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We present the finalized catalog of solar energetic proton events detected by the Wind/EPACT instrument over the period 1996?–?2016. Onset times, peak times, peak proton intensity and onset-to-peak proton fluence are evaluated for the two available energy channels, at about 25 and 50 MeV. We describe the procedure utilized to identify the proton events and to relate them to their solar origin (in terms of flares and coronal mass ejections). The statistical relationships between the energetic protons and their origin (linear and partial correlation analysis) are reported and discussed in view of earlier findings. Finally, the different trends found in the first 8 years of Solar Cycles 23 and 24 are discussed.  相似文献   
Solar energetic particles (SEPs) detected in space are statistically associated with flares and coronal mass ejections (CMEs). But it is not clear how these processes actually contribute to the acceleration and transport of the particles. The present work addresses the question why flares accompanied by intense soft X-ray bursts may not produce SEPs detected by observations with the GOES spacecraft. We consider all X-class X-ray bursts between 1996 and 2006 from the western solar hemisphere. 21 out of 69 have no signature in GOES proton intensities above 10 MeV, despite being significant accelerators of electrons, as shown by their radio emission at cm wavelengths. The majority (11/20) has no type III radio bursts from electron beams escaping towards interplanetary space during the impulsive flare phase. Together with other radio properties, this indicates that the electrons accelerated during the impulsive flare phase remain confined in the low corona. This occurs in flares with and without a CME. Although GOES saw no protons above 10 MeV at geosynchronous orbit, energetic particles were detected in some (4/11) confined events at Lagrangian point L1 aboard ACE or SoHO. These events have, besides the confined microwave emission, dm-m wave type II and type IV bursts indicating an independent accelerator in the corona. Three of them are accompanied by CMEs. We conclude that the principal reason why major solar flares in the western hemisphere are not associated with SEPs is the confinement of particles accelerated in the impulsive phase. A coronal shock wave or the restructuring of the magnetically stressed corona, indicated by the type II and IV bursts, can explain the detection of SEPs when flare-accelerated particles do not reach open magnetic field lines. But the mere presence of these radio signatures, especially of a metric type II burst, is not a sufficient condition for a major SEP event.  相似文献   
This paper describes a broad perspective of the application of graph theory to establishment of GPS control networks whereby the GPS network is considered as a connected and directed graph with three components. In this algorithm the gross error detection is undertaken through loops of different spanning trees using the “Loop Law” in which the individual components ΔX, ΔY and ΔZ sum up to zero. If the sum of the respective vector components ΩX, ΩY and ΩZ in a loop is not zero and if the error is beyond the tolerable limit (ε>ω), it indicates the existence of gross errors in one of the baselines in the loop and therefore the baseline must be removed or re-observed. After successful screening of errors by graph theory, network adjustment can be carried out. In this paper, the GPS data from the control network established as refence system for the HP Dam at Baishan county in Liaoning province is presented to illustrate the algorithm.  相似文献   
1 GraphtheoryanddefinitionsAgraphGconsistsofpoints (NODES)andlines (EDGES)connectingthesepoints .Thepointsarecallednodesandlinesareedges .Adirectedgraphisagraphinwhichtheedgescon nectingthenodesarespecified .Atreeisaconnectedgraphwithoutanyloop .Aloopisaclos…  相似文献   
Organic matter (OM) such as organic nitrogen plays a substantial role in the global biogeochemical cycling of bio‐reactive components—amino acids (AA) in aquatic environments. Spatial and temporal variations in source, diagenesis, and fate of organic nitrogen such as AA in sediments of small tropical rivers and the role of oxbow/meandering loops under changing climatic conditions are poorly investigated. This study assessed the spatial and seasonal variations in OM composition, source, and diagenesis of a tropical small mountainous river—Netravati River, India, for 1 year. Water samples were determined for suspended particulate matter, and surface sediments were examined for bulk parameters, surface area (SA), and the L‐ and D‐enantiomers of AA. The L‐ and D‐enantiomers of AA displayed subtle seasonal variations in composition and depicted varying degrees of diagenesis. The concentration of D‐enantiomer of AA was high and showed substantial contributions from bacteria, terrestrial source, and in situ production. The D‐arginine was the most abundant D‐enantiomer of AA in the study area, possibly due to extracellular secretion by bacterial species and adsorption onto sediments, and thus, it was protected from degradation. Degradation index was more negative at the oxbow and meandering loop stations during the dry season suggesting that local geomorphologic settings steer the diagenesis of OM within the river. A negative relationship between gamma‐aminobutyric acid and organic carbon:surface area (OC:SA) ratio and a positive correlation between tyrosine and OC:SA ratio suggested accelerated loss of OM. Furthermore, the concentrations of most bulk parameters were higher in the lower reaches during monsoon and premonsoon seasons. Taken together, changes in seasons have an operational control in distinguishing the composition, source, and diagenesis of spatial OM distribution. Moreover, oxbows and river meandering loops influence the diagenetic processes in small tropical river systems.  相似文献   
The effect of different organic-rich sewage concentration (0%, 20% and 60% diluted in seawater) and absence or presence of mangrove trees on the survival, bioturbation activities and burrow morphology of fiddler crabs species was assessed. After 6 months, males of both species always showed higher survival (80%) when compared to females (20%). Crabs inhabiting pristine conditions achieved higher survival (67–87%) than those living in sewage-exposed mesocosms (40–71%). At 60% sewage loading, fiddler crabs processed less sediment (34–46%) during feeding and excavated slightly more sediment (45–80%) than at pristine conditions. While percent volume of the burrow chambers increased (13–66%) at contaminated mesocosms for both vegetation conditions, burrows were shallower (33%) in bare cells loaded with sewage. The results show that fiddler crabs presented moderate mortality levels in these artificial mangrove wetlands, but mainly in sewage impacted cells. However, they still function as ecosystem engineers through bioturbation activities and burrow construction.  相似文献   
The study aimed at investigating the effects of sewage loadings on the behaviour of two fiddler crabs species maintained in a system of experimental mesocosms, built in a mangrove area in Tanzania and inundated with different seawater/sewage mixtures. Our results show that sewage loads led to a modification of the overall activity budget of the crab community as a result of increased hypertrophic conditions (high COD, increased chlorophyll-a concentrations). During their activity period, crabs inside contaminated mesocosms seemed to satisfy their feeding demand faster than those of the control cells, spending a significant longer time in other activities like courtship and territorial defence. Apart from being a good biological indication of ecosystem eutrophication, such a reduced foraging activity by fiddler crabs also depresses their sediment bioturbation activity, important factor for the health of mangrove systems, suggesting practical implications regarding the efficiency of mangrove-based wetlands for treatment of domestic sewage.  相似文献   
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