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Nonlinear Alfvén wave in a hot rotating and strongly magnetized electron-positron plasma is considered. Using relativistic two fluid equations, the dispersion relation for Alfvén wave in the rotating plasma is obtained. Large amplitude Alfvén solitons are found to exist in the rotating pulsar plasma. Rotational effects on solitons are discussed.  相似文献   
The Kali-Hindon inter-stream region extends over an area of 395 km2 within the Ganga-Yamuna interfluve. It is a fertile tract for sugarcane cultivation. Groundwater is a primary resource for irrigation and industrial purposes. In recent years, over-exploitation has resulted in an adverse impact on the groundwater regime. In this study, an attempt has been made to calculate a water balance for the Kali-Hindon inter-stream region. Various inflows and outflows to and from the aquifer have been calculated. The recharge due to rainfall and other recharge parameters such as horizontal inflow, irrigation return flow and canal seepage were also evaluated. Groundwater withdrawals, evaporation from the water table, discharge from the aquifer to rivers and horizontal subsurface outflows were also estimated. The results show that total recharge into the system is 148.72 million cubic metres (Mcum), whereas the total discharge is 161.06 Mcum, leaving a deficit balance of −12.34 Mcum. Similarly, the groundwater balance was evaluated for the successive four years. The result shows that the groundwater balance is highly sensitive to variation in rainfall followed by draft through pumpage. The depths to water level are shallow in the canal-irrigated northern part of the basin and deeper in the southern part. The pre-monsoon and post-monsoon water levels range from 4.6 to 17.7 m below ground level (bgl) and from 3.5 to 16.5 m bgl respectively. It is concluded that the groundwater may be pumped in the canal-irrigated northern part, while withdrawals may be restricted to the southern portion of the basin, where intense abstraction has led to rapidly falling water table levels.  相似文献   
Groundwater development has contributed significantly to food security and reduction in poverty in Pakistan. Due to rapid population growth there has been a dramatic increase in the intensity of groundwater exploitation leading to declining water tables and deteriorating groundwater quality. In such prevailing conditions, the hydrogeological appraisal of escalating groundwater exploitation has become of paramount importance. Keeping this in view, a surface water–groundwater quantity and quality model was developed to assess future groundwater trends in the Rechna Doab (RD), a sub-catchment of the Indus River Basin. Scenario analysis shows that if dry conditions persist, there will be an overall decline in groundwater levels of around 10 m for the whole of RD during the next 25 years. The lower parts of RD with limited surface water supplies will undergo the highest decline in groundwater levels (10 to 20 m), which will make groundwater pumping very expensive for farmers. There is a high risk of groundwater salinization due to vertical upconing and lateral movement of highly saline groundwater into the fresh shallow aquifers in the upper parts of RD. If groundwater pumping is allowed to increase at the current rate, there will be an overall decline in groundwater salinity for the lower and middle parts of RD because of enhanced river leakage.  相似文献   
Summary Analytical transmission electron microscopy has been used to investigate two zincian dolomites occurring as overgrowths on calcite from the oxidized zone of the ore bodies at Broken Hill, New South Wales. Particular attention has been focussed on the nature of the microstructures, and any correlations between microstructure and local composition, especially zinc content. The possible occurrence of tiny amounts of the zinc dolomite, minrecordite, has also been explored.The most notable features in the zincian dolomite are fine-scale distributions of ribbonlike calcitic second phase, growth bands, and modulated microstructures (strong modulations in diffraction contrast). Their occurrence is correlated with calcium in excess of stoichiometric requirements, but is not directly influenced by zinc content. The associated calcites are low in zinc, but they also exhibit carbonate second phase, which is thought to be dolomitic although giving no detectable order (b-type) reflections. Long-exposure electron diffraction patterns, however, revealed the presence of diffuse c-type superstructure reflections, which are thought to arise from smaller volumes in which Ca and Mg cations are ordered, for which a model is proposed.
Zusammensetzungsabhängige Mikrogefüge in Zn-haltigen Karbonat-Vergesellschaftungen von Broken Hill, New South Wales
Zusammenfassung Analytische Transmissionselektronenmikroskopie wurde benutzt um zwei Zn-haltige Dolomite zu untersuchen, die als Überzüge von Calcit aus der Oxidationszone der Erzkörper von Broken Hill, New South Wales, auftraten. Besondere Aufmerksamkeit wurde der Art der Mikrogefüge und möglichen Korrelationen zwischen Mikrogefüge und der lokalen Zusammensetzung, vor allem dem Zn-Gehalt, gewidmet. Dem möglichen Auftreten von geringen Mengen des Zn-Dolomit, Minrecordit, wurde ebenfalls nachgegangen.Die bemerkenswertesten Erscheinungen im Zn-haltigen Dolomit sind feine bandartige Verteilung einer calcitischen Phase, Wachstumsbänder und modulierte Strukturen (starke Modulationen im Beugungskontrast sichtbar). Ihr Auftreten ist mit über das stöchiometrische Verhältnis hinaus vorhandenem Ca korreliert; es ist aber vom Zn-Gehalt nicht direkt beeinflußt. Die mitvergesellschafteten Calcite haben einen niedrigen Zn-Gehalt, zeigen aber eine weitere Karbonatphase. Diese wird für dolomitsch gehalten, obwohl keine entsprechenden Ordnungsreflexe (b-Reflexè) nachweisbar waren. Sehr lange belichtete Elektronenbeugungs-Aufnahmen zeigen jedoch diffuse c-Typ-Über-struktur-Reflexe. Diese sind wahrscheinlich auf kleine Bereiche beschränkt, in dener die Ca und Mg Kationen geordnet sind, wofür ein Modell vorgeschlagen wird.

With 10 Figures  相似文献   
Water culture experiments were conducted to study the response of ten wheat genotypes to external K application (10 mmol KCI dm?3) at seedling stage under saline condition (0 and 100 mmol NaCl dm?3). The data showed that there was an increase in the shoot and root length with the application of external K. The increase was more pronounced under control than under saline conditions. The better performing genotypes under two treatments were Bhitai, NIAB-41, NIAB-I076 and Khirman. The enhanced growth of these genotypes under saline condition might be due to the quick response to external K application, resulting in high K/Na ratio. The results indicated that the genotypes, which have the ability of enhanced K/Na discrimination, might perform better under saline conditions when sufficient potassium is applied in the rooting medium.  相似文献   
The effects of urban development on the natural ecosystem and its link to the increased flooding in Houston, Texas were evaluated. Houston is suitable for this type of analysis due to its 1.95 million population, large geographic area and fast growth rate. Using neural network techniques, four Landsat Thematic Mapper images were grouped into five land use classes for the period 1984 to 2003: vegetation, bare ground, water, concrete and asphalt. Results show that asphalt and concrete increased 21% in the time period 1984–1994, 39% in 1994–2000 and 114%, from 2000 to 2003, while vegetation suffered an overall decrease. When change detection data are compared with runoff ratio data, a relationship between increased runoff and urban development is apparent, which indicates increased chances of flooding. Initial results of this work are made available to the public in GIS format via internet using Arc Internet Map Server (ArcIMS) at .  相似文献   
A careful selection of waste dumpsites, particularly hazardous ones, is very important for sustainable water resources management. Several laboratory experiments were carried out on the field samples to study adsorption capacity using p-dichlorobenzene (a solvent used in various industrial processes) as the test contaminant. The effect of parameters such as organic matter, clay, and iron and aluminium oxides, which are known to influence the soil adsorption capacity, are studied in the present work. Several soil samples from the Patancheru Industrial Area (Hyderabad, India) were collected and characterized. Only three soils, which had a comparatively high percentage of organic matter, clay, iron and aluminium oxide contents were used for the adsorption studies. The results clearly indicated a decrease in the adsorption capacity of the soils by as much as 75% when organic matter was removed. The other parameters such as clay and iron and aluminium oxides also play an important role in adsorption (57 and 39.8% reduction respectively). It was observed that out of the selected factors organic matter in the soils has the maximum effect regarding the adsorption of p-dichlorobenzene. Since the selected soils contain comparatively more organic matter, clay and iron and aluminium oxides in the selected industrial area, these can be used as sites for dumping hazardous waste, which can be further treated by methods like bioremediation.  相似文献   
In the present study, the retention capacity of carbonaceous material obtained from the diesel engine exhaust mufflers for Cr(VI) removal has been investigated. The physicochemical properties such as density, pH of aqueous slurry, pH at point of zero charge, ash content, moisture content, volatile matter, surface area, scanning electron microscopy and electron dispersive spectroscopy of the carbonaceous material were determined. The capacity of adsorbent for removal of Cr(VI) from aqueous solution was observed under different experimental condition like contact time, initial concentration of metal ions, pH and temperatures on the adsorption capacity of the adsorbent. Maximum adsorption of Cr(VI) ions was found at low pH. The adsorption process was found to follow second-order kinetics. The rate constant was evaluated at different temperatures along with other thermodynamic parameters like activation energy, Gibbs free energy change, enthalpy change and entropy change. Both Langmuir and Freundlich isotherms were used to describe the adsorption equilibrium of carbonaceous material at different temperatures. Langmuir isotherm shows better fit than Freundlich isotherm at given conditions. The result shows that low-cost carbonaceous material from diesel engine exhaust mufflers can be efficiently used for wastewater treatment containing Cr(VI) ions.  相似文献   
The paper presents the uranium (U) concentration and distribution pattern in the Paleoproterozoic phosphorites of Lalitpur district of Uttar Pradesh. The study of thin sections, SEM and XRD reveal that apatite is the essential phosphate mineral while quartz and feldspars are the dominant gangue in the phosphorites of the investigated area. The collophane is observed to be mostly oolitic in form and microspherulitic in texture. The major element geochemistry indicated that the phosphorite samples are rich in P2O5, CaO, SiO2 and Fe2O3 whereas depletion of MgO, MnO, K2O and Al2O3 was observed. The CaO/P2O5 ratio ranges from 1.13 to 1.46 which is slightly lower than that of cations and anions substituted francolite (1.621) and close to that of carbonate-fluorapatite (1.318). The trace element geochemistry indicates that the phosphorites of Lalitpur have the significant range of U concentration (1.67 to 129.67 μg/g) which is more than that of Th (0.69 to 0.09 μg/g) among the analysed trace elements in the phosphorite samples of the area. The positive correlation of U with P2O5, CaO and U/P2O5 indicates a close association of U with phosphate minerals like collophane (apatite), whereas negative correlation of U with SiO2 and Fe2O3 may be due to mutual replacement. The antipathetic relationship of U with Ni may be an indication of high oxidizing conditions, whereas sympathetic relationship of U with K2O points towards higher alkaline conditions of the basin of deposition during phosphatization. The variable concentration of U and its relationship with significant major and trace elements in most of the phosphorite samples lead one to believe that the deposition of these phosphorites might have taken place in highly alkaline medium during fairly oxidizing to weakly reducing environmental conditions of geosynclinal basin.  相似文献   
A computational framework is presented for dynamic strain localization and deformation analyses of water‐saturated clay by using a cyclic elasto‐viscoplastic constitutive model. In the model, the nonlinear kinematic hardening rule and softening due to the structural degradation of soil particles are considered. In order to appropriately simulate the large deformation phenomenon in strain localization analysis, the dynamic finite element formulation for a two‐phase mixture is derived in the updated Lagrangian framework. The shear band development is shown through the distributions of viscoplastic shear strain, the axial strain, the mean effective stress, and the pore water pressure in a normally consolidated clay specimen. From the local stress–strain relations, more brittleness is found inside the shear bands than outside of them. The effects of partially drained conditions and mesh‐size dependency on the shear banding are also investigated. The effect of a partially drained boundary is found to be insignificant on the dynamic shear band propagation because of the rapid rate of applied loading and low permeability of the clay. Using the finer mesh results in slightly narrower shear bands; nonetheless, the results manifest convergency through the mesh refinement in terms of the overall shape of shear banding and stress–strain relations. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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