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葛淑兰  L 《地球物理学报》2013,56(2):542-557
沉积物记录的地磁场强度首先提供了模拟地磁场演化的数据约束,其次提供了沉积物的年龄信息. 本文报道了菲律宾海西北部岩芯记录的地磁场相对强度,并结合岩石磁学和沉积学性质探讨了影响强度的各个因素. 除底部红粘土层的局部磁偏角偏转可能揭示了沉积后改造以外,磁化率各向异性和地磁场方向特征表明沉积物为原状沉积. 岩石磁学性质表明沉积物符合磁性均一性,可以记录可靠的地磁场强度. 由于红粘土层及其下部的磁偏角异常,本文讨论其上部约125 ka的结果. 常规归一方法获得的两个地磁场强度参数NRM/ARM(特征剩磁和非磁滞剩磁比值)和NRM/κ(特征剩磁和磁化率比值)与其它记录对比得到时间-深度对比点,对比点之间的年龄为线性内推或者外推. 地磁场强度时间模型上的岩芯氧同位素与全球氧同位素综合曲线一致证明强度结果的有效性和对比的正确性. 磁化率为归一参数的强度大多低于以非磁滞剩磁为归一参数的强度,频谱和相关分析证明NRM/ARM不与ARM和磁性矿物粒度(ARM/κ)相关,也没有轨道周期性,而NRM/κ却与κ和ARM/κ相关,而且有13~12 ka的周期. 由此我们认为NRM/ARM记录的地磁场强度比NRM/κ更好地消除了气候印记. 进一步探讨了超顺磁含量、碳酸钙含量、磁性矿物组成以及磁性矿物粒度变化与地磁场强度差值的关系,发现末次间冰期较高的超顺磁含量和磁性矿物粒度的较大范围变化造成了地磁场强度差值,后者至少造成了90%差异. 中等含量的碳酸钙和较小的磁性矿物组成变化不是磁场强度差值产生的原因. 如何校正磁性矿物粒度变化的影响将是下一步工作的重点.  相似文献   
大荔人遗址黄土-古土壤剖面岩石磁学性质研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
自从大荔人化石被发现以来,其遗址剖面便成为研究热点.先前的研究主要集中在地层的对比划分与头盖骨年龄的推断方面,然而对于载磁矿物的鉴定及其古气候含义方面的研究却相对较少.鉴于此,本文运用热磁分析、饱和等温剩磁和剩磁矫顽力谱分析、磁滞回线分析、频率磁化率分析、热退磁分析等方法,对大荔人遗址剖面进行了系统的岩石磁学性质研究,鉴定出其主要载磁矿物为磁铁矿,赤铁矿,磁赤铁矿,磁畴状态主要是似单畴.磁铁矿,赤铁矿是样品中特征剩磁的携带者;主要起源于成土作用的超顺磁颗粒和新生成的亚铁磁性矿物,是古土壤样品磁化率增强的主要贡献者;古土壤中软磁性矿物的含量高于黄土.样品中磁赤铁矿的含量并不高.黄土-古土壤样品的频率磁化率曲线,古里雅冰芯氧同位素、细微粒浓度曲线,岐山五里铺剖面有机质含量曲线在古气候记录方面具有一致性,都展示出至少从MIS5以来,气候从冰期到间冰期的变化是渐变的,反之则表现了突变特征.上述岩石磁学研究丰富了大荔剖面的磁学领域研究内容,为相关课题的深入研究提供了依据.  相似文献   
Acta Geotechnica - A systematical testing program on frozen Onsøy clay under isotropic loading and undrained shearing at different temperatures...  相似文献   
Re-deposition of some deep-sea clay material in the earth's magnetic field is described. At the time of an induced reversal of the ambient field declination, calcium carbonate layers were introduced for identification purposes. NRM and bulk susceptibility measurements along the still moist sediment cores showed the presence of a time lag of around 10 days between a change in the ambient field direction and a corresponding change in the stable magnetization. AF-demagnetization of discs sampled from a dried core suggested that this time lag was caused by a post-depositional remanent magnetization mechanism. Magnetomineralogical investigations show the presence of the thermally unstable magnetic mineral phase, probably titano-maghemite. A positive correlation between NRM-intensities and water temperature during deposition is discussed. It is suggested that consolidation-rate is a major factor influencing the NRM intensity in deep-sea sediments.  相似文献   
Structure, mineralogy and dynamics of the lowermost mantle   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The 2004-discovery of the post-perovskite transition initiated a vigorous effort in high-pressure, high-temperature mineralogy and mineral physics, seismology and geodynamics aimed at an improved understanding of the structure and dynamics of the D"-zone. The phase transitions in basaltic and peridotitic lithologies under pT-conditions of the lowermost mantle can explain a series of previously enigmatic seismic discontinuities. Some of the other seismic properties of the lowermost mantle are also consistent with the changes in physical properties related to the perovskite (pv) to post-perovskite (ppv) transition. After more than 25 years of seismic tomography, the lowermost mantle structure involving the sub-Pacific and sub-African Large Low Shear-Velocity Provinces (LLSVPs) has become a robust feature. The two large antipodal LLSVPs are surrounded by wide zones of high Vs under the regions characterized by Mesozoic to recent subduction. The D" is further characterized by a negative correlation between shear and bulk sound velocity which could be partly related to an uneven distribution of pv and ppv. Ppv has higher VS and lower $ V_{\Phi } $ (bulk sound speed) than pv and may be present in thicker layers in the colder regions of D". Seismic observations and geodynamic modelling indicate relatively steep and sharp boundaries of the 200-500 km thick LLSVPs. These features, as well as independent evidence for their long-term stability, indicate that they are intrinsically denser than the surrounding mantle. Mineral physics data demonstrate that basaltic lithologies are denser than peridotite throughout the lowermost mantle and undergo incremental densification due to the pvppv- transition at slightly shallower levels than peridotite. The density contrasts may facilitate the partial separation and accumulation of basaltic patches and slivers at the margins of the thermochemical piles (LLSVPs). The slopes of these relatively steep margins towards the adjacent horizontal core-mantle boundary (CMB) constitute a curved (concave) thermal boundary layer, favourable for the episodic generation of large mantle plumes. Reconstruction of the original positions of large igneous provinces formed during the last 300 Ma, using a paleomagnetic global reference frame, indicates that nearly all of them erupted above the margins of the LLSVPs. Fe/Mg-partitioning between pv, ppv and ferropericlase (fp) is important for the phase and density relations of the lower mantle. Electronic spin transition of Fe2+ and Fe3+ in the different phases may influence the Fe/Mg-partitioning and the radiative thermal conductivity in the lowermost mantle. The experimental determination of the $ {K_D}{^{Fe/Mg}_{pv/fp}}\left[ { = {{\left( {Fe/Mg} \right)}_{pv}}/{{\left( {Fe/Mg} \right)}_{fp}}} \right] $ and $ {K_D}{^{Fe/Mg}_{ppv/fp}} $ is technologically challenging. Most studies have found a $ {K_D}{^{Fe/Mg}_{pv/fp}} $ of 0.1-0.3 and a higher Fe/Mg-ratio in ppv than in pv. The experimental temperature is important, with the partitioning approaching unity with increasing temperature. Although charge-coupled substitutions of the trivalent cations Al and Fe3+ seem to be important in both pv and ppv (especially in basaltic compositions), the complicating crystal-chemistry effects of these cations are not fully clarified. The two anti-podal thermochemical piles as well as the thin ultra-low velocity zones next to the CMB may represent geochemically enriched reservoirs that have remained largely isolated from the convecting mantle through a major part of Earth history. The existence of such “hidden” reservoirs have previously been suggested in order to account for the imbalance between the inferred composition of the geochemically accessible convecting mantle and the observed heat flow from the Earth and chondritic models for the bulk Earth.  相似文献   
锦屏Ⅰ级水电站右岸建基面发育有大量的绿片岩,它们是水电站建设中重大工程地质问题研究中需要注意的对象之一。为了研究它们的迹长分布规律,利用3D激光扫描工艺,对锦屏Ⅰ级水电工程右岸建基面高差50m范围内的绿片岩出露区域进行了扫描,获得了准确的绿片岩出露的迹长数据,从而使绿片岩迹长分布研究成为可能。研究发现,迹长数据样本最集中分布于0~3m的区间;随着迹长的增加,落在子区间内的条数(频数)递减;在0~9m的各个子区间内,样本呈正态分布。整体而言,实测迹长样本数据服从对数正态分布。  相似文献   
Rock magnetic measurements of Nihewan sediments from Xujiayao section demonstrate that magnetite, hematite and maghemite are dominant remanent magnetization carriers. Monitoring the variations of magnetic susceptibility (MS) and saturating isothermal remanent magnetization (SIRM) at low temperature are the attractive ways of detecting the presence of magnetite, maghemitization and superparamagnetic grain sizes. Low-temperature MS investigations suggest that susceptibility enhancement for Xujiayao samples is mainly due to the remarkable presence of SD/MD magnetite to some degree though some magnetite grains have been partially oxidized at some depths. It is tentatively concluded that both SD/MD magnetite and hematite are of detrital origin and carry a characteristic remanent magnetization (ChRM), whereas maghemite can be attributed to be chemical origin, overprinting a reversed polarity component of Matuyama age.  相似文献   
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