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美国地质灾害防治现状综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
地质灾害的防治研究受到世界各国的广泛重视,本文从地灾防治基础理论、职能部门工作方式入手,对美国科研界的非饱和土理论最新研究进展、美国地质调查局(USGS)地质灾害防治中心的日常工作形式进行了较为全面的阐述。除此之外,还结合作者自身参与的滑坡灾害调研活动,对美国科研人员的野外基本工作方法、野外工作的最主要目的进行了描述。在此基础上,还对中美两国地灾防治现状进行了简要对比,本文所阐述的内容可为相关领域的研究人员提供一定的参考。  相似文献   
Estimating overland flow erosion capacity using unit stream power   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Soil erosion caused by water flow is a complex problem. Both empirical and physically based approaches were used for the estimation of surface erosion rates. Their applications are mainly limited to experimental areas or laboratory studies. The maximum sediment concentration overland flow can carry is not considered in most of the existing surface erosion models. The lack of erosion capacity limitation may cause over estimations of sediment concentration. A correlation analysis is used in this study to determine significant factors that impact surface erosion capacity. The result shows that the unit stream power is the most dominant factor for overland flow erosion which is consistent with experimental data. A bounded regression formula is used to reflect the limits that sediment concentration cannot be less than zero nor greater than a maximum value. The coefficients used in the model are calibrated using published laboratory data. The computed results agree with laboratory data very well. A one dimensional overland flow diffusive wave model is used in conjunction with the developed soil erosion equation to simulate field experimental results. This study concludes that the non-linear regression method using unit stream power as the dominant factor performs well for estimating overland flow erosion capacity.  相似文献   
引言 2011年3月11日日本本州岛东海岸附近海域发生的M9.0地震(Tohoku earthquake,以下称“东日本大地震”——译者注)及其引发的海啸造成数以万计的人员死亡,造成的财产损失可能超过1万亿美元,这是有历史记录以来最严重的自然灾害之一。  相似文献   
山东莒南后左山恐龙公园早白垩世恐龙足迹化石初步研究   总被引:8,自引:5,他引:8  
山东省莒南县后左山恐龙公园内保存了数量众多、形态各异的恐龙足迹化石。该足迹化石群产于早白垩世大盛群田家楼组,主要是兽脚类、鸟脚类恐龙的足迹,尤以前者占优质。最大的一个为椭圆形,大小100cm×70cm,可能系鸟脚类恐龙的足迹。鸟脚类足迹大多为椭圆形,长轴一般30~40cm,常呈幻迹保存。最大的兽脚类足迹为三趾型,长49cm,宽35cm,是大型肉食龙类的足迹;最小的一个长8.5cm,宽4.5cm,可能是虚骨龙类的足迹。另外还发现了少量可能是驰龙的足迹,具有2个很长的趾(Ⅲ和Ⅳ趾),趾间角极小,二者几乎平行。鸟脚类恐龙足迹层位分布局限,但密度较大,产出的层面常发育泥裂、波痕,甚至冰晶痕,与泥岩、粉砂质泥岩等层位相关性较强。  相似文献   
Cloud condensation nuclei(CCN)constitute a reservoir of latent ice-forming nuclei(IFN)active by condensation-followed-by-freezing and by sorption.Two classes of aerosol particles active as IFN by sorption werefound.The first produces IFN concentrations which are dependent on temperature only.The IFN concen-tration consecutively increases with lowering of temperature and does not respond to the increasing partialwater vapor pressure.The second produces IFN concentrations which are dependent on partial water vaporpressure only,The IFN concentration consecutively decreases with decreasing of the partial water vapor pres-sure that takes place with the lowering temperature.Sulfates(mostly ammonium sulfate)constitute an integral part of IFN active by condensation-followed-by-freezing and by sorption.Backward isentropic air parcel trajectories linked polluted air rich in sulfates andclean air with high and low concentrations of IFN active by condensation-followed-by-freezing at-19.7℃ andS_w=0.1%.The experiments were performed in a dynamic filter processing chamber with aerosol particles collectedon membrane filters.  相似文献   
Ground-based measurements are essential for understanding alpine glacier dynamics,especially in remote regions where in-situ measurements are extremely limited.Prom 1 May to 22 July 2005(the spring-summer period),and from 2 October 2007 to 20 January 2008(the autumn-winter period),surface radiation as well as meteorological variables were measured over the accumulation zone on the East Rongbuk Glacier of Mt. Qomolangma/Everest at an elevation of 6560 m a.s.l.by using an automatic weather station(AWS).The...  相似文献   
A vertical one-dimensional numerical model for heat transferring within the near-surface snow layer of the Antarctic Ice Sheet was developed based on simplified parameterizations of associated physical processes for the atmosphere, radiation, and snow/ice systems. Using the meteorological data of an automatic weather station (AWS) at Dome A (80°22′S, 70°22′E), we applied the model to simulate the seasonal temperature variation within a depth of 20 m. Comparison of modeled results with observed snow temperat...  相似文献   
Abstract factor analyses were performed on databases consisting of simulated samples from aqueousequilbria.The program COMPLEX was used to generate equilibrium species in a system of three reactantmetals and five reactant bases.Reactant concentrations and pH were drawn from random-normaldistributions so that sample data vectors comprised a multivariate log-normal distribution of equilibriumconcentrations.In addition,sample groups were created containing different distributions for pH andreactant concentrations.Equilibrium species were shown to contain variance contributed by change in pH among samples aswell as change in reactant concentrations.Factor modelling revealed the qualitative relationships amongthe species and how the relationships change with pH.Factors also revealed those reactants containingvariance in the data matrix.In some cases,reactant variance obscured relationships between pH and theequilibrium species.Since factor modelling of a simulated data matrix revealed the expected chemical equilibriuminteractions,a potentially powerful tool exists for investigating the effects of outliers and error.  相似文献   
在晚白垩世期间,哈萨克斯坦东部的斋桑盆地形成了一个湖盆,一直延续到现在。古斋桑湖中最老的沉积是Tayzhuzgen组,由厚达136m的泥岩、粉砂岩、页岩、石英砂岩、砾岩和淡水石灰岩红层组成。按照当地的地层名称,Tayzhuzgen组包括Manrak、Tayzhuzgen、Aulisbulak、Aktobe、Dysum bay和Kiin Kerish层。在斋桑湖以南的Tayzhuzgen河附近一个地点的Tayzhuzgen组下部,发现了恐龙蛋壳碎片,蛋壳至少包括有两个主要类型:圆形蛋类和长形蛋类。恐龙蛋壳指示了Tayzhuzgen组下部的时代为晚白垩世(可能是马斯特里赫特期)。在本组的较高层位,发现了晚?古新世的植物化石,因此斋桑盆地的白垩系-古近系界线在Tayzhuzgen组内部。在Tayzhuzgen组中,白垩纪与古新世化石层之间的地层间隔只有约50m,由此推测在Tayzhuzgen组内部可能存在一个或多个不整合,或是本组的中部为凝缩沉积,即在白垩系-古近系界线处的沉积速率非常缓慢。Tayzhuzgen组顶部有一个显著的不整合,那里中或晚始新世(Arshantan,Irdinmanhan或Egilian陆生哺乳动物"期")的地层存在于含哺乳动物化石剖面的底部。斋桑盆地的白垩系-古近系界线位于古斋桑湖沉积剖面的下部。这不是一个完整的界线剖面,可能是一个包含有一个或多个不整合和/或一个由慢速沉积造成的凝缩剖面。  相似文献   
1. INTRODUCTIONA natural river adjusts its roughness, channel geometry, slope I length, and Pattern to changing hydrologic, geologic, and manmade conditions. However, some sort of mean condition or quasi-equilibriumcondition appears to exist for natural streams. The earliest attempts to describe the quasi--equlibrium geometry of rivers were the empirical approaches, such as the regime approach proposed by Lacey (1929) andLeoPOld et al. (1953 ). Later, theoretical approaches based on the…  相似文献   
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