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北太平洋海表持续加热对夏季中国降水及大气环流的影响   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:10  
用海温距平累积和讨论了北太平洋海温异常持续加热对夏季中国降水和大气环流的影响。结果表明:STPNA(海温的太平洋北美遥相关型)指数距平累积和与江淮流域夏季降水有密切的相关,与全国雨带的类型也有较好的联系。进而讨论了STPNA指数距平累积和对大气环流的影响。  相似文献   
对山东半岛南部近岸海域的106个表层沉积物样品及大沽河、五龙河和乳山河的94个表层沉积物样品进行碎屑矿物分析,系统地研究了碎屑矿物的分布特征及物源指示。研究区共鉴定出40种重矿物和13种轻矿物,重矿物以普通角闪石、绿帘石、黑云母和自生黄铁矿为主,轻矿物以石英、斜长石、钾长石和风化云母为主。根据碎屑矿物组合特征,将研究区分为4个矿物区:Ⅰ区为胶州湾口至崂山头的附近海域;Ⅱ1亚区为丁字湾和鳌山湾附近水深约15 m以浅的海域,Ⅱ2亚区为研究区东南部水深>20 m的远岸区;Ⅲ区处于Ⅱ区和Ⅳ区的过渡带;Ⅳ区为乳山口西南部近岸海域。Ⅰ区和Ⅱ区的矿物组合均为普通角闪石-绿帘石-石英-长石,Ⅰ区和Ⅱ1亚区受大沽河、五龙河和乳山河输入的物质及沿岸基岩、岛屿风化碎屑的影响较大,Ⅱ2亚区主要为晚更新世低海平面时形成的陆架残留沉积。Ⅲ区矿物组合为普通角闪石-石英-长石-片状矿物,Ⅳ区矿物组合为云母类-自生黄铁矿-普通角闪石-石英,Ⅲ区、Ⅳ区物源多样,黄河物质对两区贡献显著。  相似文献   
鄂尔多斯白垩系地下水盆地天然水体的环境同位素组成表明,区内各种地表水体(河流和湖淖)在δ18O和δD图上主要分布在雨水线右侧,其关系线的斜率明显小于雨水线的蒸发线,集中反映蒸发作用对地表水体的影响。盆地内地下水大致集中沿雨水线分布,反映了白垩系盆地内地下水为大气降水成因。盆地南北两区地下水的环境同位素具有明显差异性特点,集中体现了盆地南北两区水循环条件的差异。盆地北区各含水岩组间地下水垂向水力联系比较密切,垂向运动特点比较明显,现代水积极循环带的深度为200 m;南区地下水分层性明显,以水平径流为主,现代水积极循环带的深度为160 m。区内浅层地下水以富氚和高14C含量为特征,反映为现代水补给;而中、深层地下水则以贫氚和低14C含量为特征,反映为地质历史时期补给。  相似文献   
海底沉积物分析测试方法标准的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
依据海底沉积物分析测试方法标准研究的总体设计,完成了40个分析项目的21份验证报告,进行了实验室间精密度协作性检验工作,在海底沉积物CaCo3,H2Os^-,H2O^ 的分析方法研究中取得新进展,并建立了ICP-AES法测定海底沉积物中常量、微量、稀土元素分析方法。  相似文献   
中尺度对流系统与东北暴雨的关系   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
利用2005-2007年6~8月FY-2C卫星逐30min红外云图资料,对东北及其邻近地区中尺度对流系统(包括椭圆型(MCC型)和持续拉长型(PECS型))进行普查分析,并把中尺度对流系统(MCS)分成3种尺度:MCC(或PECS)、MαCS和MβCS,统计分析了它们的时空分布及其与暴雨的关系。结果表明,MCS主要分布...  相似文献   
稀土元素地球化学可以广泛地应用于大洋沉积物的研究中,根据研究目标,选择不同的沉积组分进行分析。全岩样品可以应用于不同类型沉积物间的比较和分类,生物组分如磷质骨屑、有孔虫和钙质超微化石应用于研究古海水的演化特征,而粘土级组分则是研究大洋粘土来源的最佳样品,在研究火山活动历史时,应选择沸石粘土作为样品。上述这些样品多是采用适当的步骤从全岩中分离而出。  相似文献   
Marine biological choruses observed in Xiamen harbour from August 1981 to October 1982 lasted for a few hours each time during the neap tide in spring, summer and autumn, in both the evening and the morning, with molt energy at frequencies between 700 Hz and 1.6 kHz and spectral peaks mainly at 800 Hz, 1 kHz and 1.25 kHz. During choruses, noise spectrum levels rose up to 46 dB higher than the background noise in the sea Mate 0. The statistics of occurrence of the evening choruses indicate that they might be fairly widespread in and near shallow waters of the region. Sources of such choruses are likely to be attributed to Johnnius belengerii and Collichthys lucidut of the family Sciaenidae.  相似文献   
运用Epsilon3系列小型能量色散X射线荧光光谱仪,选取水系沉积物、海洋沉积物等标准物质31个,采用压片法制样,建立了该仪器对海洋沉积物中34种元素定量测试的分析方法,该方法检出限低,精密度高,准确性好。在海上调查期间运用该仪器与方法,对深海沉积物样品进行了现场测试,调查船上的测定值与陆上实验室内的测定值基本一致,两者平均相对偏差基本小于10%,结果表明运用该分析方法,Epsilon3系列小型能量色散X射线荧光光谱仪能快速、准确测定沉积物中多种元素,为及时判断现场资源分布情况提供依据,减少取样的盲目性,这将为我国海洋地质调查工作提供新的技术支持。  相似文献   
2.4拟庸蝶食性的对应分析2.4.1观察量和变量的分组观察量(捕食鱼类)依不同季节(冬、夏季)、不同性别(雌雄性)和不同性成熟状态(幼鱼和成鱼)来分组,因此得到8(23)个观察量。对应分析的变量(饵料)首先根据个体生态的不同分为6个类型:游走多毛类,隐居多毛类,双壳类,不大游动的甲壳类(端足目和等足目),爬行甲壳类(十足国短尾部)和棘皮动物。其他6个类型的饵料生物(类、纽虫类、小型游泳甲壳类、腔肠动物、鱼类及苔藓虫类顺在分组时剔除,其原因为它们的出现可能少了些。考虑到捕食鱼类和饵料双壳类贝壳厚度…  相似文献   
Using NCEP/NCAR reanalysis geopotential height (GHT) and wind at 850 hPa, GHT at 500 hPa, precipitation rate, sea level pressure (SLP) and precipitation observations from more than 600 stations nationwide in June–August from 1951 to 2006, and focusing on the East Asia-West Pacific region (10°–80°N, 70°–180°E), interannual variation of East Asian summer monsoon (EASM) and its correlations with general circulation and precipitation patterns are studied by using statistical diagnostic methods such as 9-point high pass filtering, empirical orthogonal function (EOF) analysis, composite analysis and other statistical diagnosis, etc. It is concluded as follows: (1) EOF analysis of SLP in the East Asia-West Pacific region shows the existence of the zonal dipole oscillation mode (APD) between the Mongolia depression and the West Pacific high, and APD index can be used as an intensity index of EASM. (2) EOF analysis of GHT anomalies at 500 hPa in the East Asia-West Pacific region shows that the first EOF mode is characterized with an obvious meridional East Asian pattern (EAP), and EAP index can also be used as an EASM intensity index. (3) The composite analysis of high/low APD index years reveals the close correlation of APD index with EAP at 500 hPa (or 850 hPa). The study shows an obvious opposite correlation exists between APD index and EAP index with a correlation coefficient of −0.23, which passes the confidence test at 0.10 level. (4) Both APD and EAP indexes are closely correlated with precipitation during flood-prone season in China and precipitation rate over the East Asia-West Pacific region. The significant correlation area at 5% confidence level is mainly located from the southern area of the Yangtze River valley to the ocean around southern Japan, and the former is a positive correlation and the latter is a negative one. Foundation: Cooperative Project funded by the Ministry of Science and Technology of the People’s Republic of China, No.2007DFB20210; National Natural Science Foundation of China, No.90502003; JICA China-Japan Technical Cooperative Project “China-Japanese Cooperative Research Center on Meteorological Disasters”. Author: Yu Shuqiu, Associate Professor, specialized in climate and climate change.  相似文献   
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