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The application of satellite differential synthetic aperture radar (SAR) interferometry, principally coherent (InSAR) and to a lesser extent, persistent-scatterer (PSI) techniques to hydrogeologic studies has improved capabilities to map, monitor, analyze, and simulate groundwater flow, aquifer-system compaction and land subsidence. A number of investigations over the previous decade show how the spatially detailed images of ground displacements measured with InSAR have advanced hydrogeologic understanding, especially when a time series of images is used in conjunction with histories of changes in water levels and management practices. Important advances include: (1) identifying structural or lithostratigraphic boundaries (e.g. faults or transitional facies) of groundwater flow and deformation; (2) defining the material and hydraulic heterogeneity of deforming aquifer-systems; (3) estimating system properties (e.g. storage coefficients and hydraulic conductivities); and (4) constraining numerical models of groundwater flow, aquifer-system compaction, and land subsidence. As a component of an integrated approach to hydrogeologic monitoring and characterization of unconsolidated alluvial groundwater basins differential SAR interferometry contributes unique information that can facilitate improved management of groundwater resources. Future satellite SAR missions specifically designed for differential interferometry will enhance these contributions.  相似文献   
Stable water isotopes δ18O and δ2H are used to investigate precipitation trends and storm dynamics to advance knowledge of precipitation patterns in a warming world. Herein, δ18O and δ2H were used to determine the relationship between extratropical cyclonic precipitation and local meteoric water lines (LMWLs) in the eastern Ohio Valley and the eastern United States. Precipitation volume weighted and unweighted central Ohio LMWLs, created with samples collected during 2012–2018, showed that temperature had the greatest effect on precipitation isotopic composition. HYSPLIT back trajectory modelling showed that precipitation was primarily derived from a mid-continental moisture source. Remnants of major hurricanes were collected as extratropical precipitation during the 2012–2018 sampling period in central Ohio. Extratropical precipitation samples were not significantly different from the samples that created the central Ohio LMWL. Six additional LMWLs were derived from United States Geological Survey (USGS) Atmospheric Integrated Research Monitoring Network (AIRMoN) samples collected in Pennsylvania, Delaware, Tennessee, Vermont, New Hampshire, and Oxford, Ohio. Meteoric water lines describing published samples from Superstorm Sandy, plotted with these AIRMoN LMWLs, showed isotopic composition of Superstorm Sandy precipitation was commonly more depleted than the average isotopic composition at the mid-latitude locations. Meteoric water lines describing the Superstorm Sandy precipitation were not significantly different in slope from LMWLs generated within 300 km of the USGS AIRMoN site. This finding, which was observed across the eastern Ohio Valley and eastern United States, demonstrated a consistent precipitation δ2H–δ18O relationship for extratropical cyclonic and non-cyclonic events. This work also facilitates the analysis of storm development based on the relationship between extratropical event signature and the LMWL. Analysis of extratropical precipitation in relation to LMWLs along storm tracks allows for stronger development of precipitation models and understanding of which climatic and atmospheric factors determine the isotopic composition of precipitation.  相似文献   
About half of the lunar meteorites in our collections are feldspathic breccias. Acquiring geochronologic information from these breccias is challenging due to their low radioactive-element contents and their often polymict nature. We used high-spatial-resolution (5 μm) NanoSIMS (nanoscale secondary ion mass spectrometry) U-Pb dating technique to date micro-zircons in the lunar feldspathic meteorites Dhofar 1528 and Dhofar 1627. Three NanoSIMS dating spots of two zircon grains from Dhofar 1528 show a discordia with an upper intercept at 4354 ± 76 Ma and a lower intercept at 332 ± 1407 Ma (2σ, MSWD = 0.01, p = 0.91). Three spots of two zircon grains in Dhofar 1627 define a discordia with an upper intercept at 3948 ± 30 Ma and a lower intercept at 691 ± 831 Ma (2σ, MSWD = 0.40, p = 0.53). Both samples likely experienced shock metamorphism caused by impacts. Based on the clastic nature, lack of recrystallization and the consistent U-Pb and Pb-Pb dates of the zircons in Dhofar 1528, the U-Pb date of 4354 Ma is interpreted as the crystallization age of its Mg-suite igneous precursor. Some of the Dhofar 1627 zircons show poikilitic texture, a crystallization from the matrix impact melt, so the U-Pb date of 3948 Ma corresponds to an impact event, likely the Imbrium basin-forming event. These data are the first radiometric ages for these two meteorites and demonstrate that in situ (high spatial resolution) U-Pb dating has potential for extracting geochronological information about igneous activities and impact events from lunar feldspathic and polymict breccias.  相似文献   
Abstract– Sacramento Wash 005 (SaW) 005, Meteorite Hills 00428 (MET) 00428, and Mount Howe 88403 (HOW) 88403 are S‐rich Fe,Ni‐rich metal meteorites with fine metal structures and homogeneous troilite. We compare them with the H‐metal meteorite, Lewis Cliff 88432. Phase diagram analyses suggest that SaW 005, MET 00428, and HOW 88403 were liquids at temperatures above 1350 °C. Tridymite in HOW 88403 constrains formation to a high‐temperature and low‐pressure environment. The morphology of their metal‐troilite structures may suggest that MET 00428 cooled the slowest, SaW 005 cooled faster, and HOW 88403 cooled the quickest. SaW 005 and MET 00428 contain H‐chondrite like silicates, and SaW 005 contains a chondrule‐bearing inclusion that is texturally and compositionally similar to H4 chondrites. The compositional and morphological similarities of SaW 005 and MET 00428 suggest that they are likely the result of impact processing on the H‐chondrite parent body. SaW 005 and MET 00428 are the first recognized iron‐ and sulfide‐rich meteorites, which formed by impact on the H‐chondrite parent body, which are distinct from the IIE‐iron meteorite group. The morphological and chemical differences of HOW 88403 suggest that it is not from the H‐chondrite body, although it likely formed during an impact on a chondritic parent body.  相似文献   
We studied the oxidation-sulfidation behavior of an Fe-based alloy containing 4.75 wt.% Ni, 0.99 wt.% Co, 0.89 wt.% Cr, and 0.66 wt.% P in H2-H2O-CO-CO2-H2S gas mixtures at 1000 °C. The samples were cooled at rates of ∼3000 °C/h, comparable to estimates of the conditions after a chondrule-formation event in the early Solar System. Gas compositions were monitored in real time by a quadrupole mass spectrometer residual gas analyzer. Linear rate constants associated with gas-phase adsorption were determined. Reaction products were analyzed by optical microscopy, wavelength-dispersive-spectroscopy X-ray elemental mapping, and electron probe microanalysis. Based on analysis of the Fe-Ni-S ternary phase diagram and the reaction products, the primary corrosion product is a liquid of composition 66.6 wt.% Fe, 3.5 wt.% Ni, 29.9 wt.% S, and minor amounts of P, Cr, and Co. Chromite (FeCr2O4) inclusions formed by oxidation and are present in the metal foil and at the outer boundary between the sulfide and experimental atmosphere. During cooling the liquid initially crystallizes into taenite (average composition ∼15 wt.% Ni), monosulfide solid solution [mss, (Fe,Ni,Co,Cr)1−xS], and Fe-phosphates. Upon further cooling, kamacite exsolves from this metal, enriching the taenite in Ni. The remnant metal core is enriched in P and Co and depleted in Cr at the reaction interface, relative to the starting composition. The unreacted metal core composition remains unchanged, suggesting the reactions did not reach equilibrium. We present a detailed model of reaction mechanisms based on the observed kinetics and sample morphologies, and discuss meteoritic analogs in the CR chondrite MacAlpine Hills 87320.  相似文献   
Meteoritical Bulletin 111 contains the 3094 meteorites approved by the Nomenclature Committee of the Meteoritical Society in 2022. It includes 11 falls (Antonin, Botohilitano, Cranfield, Golden, Great Salt Lake, Longde, Msied, Ponggo, Qiquanhu, Tiglit, Traspena), with 2533 ordinary chondrites, 165 HED, 123 carbonaceous chondrites (including 4 ungrouped), 82 lunar meteorites, 28 Rumuruti chondrites, 27 iron meteorites, 23 ureilites, 22 mesosiderites, 22 Martian meteorites, 21 primitive achondrites (one ungrouped), 17 ungrouped achondrites, 13 pallasites, 7 enstatite achondrites, 6 enstatite chondrites, and 5 angrites. Of the meteorites classified in 2022, 1787 were from Antarctica, 1078 from Africa, 180 from South America, 34 from Asia, 6 from North America, 4 from Europe, and 1 from Oceania.  相似文献   
The Mighei-like carbonaceous (CM) chondrites, the most abundant carbonaceous chondrite group by number, further our understanding of processes that occurred in their formation region in the protoplanetary disk and in their parent body/bodies and provide analogs for understanding samples returned from carbonaceous asteroids. Chondrules in the CMs are commonly encircled by fine-grained rims (FGRs) whose origins are debated. We present the abundances, sizes, and petrographic observations of FGRs in six CMs that experienced varying intensities of parent body processing, including aqueous and thermal alteration. The samples studied here, in approximate order of increasing thermal alteration experienced, are Allan Hills 83100, Murchison, Meteorite Hills 01072, Elephant Moraine 96029, Yamato-793321, and Pecora Escarpment 91008. Based on observations of these CM chondrites, we recommend a new average apparent (2-D) chondrule diameter of 170 μm, which is smaller than previous estimates and overlaps with that of the Ornans-like carbonaceous (CO) chondrites. Thus, we suggest that chondrule diameters are not diagnostic for distinguishing between CM and CO chondrites. We also argue that chondrule foliation noted in ALH 83100, MET 01072, and Murchison resulted from multiple low-intensity impacts; that FGRs in CMs formed in the protoplanetary disk and were subsequently altered by both aqueous and thermal secondary alteration processes in their parent asteroid; and that the heat experienced by some CM chondrites may have originated from solar radiation of their source body/bodies during close solar passage as evidenced by the presence of evolved desiccation cracks in FGRs that formed by recurrent wetting and desiccation cycles.  相似文献   
Contaminants were assessed in Sydney Harbour during baseline and three years of remediation of a former coking and steel facility. Concentrations of PAHs; PCBs; and lead measured in surface sediments indicate overall spatial distribution patterns of historical contaminants remains unchanged, although at much lower concentrations than previously reported due to natural sediment recovery. Recovery rates were in broad agreement with predicted concentrations; or in some cases lower, despite remediation at the Sydney Tar Ponds (STP) site. Contaminants showed little temporal variability, except for detection of significant increases in PAH concentrations during onset of remediation compared to baseline which represented a short term interruption in the overall long term natural recovery of sediments in Sydney Harbour. Recovery (via “capping”) was enhanced following recent harbour dredging activities where less contaminated outer harbour sediments were discharged into a confined disposal facility (CDF) required for a new container in the inner harbour.  相似文献   
Flat-bottomed depression 50–150 m in diameter and 60–80 cm deep occur in the floor of Norton Sound, Bering Sea. These large erosional bedforms and associated current ripples are found in areas where sediment grain size is 0.063–0.044 mm (4–4.5 φ), speeds of bottom currents are greatest (20–30 cm/s mean speeds under nonstorm conditions, 70 cm/s during typical storms), circulation of water is constricted by major topographic shoals (kilometers in scale), and small-scale topographic disruptions, such as ice gouges, occur locally on slopes of shoals. These local obstructions on shoals appear to disrupt currents, causing separation of flow and generating eddies that produce large-scale scour. Offshore artificial structures also may disrupt bottom currents in these same areas and have the potential to generate turbulence and induce extensive scour in the area of disrupted flow. The size and character of natural scour depressions in areas of ice gouging suggest that large-scale regions of scour may develop from enlargement of local scour sites around pilings, platforms, or pipelines. Consequently, loss of substrate support for pipelines and gravity structures is possible during frequent autumn storms.  相似文献   
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