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Malik  Anurag  Kumar  Anil  Kisi  Ozgur  Khan  Najeebullah  Salih  Sinan Q.  Yaseen  Zaher Mundher 《Natural Hazards》2021,105(2):1643-1662
Natural Hazards - Drought is a complex natural disaster that adversely affects human life and the ecosystem. A variety of drought indexes are available for monitoring meteorological drought events....  相似文献   
We studied the seasonal distribution of the ciliate community coupled with environmental factors along the coast at three stations sampled (from March 2006 to February 2007) in the Gulf of Gabes (Tunisia, Eastern Mediterranean Sea). A total of 56 species belonging to 11 orders, were identified. Harbor of Gabes station was more diversified (45 species) than both Tabia (26 species) and Karboub (31 species) stations. The ciliate assemblage was numerically dominated by Spirotrichea in Tabia (82% of the total abundance), in the Harbor of Gabes (86% of the total abundance), whereas, in Karboub, Spirotrichea represented only 40% of the total abundance. The unexpected lower quantitative importance of Spirotrichea in Karboub station was apparently the result of the high salt concentration found in water samples throughout the study, probably originating from the saline area surrounding Karboub station, known as Sabkha. The distribution of species in the nearshore of the Gulf of Gabes seemed most likely influenced by the combined effects of temperature, salinity and hydrographic conditions.  相似文献   
Theoretical and Applied Climatology - Snow is a key element for many socioeconomic activities in mountainous regions. Due to the sensitivity of the snow cover to variations of temperature and...  相似文献   
This study was initiated to constrain the geological structure of the Ghadames Basin in northwest Libya. Detailed analysis was based on digital integration of surface data, including SRTM DEM, ETM+ and geologic maps with subsurface data, including well logs and potential field data. Integrated analysis of remotely sensed data of the SRTM and ETM+ were utilized to identify geologic lineaments in the area. Ground-based verification of the remote sensing data was achieved with field work. Interpretation and analysis of the lineaments indicate that the Ghadames Basin is controlled by four main fault systems that trend WNW, NNW, NW and ENE. Well logs and potential field data were used to delineate a detailed picture of the subsurface structure. The potential field data reveal two NE and NNE trending sedimentary basins. The depth of the basement inside the main basin ranges from 2 to 6 km. A two-dimensional (2-D) schematic model shows that the basin gradually deepens towards the southwest. The applied data integration gave new insight into the tectonic and structure patterns of the Ghadames Basin and the adjacent areas of northwest Libya.  相似文献   
The tectonic position of Egypt in the northeastern corner of the African continent suggests that it may possess significant geothermal resources, especially along its eastern margin. The most of the thermal springs in Egypt are located along the shores of Gulf of Suez and Red Sea. These springs are probably tectonic or nonvolcanic origin associated with the opening of the Red Sea—Gulf of Suez rifts, where the eastern shore of the Gulf of Suez is characterized by superficial thermal manifestations including a cluster of hot springs with varied temperatures. Hammam Faraun area consists of the hottest spring in Egypt where the water temperature is 70°C. Conceptual as well as numerical models were made on the Hammam Faraun hot spring based on geological, geochemical, and geophysical data. The models show that the heat source of the hot spring is probably derived from high heat flow and deep water circulation controlled by faults associated with the opening of the Red Sea and Gulf of Suez rifts.  相似文献   
The distribution of protein and carbohydrate concentrations of the particulate matter (size fraction: 0.45–160 μm) was studied, from 22 January 2003 to 02 December 2003, in three ponds of increasing salinity in the Sfax solar saltern (Tunisia). The coupling of N/P: DIN (DIN = NO2 + NO3 + NH4+) to DIP (DIP = PO43−) with P/C: protein/carbohydrates ratios along salinity gradient allowed the discrimination of three types of ecosystems. Pond A1 (mean salinity: 45.0 ± 5.4) having marine characteristics showed enhanced P/C ratios during a diatom bloom. N/P and P/C ratios were closely coupled throughout the sampling period, suggesting that the nutritional status is important in determining the seasonal change in the phytoplankton community in pond A1. In pond A16 (mean salinity: 78.7 ± 8.8), despite the high nitrate load, P/C ratios were overall lower than in pond A1. This may be explained by the fact that dinoflagellates, which were the most abundant phytoplankton in pond A16 might be strict heterotrophs and/or mixotrophs, and so they may have not contributed strongly to anabolic processes. Also, N/P and P/C ratios were uncoupled, suggesting that cells in pond A16 were stressed due to the increased salinity caused by water evaporation, and so cells synthesized reserve products such as carbohydrates. In pond M2 (mean salinity: 189.0 ± 13.8), P/C levels were higher than those recorded in either pond A1 or A16. N/P and P/C were more coupled than in pond A16. Species in the hypersaline pond seemed paradoxally less stressed than in pond A16, suggesting that salt-tolerant extremophile species overcome hypersaline constraints and react metabolically by synthesizing carbohydrates and proteins.  相似文献   
Reliable modeling of river sediments transport is important as it is a defining factor of the economic viability of dams, the durability of hydroelectric-equipment, river susceptibility to pollution, suitability for navigation, and potential for aesthetics and fish habitat. The capability of a new machine learning model, fuzzy c-means based neuro-fuzzy system calibrated using the hybrid particle swarm optimization-gravitational search algorithm(ANFIS-FCM-PSOGSA) in improving the estimation accur...  相似文献   
Theoretical and Applied Climatology - Iraq is classified as the fifth most vulnerable country in the world to decreased water and food availability, extreme temperatures, and associated health...  相似文献   
Ophiolites are found all over the world: from the Alps to the Himalayas, in Cuba, Papua-New Guinea, New Caledonia, Newfoundland, etc. They are composed of hard rocks—basalt, dolerite, gabbro and peridotite, which are formed at the mid-oceanic ridges, with specific ridge-related tectonic fracturing and intense hydrothermal alteration. Their geological and thus their hydrogeological properties differ from those of both granite or classical gabbro and classical basaltic lava. A conceptual hydrogeological model of these hard-rock aquifers was developed based on the convergent results of a multidisciplinary approach at several spatial scales, from rock-sample (centimetre) to catchment (kilometre), on well-preserved ophiolite rocks in Oman. In ophiolite rocks, groundwater circulation takes place mostly in the fissured near-surface horizon (50 m thick), and, to a lesser degree, in the tectonic fractures. Hydrograph analysis (Water Resour Res 34:233–240, 1977), interpretation of numerous pumping tests using both classical Theis and dual porosity models [Water Resour Res 32:2733–2745, 1996; Comput Geosci J (in press)], and mercury porosity and hydraulic conductivity lab-measurements support the aquifer parameter estimates. The hydraulic conductivity K of the fissured horizon is estimated at 10–5 to 10–6 m/s for gabbro and dolerite, and 10–7 m/s for peridotite. The storage coefficient S of the peridotite aquifer is estimated at 10–3 and appears to be controlled mainly by microcracks (20 to 100 m wide). Tectonic fractures in the ophiolite have similar hydrodynamic properties regardless of lithology (10–1<T<10–4 m2/s and 10–1<S<10–3) though the probability of obtaining productive wells is two to three times greater in gabbro and dolerite than in peridotite. Some of the tectonic fractures produce small hydrothermal, hyperalkaline springs in the peridotite. The water budget and hydrochemistry of the Oman ophiolite are characterized and support the conceptual hydrogeological model. Despite low annual rainfall, a relatively low hydraulic conductivity and a significant storage coefficient explain why most of the streams in peridotite are perennial.
Résumé Les ophiolites se trouvent partout dans le monde : des Alpes à lHymalaya, à Cuba, Papouasie Nouvelle-Guinée, Nouvelle Calédonie, etc. Les ophiolites sont composées de roches dures basaltiques, de dolérites, gabbros et péridotites, qui sont formées aux rides mi-océaniques, avec, en relation avec les rides, une fracturation tectonique et une altération hydrothermale intense. Leurs propriétés géologiques et hydrogéologiques diffèrent de celles des granites ou des gabbros classiques ou des laves basaltiques classiques. Un modèle hydrogéologique conceptuel des aquifères de hard-rock a été développé sur les résultats convergents dune approche multidisciplinaire à différentes échelles spatiales, de léchantillon de roche de quelques centimètres à la taille du bassin versant en kilomètres, des ophiolites bien conservées dOman. Dans les roches ophiolitiques, la circulation des eaux souterraines est surtout localisée dans les fissures dun horizon de surface de plus dune cinquantaine de mètres et à un degré moindre dans les fractures tectoniques. Lanalyse des hydrographes (Water Resour Res 34:233–240, 1977), linterprétation des nombreux essais de pompage utilisant des modèles classiques de Theis et des modèles à double porosité (Water Resour Res 32:2733–2745, 1996; Comput Geosci J (Soumis), la porosité au mercure et la conductivité hydraulique calculée en laboratoire supportent lestimation des paramètres de laquifère. La conductivité hydraulique K de lhorizon fissuré est estimée entre 10–5 et 10–6 m/s pour les gabbros et les dolérites, et 10–7 m/s pour les péridotites. Le coefficient demmagasinement S de laquifère de péridotite est estimé à 10–3 et semble être contrôlé par les micro-fractures (20 à 100 m de largeur). Les fractures tectoniques dans les ophiolites possèdent des propriétés hydrodynamiques en regard de la lithologie (10-1<T<10-4 m2/s et 10-1/S/10-3) bien que la probabilité dobtenir des puits productifs est trois plus grand dans le grabbro et la dolérite que la péridétite. Quelques unes des fractures tectoniques produisent de petites sources hydrothermales hyperalcalines dans la péridotite. Le bilan hydrologique et hydrochimique de lophiolite dOman caractérise le modèle hydrogéologique conceptuel. Malgré des faibles précipitations annuelles, une relativement basse conductivité hydraulique et un coefficient demmagasinement significatif expliquent pourquoi la plus part des cours deau sur les péridotites ne sont jamais taris.

Resumen Las rocas ofiolitas se encuentran en muchas partes del mundo desde los Alpes a los Himilaya, Newfoundland, Nueva Caledonia etc. Son rocas duras compuestas de basalto, dolerita, gabro y peridotita que son formadas por los cordones medio-oceánicos y por fracturación relacionada con los cordones tectónicos específicos y alteración hidrotermal intensa. La geología y los propiedades hidrogeológicas varian entre las de granito y gabro clásico y lava de basalto clásico. Se desarrolló un modelo conceptual de los acuíferos de las rocas duras Basado en los resultados convergentes de un enfoce multidisciplinario a varias escalas a partir de muestras de roca (centímetro) a cuenca kilómetro) enfocado en las rocas ofilíticas bien preservados en Oman. En las rocas ofiolíticas la circulación de agua ocurre principalmente en el horizonte de fisuras cercanas a la superficie (>50 m de espesor) y en un grado menos importante en fracturas tectónicas. Los estimados de los parámetros de estos acuíferos se basan en análisis de hidrógrafos (Water Resour Res 34:233–240, 1977), en la interpretación de pruebas de bombeo usando los modelos clásicos de Theis y de porosidad doble (Hamm y Bidaux 1996; Lods y Gouze, [en prensa]), y porosidad de mecurio y conductividad hidraúlica medida en el laboratorio. La conductividad hidraúlica K del horizonte fisurado se estima en 10E-5 a 10E-6 m-s para gabro y dolerita y 10E-7 para peridotita. El coeficiente de abastecimiento S del acuífero peridotita se estima en 10–3 y parece ser controlado principalmente por microfracturas (20 to 100 m de ancho). Las fracturas tectónicas en la ofiolita tienen propiedades hidrodinámicas similares independientes de la litología (10–1<T<10–4 m2/s and 10–1<S<10–3) pero la probabilidad de obtener pozos productivos es dos o tres veces mayor en gabro que en dolerita o peridotita. Algunas de las fracturas tectónicas producen pequeñas descargas de agua hidrotermal hiperalcalina en la peridotita. El presupuesto e hidroquímica de las ofilitas de Omán se caracteriza y apoya en el modelo conceptual hidrogeológico. La baja lluvia anual, una conductividad hidraúlica relativamente baja y un coeficiente de abastecimiento importante explican porqué la mejoría de los drenajes en peridotita es peremne.
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