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Summary A procprocedure is presented for the direct determination of the components of the vector of spatial displacement of a point by spatial intersection. The horizontal, vertical and slope distances are determined by integrated surveying systems (electronic tacheometers), and the first survey is adjusted using conditional observations. The vector of displacement on the individual intervals of observation is determined by means of the matrix equation (33) into which it is only necessary to substitute the appropriate vectors of the observational differences.  相似文献   
Jarosite phases are common minerals in acidic, sulfate-rich environments. Here, we report heat capacities (C p) and standard entropies (S°) for a number of jarosite samples. Most samples are close to the nominal composition AFe3(SO4)2(OH)6, where A = K, Na, Rb, and NH4. One of the samples has a significant number of defects on the Fe sites and is called the defect jarosite; others are referred to as A-jarosite. The samples, their compositions, and the entropies at T = 298.15 K are:
Sample Chemical composition S o/(J mol−1 K−1)
K-jarosite K0.92(H3O)0.08Fe2.97(SO4)2(OH)5.90(H2O)0.10 427.4 ± 0.7
Na-jarosite Na0.95(H3O)0.05Fe3.00(SO4)2(OH)6.00 436.4 ± 4.4
Rb-jarosite RbFe2.98(SO4)2(OH)5.95(H2O)0.05 411.9 ± 4.1
NH4-jarosite (NH4)0.87(H3O)0.13Fe3.00(SO4)2(OH)6.00 447.2 ± 4.5
Defect jarosite K0.94(H3O)0.06Fe2.34(SO4)2(OH)4.01(H2O)1.99 412.7 ± 4.1
There are additional configurational entropies of 13.14 and 8.23 J mol−1 K−1 in defect and NH4-jarosite, respectively. A detailed analysis of the synchrotron X-ray diffraction patterns showed a large anisotropic peak broadening for defect and NH4-jarosite. The fits to the low-temperature (approx. <12 K) C p data showed that our samples can be divided into two groups. The first group is populated by the K-, Na-, Rb-, and NH4-jarosite samples, antiferromagnetic at low temperatures. The second group contains the H3O-jarosite (studied previously) and the defect jarosite. H3O- and defect jarosite are spin glasses and their low-T C p was fit with the expression C p = γT + ΣB j T j , where j = (3, 5, 7, 9). The linear term is typical for spin glasses and the sum represents the lattice contribution to C p. Surprisingly, the C p of the K-, Na-, Rb-, and NH4-jarosite samples, which are usually considered to be antiferromagnetic at low temperatures, also contains a large linear term. This finding suggests that even these phases do not order completely, but have a partial spin-glass character below their Néel transition temperature.  相似文献   
The Beetaloo Sub-basin, northern Australia, is considered the main depocentre of the 1,000-km scale Mesoproterozoic Wilton package of the greater McArthur Basin – the host to one of the oldest hydrocarbon global resources. The ca. 1.40–1.31 Ga upper Roper Group and the latest Mesoproterozoic to early Neoproterozoic unnamed group of the Beetaloo Sub-basin, together, record ca. 500 million years of depositional history within the North Australia Craton. Whole-rock shale Sm–Nd and Pb isotope data from these sediments reveal sedimentary provenance and their evolution from ca. 1.35 to 0.85 Ga. Furthermore, these data, together with shale major/trace elements data from this study and pyrolysis data from previous publications, are used to develop a dynamic tectonic geography model that links the organic carbon production and burial to an enhanced weathering of nutrients from a large igneous province. The ca. 1.35–1.31 Ga Kyalla Formation of the upper Roper Group is composed of isotopically evolved sedimentary detritus that passes up, into more isotopically juvenile Pb values towards the top of the formation. The increase in juvenile compositions coincides with elevated total organic carbon (TOC) contents of these sediments. The coherently enriched juvenile compositions and TOC the upper portions of the Kyalla Formation are interpreted to reflect an increase in nutrient supply associated with the weathering of basaltic sources (e.g. phosphorous). Possible, relatively juvenile, basaltic sources include the Wankanki Supersuite in the western Musgraves and the Derim Derim–Galiwinku large igneous province (LIP). The transition into juvenile, basaltic sources directly before a supersequence-bounding unconformity is here interpreted to reflect uplift and erosion of the Derim Derim–Galiwinku LIP, rather than an influx of southern Musgrave sources. A new baddeleyite crystallisation age of 1,312.9 ± 0.7 Ma provides both a tight constraint on the age of this LIP, along with its associated magmatic uplift, as well as providing a minimum age constraint for Roper Group deposition. The unconformably overlying lower and upper Jamison sandstones are at least 300 million years younger than the Kyalla Formation and were sourced from the Musgrave Province. An up-section increase in isotopically juvenile compositions seen in these rocks is interpreted to document the progressive exhumation of the western Musgrave Province. The overlying Hayfield mudstone received detritus from both the Musgrave and Arunta regions, and its isotopic geochemistry reveals affinities with other early Neoproterozoic basins (e.g. Amadeus, Victoria and Officer basins), indicating the potential for inter-basin correlations.  相似文献   
aamuam uu am a (m u naamuu n) u u (a) uu a uu mu uu. mam (19), (28) naam, m amua am mau u m ¶rt; am amu: a) na ¶rt;um am, n n a uu am u uu a uu; ) ma ¶rt;um am, m aam uu a uu.  相似文献   
The orbital evolution of the two meteorites Příbram and Neuschwanstein on almost identical orbits and also several thousand clones were studied in the framework of the N-body problem for 5,000 years into the past. The meteorites moved on very similar orbits during the whole investigated interval. We have also searched for photographic meteors and asteroids moving on similar orbits. There were five meteors found in the IAU MDC database and six NEAs with currently similar orbits to Příbram and Neuschwanstein. However, only one meteor 161E1 and one asteroid 2002 QG46 had a similar orbital evolution over the last 2,000 years.  相似文献   
In the Dem?novská dolina Cave system (Slovakia) and its vicinity, 32 sampling places for regular observation (in 2-months interval) of δ18O and δ2H in water were established. This monitoring included precipitation waters, waters in the surface streams, waters of the underground hydrological system as well as the dripping seepage waters of the cave system. Altitudinal extent of the area was from 800 m a.s.l. (lowermost cave entrance) to 2024 m a.s.l. (Chopok Mt. on the top of the crystalline range). Initial results show some similarities but also differences within the analyzed water types. For precipitation, a high variability of isotopic composition was confirmed, from quite depleted up to more enriched waters (δ18O from -16.8‰ up to -5.7‰; δ2H from -121.6‰ to -32.7‰). During the recharge process and groundwater/surface water formation, precipitation water is homogenized, what is reflected in much more stable isotope content. The most depleted (δ18O ≈ -11.7‰ to -10.8‰; δ2H ≈ -78.9‰ to -73.4‰) were the waters of surface streams, running from the northern slopes of the Nízke Tatry Mts., formed by crystalline rocks, alochtonous to the under?ground hydrological system. Smaller autochtonous surface water streams (formed in the side valleys of the main karstic canyon) are slightly enriched (heavier, as δ18O ≈ -11.4‰ to -10.6‰; δ2H ≈ -78.3‰ to -71.5‰), what reflects lower altitudes of their watersheds. Interesting is the distribution of the isotope content of the underground streams in the cave system. The most depleted are the underground streams directly (visibly) communicating with surface waters (δ18O≈-11.33±0.13‰; δ2H≈-76.88±1.68‰). Extent of the relationship of underground streams to the autochtonous seepage waters (slow circulation through the fissures) is manifested by respective portion of iso?topically enriched waters–as the underground streams show different isotope composition. The combination of the alochtonous water components (from surface streams reaching the karstic area from the adjacent crystalline via swallow holes) and autochtonous water components (recharged directly in karstified limestones) is visible especially on the subsurface stream of Dem?novka. The most isotopically enriched (heaviest) of all water types are dripping seepage waters (δ18O ≈ -10.4‰ to -9.4‰; δ2H ≈ -71.6‰ to -65.0‰).  相似文献   
Summary In the introduction the effect of neglecting the accuracy of the initial data is mentioned in adjusting conditional observations, because this essentially causes the accuracy of the adjusted quantities to be overrated. The effect of changes (errors) of the initial data is investigated for two cases: a) when the initial data are given, unmeasured quantities; b) when the initial data are given and measured quantities which form the conditions of adjustment (e.g., gyrotheodolite directional angles). This effect was rejected in a change of the corrections, in the vrst case according to (14), and in the second according to (18). The effect of the changes (errors) of the initial data was also investigated with regard to the matrix of the co-factors of the adjusted quantities. This matrix, taking into account the errors of the initial data described by matrixQww, and the errors of the measurements themselves, described by matrix (26), is expressed by (31).Dedicated to 90th Birthday of Professor Frantiek Fiala  相似文献   
Methylene blue and rhodamine 6G were used as molecular sensors for the spectrophotometric titrations of the aqueous colloids of clay minerals (montmorillonite, illite and kaolinite). The dyes adsorbed on colloid particles form molecular aggregates, which exhibit spectral properties significantly different from those of dye solutions. Spectrophotometric titrations provide the most sensitive detection of smectites in aqueous colloids (sub-ppm concentrations); and the sensitivity further increases using second derivative spectroscopy. The endpoint of spectrophotometric titrations can be used for the determination of exchange capacity of the mineral in colloids and in this way to estimate its amount. The method is selective only to expandable clays, which was proven by experiments with kaolinite and illite. Spectrophotometric titrations have promising future in the analysis of clays and can be applied in many fields of geology, mineralogy, chemistry, material sciences or in industry. Its application may expand to the analysis of other nanomaterials built from charged particles and exhibiting metachromasy in the systems with organic dyes.  相似文献   
Lepidocrocite (γ-FeOOH) appears to be thermodynamically metastable with respect to goethite (α-FeOOH) and yet the former phase forms and persists both in nature and laboratory. Here we show that the thermodynamic factors relevant to these observations cannot be dismissed, although kinetics undoubtedly plays a significant role in the formation and preservation of metastable phases. To understand the relationships of the FeOOH polymorphs in the bulk and nanoscale, we investigated the energetics of lepidocrocite nanoparticles. We measured enthalpy of water adsorption and enthalpy of formation of lepidocrocite samples with surface area of 42-103 m2/g. Having both quantities measured allowed us to calculate the surface enthalpy for a water-free surface of this phase as 0.62 ± 0.14 J/m2 and the energy of a relaxed (hydrated) surface as 0.40 ± 0.16 J/m2. Our measurements show that a portion of the adsorbed water (∼40% under laboratory conditions) is chemisorbed (strongly bound) with enthalpy of adsorption of −65.8 ± 2.6 kJ/mol of H2O relative to vapor (or −21.8 ± 2.6 kJ/mol relative to liquid water). The standard enthalpy of formation from elements for a hypothetical lepidocrocite with nominal composition FeOOH and zero surface area is −552.0 ± 1.6 kJ/mol. Our results demonstrate that when considering the thermodynamic properties of iron oxides in the environment, a conclusive statement about their stability cannot be made without specifying the particle size of individual phases.  相似文献   
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