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Asynchronous Holocene climatic change across China   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A review of Holocene climatic variations in different parts of China shows that they were asynchronous. Proxy data from ice cores, pollen, loess, lacustrine sediments, and changes of sea and lake levels demonstrate that many warm and cold oscillations have occurred in China during the Holocene, including a most important climatic event known as the “Holocene optimum,” a milder and wetter period, and that the duration and amplitude of the optimum period, as well as its start and end times, differed in different parts of China. Uplift of the Tibetan plateau over the past millions of years led to the development of the monsoon climate and to complex atmospheric circulation over continental China during the Holocene. As a result, the Holocene optimum began and terminated earlier in high-altitude regions of western China than at lower elevations in eastern China, and the amplitude of the variations was lower in the east. This suggests that the western higher-altitude areas were more sensitive to climatic change than were the eastern lower-altitude areas. Holocene climatic records in the Dunde and Guliya ice cores do not correspond. Inverse δ18O variations between the two cores indicate that the effects of climate and atmospheric processes on the stable isotopes at the two sites differed. The correlation between the isotopic composition of carbonates in lake deposits in western China and climatic variations is similar to that in the ice cores. The climatic resolution in ice cores and lake sediments is higher than that in other media. The lack of precise correspondence of climatic records constructed on the basis of proxy data from different parts of China is a result of the different locations and elevations of the sampling sites, the different resolutions of the source material, and the varied climatic conditions within China. Further work is needed to confirm both the conclusions and the inferences presented here.  相似文献   
中国南极长城站1998年大气降水化学特征的初步研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
文中报告了 1998年 1~ 12月 ,在中国南极长城站 (6 2°13′S ,5 8°5 8′W ,海拔 10 .0m)采集的 115个有效降水样品的 pH值、电导率和化学组分分析结果。长城站地区降水的年平均 pH值为 5 .6 2 ,电导率年平均值为 85 .16 μS/cm。秋季期间降水的 pH值和电导率较高 ,其它季节较低。降水中最主要的离子为Cl-,Na+ ,其他离子按平均浓度值依次排列为SO42 -,Mg2 + ,Ca2 + ,K+ ,NO3 -,NH4+ 。除NO3 -,NH4+ 外 ,各主要离子浓度间呈显著正相关 ,表明其来源具有同一性。降水样品的离子组成比例与周围海区的海水接近 ,显示了海盐是降水中可溶性离子的主要来源 ,而其它源只对Ca2 + 有一定贡献。该地区的降水具有较典型的海洋性降水的化学特征  相似文献   
不同生境下祁连圆柏叶片色素和稳定碳同位素组成的变化   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:5  
测定了祁连山大火烧(相对干旱环境)和吐鲁沟(相对湿润环境)中祁连圆柏(Sabina przewal-skii)幼树和老树叶片5种色素含量以及稳定碳同位素组成和脯氨酸含量等指标.结果显示:在相对干旱的环境下,幼树和老树的叶黄素循环转换率(Z+A)/(V+A+Z)、类胡萝卜素含量、脯氨酸含量及稳定碳同位素值都较高,而PsⅡ光化学效率(Fv/Fm)及叶绿素含量都较低,且花青素和紫松果黄素含量也较低;在两种不同生境下,除Fv/Fm及叶绿素外,老树的其它指标都显著高于幼树.结果说明色素在干旱胁迫下起重要的光保护作用,其变化是祁连圆柏在长期与环境交互作用过程中形成的一种适应策略.  相似文献   
文章讨论了农牧交错带典型区域的气候变化特点,并运用GIS技术分析了区域土地利用变化。在此基础上,分析了气候变化对土地利用结构的影响,并提出了应对策略。这些对策将促进农牧交错带社会经济增长和生态环境的改善,对实现区域的可持续发展具有重要意义。  相似文献   
荒漠植物叶片碳同位素组成及其水分利用效率   总被引:29,自引:17,他引:29  
水分通常是影响荒漠植物生长的主要限制因子,然而当前很少有关于荒漠群落中植物水分利用效率的报道。作为指示水分利用效率的可靠指标,叶片稳定碳同位素组成(δ13 C值)可以用来探讨植物适应干旱环境的强弱程度。对阜康和金塔同种或同属的植物叶片δ13 C的测量结果表明,干旱可使植物叶片δ13 C升高:年降水量每增加1mm,叶片δ13 C则降低001‰~ 0015‰。阜康荒漠灌木叶片δ13 C值明显高于草本,这样的趋势也存在于甘肃金塔主要荒漠植物中,与前人的报道也基本一致。说明灌木可能更适应干旱胁迫,并且这种现象可能是全球荒漠生态系统的一种共性。对阜康四种荒漠代表植物红砂、梭梭、补血草和骆驼刺的SOD活性的测定结果间接地支持了这一结果。进一步的分析表明,藜科、豆科和某些禾本科植物适应干旱环境的能力相对较强。  相似文献   
神木气田二叠系储层以低孔、致密为特征,非均质性强,气田开发产能较低、开发难度大.在细分层系的基础上,研究沉积砂体和有效砂体空间展布特征,明确太原组、山西组沉积相类型,以及沉积作用是储层发育的主导因素;综合考虑沉积特征、储层发育程度和试气成果等,明确神木气田的主力层位,以太原组、山2段和山1段为3个单元,进行有利开发区块的优选,优选Ⅰ类有利区块8块,推荐叠合有利区.结果表明:在优选有利区内钻井开发效果好,以苏里格气田标准进行衡量Ⅰ+Ⅱ类井比例达到78%,神木气田分层系、优选有利区的开发思路正确,优选有利区准确,对气田产能建设起到促进作用.  相似文献   
In this study, a systematic survey of cultural airborne fungi was carried out in the occurrence environments of wall paintings that are preserved in the Tiantishan Grottoes and the Western Xia Museum, China. A bio-aerosol sampler was used for sampling in four seasons in 2016. Culture-dependent and -independent methods were taken to acquire airborne fungal concentration and purified strains; by the extraction of genomic DNA, amplification of fungal ITS rRNA gene region, sequencing, and phylogenetic analysis, thereafter the fungal community composition and distribution characteristics of different study sites were clarified. We disclosure the main environmental factors which may be responsible for dynamic changes of airborne fungi at the sampling sites. The concentration of cultural airborne fungi was in a range from 13 to 1,576 CFU/m3, no significant difference between the two sites at the Tiantishan Grottoes, with obvious characteristics of seasonal variation, in winter and spring were higher than in summer and autumn. Also, there was a significant difference in fungal concentration between the inside and outside of the Western Xia Museum, the outside of the museum was far more than the inside of the museum in the four seasons, particularly in the winter. Eight fungal genera were detected, including Cladosporium, Penicillium, Alternaria, and Filobasidium as the dominant groups. The airborne fungal community structures of the Tiantishan Grottoes show a distinct characteristic of seasonal variation and spatial distribution. Relative humidity, temperature and seasonal rainfall influence airborne fungal distribution. Some of the isolated strains have the potential to cause biodeterioration of ancient wall paintings. This study provides supporting information for the pre-warning conservation of cultural relics that are preserved at local sites and inside museums.  相似文献   
侯拓  冯海艳  杨忠芳  王增辉 《地质通报》2021,40(9):1584-1591
为研究土壤氟的地球化学特征及其影响因素,选取山东省桓台地区为研究区,系统采集了70件表层土壤样品,并测试分析了其中F元素、有机碳含量、pH值等共计8项指标。绘制了元素地球化学图,掌握了该区F元素含量的空间分布特征。研究结果表明,表层土壤F含量范围为466.30~793.40 mg/kg,平均F含量为621.31 mg/kg,显著高于山东省背景值和全国背景值,具有潜在环境生态风险。研究区总面积70%的土壤F含量较高,其中F含量过剩的土壤相对集中分布在城镇附近;研究区东南部青银高速附近和北部呈零星分布的土壤中氟为适中及边缘含量水平。土壤中F含量主要受控于土壤pH、有机碳含量和施肥。该研究结果为改善研究区环境质量,防止地方性氟中毒提供了基础数据和科学依据。  相似文献   
This study was carried out to investigate the biogenic amines(BAs), physicochemical property and microorganisms in dry salted fish, a traditional aquatic food consumed in China. Forty three samples of dry salted fish were gathered from retail and wholesale markets and manufacturers, which had been produced in various regions in China. Cadaverine(CAD) and putrescine(PUT) were quantitatively the most common biogenic amines. About 14% of the samples exceeded the histamine content standards established by the FDA and/or EU. The highest histamine content was found in Silver pomfret(Pampus argenteus)(347.79 mg kg-1). Five of forty three samples exceeded the acceptable content of TYR(100 mg kg-1), and 23.26% of dried-salted fish contained high contents of biogenic amines(above 600 mg kg-1). In addition, species, regions, pickling processes and drying methods made the physicochemical property, microorganisms and biogenic amines in dry salted fish to be different to some extents. The total plate count(TPC) was much higher than that of total halophilic bacteria in all samples. The biogenic amines, physicochemical property and microbiological counts exhibited large variations among samples. Furthermore, no significant correlation between biogenic amines and physicochemical property and TPC was observed. This study indicated that dry salted fish may still present healthy risk for BAs, depending on the processing methods, storage conditions among others.  相似文献   
鲁东地区地热资源分布规律及勘查定井方法探讨   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
鲁东地区具有丰富的地热资源,在地热勘查、开发和利用中,对地热勘查定井方法的选择至关重要。在介绍鲁东地区地热资源分布特征和赋存规律的基础上,结合鲁东地区地热勘查及施工的经验和教训,针对不同的地热地质条件,分别采用天然电场选频、瞬变电磁法(TEM)测深、可控源音频大地电磁测深(CSAMT)、电磁测深和自然放射能测深等方法对鲁东地区典型地热勘查区进行地热井位确定,并对勘查定井方法效果进行对比。结果表明: 鲁东地热资源主要分布在NE向、NNE向及NW向断裂交汇带附近,为断裂控制的深循环对流型带状地热资源,热储分布主要受断裂控制,勘查定井宜选择在2条或多条断裂的交汇处; 天然电场选频、瞬变电磁法测深对于浅部地层和断裂具有较好的反映; 可控源音频大地电磁测深对断裂深部发育特征反映明显,为鲁东地热勘查定井较适宜的方法; 地热勘查定井宜采用2种以上的勘查方法,避免在物探施工过程中受外在因素的影响。  相似文献   
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