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In this study, a directional interpolation infinite element suited to a saturated porous medium is presented to account for dynamic problems with semi-infi  相似文献   
This paper presents a second-order work analysis in application to geotechnical problems by using a novel effective multiscale approach. To abandon complicated equations involved in conventional phenomenological models, this multiscale approach employs a micromechanically-based formulation, in which only four parameters are involved. The multiscale approach makes it possible a coupling of the finite element method (FEM) and the micromechanically-based model. The FEM is used to solve the boundary value problem (BVP) while the micromechanically-based model is utilized at the Gauss point of the FEM. Then, the multiscale approach is used to simulate a three-dimensional triaxial test and a plain-strain footing. On the basis of the simulations, material instabilities are analyzed at both mesoscale and global scale. The second-order work criterion is then used to analyze the numerical results. It opens a road to interpret and understand the micromechanisms hiding behind the occurrence of failure in geotechnical issues.  相似文献   
根据印度洋西北部鸢乌贼(Sym plectoteuthis oualaniensis)作业渔场的现场调查数据.分析了作业水深、作业时段、摄食等级和月相等因子对手钓上钩率的影响。统计表明.晚上、午夜和凌晨3个不同时段和不同作业水深对手钓上钩率均有显著性影响。3个时段中,其摄食等级呈先低后高再低的现象。午夜和凌展,上钩率的变化趋势与摄食等级的变化趋势呈显著的负相关。在月相的影响下.离朔日三四天之前,手钓产量呈上升趋势;离望日五六天之前。手钓产量呈明显的下降趋势。  相似文献   
本文使用红外天文卫星(IRAS)巡天数据的最新版本IRAS天空巡天图(ISSA),经过进一步处理,得到了S140S141和S142SharplessHII区-分子云复合体的红外发射强度、温度及其光深的分布.在此基础上对各HII区的一些物理参量进行了统计分析,得到了分子云复合体的红外发射总光度以及复合体中尘埃的分布情况,对小尺度尘埃(VSG)的丰度进行了分析.并对各恒星形成区中的致密团块进行了研究,揭示出其中一些可能的恒星形成区域.同时,对S140区中的有关红外点源作出了能谱分析,并对S141区的激发星进行了讨论.  相似文献   
We carried out a series of linear stability analyses of the radial and low-degree non-radial p modes for stellar models with initial masses of     . The stellar models were computed by using convective overshoot distance     , 0.25 and 0.40  H P. Our numerical results show that the β Cephei instability strip forms a horn-shaped region pointing upwards near the main sequence on the Hertzsprung–Russell diagram (HRD). The lower part of the instability strip for the radial modes join the zero-age main-sequence (ZAMS) at     , while the top of the instability strip extends up to     . The instability strip for the non-radial modes is even wider. The overall instability strip is dominated by the radial and non-radial fundamental modes. The first overtone (the radial-order index     is also pulsationally unstable. We have shown that the β Cephei stability is almost independent of the overshoot parameter d over used for the stellar models, while it depends critically on the metal abundance. With decreasing metal abundance, the instability region shrinks and eventually disappears for     .  相似文献   
DunaIiella salina, a halotolerent unicellular green alga, can accurmulate a Iarge amount of β-caroteneunder environmental conditions. The isorners of β-carotene extIacted from D. salina culturedin medium with different nitrate and phosphate concentrations were analysed by HPLC with Alox-Talumins column. At least six isomers were found in different proportions depending on the culture me-dia's nitrate and/or phosphate concentrations. Nitrate and/or phosphae defidency was conducive tothe accumulation of totaI cis isomers but not of al1 trans isomer. lt is sUggeSted that 1 mmol/L KNO_3and 0.1 mmol/L KH_2, PO_4 are favourable for accumulation of total cis β-carotene.  相似文献   
1.我国西部能矿资源丰富,煤、石油、有色金属矿产等等,在我国占有举足轻重的地位。如果加以开发.将成为21世纪经济发展的支柱。但是,由于干旱缺水,这些资源无从开发。 农业是我国的基本问题,粮食是关键。按目前亩产400公斤粮食的全国平均水平,只能养活12.5亿人,到下个世纪人口高峰期,现有耕地将无法满足生活基本需要。  相似文献   
活动星系核(AGN)是宇宙中最奇特的天体之一。它是真正意义上的全波天体,其中X射线波段的发射功率占到全波段功率的50%左右。AGN的X射线辐射研究涉及天体物理中的最基本问题,例如能量产生、辐射机制和宇宙论等,而Chandra X射线卫星的高分辨率图像和光谱对这一研究有着重要作用。以Chandra卫星的部分观测结果为例,简要介绍了几类不同类型AGN的X射线辐射研究进展:(1)宽吸收线类星体APM08279+5255(z=3.91)的X射线谱分析,以及高红移类星体的观测概况;(2)Seyfert星系NGC 4151延展X射线发射问题的解决,及NGC 1068X射线辐射与光学波段的高激发态发射线([OⅢ]λ5007)有很强相关性的发现;(3)6个BLLac天体样本的X射线环境分析;(4)射电星系X射线喷流的观测等。  相似文献   
5个新发现的X选BL Lac天体   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用ROSATVLA方法筛选,从ROSATX射线源中选出了一批新的BLLac天体和类星体的候选体.1996年12月8日至17日,利用北京天文台2.16m望远镜和新从美国引进的OMR摄谱仪,对这批新候选体进行了光谱认证.经SUN工作站处理,又发现了5个新的X选BLLac天体.此外,还对去年作者在OMR引进之前发现的BLLac天体进行了检验,结果发现,去年发现的7个BLLac天体中,2322+343的CaIIH&K“Breakstrength”为26.9%,稍大于判据25%,因此,2322+343到底是BLLac天体还是射电星系还有待于进一步测光及偏振观测的验证.  相似文献   
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