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A plasma gun source has been successfully used to obtain sub-bottom profiles. The profiles show better penetration than with a 3-5 kHz source and more resolution than with an air gun. The plasma gun source is compact, self-contained, and requires no complex auxiliary equipment. The device was deployed from large research vessels and a small boat. The plasma gun produces sufficient acoustic energy and with its characteristically short pulse length and broad bandwidth it is an attractive sub-bottom profiler, especially in shallow fresh or salt water.  相似文献   
The limit of solid solution of SiO2 in nephelines has been determinedat 700? C and a water pressure of 15, 000 lb/sq. in. X-ray dataare given for the determination of the composition of nephelinesin equilibrium with alkali feldspar at 700? C. The break in the plot of lattice parameters against chemicalcomposition for nephelines in the system NaAISiO4–KAISiO4(Tuttle & Smith, 1958) is found to persist in the ternarysystem and occurs when six out of the eight alkali atom sitesare filled by Na.  相似文献   
The isotopic composition of strontium in the different partsof the differentiated Skaergaard intrusion has been determined.The average Sr87/Sr86 ratio for the basic rocks was found tobe 0?7065?0?002. Higher values, between 0?7101 and 0?7303, wererestricted to the late-stage acid granophyres. The Sr87/Sr86ratios for the basic Skaergaard rocks are similar to those foundby previous workers. The enrichment in Sr87 expressed in theSr87/Sr86 ratio is taken to indicate contamination of the acidgranophyres by a source enriched in Sr87. From considerationsbased upon circumstantial evidence the average country rock,composed of old Precambrian acid to intermediate gneiss, isnot sufficiently enriched in.Sr87 to account for the Sr87 enrichmentobserved in the acid granophyres by a simple assimilation process.At the present stage of the investigation the enrichment ofthe acid granophyres in Sr87 is unexplained.  相似文献   
New Rb-Sr and trace element data are reported for the GreatDyke and Bushveld Mafic Phase layered intrusions. It is arguedthat geochemical characteristics, such as 87Sr/86Sr ratios andR.E.E. distribution patterns have been little modified by crustalcontamination. Rb-Sr data for whole-rocks of the Great Dyke yield an age of2514±16 m.y. and an initial 87Sr/86Sr ratio of 0.70261±4.Mineral data are consistent with these results. The low errorson the results indicate no significant variation of 87Sr/86Srratios of successive magmatic influxes emplaced in differentmagma chambers. Earlier Great Dyke magmas were highly Mg-richand represent extensive partial melts of the source material.One such influx is shown to have a high Rb/Sr ratio (0.25) anda fractionated R.E.E. pattern (CeN/YBN 12). These ratios areconsidered to approximate those of the source region. The Bushveld Mafic Phase has been dated accurately for the firsttime and has a Rb-Sr age of 2095±24 m.y. Initial 87Sr/86Srratios increase in a stepwise manner upwards in the intrusionfrom 0.70563±2 to 0.70769±6. Each increase isabrupt and occurs at a horizon also characterized by a suddenirregularity in cryptic variation. The Mafic Phase was emplacedas a succession of magmatic influxes each of which had higher87Sr/86Sr ratio than its predecessor. The first magma was both Mg-rich (MgO 21.5 per cent) and SiO2-rich(50–55 per cent SiO2) and was derived by extensive partialmelting of a shallow level upper mantle source. This sourcewas characterized by trace element abundance ratios (e.g. Rb/Sr 0.25; K/Rb 90; CeN/YbN 11), similar to those of kimberlitesand some potassic lavas and comparable with those deduced forthe Great Dyke source region. It is postulated that when the Rhodesian and Kaapvaal cratonsstabilized, underlying refractory mantle became fixed theretoto form a proto-lithosphere. Shortly afterwards, at about 2800m.y. ago, this proto-lithospheric mantle was enriched by passagethrough it of fluids with kimberlitic trace element chemistry.This sub-cratonic mantle thereafter evolved with a relativelyhigh Rb/Sr ratio. Magmas derived from it have anomalous chemicalcharacteristics with respect to those of ocean-floor basalts,reflecting major differences in the evolution of their respectivesource regions.  相似文献   
Evolving factor analysis is used to estimate the concentration profiles and spectra of Bi~(3 )and the bismuthchloride complexes BiCl~(2 )through BiCl_6~(3-)formed by injection of bismuth percblorate into a flowingstream of 1.0 mol l~(-1) HCl.The estimated spectra compare favorably with previously published spectraof the complexes.  相似文献   
One of the major applications of factor analysis in the chemical literature,self-modeling curve resolution(SMCR),is covered in this review,including a historical account of the inethods derived from Lawtonand Sylvestre's original method.Papers treating the theory or applications of SMCR are included.Qualitative and quantitative applications are described where appropriate.  相似文献   
Geoelectrical sounding profiles were collected on the southern part of the Fraser River delta, to provide a geophysical estimate of the subsurface structure and geotechnical properties. The differences between emergent and intertidal areas were assessed, and the geoelectric technique was found to be a viable one in an intermittently exposed tidal-flat environment. The subsurface geoelectric structure provides a link between reflection seismic data sets for Georgia Strait and the lower mainland. The survey was intentionally designed to complement the conventional exploration information for this basin and the shallow high-resolution seismic and drilling which focused on the unconsolidated Quaternary section. The electrical models consist of three layers: (I) electrically-conductive, porous, saturated and under-saturated marine silts, sands and gravels, overlying (II) less conductive and more consolidated marine clays, and variably reworked glaciomarine deposits together with weathered clastic sedimentary bedrock, which in turn overlies (III) less porous, more resistive, relatively unweathered bedrock. Estimates of thickness and geotechnical properties are obtained for shallow layers which are not available from either the short boreholes or shallow high-resolution seismic lines. This information is particularly useful in appraising the liquefaction potential of the unconsolidated layers due to earthquake risk.  相似文献   
Early concretionary and non-concretionary siderites are common in subsurface Triassic sandstones and mudrocks of the Rewan Group, southern Bowen Basin. A detailed petrological and stable isotopic study was carried out on these siderites in order to provide information on the depositional environment of the host rocks. The siderites are extremely pure, containing 85–97 mol% FeCO3, and are commonly enriched in manganese. δ13C (PDB) values are highly variable, ranging from - 18·4 to +2·9‰, whereas δ18O (PDB) values are very consistent, ranging from - 14·0 to - 10·2‰ (mean= - 11·9 ± 1·0‰). The elemental and oxygen isotopic composition of the siderites indicates that only meteoric porewaters were involved in siderite formation, implying that host rocks accumulated in totally non-marine environments. The carbon isotopic composition of the siderites is interpreted to reflect mixing of bicarbonate/carbon dioxide generated by methane oxidation and methanogenesis. Very low δ13C values demonstrate that, contrary to current views, highly 13C-depleted siderite can be produced at shallow burial depths in anoxic non-marine sediments.  相似文献   
The solubility of water in a basaltic and in an andesitic melthas been determined in the pressure range from approximately1,000 to 6,000 bars at 1,100? C. The solubility in basalticmelt is 3.1 weight percent at 1,000 bars and 9.4 weight percentat 6,000 bars; in the andesitic melt it is 4.5 weight percentat 1,000 bars and 10.1 weight percent at 5,300 bars. The temperaturesof appearance of the primary, secondary, and tertiary phasesin the basalt have been determined at 1,000 bars water pressureand at the fo2's of the magnetite+hematite (MH), magnetite+fayalite+quartz(MFQ) and magnetite+w?stite (MW) buffers. Results are as follows: Buffer Pyroxene Plagioclase Ore mineral MH 1,095?C 1,065?C 1,230?C MFQ 1,040? 1,015? 1,010? MW 1,020? 1,010? 995? A comparison of the solubility of water at 1,100?C and up toapproximately 6,000 bars pressure in several silicate melts,ranging in composition from granitic to gabbroic, indicatesthat the spread of solubility is narrower than has been supposed.The marked effect of fo2's on the crystallization sequence inthe Columbia River basalt confirms the importance of this factorin determining liquid lines of descent. In experiments withlow fo2's (MW buffer) and 1,000 bars water pressure, the basaltwas completely liquid at the relatively low temperature of 1,020?C.  相似文献   
Abstract— The objective of this study was to identify and map possible source regions for all 5 known martian meteorite lithologies (basalt, lherzolite, clinopyroxenite, orthopyroxenite, and dunite) using data from the Mars Global Surveyor Thermal Emission Spectrometer (MGS TES). We deconvolved the TES data set using laboratory spectra of 6 martian meteorites (Los Angeles, Zagami, ALH A77005, Nakhla, ALH 84001, and Chassigny) as end members, along with atmospheric and surface spectra previously derived from TES data. Global maps (16 pixels/degree) of the distribution of each meteorite end member show that meteorite‐like compositions are not present at or above TES detectability limits over most of the planet's dust‐free regions. However, we have confidently identified local‐scale (100s‐1000s km2) concentrations of olivine‐ and orthopyroxene‐bearing materials similar to ALH A77005, Chassigny, and ALH 84001 in Nili Fossae, in and near Ganges Chasma, in the Argyre and Hellas basin rims, and in Eos Chasma. Nakhla‐like materials are identified near the detection limit throughout the eastern Valles Marineris region and portions of Syrtis Major. Basaltic shergottites were not detected in any spatially coherent areas at the scale of this study. Martian meteorite‐like lithologies represent only a minor portion of the dust‐free surface and, thus, are not representative of the bulk composition of the ancient crust. Meteorite‐like spectral signatures identified above TES detectability limits in more spatially restricted areas (<tens of km) are targets of ongoing analysis.  相似文献   
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