for Economic and Social Development of the People’s Republic of China (2016–2020). The research achievements will serve as a guidance for flash flood monitoring and warning as well as flood warning in medium and small rivers.  相似文献   
本文研究了建立设计地震震源模型和用理论地震学方法预测基岩场地震震加速度的技术途径,预测了四相设计地震事件在秦山核电站厂址的加速度时程和反应谱,文中根据对地质和历史地震资料的研究,确定不同性质的设计地震事件,建立设计地震震源和工作区介质的确定性模型,针对未来地震的不可完全预见性,以及对地球介质和震源性质现有认识的局限性,文中发展了确定性和随机性组合的综合分析方法,在用确定的介质模型和设计震源计算地震  相似文献   
用气象卫星资料推算黑河地区地表特征参数   总被引:7,自引:5,他引:7  
陈添宇  陈乾 《高原气象》1992,11(4):431-439
用气象卫星资料监测冬麦长势和估测产量的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用1992、1993年的气象卫星资料,分析植被指数与甘肃省冬麦区33个县市冬麦产量的关系,发现绿峰植被指数与产量存在极好的相关性。另外,从预测产量的角度和预报时限要求出发,可用4月中下旬累积植被指数预测冬麦产量,并给出了预报方程。  相似文献   
安强  龙天渝  刘春静  雷雨  李哲 《湖泊科学》2012,24(5):717-722
为研究紊流水体中藻类的垂向分布特性,依据三峡水库次级河流回水段的水动力状况,自行设计了水流实验装置,选取次级河流回水区水华高发时段的气候状况和营养盐水平为实验条件,研究了雷诺数对蓝藻、绿藻和硅藻垂向分布的影响以及雷诺数对不同水深处藻类的悬浮和聚集行为的作用.研究结果表明:在水温为20℃、光照强度为5000 lx的富营养水体中,当断面平均流速在0~0.005 m/s、雷诺数在0~1750时,蓝藻主要悬浮聚集在0.2~0.8 m的表层水体中;而当断面平均流速在0.1~0.5 m/s、雷诺数在35000~175000时,硅藻主要悬浮聚集在0.2~0.8 m的表层水体中;与蓝藻和硅藻相比,绿藻适宜的雷诺数范围更宽,当断面平均流速在0~0.05 m/s、雷诺数在0~17500时,绝大部分的绿藻都能悬浮聚集在0.2~0.8 m的表层水体中.  相似文献   

考古遗址出土骨制品的研究对于揭示古代社会的动物资源获取和利用、手工业生产、社会组织结构等问题具有重要意义。国内骨制品研究目前多集中在农业区域,这些研究为探讨新石器时代至青铜时代的动物使用及其与社会发展、早期国家形成的关系等问题作出了重要贡献。然而,针对牧业社会骨制品的考察十分缺乏。新疆哈密地区巴里坤草原分布有大量古代牧业文化遗址,石人子沟遗址(43°31'12.8"~43°34'28.9"N,93°13'44.8"~93°16'49.1"E)是其中一处青铜时代晚期至铁器时代早期的大型聚落。本文从动物考古学视角研究该遗址2006年至2011年发掘出土的426件骨制品。结果显示,石人子沟遗址骨制品的原料主要为以羊(Ovis aries/Capra hircus)、马(Equus caballus)为主的家养动物和以鹿(Cervidae)为主的野生动物,其中羊的比例最高(69.7%),鹿(13.8%)、马(2.3%)次之,这与中原地区青铜时代农业文化遗址的骨制品多以牛为原料的情况明显不同。羊在骨制品原料中占绝对多数且大量使用羊距骨制品的现象是对石人子沟遗址以牧业为主的生业经济方式的直接反映。石人子沟遗址不同类型骨制品的制作各具特点,但整体表现出"省时省力"的特点,即对使用部位细致打磨,对非使用部位仅做简单处理。与中原地区商周时期大型制骨作坊规范化、规模化、产业化的骨器生产不同,石人子沟遗址未见专门的制骨场所,骨制品生产的操作链条也并不完整。遗址的骨制品生产可能是以家庭为单元进行的,产品的专业化、精细化程度也相对较低。该研究填补了我国古代牧业文化遗址出土骨制品动物考古学专门研究的空白,为进一步探究我国古代不同区域、不同生业经济基础下的制骨手工业面貌提供了重要资料。

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