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In this paper, aeromagnetic and gravity anomalies obtained from the General Directorate of Mineral Research and Exploration were subjected to upward continuation to 3?km from the ground surface to suppress shallow effects and to expose only regional, deep sources. Then, a reduction to pole (RTP) map of aeromagnetic anomalies was produced from the 3?km upward continued data. A sinuous boundary to the south of Turkey is observed in the RTP map that may indicate the suture zone between the Anatolides and African/Arabian Plates in the closure time of the Tethys Ocean. The sinuous boundary can be correlated with the recent palaeo-tectonic maps. The southern part of the sinuous boundary is quite different and less magnetic in comparison with the northern block. In addition, maxspots maps of the aeromagnetic and gravity anomalies were produced to find out and enhance the boundaries of tectonic units. Crustal thickness, recently calculated and mapped for the western Turkey, is also extended to the whole of Turkey, and the crustal thicknesses are correlated with the previous seismological findings and deep seismic sections. The average crustal thickness calculations using the gravity data are about 28?km along the coastal regions and increase up to 42?km through the Iranian border in the east of Turkey. Density and susceptibility values used as parameters for construction of two-dimensional (2D) gravity and magnetic models were compiled in a table from different localities of Turkey. 2D models indicate that all of the anomalous masses are located in the upper crust, and this could be well correlated with the earthquakes which occurred at shallow depths.  相似文献   
The purpose of this study is to establish a relation between observed total precipitation values and estimations from a one-dimensional diagnostic cloud model. Total precipitation values estimated from maximum liquid water content, maximum vertical velocity, cloud top height, and temperature excess are also used to provide an equation for the total precipitation prediction. Data for this study were collected in Istanbul during the autumns of 1987 and 1988. The statistical models are developed with multiple regression technique and then comparatively verified with independent data for 1990. The multiple regression coefficients are in the range of 75% to 80% in the statistical models. Results of the test showed that total precipitation values estimated from the above techniques are in good agreement, with correlation coefficient between 40% and 46% based on test data for 1990.  相似文献   
A scientific collaboration between TÜB?TAK National Observatory (Turkey), Kazan State University (Russia) and Nikolaev Astronomical Observatory (Ukraine) involves observations of minor planets and near-Earth asteroids (NEAs) with the 1.5 m Russian-Turkish telescope (RTT150). Regular observations of selected asteroids in the range of 11-18 magnitudes began in 2004 with the view of determining masses of selected asteroids, improving the orbits of the NEAs, and studying physical characteristics of selected asteroids from photometric observations. More than 3000 positions of 53 selected asteroids and 11 NEAs have been obtained with an internal error in the range of 30-300 mas for a single determination. Photometric reductions of more than 4000 CCD frames are in progress. Masses of 21 asteroids were estimated through dynamical method using the ground-based optical observations, mainly from the RTT150 and Minor Planet Center. A comparison of the observational results from the RTT150 in 2004-2005 with observations of the same objects at other observatories allows us to conclude that RTT150 can be used for ground-based support in astrometry for the space mission GAIA.  相似文献   
The results of optical (the RTT-150 telescope) and X-ray (the RXTE observatory) observations of the burster GS 1826-24 are presented. Emphasis was placed on analyzing the emissions during thermonuclear bursts. The results obtained allowed the size of the accretion disk in GS 1826-24 and the inclination of this binary to be estimated.  相似文献   

Eocene intermediate to felsic plutons of different sizes and compositions are widespread in the Eastern Pontides Orogenic Belt in northern Turkey. Of these, the Ta?l?k Tepe pluton in the Havza (Samsun) area is fine-to-medium-grained, with granular, porphyritic, and micrographic textures, and include mafic microgranular enclaves (MMEs). LA-ICP-MS U-Pb zircon dating yielded emplacement ages of 42.9 (± 1.4) and 40.5 (± 1.3) Ma for the host granodioritic pluton and the dioritic MMEs, respectively. Petrochemically, the host pluton has I-type, high-K calc-alkaline, and metaluminous-to-slightly peraluminous features (A/CNK = 0.95–1.06). The host pluton also shows geochemical features of adakite-like rocks with high SiO2 (67–68 wt%) and Al2O3 (15.5–16.0 wt%) content and Ba/La (17–23), Sr/Y (40.7–61.6), and LaN/YbN (14.4–23.7) ratios and low Y (8.2–9.9 ppm) and YbN (3.1–4.4) contents. Whole-rock major and trace element variations suggest that fractional crystallisation played a significant role in the pluton evolution. The N-MORB normalised trace element patterns of the pluton are similar to those of MMEs with enrichment in large-ion lithophile elements, Th and Ce, and negative Nb and Ti anomalies. Chondrite-normalised rare earth element plots show moderate-to-highly enriched concave patterns (LaN/LuN = 14.2–21.6) with insignificant negative Eu anomalies (EuN/Eu* = 0.86–1.14), all of which imply hornblende fractionation during magmatic evolution. The pluton samples have 87Sr/86Sr ratios of 0.704767 to 0.704927, 143Nd/144Nd ratios of 0.512767–0.512774, εNd values of (+2.52) – (+2.65), and δ18O values of 7.9–9.7‰. The isotopic compositions of the host pluton and MMEs are similar to I-type granitoids derived from mantle sources. The MMEs show incomplete magma mixing/mingling, representing small bodies of mafic parental magma. Combined with regional studies, these new data suggest that the parental magma of the studied adakite-like pluton was generated from the lithospheric mantle and then modified by fractional crystallisation and assimilation in a post-collisional setting.  相似文献   
We present the photometric observations of the old nova V603 Aql with the RTT 150 Russian-Turkish telescope during eleven nights of 2001–2002. We show that the star at this time was in a state with positive superhumps and its photometric period of \(0\mathop .\limits^d 144 - 0\mathop .\limits^d 145\) was longer than the orbital period. We found night-to-night variations in the mean brightness of the system that are consistent with disk precession periods of \(3\mathop .\limits^d 3\) and \(3\mathop .\limits^d 0\) in 2001 and 2002, respectively. Analysis of the results and their comparison with the results of other authors using current theoretical models for disk precession lead us to suggest that the change in the disk precession period was caused by a change in the accretion rate in the system. V603 Aql in a state with negative superhumps was found to be brighter than it is in a state with positive superhumps by \(0\mathop .\limits^m 2 - 0\mathop .\limits^m 3\). We hypothesize that the transition between these states could also be caused by a change in the accretion rate. Quasi-periodic oscillations (QPOs) of the brightness with typical time scales of 9–70 min were detected on each observing night. These time scales were found to change from night to night. The detection of QPOs with a period of about 0.05 of the orbital period and its multiples on certain nights provides evidence for the model of QPO generation through accretion-rate modulation by ionization-front oscillations on the surface of the donor star near the inner Lagrangian point.  相似文献   
Mud volcanoes along the northwest margin of the Orinoco Delta are part of a regional belt of soft sediment deformation and diapirism that formed in response to rapid foredeep sedimentation and subsequent tectonic compression along the Caribbean–South American plate boundary. Field studies of five mud volcanoes show that such structures consist of a central mound covered by active and inactive vents. Inactive vents and mud flows are densely vegetated, whereas active vents are sparsely vegetated. Four out of the five mud volcanoes studied are currently active. Orinoco mud flows consist of mud and clayey silt matrix surrounding lithic clasts of varying composition. Preliminary analysis suggests that the mud volcano sediment is derived from underlying Miocene and Pliocene strata. Hydrocarbon seeps are associated with several of the active mud volcanoes.Orinoco mud volcanoes overlie the crest of a mud-diapir-cored anticline located along the axis of the Eastern Venezuelan Basin. Faulting along the flank of the Pedernales mud volcano suggests that fluidized sediment and hydrocarbons migrate to the surface along faults produced by tensional stresses along the crest of the anticline. Orinoco mud volcanoes highlight the proximity of this major delta to an active plate margin and the importance of tectonic influences on its development. Evaluation of the Orinoco Delta mud volcanoes and those elsewhere indicates that these features are important indicators of compressional tectonism along deformation fronts of plate margins.  相似文献   
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