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Simulating experiments on dolomite dissolution by acetic acid were made under burial diagenesis conditions,at temperatures ranging from 75℃to 130℃ and pressures from 20 MPA to 30MPa,The results show that the dissolution rate of dolomite increased rapidly with increasing temperature and prssure,From 75℃/Mpa to 130℃/30 MPa,the total amount of released ca and Mg increased from 32.98mg/L to 337.9mg/L,over one order of magnitude in difference,Thermodynamic calculation indicates that the increment of Gibbs free energy (ΔG) of the chemical reaction decreases with increasing temperature and pressure.This thermodynamic result is consistent with the experimental result.Based on the Experimental results.it is suggested that secondary prosities formed by dolomite dissolution under conditions of deep burial diagenesis should be more common than those under epigenesis and shallow burial conditions,and therefore dolomite reservoires in the formations that have been deeply buried should be more abundant than in the formations that have only been shallowly buried.  相似文献   
2008年5月12日T14:28汶川发生8.0级大地震,2008年5月13日T5:00江苏省发生滨海ML3.8地震。滨海地震是否是由汶川地震触发的、可指示滨海附近中短期内将发生中强地震的"诱发前震"?基于此,本文进行了如下研究:①统计南北地震带及中国台湾7.3级以上、日本7.5级以上大地震;②统计①中大震发生后3天时间(72 h)内,华北中南部地区发生的M_L 3以上地震;③统计大震发生后1年内在M_L 3地震附近地区(距震中350 km以内)发生的5级以上地震;④对上述3组地震是否存在链式关系进行统计研究,即研究特定条件下的A—F—B链式地震现象在华北中南部的预报效果。研究结果表明:根据目前所拥有的统计资料,无法确定2008年5月13日滨海M_L 3.8地震是由汶川8级地震诱发的"前兆地震"。  相似文献   
GPS掩星技术低轨卫星计划的现状及进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
主要介绍了几个国际上已经实施的GPS掩星计划(GPS/MET,Φrsted,Sunsat,SAC-C,CHAMP)和在研的(COSMIC,ACE)低轨卫星计划的现状及取得的进展。通过总结可知,下一代GPS掩星接收器应具有体积小、质量轻(几百克)、低功耗的特点;能提供实时的卫星物理状态参数;飞行器上的自主计算和控制;星上数据通信和命令解释;所有跟踪数据应符合厘米级精密定轨的要求;能提供掩星和海洋反射实验的测量。  相似文献   
Regional drought frequency analysis was carried out in the Poyang Lake basin (PLB) from 1960–2014 based on three standardized drought indices: the standardized precipitation index (SPI), the standardized precipitation evapotranspiration index (SPEI) and the standardized Palmer drought index (SPDI). Drought events and characteristics were extracted. A Gumbel–Hougaard (GH) copula was selected to construct the bivariate probability distribution of drought duration and severity, and the joint return periods (T a ) were calculated. Results showed that there were 50 (50 and 40) drought events in the past 55 years based on the SPI (SPEI and SPDI), and 9 (8 and 10) of them were severe with T a more than 10 years, occurred in the 1960s, the 1970s and the 2000s. Overall, the three drought indices could detect the onset of droughts and performed similarly with regard to drought identification. However, for the SPDI, moisture scarcity was less frequent, but it showed more severe droughts with substantially higher severity and longer duration droughts. The conditional return period (Ts|d) was calculated for the spring drought in 2011, and it was 66a and 54a, respectively, based on the SPI and SPDI, which was consistent with the record. Overall, the SPI, only considering the precipitation, can as effectively as the SPEI and SPDI identify the drought process over the PLB under the present changing climate. However, drought is affected by climate and land-cover changes; thus, it is necessary to integrate the results of drought frequency analysis based on different drought indices to improve the drought risk management.  相似文献   
对东莞市1∶500地形图外业采集、内业加工、数据规整及符号化、数据质检、入库和动态更新等方面进行详细描述,概括并总结了东莞市1∶500比例尺地形图从生产到更新全过程的技术路线,为东莞及其他地市的大比例尺地形图生产建库及应用等提供重要参考和借鉴.  相似文献   
含油气盆地碎屑岩次生优质储集层的发育,除了与广泛发育的方解石胶结相有关外,在中国西部还有一类与沸石族自生矿物胶结的成岩相有关,其中以溶蚀方沸石胶结相形成的次生优质储集层与油气聚集成藏又有十分密切的关联。经实例分析:与自生方沸石胶结有关的成岩相主要受控于扇(辫状河)三角洲前缘相带、火山岩物源和成岩早期的碱性环境;次生优质储集层的形成在时间上主要处于成岩中期A阶段,在空间上受控于邻近的烃源岩、圈闭和输导体的沟通。方沸石矿物在物理性质上具有抗压易溶(有机酸)作用,较其他常见的自生矿物(胶结物)相对优越,就方沸石易于溶蚀的特点而言是较为理想的自生矿物(胶结物)。其溶蚀对孔隙度的贡献率在50%~75%之间,发育几率占绝对优势。所以,在方沸石发育的相带中寻找以粒间溶蚀孔为主的优质储集层,具有可靠的操作性和现实性。  相似文献   
为了解松辽盆地低孔低渗背景下优质储集层的形成和分布,文中应用岩心实测孔隙度、测井孔隙 度以及铸体薄片等资料,研究了松辽盆地徐家围子断陷异常高孔带的分布特征及其成因。结果表明,松辽盆地 北部纵向上发育3个异常高孔带(ⅰ-ⅲ), 其深度分布范围分别为600~2350m、2500~3500m、3600~4400m,对应的孔隙度分别为12%~35%,6%~28%,5%~20%。第ⅰ高孔带主要发育在中浅层, 主要由Ⅰ、 Ⅱ型干酪根形成的有机酸溶蚀砂岩储集层形成;第ⅱ、ⅲ异常高孔带发育在深层,主要由Ⅲ型干酪根产生的大 量有机酸溶蚀砂砾岩储集层和火山岩储集层形成,大气水淋滤作用也有一定贡献。此外,裂缝和岩相对徐家围 子断陷深层异常高孔带的形成具有特别重要的意义。  相似文献   
彭晓蕾  刘立  计桂霞 《世界地质》2003,22(4):326-330,403
砂宝斯矿区的成矿围岩为长石石英砂岩,砂岩被多期次的石英脉、方解石脉和高岭石脉所穿切,这些多矿物脉是热液流体运移的结果。矿物脉形成过程中对围岩进行了热改造,使砂岩发生了压溶作用、胶结作用和溶蚀作用,形成了蚀变砂岩。由于流体酸碱性和温压的变化,孔隙水介质的性质由酸性向碱性转变,在酸性成岩环境下形成的蚀变高岭石、伊利石将转变成绿泥石、绢云母等。绢云母的大量出现,石英次生加大和自生粘土矿物的形成均是热液流体活动的产物。  相似文献   
采用加拿大2006年人口普查资料,结合旅居加国的经历,统计分析了加拿大老年人口的发展趋势和现状.分析显示:加拿大老年人口前期(1921-1981年)增长慢,后期(2001—2006年)增长快,老年人口数量中,女性比男性多,寿命比男性长,老年人口分布集中在安大略省;人口老龄化发展过程给社会带来了一系列问题,老龄化使政府和企业的养老负担日益加重,瞻养率大幅度下降,政府每年支付养老金及医疗费用的数量增加,导致劳动力市场压力增大,劳动资源不足.文中还介绍了人口专家为解决加国人口老龄化问题所提出的建议和对策,以及加拿大政府在老年人口养老与医疗方面的一些做法,认为值得中国借鉴.  相似文献   
基于卷积神经网络,对某尾矿区1997—2019年水平位移监测数据进行了方向自动识别.该法首先改进神经网络的卷积核并设计卷积-池化结构,然后将多年监测数据分类为训练集、验证集与测试集,并设置其构成比例与运行参数.实验结果表明,采用卷积神经网络模型进行尾矿区水平位移方向自动识别,具有较高的效率和精度,数据运行时间为636....  相似文献   
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