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A computer simulation method has been developed to find efficient drilling grids for mineral deposits. A well-known ore deposit is used as a model to develop an efficient pattern for undiscovered ore bodies in the same area or in other prospects where similar geometry is suspected. The model for this study is the Austinville, Virginia deposit, a Mississippi Valley-type deposit composed of 17 ore bodies totaling 34 million short tons (30 million metric tons). The method employs a computer program that simulates drilling the model deposit with different patterns, including various levels of follow-up drilling. Follow-up holes are drilled in fences at one half the original spacing around holes in the grid that show ore-grade mineralization. Each pattern is drilled 100 times from random starting locations to provide a range of outcomes of drilling, including the best, worst, and most likely. For this study, patterns of 100 drill holes were composed of 10 fences spaced 1000–5000 feet (305–1524 m) apart, each with 10 holes spaced 200–1000 feet (61–305 m) apart. In all, 25 grids were used with zero to three levels of follow-up drilling. The 600/2000 grid, with drill holes spaced 600 feet (183 m) apart in fences spaced 2000 feet (610 m) apart, was compared with the 200/5000 grid because they represented contrasting outcomes. The 600/2000 grid penetrated many ore bodies consistently but with few multiple hits to individual ore bodies; whereas the 200/5000 grid inconsistently penetrated few ore bodies with many multiple hits. The 600/2000 grid was more efficient than the 200/5000 grid at hitting large ore bodies of 1,000,000 short tons or greater (900,000 metric tons or greater) and was made more effective by adding one cycle of follow-up drilling. The 600/2000 grid had a 97% chance of hitting one or more large ore bodies with at least one drill hole per ore body, and the 200/5000 grid had a 64% chance. Once hit, there was an 82% chance that the largest ore body would be penetrated by three or more holes when using the 600/2000 grid and an 88% chance using the 200/5000 grid.  相似文献   
There is a general belief that hydrous minerals cannot exist on Venus under current surface conditions. This view was challenged when Johnson and Fegley (2000, Icarus 146, 301-306) showed that tremolite (Ca2Mg5Si8O22(OH)2), a hydrous mineral, is stable against thermal decomposition at current Venus surface temperatures, e.g., 50% decomposition in 4 Ga at 740 K. To further explore hydrous mineral thermal stability on Venus, we experimentally determined the thermal decomposition kinetics of fluorine-bearing tremolite. Fluor-tremolite is thermodynamically more stable than OH-tremolite and should decompose more slowly. However how much slower was unknown. We measured the decomposition rate of fluorine-bearing tremolite and show that its decomposition is several times to greater than ten times slower than that of OH-tremolite. We also show that F-bearing tremolite is depleted in fluorine after decomposition and that fluorine is lost as a volatile species such as HF gas. If tremolite ever formed on Venus, it would probably also contain fluorine. The exceptional stability of F-bearing tremolite strengthens our conclusions that if hydrous minerals ever formed on Venus, they could still be there today.  相似文献   
By using a combination of X-ray (HXIS), H (Haleakala), white-light corona (Solwind), and zodiacal light (Helios) images on 21–22 May, 1980 we demonstrate, and try to explain, the co-existence of a coronal mass ejection with a stationary post-flare coronal arch. The mass ejection was seen, both by Solwind and Helios, in prolongation of the path of a powerful spray, whereas the active region filament did not erupt. A tentative comparison is made with other occurrences of stationary, or quasi-stationary post-flare coronal arches.  相似文献   
Corotating solar wind streams emanating from stable coronal structures provide an unique opportunity to compare the response of planetary ionospheres to the energy conveyed in the streams. For recurrent solar conditions the signal propagating outward along spiral paths in interplanetary space can at times exhibit rather similar content at quite different downstream locations in the ecliptic plane. Using solar wind measurements from plasma detectors on ISEE-3, Pioneer Venus Orbiter (PVO) and Helios-A, as well as in-situ ion composition measurements from Bennett Ion Mass Spectrometers on the Atmosphere Explorer-E and PVO spacecraft, corotating stream interactions are examined at Earth and Venus. During May–July 1979 a sequence of distinct, recurrent coronal regions developed at the Sun. Analysis of these regions and the associated solar wind characteristics indicates a corrresponding sequence of corotating streams, identifiable over wide distances. The time series of solar wind velocity variations observed at Earth, Venus, and the Helios-A positions during June–July attests to intervals of corotating stream propagation. The characteristics of the stream which passed Earth on July 3, are observed at Helios-A and at Venus (PVO) about 8 days later, consistent with the spiral path propagation delay times between the locations in the ecliptic plane. On July 3, Earth and Venus have a wide azimuthal separation of about 142 . Although the planetary environments are distinctly different, pronounced and somewhat analagous ionospheric responses to the stream passage are observed at both Earth and Venus. The response to the intercepted stream is consistent with independent investigations which have shown that the variability of the solar wind momentum flux is an important factor in the solar wind-ionosphere interaction at both planets.  相似文献   
Body size changes of Bison and mortality age structure data document the effects of climate-driven environmental change and human hunting pressure on large mammals in North America. Morphometric and mortality data are drawn from 58 archaeological and 9 paleontological localities dating between 37,000 and 250 calBP. Proxy information on body size is based on measurements recorded on 901 adult calcanei (os calcis) and 1026 humeri. In addition, published mortality profiles from 24 archaeological faunal assemblages spanning the last 14,000 years were used to approximate the age structure of bison populations. These results suggest that dramatic diminution in bison body size occurred in several short bursts, rather than a continuous gradual decline. These periods of rapid size reduction correlate with times of ecological reorganization, when aridity-driven changes in grasslands decreased forage quality and availability. Mortality age data indicate that the decrease in body size occurred in a context where there was no evidence for a progressively severe juvenile bias in bison populations. Overall, it appears that the changes in body size were a reaction to environmental conditions rather than the result of human predation pressure.  相似文献   
The Hill Country of Central Texas, USA, is undergoing rapid socioeconomic development, but environmental management of this region is hampered by misconceptions about local bedrock, soils, terrain, and hydrologic processes. The Hill Country is underlain mostly by Glen Rose Limestone (Lower Cretaceous) and exhibits a stepped terrain, which has been incorrectly attributed to alternating hard and soft bedrock strata. Other characteristics mistakenly attributed to this landscape include thin soils with scant water-retention capabilities, and rapid runoff as the dominant hydrologic process. This report presents new findings: unweathered bedrock is well indurated, but interbeds exhibit variable weathering rates. Recessive slopes (“risers”) on this stepped terrain result from rapid deterioration of strata having generally heterogeneous depositional fabrics (bioturbation and irregular clay partings) in contrast to ledge-forming strata having homogeneous fabrics. A stony regolith is thus formed beneath risers, providing porous and permeable ground that retards runoff and promotes the formation of moderately deep to deep (two-tiered) regolith/soil zones. These surficial materials on local steep slopes compose important natural environmental buffers; they support diverse biota and enhanced geochemical cycling of nutrients; they also exhibit significant water retention and enhanced erosion abatement. Proper land management demands recognition of these attributes in the siting, design, and construction of facilities.  相似文献   
A general analysis of ionospheric conditions has been made in the light of possible ionic reactions occurring in the upper atmosphere. Data obtained on various parameters, such as ionic production and recombination, show that precise knowledge of the spectral distribution of solar radiation is needed and that other experimental determinations on dissociative recombinations are required.

The ionic complexity of the ionosphere is underlined by describing how the atomic ions O+ and N+ react with N2, O2 and NO molecules. The behavior of the molecular ions N+2, O+2and NO+depends on a group of simultaneous processes involving charge transfers and ionatom interchanges which are more important than dissociative recombinations. The altitude distribution of ions is exemplified by discussing the relative importance of various loss coefficients in the D-, E- and F-regions. It is seen that molecular nitrogen ions are subject to important charge transfer processes, that nitric oxide ions are always final products destroyed only by dissociative recombination. Additionally, the entire production of atomic oxygen ions is related to the photoionization of molecular nitrogen. Some information is also given on possible anomalies in the ratio of O+2 and NO+ densities in the lower ionosphere. From the lack of sufficient experimental information on ionic processes it is shown that a precise analysis of ionospheric behavior remains highly speculative.  相似文献   

Walleye pollock (Theragra chalcogramma) is an ecologically and economically important groundfish in the eastern Bering Sea. Its population size fluctuates widely, driving and being driven by changes in other components of the ecosystem. It is becoming apparent that dramatic shifts in climate occur on a decadal scale, and these “regime shifts” strongly affect the biota. This paper examines quantitative collections of planktonic eggs and larvae of pollock from the southeastern Bering Sea during 1976–1979. Mortality, advection, and growth rates were estimated, and compared among the years encompassing the 1970s’ regime shift. These data indicate that pollock spawning starts in late February over the basin north of Bogoslof Island. Over the shelf, most spawning occurs north of Unimak Island near the 100 m isobath in early or mid April. Pollock eggs are advected to the northwest from the main spawning area at 5–10 cm/sec. Larvae are found over the basin north of Bogoslof Island in April, and over the shelf between Unimak Island and the Priblof Islands in May. Compared to 1977, the spawning period appeared to be later in 1976 (a cold year) and earlier in 1978 (a warm year) in the study area. At the lower temperatures in 1976, egg duration would be longer and thus egg mortality would operate over a longer period than in the other years. Mean larval growth appeared to be lower in 1976 than in 1977 and 1979. Estimated egg mortality rate in 1977 was 0.6 in April and 0.3 in early May.  相似文献   
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