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庄照荣  李兴良  陈静  孙健 《大气科学》2020,44(5):1076-1092
为了把反映天气形势变化的背景误差协方差引入到变分分析系统中来提高分析质量,本文在GRAPES区域三维变分框架的基础上通过扩展控制变量方法实现动态与静态背景误差协方差耦合,建立混合三维变分分析系统(GRAPES Hybrid-3DVar)。通过控制变量扰动产生的集合样本进行单点观测分析试验验证Hybrid-3DVar及其局地化方案的合理性,并针对台风苏迪罗进行实际观测资料同化和数值预报试验,结果表明:用集合样本描述的背景误差协方差是随着天气流型变化的,动力场和质量场的离散度在台风中心处最大,因而混合同化的分析增量包含更多细微结构和中小尺度信息;其分析和24 h内预报要素质量优于3DVar,24 h内降水强度和落区预报也更准确,混合同化分析改善了3DVar分析的降水空报问题;同时混合同化分析的24 h内台风路径预报也最接近实况,台风强度预报在48 h之内都比3DVar更接近观测。  相似文献   
Based on the GRAPES-MESO hybrid En-3 DVAR(Ensemble three-dimension hybrid data assimilation for Global/Regional Assimilation and Prediction system) constructed by China Meteorological Administration, a 7-day simulation(from 10 July 2015 to 16 July 2015) is conducted for horizontal localization scales. 48 h forecasts have been designed for each test, and seven different horizontal localization scales of 250, 500, 750, 1000, 1250, 1500 and 1750 km are set. The 7-day simulation results show that the optimal horizontal localization scales over the Tibetan Plateau and the plain area are 1500 km and 1000 km, respectively. As a result, based on the GRAPES-MESO hybrid En-3 DVAR, a topography-dependent horizontal localization scale scheme(hereinafter referred to as GRAPES-MESO hybrid En-3 DVAR-TD-HLS) has been constructed. The data assimilation and forecast experiments have been implemented by GRAPES-MESO hybrid En-3 DVAR, 3 DVAR and GRAPES-MESO hybrid En-3 DVAR-TD-HLS, and then the analysis and forecast field of these three systems are compared. The results show that the analysis field and forecast field within 30 h of GRAPES-MESO hybrid En-3 DVAR-TD-HLS are better than those of the other two data assimilation systems. Particularly in the analysis field, the root mean square error(RMSE) of u_wind and v_wind in the entire vertical levels is significantly less than that of the other two systems. The time series of total RMSE indicate, in the 6-30 h forecast range, that the forecast result of En-3 DVAR-TD-HLS is better than that of the other two systems, but the En-3 DVAR and 3 DVAR are equivalent in terms of their forecast skills. The 36-48 h forecasts of three data assimilation systems have similar forecast skill.  相似文献   
探空观测黑名单检查在变分同化系统中的应用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
针对探空观测资料使用造成的某些区域GRAPES分析场存在虚假的高、低压系统问题,该文通过对比全球探空资料的位势高度观测与NCEP分析场,统计站点中观测质量较差的时次出现频数,确定探空位势高度观测黑名单。研究表明:500 hPa在印度地区、北大西洋和南极洲附近的探空位势高度观测与NCEP分析场的均方根误差在30 gpm以上的站点较多,且位势高度观测不可靠观测比率为20%以上的站点主要集中这些区域,以上观测站均列入黑名单。文中在GRAPES全球三维变分分析场的质量控制中加入探空位势高度观测黑名单检查,通过6 h分析预报循环试验表明:探空位势高度观测黑名单检查能有效提高分析场质量,GRAPES位势高度分析场在南极洲附近和印度地区有所改善。  相似文献   
全球GRAPES等压面三维变分分析预报循环系统及试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用全球通讯系统GTS传输的常规观测资料和卫星资料,用全球与区域同化预报系统GRAPES(global/regional assimilation and prediction system)全球等压面三维变分分析和中期数值预报模式进行为期两个月6 h分析预报循环试验,并对分析结果进行了诊断分析。结果表明,位势高度在中低纬对流层顶及以上区域存在5~20 gpm负偏差,在100 hPa以下的南北极区域存在5~20 gpm正偏差;相对湿度在南极存在较大负偏差,在高层有较大正偏差。风场在赤道中高层有较明显的偏差。在500 hPa上北半球GRAPES位势高度与NCEP资料的均方根误差在10 gpm左右,南半球在15~24 gpm之间。与探空观测相比,经变分分析后,分析的偏差和均方根误差都有所减小,但位势高度背景场存在明显负偏差,而且在100 hPa以上位势高度改进不如低层明显。全球等压面三维变分分析预报循环试验表明,分析预报循环系统能稳定运行,但是分析和6 h预报场还存在系统性偏差。  相似文献   
GRAPES区域集合预报模式的初值扰动增长特征   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
基于GRAPES-REPS(Global and Regional Assimilation and Prediction Enhanced System-Regional Ensemble Prediction System)区域集合预报模式和集合变换卡尔曼滤波(Ensemble Transform Kalman Filter,ETKF)初值扰动方法,对2015年6月1~15日10 km与15 km水平分辨率分别进行集合预报试验,通过分析ETKF初值扰动分量、初值扰动方差准确率、动能谱、扰动能量演变、日变化及集合离散度、均方根误差等特征,揭示GRAPES-REPS区域集合预报ETKF初值扰动结构及增长特征。结果表明:(1)ETKF初值扰动方案产生的扰动能够保持所有正交、不相关方向的误差方差,且ETKF分量α参数值及放大因子具有较好的稳定性。(2)ETKF初值扰动方法生成的扰动场以大尺度扰动为主,扰动结构及能量具有随流型依赖特征,低层以内能扰动为主,高层以动能扰动为主,且集合扰动可以有效捕捉预报误差的结构。(3)GRAPES区域集合预报初值扰动总能量和集合离散度随预报时效的延长均呈发展趋势,但离散度增长率小于均方根误差增长率,即集合预报总体存在集合离散度不足的问题。(4)水平分辨率提高可以增加中高层大尺度扰动波谱能量,明显改进等压面及近地面风场及温度场的集合预报效果。值得指出的是,GRAPES-REPS区域集合预报低层内能扰动能量存在明显的日变化特征,特别是青藏高原地区更加显著,需要进一步研究青藏高原初值扰动结构的合理性。  相似文献   
Based on the GRAPES-MESO hybrid En-3DVAR (Ensemble three-dimension hybrid data assimilation for Global/Regional Assimilation and Prediction system) constructed by China Meteorological Administration, a 7-day simulation (from 10 July 2015 to 16 July 2015) is conducted for horizontal localization scales. 48h forecasts have been designed for each test, and seven different horizontal localization scales of 250, 500, 750, 1000, 1250, 1500 and 1750 km are set. The 7-day simulation results show that the optimal horizontal localization scales over the Tibetan Plateau and the plain area are 1500 km and 1000 km, respectively. As a result, based on the GRAPES-MESO hybrid En-3DVAR, a topography-dependent horizontal localization scale scheme (hereinafter referred to as GRAPES-MESO hybrid En-3DVAR-TD-HLS) has been constructed. The data assimilation and forecast experiments have been implemented by GRAPES-MESO hybrid En-3DVAR, 3DVAR and GRAPES-MESO hybrid En-3DVAR-TD-HLS, and then the analysis and forecast field of these three systems are compared. The results show that the analysis field and forecast field within 30h of GRAPES-MESO hybrid En-3DVAR-TD-HLS are better than those of the other two data assimilation systems. Particularly in the analysis field, the root mean square error (RMSE) of u_wind and v_wind in the entire vertical levels is significantly less than that of the other two systems. The time series of total RMSE indicate, in the 6-30h forecast range, that the forecast result of En-3DVAR-TD-HLS is better than that of the other two systems, but the En-3DVAR and 3DVAR are equivalent in terms of their forecast skills. The 36-48h forecasts of three data assimilation systems have similar forecast skill.  相似文献   
回顾并详细推导了估计背景误差协方差统计特征的美国国家气象中心(NMC)方法及其优缺点;采用NMC方法系统地估计了新版GRAPES全球模式的背景误差方差、水平相关特征尺度和垂直相关结构,并与欧洲中心模式结果进行了比较。结果表明,目前GRAPES全球模式的背景误差方差比以前有了显著减小;水平相关特征尺度随纬度和高度有显著变化;背景误差垂直相关结构与欧洲中心模式结果非常一致,相比经验公式结果更具物理意义,同时,单点试验结果也表明,更新后的垂直相关结构产生的分析增量更合理。通过与欧洲中心模式背景误差协方差三维结构的对比,分析了不同模式间背景误差协方差的异同及GRAPES全球同化分析系统目前存在的一些不足及可能原因。为新版GRAPES全球模式的三维变分系统提供了基本的背景误差协方差的三维结构。  相似文献   
A global transport model is proposed in which a multimoment constrained finite volume (MCV) scheme is applied to a Yin-Yang overset grid. The MCV scheme defines 16 degrees of freedom (DOFs) within each element to build a 2D cubic reconstruction polynomial. The time evolution equations for DOFs are derived from constraint conditions on moments of line-integrated averages (LIA), point values (PV), and values of first-order derivatives (DV). The Yin-Yang grid eliminates polar singularities and results in a quasi-uniform mesh. A limiting projection is designed to remove nonphysical oscillations around discontinuities. Our model was tested against widely used benchmarks; the competitive results reveal that the model is accurate and promising for developing general circulation models.  相似文献   
尺度叠加高斯相关模型在GRAPES-RAFS中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
背景误差水平相关模型影响着分析增量的结构,同时也决定着不同尺度上分析增量信息的多少.为了提高中小尺度系统的分析质量,研究尺度叠加高斯相关模型的特征及其在三维变分同化系统中的应用效果.通过分析高斯模型和尺度叠加高斯模型的空间特征,以及它们的拉普拉斯算子和谱响应函数的特征,同时依据统计的背景误差特征来改进背景误差水平相关模...  相似文献   
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