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王威  马华东  王家鑫  朱炳玉  柳献军 《地质论评》2021,67(4):67041119-67041128
帕米尔构造结位于青藏高原北缘,记录了自新元古代晚期以来到新生代完整的特提斯构造演化过程。在长期的构造—岩浆演化过程中,发育了不同时代、不同类型的成矿事件。野外调查表明,在帕米尔北东段,发育了含绿柱石的伟晶岩及含氟碳铈矿的碳酸岩(碳酸岩—伟晶岩组合)。通过独居石及锆石U-Pb定年,识别出该区两期伟晶岩带(包括碳酸岩),分别是新生代和中生代(19~18 Ma和200 Ma),其中早期含绿柱石伟晶岩形成于古特提斯洋关闭后的伸展阶段,而新生代含氟碳铈矿碳酸岩—伟晶岩组合,与新生代陆内走滑伸展事件相关,表明帕米尔构造结伸展走滑启动的时间可能在19 Ma。结合区域地球化学异常特征,表明在帕米尔地区有望在稀有、轻稀土找矿上获得突破。  相似文献   
This study presents the crustal shear wave velocity structure and radial anisotropy along two linear seismic arrays across the North China Craton (NCC) from ambient noise tomography. About a half to one year long ambient noise data from 87 stations were used for obtaining the inter-station surface wave empirical Green's functions (EGFs) from cross-correlation. Rayleigh and Love dispersion curves within the period band 5–30 s were measured from the EGFs of the vertical and transverse components, respectively. These dispersion data were then used to determine the crustal shear wave velocity structure (VSV and VSH) and radial anisotropy (2(VSH ? VSV) / (VSH + VSV)) from point-wise linear inversion with constraints from receiver function analysis. Our results reveal substantial structural variations among different parts of the NCC. The Bohai Bay Basin in the eastern NCC is underlain by a thin crust (~ 30 km) with relatively low velocities (particularly VSV) and large positive radial anisotropy in the middle to lower crust. Such a crustal structure is no longer of a cratonic type and may have resulted from the widespread tectonic extension and intensive magmatism in this region since late Mesozoic. Beneath the Ordos Basin in the western NCC, the crust is relatively thicker (≥ 40 km) and well stratified, and presents a large-scale low velocity zone in the middle to lower crust and overall weak radial anisotropy except for a localized lower crust anomaly. The overall structural features of this region resemble those of typical Precambrian shields, in agreement with the long-term stability of the region. The crustal structure under the Trans North China Orogen (TNCO, central NCC) is more complicated and characterized by smaller scale velocity variations, strong positive radial anisotropy in the middle crust and rapid change to weak-to-negative anisotropy in the lower crust. These features may reflect complex deformations and crust–mantle interactions, probably associated with tectonic extension and magmatic underplating during the Mesozoic to Cenozoic evolution of the region. Our structural images in combination with previous seismic, geological and geochemical observations suggest that the Phanerozoic lithospheric reactivation and destruction processes may have affected the crust (especially the middle and lower crust) of the eastern NCC, and the effect probably extended to the TNCO, but may have minor influence on the crust of the western part of the craton.  相似文献   
应用AMSU资料监测中国地区雪盖的初步研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
根据微波遥感积雪的原理, 提出了利用NOAA-16 AMSU的1通道 (23.8 GHz)、2通道 (31.4 GHz) 和15通道 (89.0 GHz) 等3个通道监测中国五大区域雪盖范围的初步判识方法。由该方法制作合成了2001年10月1日至2002年4月1日中国地区的周积雪覆盖监测图, 与来自全国气象台站的地面积雪观测记录以及美国人机交互式冰雪制图系统 (I nteractive Snow and Ice Mapping System, IMS) 的雪盖图、SSM/ I (Special Sensor Microwave Imager) 雪盖图的比较结果表明:AMSU监测结果不仅具有比较高的准确性, 而且其准确性和可靠性达到甚至优于其它两种积雪监测结果 (尤其是雪季中期)。  相似文献   
华北聚煤盆地南缘淮南煤田晚石炭世-早二叠世太原组含煤岩系普遍沉积铝质泥岩,然而,对于多层铝质泥岩的形成条件及其地球化学特征尚未开展深入研究。在本次研究中,系统采集了淮南煤田张集煤矿补Y1钻孔岩心样品,采用XRF和ICP-OES、ICP-MS分别测试了主量元素和微量元素,对铝质泥岩地球化学特征及其地质成因进行分析。结果表明:不同层位的铝质泥岩来源于同一源区,铝土质泥岩可能受到了更强烈的红土化作用导致其明显偏离SiO2/Al2O3和Fe2O3/Al2O3趋势线;Sr/Ba的结果表明铝质泥岩是在不稳定的海陆交互沉积环境下形成的,V/Cr和V/(V+Ni)的结果表明铝质泥岩是在贫氧到厌氧的沉积环境中形成的;综合主量元素和微量元素的结果,表明了不同层位铝质泥岩的母岩可能是附近古陆的中酸性火成岩,母岩风化产物经迁移至淮南地区沉积成岩。  相似文献   
基于青藏高原GPS形变1991-1999年间的测量成果,通过对中尼(中国与尼泊尔)、中印(中国与印度)边界及中不(中国与不丹)边界附近GPS测站地壳水平运动速率的统计分析,运用平均速度法估算了近10a西部边境地区的形变面积。初步计算结果表明,青藏高原形变对我国西部边界存在影响,在1991-1999年之间西部边界的不均匀形变导致国土面积缩小0.37km2。  相似文献   
小洋山岛位于上海东南面距海岸线约30km处,四面环海,研究其上空的大气气溶胶光学特性对了解我国东部沿海地区及其近海海域的环境和气候影响等都具有重要的意义。对于近岸海岛的气溶胶光学厚度(AOD)观测,至今国内尚未见这方面的实测资料与分析。本次实验利用2006~2007年连续观测得到的AOD值,分析了AOD的季节变化及其与地面风向、湿度和能见度等气象要素的关系,并给出了气溶胶消光谱。分析发现:小洋山地区AOD具有春季最大,冬季次之,秋季较小的特点,而且在低能见度情况下,气溶胶以大粒子为主;盛行西风时,AOD值增大且大粒子比重增加;AOD与湿度有较好的正相关关系。  相似文献   
Laser Ablation Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS) is well characterized by the in-situ, real time, lower limit of detection and high space resolution, etc. Therefore, it is more excellent in the analysis of trace element for varied minerals in comparison to other micro-zone analysis technologies. Magnetite as a common mineral from different deposits and rocks has been focused on chemical compositions by researchers worldwide. In fact, as the insignificant matrix effect for most elements in magnetite, analysis results could be calculated effectively against Fe-rich silicate glass as the reference material. Therefore, researches on trace element distribution of magnetite have been developed rapidly in recent years, and it has a wide application prospect in reflecting the condition of ore-forming, discriminating different deposit types and indicating prospecting exploration. Comparing varied previous discrimination diagrams about magnetite via collecting trace element data from available literatures based on 25 deposits, we found that there was an urgent need for further detailing and reexamining the boundary of fields representing different genetic types, and it was vital for interpreting the data through carefully petrographical observation before analysis. In addition, we discussed several complex physicochemical factors, which would influence the element concentration of magmatite in igneous and hydrothermal processes, such as melt/fluid composition, temperature, cooling rate, pressure, oxygen fugacity, sulfur fugacity and silica activity. In magma stage, Magnetite’s components are closely related to melts composition and differentiation, while fluid features would also significantly change magnetie's components. Furthermore, there is serious interference for discriminating the genesis of magnetite because of late stage fluids and equilibrium again in subsolidus condition. This paper reviewed the developments of trace elements analysis by LA-ICP-MS and important applications about magnetite in mineral deposit so that unique thoughts for the research on mineralization and ore-forming processes could be obtained.  相似文献   
自1950年以来,长江入海输沙量呈阶段性减少趋势;作为长江远端泥,长江入海输沙量的“减沙”效应在浙闽沿岸泥质区是否有相应的沉积信号?若有,该如何进行提取和解译?为探讨以上问题,在浙闽沿岸泥质区采集柱状样5根,进行了高分辨率(2 mm)的粒度测试,并通过端元分析手段分离出4个端元。结合研究区物源及水动力的空间差异,发现各端元有其特定的指示意义:EM1组分(众数粒径约为2 μm)为长江来源的极细粒物质;EM2组分(众数粒径约为10 μm)主要为长江及浙闽沿岸中小河流的细颗粒物质,但以长江为主;EM3组分(众数粒径约为80 μm)主要为台湾暖流带来的较粗粒物质;EM4组分(众数粒径约为200 μm)为长江输运的粗颗粒物质。进一步分析发现,EM1组分对长江入海输沙量的阶段性减少有较好的响应关系:由浙闽泥质区北部至南部响应强度依次降低;在响应时间上存在滞后现象,且从北到南滞后时间增加,由北部的4~6年增加至南部的10~14年。总体来看,细颗粒组分更能反映长江流域变化信息,且泥质区的不同位置对流域变化信息的响应强度差异显著。  相似文献   
上海地区强对流天气短时预报系统   总被引:16,自引:2,他引:16  
以强对流天气的发生、发展规律为依据,从中尺度数值预报模式输出结果、Doppler天气雷达、静止气象卫星、MICAPS系统和自动雨量站网等获取大气运动的各种尺度动力条件、水汽条件、大气稳定度和触发机制,各种天气实况等动态变化资料,结合预报员经验,建立了“上海地区强对流天气短时预报系统”(以下简称“预报系统”),预报系统产品包括强对流天气的形势分析、0~12h展望预报、0~3h滚动预报及警报。预报系统  相似文献   
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