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通过分析2006年2月温州珊溪水库地震序列的时空强分布特征,得到该序列具有①频度高、衰减慢、持续时间长;②震中分布集中且呈北西向展布;③震源浅;④各台站P波初动符号基本保持不变;⑤较大地震发生前,空间上出现空段,时间上表现为“增强—平静—发震”;⑥h值先变小后变大,b值缓慢变大等特点。结合地震应急时的预报实践,重点研究了地震趋势判断中比较有效的指标或参量,希望能为以后珊溪水库地震趋势的预报提供借鉴。  相似文献   
Apatite fission track thermochronology (AFTT) and paleomagnetic (PM) results have been used to constrain the Late Paleozoic to Cenozoic landscape evolution of the Lachlan Fold Belt (LFB) around the Northparkes copper-gold deposit in east-central New South Wales. The present-day landscape of this region of the LFB is relatively flat with little expression of the underlying rock and has previously been interpreted to indicate long-term stability of the region since the end of LFB orogenesis in the Early Carboniferous. This was presumably borne out by PM analyses from thick weathered horizons within open pits at the mine, which suggested that significant periods of weathering, and hence relative landscape stability, prevailed during the Early to middle Carboniferous and at some time during the Cenozoic. Results from AFTT analyses, however, indicate that the region must have experienced significant episodes of cooling/denudation during the mid-Permian to mid-Triassic and during the early Cenozoic, as well as episodes of heating/burial during the Late Carboniferous to mid-Permian and during the late Mesozoic. When combined, the AFTT and PM results are in fact consistent and indicate that since the late Paleozoic the landscape of the LFB around the Northparkes deposit has evolved through multiple episodes of denudation and deposition as well as periods of relative stability during which the thick weathering horizons formed. Together these results establish a complementary chronological framework that constrains the Late Palaeozoic to Cenozoic landscape evolution of the Northparkes region and highlights the importance of using dual data sets in elucidating the long-term landscape evolution of similar "stable" terranes.  相似文献   
引入基于Gassmann方程的流体替换方法,在分析地震波P波速度、波速比与岩石孔隙度和饱和度关系的基础上,应用于珊溪水库地震波速比和P波速度变化特征研究,得到:(1)珊溪水库震中区岩石始终处于接近水饱和的饱水状态,波速比和P波速度"下降-回升"的变化实质上反映了震中区岩石"孔隙度增大(饱和度减小)-饱和度增大"的变化,每一丛地震的波速比由极小值逐渐增大为极大值是由于岩石从不饱和状态变化到饱和状态;(2)根据每一丛地震波速比的变化,计算得到珊溪水库流体扩散率αs=1.06×104 cm2 s-1,该数值与美国南卡罗莱纳水库、巴西Acu水库、广东新丰江水库的流体扩散率基本一致;(3)震源区岩石孔隙度上限值为8.7%~2.0%,该数值与华东勘测设计研究院通过室内岩石物理力学性质试验测定的珊溪水库坝址区新鲜流纹斑岩的孔隙度平均值一致。  相似文献   
正地震波衰减品质因子Q是描述地震波在传播过程中能量衰减性质的参数。近年来,研究中强地震前后尾波衰减Q_c值变化特征的文章越来越多,并认为某些频率的尾波Q_c在中强地震前会出现不同程度的变化。从理论上讲,中强地震前几年,由于应力的积累,在破裂强度较弱的部位,破裂集中丛生,会影响对地震波的散射和吸收,引起地震波衰减品质因子Q值的变化。实验表明,饱和岩石的Q值低于干燥岩石。究其原因,湿岩石中存在的一个个薄薄液膜能起到  相似文献   
An integrated system named METEOMOHID, developed by MeteoGalicia in the first stage of the Prestige accident in November 2002 was used successfully in an operational form to support decision making and assist in recovering tasks. Afterwards, METEOMOHID has been enhanced with the aim of developing an operational oceanography system to be used in the NW of the Iberian Peninsula. The METEOMOHID system includes local area hydrodynamic coastal ocean modelling (MOHID), real time atmospheric forcing from a local meteorological model (ARPS). Using the available data from the Prestige crisis, a set of simulations were designed in order to reproduce the oil spill drift. The implementation of a detailed vertical resolution in the model has allowed obtaining a detailed surface dynamic, improving our knowledge of the behaviour of tarballs into the water column. Thus, the wind-driven Eckman drift, the direct dragging of the wind were detached, and the possible existence of subsurface oil was assessed. In addition, the present work evaluates the effects of introducing climatologic large scale currents in the METEOMOHID system.  相似文献   
Filamentous cyanobacteria often dominate benthic microbial communities of antarctic lakes and usually exhibit saturation of photosynthesis at light intensities approximately 100 microEinst m-2 s-1. Incident light regimes are controlled by ice and snow accumulations overlaying water columns during much of the year. Thus, light availability to microbial mats is often below saturation intensity and is strongly influenced by modest changes in climatic factors. A model of net primary production for benthic mat communities of the subantarctic Sombre Lake, Signy Island, was developed (1) to evaluate depth-specific productivities of mat communities, (2) to test the relative importances of model parameters to mat production, and (3) to explore the potential impacts of climate change on mat production as manifested through changes in light regime. Simulated rates of net primary production corresponded to observations on a daily basis (approximately 1-4 micrograms C fixed mg-1 ash-free DW of mat d-1) but were an order of magnitude lower than estimates of net annual production based on field measurements (< or = 3 vs. 11-45 g C m-2 yr-1, respectively). Close examination suggested that the simulated values were more plausible. A detailed sensitivity analysis of model behavior revealed that variations in the time of ice and snow melt in spring accounted for 40-60% of the total variation in model behavior, emphasizing the importance of climatic factors to net primary production of mat communities and the sensitivity of mat production to climate change.  相似文献   
随着人类的活动,地电阻率和地电场观测受到更多干扰。介绍浙江省长兴深井地电台建设过程,并讨论建设中存在的问题,初步分析地电观测资料,证明井下地电阻率和地电场观测在一定程度上可以屏蔽干扰,由此可见建设深井地电台的重要性。  相似文献   
浙江地区水库地震与构造地震应力参数特征研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用浙江区域数字地震台网记录到的地震波数据,采用布龙模式下近震源记录计算震源谱参数的方法,系统测定了发生在温州珊溪水库、宁波皎口水库库区以及浙江地区构造地震共326次地震的应力降、视应力等参数。给出了两个水库区地震与构造地震的应力降与视应力参数特征,并进行了对比分析。初步研究发现,皎口地震的应力降和视应力值均低于浙江地区构造地震;珊溪水库地震与构造地震在应力降和视应力值上具有震级分段的特征:震级ML<4.0级的地震,同震级的应力降和视应力值两者相差不大,而震级ML>4.0级的地震,构造地震的应力降和视应力值均高于珊溪水库地震。此外,测定的应力降、视应力的对数与震级ML之间存在较好的线性关系。  相似文献   
温州珊溪水库地震重新定位与速度结构联合反演   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
通过震源位置和速度结构联合反演方法,利用浙江和福建区域地震台网和珊溪水库台网给出的P波走时资料,得到了珊溪水库地区的三维速度结构,重新确定了珊溪水库地震的震源参数。结果表明:①震中总体呈现NW向分布,NW走向的双溪-焦溪垟断裂可能为珊溪水库地震序列的发震断层。②珊溪水库地震震源深度最大为9.5km,平均为5.4km,小于华南地震区10km的平均震源深度。③水库北、南两岸的地震较浅,震源深度均小于5km,水库淹没区地震较深。水库诱发地震之初的几年中震源深度有一个逐渐变大的过程,这可能是由于库水逐渐往深部下渗,从而进一步诱发了更深处的地震所致。④研究区存在一个低P波速度异常区,低速区位于水库淹没区内的多组断裂交汇部位,地震大多发生在低速异常区内。这可能与水库蓄水后库水下渗有关。  相似文献   
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