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2022年夏秋季鄱阳湖流域发生了历史罕见的气象干旱事件,科学分析此次干旱过程气象要素特征和干旱发展演变对开展干旱预报预警以及防旱抗旱具有重要意义。利用鄱阳湖流域内87个国家站1961—2022年的逐日降水量、气温和蒸发资料,应用本地化的综合气象干旱指数,分析此次干旱过程的主要气象要素异常特征和气象干旱发展演变。结果表明:2022年夏秋季,鄱阳湖流域及其五大支流平均降水量为1961年以来同期最少;平均气温和高温日数为同期新高或次高,多站极端最高气温创新高;各流域蒸发量远远大于降水量,且秋季降水蒸发差大于夏季;流域各地出现了夏秋连旱,且秋旱重于伏旱,其中9—10月全流域出现重旱或特旱。  相似文献   
This study presented an evaluation of tropical cyclone (TC) intensity forecasts from five global ensemble prediction systems (EPSs) during 2015-2019 in the western North Pacific region. Notable error features include the underestimation of the TC intensity by ensemble mean forecast and the under-dispersion of the probability forecasts.The root mean square errors (brier scores) of the ensemble mean (probability forecasts) generally decrease consecutively at long lead times during the five years, but fluctuate between certain values at short lead times.Positive forecast skill appeared in the most recent two years (2018-2019) at 120 h or later as compared with the climatology forecasts. However, there is no obvious improvement for the intensity change forecasts during the 5-yearperiod, with abrupt intensity change remaining a big challenge. The probability forecasts show no skill for strongTCs at all the lead times. Among the five EPSs, ECMWF-EPS ranks the best for the intensity forecast, while NCEP-GEFS ranks the best for the intensity change forecast, according to the evaluation for ensemble mean and dispersion. As for the other probability forecast evaluation, ECMWF-EPS ranks the best at lead times shorter than 72 h, while NCEP-GEFS ranks the best later on.  相似文献   
基于1961—2021年江西省93个国家气象站逐日气温和降水资料,采用修订后的气象干旱综合监测指数(MCI)进行干旱过程识别,分别对江西省单站、区域干旱过程的频次和累积强度的时空特征进行了分析。结果表明:1) 江西省单站干旱过程发生频次范围为0.57—2.08 次/a,干旱过程年均累积强度范围为-171.9—-35.2,整体空间分布不均,呈“南多北少、南强北弱”的特征,赣南地区干旱频次高、强度强,赣北南部的干旱发生频次和强度则较少较弱。2) 夏、秋季是江西省干旱发生最频繁、累积强度最强和中旱、重旱及以上等级的累积强度最强的季节,春季其次,冬季最次,不同季节的空间分布特征有所差异。3) 1961—2021年江西省区域干旱过程的发生频次(范围为0—4 次/a)随年份增加没有明显的变化趋势,但年干旱过程累积强度(范围为-260.9—0)出现显著增强趋势,增加速率为3.9 (10 a)-1,但均未发生突变。  相似文献   
中国五千年悠久历史文化孕育出了全球独有的古文献资料,而江西自古以来就是文化和农业大省,有关气象灾害的古文献记录较为丰富.江西省气象局搜集省内地方古文献资料,整理得到了《江西省地方志气象资料集》和《江西省地方志气象灾害记载翻译资料汇编》,为进行江西省气候变化研究打下了良好基础,并较好地解决了古文献中未对气象灾害进行定量的问题.目前对鄱阳湖流域千年旱涝序列的研究已经取得一系列成果,说明运用地方古文献研究江西省气候变化是可行的.  相似文献   
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