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为了揭示黑龙江哈尔滨白渔泡国家湿地公园沼泽、林地和农田土壤物理、化学和生物性质的差异,于2018年7月25日~8月2日,在湿地公园内,在天然芦苇(Phragmites australis)沼泽、林地、旱田和水田中设置采样地,采集不同深度(0~10 cm、10~20 cm和20~30 cm)的土壤样品,测定土壤样品的物理、化学和生物指标。研究结果表明,白渔泡国家湿地公园不同采样地土壤指标存在差异;与天然芦苇沼泽土壤相比,其它采样地土壤的含水量明显偏低,土壤全氮、全磷、碱解氮和有机质含量都明显偏小,水田土壤速效磷含量偏大;天然芦苇沼泽土壤脲酶、硝酸还原酶、纤维素酶、蛋白酶和β-葡萄糖苷酶活性都高于林地和农田土壤,水田0~10 cm和10~20 cm深度土壤的硝酸还原酶活性显著高于旱田和林地;与天然芦苇沼泽土壤相比,旱田土壤小于0.25 mm的小团聚体含量偏大,而其它采样地土壤的各粒级团聚体的比例变化较小,水田土壤团聚体平均重量直径比天然芦苇沼泽和旱田土壤低。  相似文献   
A contrasting study of the large-scale circulation features responsible for months with many typhoons and months with tew typhoons has revealed that the frequency of typhoon formation over the Northwest Pacific is related to the following conditions:Over the Northwest Pacific, a well-defined ITCZ (Intertropical Convergence Zone) extending eastward to 160°E was displaced to 20°N. At 200 mb, an extensive anomalous anticyclonic circulation prevails over the western and central Pacific. The condition characteristic of a break in the monsoon prevailed in India. The monsoon trough at 500 mb and at the surface over the Indian Peninsula was relatively weak and was accompanied by higher-than-normal rainfall in the northern part of India and lower-than-normal rainfall over the peninsula. In addition, the polar vortex tends to be weak and move to the side of the Northern Hemisphere, opposite to the North Pacific. Finally, abnormally warm water was observed over the Central and Eastern Pacific and abnormally cold  相似文献   
沿海城市海水入侵问题研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
近年来,沿海城市的海水入侵问题逐渐成为人们关心的焦点之一。文章通过资料搜集与整理,对沿海城市的海水入侵状况作了全面描述与分析。系统地总结了海水入侵的若干特点及海水入侵的成因分析与规律,较为详细的分析了海水入侵的基本事实、基本矛盾和各发展阶段的发展原因,在此基础上总结了海水入侵的基本理论。为进一步的研究打下良好的基础。  相似文献   
A contrasting study of the large-scale circulation features responsible for months or seasons with many hurricanes and those with few hurricanes has revealed that the frequency of hurricane formation over the North Atlantic Ocean is enhanced by the following conditions:There exists a well-developed subtropical high-pressure belt displaced to the north; a deep Icelandic low; a stronger-than-normal polar vortex with a deep polar trough dipping far southward along the eastern part of the United States; a dominant high-pressure ridge over western Canada and the United States; and a jet stream displaced northward over these regions. At 200 hPa, an anomalous anticyclonic circulation prevails over the subtropical North Atlantic. A stronger-than-normal upper easterly flow prevails. Positive sea surface temperature anomalies prevailing on a seasonal or long-term basis tend to be favorable for the formation of hurricanes.  相似文献   
Wave induced excess flow of momentum(WIEFM)is the averaged flow of momentum over a wave period due to wave presence,which may also be called 3-D radiation stress.In this paper,the 3-D current equations with WIEFM are derived from the averaged Navier-Stokes equations over a wave period,in which the velocity is separated into the large-scale background velocity,the wave particle velocity and the turbulent fluctuation velocity.A concept of wave fluctuating layer(WFL)is put forward,which is the vertical column from the wave trough to wave ridge.The mathematical expressions of WIEFM in WFL and below WFL are given separately.The parameterized expressions of WIEFM are set up according to the linear wave theory.The integration of WIEFM in the vertical direction equals the traditional radiation stress(namely 2-D radiation stress)given by Longuet-Higgins and Stewart.  相似文献   
原子吸收光谱法和等离子光谱法分别研究了潮滩盐沼植物翅碱蓬(Suaedaheterop-tera)根际与非根际(根上部和根下部)沉积物中Cu、Zn、Pb和Cd的总量和化学形态。结果表明,从总量来看,不同潮滩沉积物中4种重金属次序均为Zn>Pb>Cu>Cd,但同一元素随潮滩位置变化明显,尤以中潮滩差异最显著,重金属总量明显大于其他两个潮滩(低潮滩和高潮滩),特别是根际沉积物中的重金属总量远高于非根际沉积物总量,其比值分别为Cu3·4—4·2倍,Zn2·2—2·7倍,Pb3·2—3·3倍。同一潮滩均表现为根际沉积物>根上部>根下部。Cd含量相对较低,其变化不明显。从化学形态看,沉积物重金属表现为环境直接影响态(交换态和有机结合态)、环境间接影响态(碳酸盐态和铁锰氧化物态)和稳定态(残渣态)。与非根际沉积物相比,根际沉积物中重金属的化学形态发生了显著的变化,Cu和Pb以稳定态为主,其次为环境间接影响态,环境直接影响态最低;Zn与上述2种金属不同,以环境直接影响态含量最高(可交换态是有机结合态的7倍),其次分别为环境间接影响态(主要是碳酸盐结合态)和稳定态。实验结果表明,由于特异根圈效应,一方面该植物使可迁移形态的Cu和Pb在根际逐步得到矿化,使其生物可利用性降低;另一方面使Zn的生物可利用性提高,促进了植物对Zn的吸收利用。  相似文献   
By utilizing the denser upper-air observations from the Okinawa region and the Japanese islands during August 17-23, 1975, the structure of Typhoon 7507 formed in this area has been analysed. It has been indicated that the cyclonic tangential wind maximum occurred in the eastern sector of the typhoon and the strongest inflow occurred in the southern portion of the typhoon about 150 km away from the typhoon centre. There was a deep inflow layer below the 300 hPa level. The anticyclonic outflow was the strongest at 150 hPa and was located in the NE quadrant of the typhoon. The convergence mainly took place in the southern part of the typhoon, while the divergence occurred at the lower and middle levels in the northern sector of the typhoon. The pattern of vorticity and vertical motion field were characterized by the similar asymmetry.  相似文献   
1 IntroductionBothEpinephelus malabaricusandE. coioidesbelong to the genusEpinephelus(Perciformes: Ser-ranidae: Epinephelinae).They are warm water reeffishes that have similar distribution ranges as well assimilar morphological characteristics, which have…  相似文献   
The fragments of 350 bp in 28S rRNA from the closely related monogenea of trematoda, Neobenedenia girellae and N. melleni are obtained by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplified using a couple of special primers and then sequenced. The results show that the comparison of 28S rRNA sequences, with only a base varying in 337 bp accounting for 0.3% genetic difference, from the relative species N. girellae and N. melleni parasitized on the different fishes in different farms displays that they possess a very high genetic similarity of 99.7%, higher than that of 99.41% for the single species N. melleni sampled in different areas, and the intraspecific divergence of N.melleni is 0.59%. Meanwhile, the interspecific differences between the two Neobenedenia and three Benedenia (i.e., B. lutjani, B. rohdei and B. seriolae) range from 2.08% tol 1.73%. In addition, UPGMA and MP molecular phylogenetic trees are constructed and proved to be consistent with each other. Though the morphological characteristics and the results of genetic diversity for the two Neobenedenia show a high similarity, whether they belong to a single species or not are still undefined, and the more genes of them should be further investigated, in combination with the systematical and detailed morphological study.  相似文献   
东海海底地形分区特征和成因研究   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
东海一直以其特殊的大地构造地位受到国内外地学界的关注,但作为主要受构造控制的东海海底地形的研究,以往简单趋势性描述居多,专门深入系统的研究尚不多见。不久前完成的高精度、全覆盖多波束海底地形勘测覆盖了东海部分外陆架、大陆坡全部、冲绳海槽和东部岛坡的一部分,取得了海量的测深数据。据此编绘的勘测多波束水深图和结合测区外的传统资料编绘的海底地形图使我们有机会可以重新审视和系统研究东海的海底地形特征。在定量确定了陆架坡折线、陆坡坡脚线和东部槽坡坡脚线的基础上划分出了大陆架、大陆坡、冲绳海槽平原和东部岛坡4大地形区,继之对各区的海底地形特征进行了研究和描述,并在区内选取了有代表性的5条剖面进行了剖析。另外,从地球内营力和外营力两方面分析了影响东海海底地形发育的因素。调查分析表明:整个东海地形分带明显,地形类型多样:大陆架十分宽阔,总体北宽南窄,从大陆向海平缓倾斜,发育了广泛的NW-SE向沙脊群,自大陆向东南呈扇形发散;大陆坡呈NE-SW向条带展布,海底地形陡峻,呈阶梯状下掉,总体北缓南陡,其上峡谷密布,上穿切外陆架,下直达海槽,同时坡麓上海台沟谷伴生发育;冲绳海槽北浅南深,其内在平坦的背景上发育了众多的海山和海丘,其中心又有槽中槽地形;东槽坡地形复杂,发育了  相似文献   
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