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Timing of the Nihewan formation and faunas   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Magnetostratigraphic dating of the fluvio-lacustrine sequence in the Nihewan Basin, North China, has permitted the precise timing of the basin infilling and associated Nihewan mammalian faunas. The combined evidence of new paleomagnetic findings from the Hongya and Huabaogou sections of the eastern Nihewan Basin and previously published magnetochronological data suggests that the Nihewan Formation records the tectono-sedimentary processes of the Plio-Pleistocene Nihewan Basin and that the Nihewan faunas can be placed between the Matuyama-Brunhes geomagnetic reversal and the onset of the Olduvai subchron (0.78-1.95 Ma). The onset and termination of the basin deposition occurred just prior to the Gauss-Matuyama geomagnetic reversal and during the period from the last interglaciation to the late last glaciation, respectively, suggesting that the Nihewan Formation is of Late Pliocene to late Pleistocene age. The Nihewan faunas, comprising a series of mammalian faunas (such as Maliang, Donggutuo, Xiaochangliang, Banshan, Majuangou, Huabaogou, Xiashagou, Danangou and Dongyaozitou), are suggested to span a time range of about 0.8-2.0 Ma. The combination of our new and previously published magnetostratigraphy has significantly refined the chronology of the terrestrial Nihewan Formation and faunas.  相似文献   
对海水中Zn(Ⅱ),Ca(Ⅱ),Cd(Ⅱ)与高岭石、伊利石和蒙脱石等粘土矿物;无定形水合氧化铁、α-FeOOH等铁的水合氧化物;δ-MaO_2,γ-MnOOH,水锰矿等锰的水合氧化物等30个左右实验体系的液-固界面台阶型动力学曲线进行了系统的实验测定和全面的条件研究。在实验测定上提出两种方法、互为校核。对动力学曲线之台阶的消长和变化规律作了系统研究,确定主要影响因素是:金属离子初始浓度、固体交换剂量、体系的pH值和温度,以及搅拌速度等。  相似文献   
Dynamic Response Behaviors of Upright Breakwaters Under Breaking Wave Impact   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
- The dynamic response behaviors of upright breakwaters under broken wave impact are analysed based on the mass-damper-spring dynamic system model. The effects of the mass, damping, stiffness, natural period, and impulse duration (or oscillation period) on the translation, rotation, sliding force, overturning moment, and corresponding dynamic amplifying factors are studied. It is concluded that the ampli-ying factors only depend on the ratio of the system natural period to impulse duration (or oscillation period) under a certain damping ratio. Moreover, the equivalent static approach to breakwater design is also discussed.  相似文献   
某基坑工程土钉支护工作性状试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对广州天河荟雅苑基坑工程土钉支护进行试验和研究,分析了土钉支护体系的工作性状,并为同类工程的设计提供了一定的依据。  相似文献   
洞穴完井工艺在寿阳地区煤层气钻井中的应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
洞穴完井工艺包括钻井、完井、排水采气等工序,为提高煤层渗透率,最大限度的保证煤层气解析与运移,洞穴完井一般要求有效井径3-4m,及一定范围的破碎带。远东能源公司为开采寿阳地区15#煤层中的煤层气,部署了4口生产井.其井身设计为三开结构。钻井主要设备为T685WS顶驱车载钻机及多台不同型号的空压机,采用潜孔锤冲击钻进.以空气、空气泡沫为冲洗介质,钻进至15#目标煤层底板以下46m处完钻,然后利用可伸缩式扩孔器进行扩孔。在扩孔至距三开井底8~10m时.开始采用空气和清水憋压,通过瞬间释放压力,使煤层坍塌,如此反复,至造穴直径达到要求。由于严格按照技术标准及操作流程作业,采取的技术措施合理,4口井均已顺利投入生产,增产效果显著。可见该种洞穴完井技术的应用,不仅可以保护煤层原生结构及环境,并且还能减少煤层气射孔、压裂等环节的费用.对于煤层气井施工具有重要的经济意义。  相似文献   
从电子地图多尺度显示角度出发,提出了基于LOD的选取模型。在选取模型中将显示比例尺和地图比例尺的比值作为LOD算子,总结了LOD算子设置的3个层次,以及分类、分级、要素和空间几何特征等LOD算子的设置规则。  相似文献   
火山渣丘,是火山区内的一种特殊的地质现象,以前地其成因国内外尚无详细探讨和描述,有的学者曾经统称为副火山。笔者通过实地调查,对这一结论提出新的见解,认为火山渣丘的形成是一复杂的地质现象,其成因具有多元性。这对探讨火山喷发规律,对火山地质地貌的准确描述与具有积极作用。  相似文献   
含煤层地质环境下地震波场的数值模拟   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
本文对含低速煤层地质环境下弹性波场多波多分量地震资料进行了二维数值模拟研究,对人工边界反射进行了有效处理,频散效应得到了有效的压制,对几种不同激发与观测排列方式下的弹性波资料进行了模型计算与分析。  相似文献   
文中利用数据手套和跟踪器获取手臂各关节运动数据,根据关节运动限制对所获取数据进行处理,建立了符合人体运动规律的虚拟手臂数学模型,实现了虚拟环境中与试验者的手臂同步运动、效果逼真的虚拟手臂模型.  相似文献   
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