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通过共沉淀法制备纳米Fe_2O_3-SnO_2光催化剂,采用XRD、SEM等测试手段对其进行形貌、物象、粒径一系列的表征,研究结果显示制得的催化剂仍保持纯SnO_2四方金红石型结构.研究了Fe_2O_3-SnO_2光催化剂投加量、Fe_2O_3与SnO_2物质的量比、煅烧温度、煅烧时间、氨氮初始浓度、p H值、H2O2浓度以及光照反应时间等因素对海水养殖废水中氨氮降解效率的影响.在紫外光照射下进行正交实验,确定最优化反应条件:催化剂投加量为0.4 g/dm3,煅烧时间为3 h,物质的量比为1∶2,氨氮初始含量为50 mg/dm3,光照反应时间为2 h.这5个因素对Fe_2O_3-SnO_2光催化氧化速率影响的大小程度依次为:Fe_2O_3与SnO_2物质的量比煅烧时间Fe_2O_3-SnO_2光催化剂投加量氨氮初始浓度光照时间.氨氮去除率可以达到85.1%,相同条件可见光下也可达到82.3%.  相似文献   
本文利用高分辨率模式输出资料,对飓风Wilma(2005)不同发展阶段内位涡塔(Potential Vorticity Tower: PVT)的结构和演变进行诊断分析,并讨论位涡塔分布特征对飓风快速增强(Rapid Intensification: RI)过程的影响.研究结果表明,内核区域位涡的强度和结构变化主要取决于高层的暖心下传、中层的凝结潜热释放和低层的动力稳定性,而低层切向平均位涡的结构及其稳定性变化,对飓风快速增强的不同发展阶段具有很好的指示意义.飓风Wilma增强过程中,在高层增温、潜热释放和对流垂直混合作用下,PVT的结构出现单极位涡塔(Monopole PVT: MPVT)和中空位涡塔(Hollow PVT: HPVT)的相互转化,也造成了涡旋系统动力稳定性的变化.在实际个例中,重新定义位涡环的结构参数,即相对厚度和中空度,这两个参数能够表征系统的稳定性,将其在RI过程中的变化与飓风Wilma强度变化作相关性分析,表明结构参数能够表征PVT结构的不稳定性,且与飓风系统强度变化参数具有很好的相关性,结构参数与海平面气压变化率的相关性能够通过显著性检验.  相似文献   
This study examines the impacts of short-term(6 months) fertilization on the community structure and abundance of ammonia-oxidizing betaproteobacteria(β-AOB) and the potential nitrification rate in sediment colonized by S uaeda heteroptera in a saltmarsh located in Shuangtai estuary, China. The sediment samples were collected from plots treated with different amounts of an N fertilizer(urea supplied at 0.1, 0.2, 0.4, and 0.8 g/kg(nitrogen content in dry sediment)), and with different forms of N fertilizers(urea,(NH4) 2 SO 4, and NH_4NO_3, each supplied at 0.2 g/kg). The fertilizers were applied 1–4 times during the plant-growing season in May, July, August and September of 2013. Untreated plots were included as a control. As revealed in denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis of the 16 S r RNA gene, the β-AOB community responded to both the amount and form of N. Real-time quantitative PCR indicated that both abundance and potential nitrification rate of β-AOB increased after N addition, regardless of concentration and form(except NH_4NO_3). These results provide evidence that short-term N application influences the sediment β-AOB community, β-AOB abundance and potential nitrification rate in a saltmarsh ecosystem.  相似文献   
本研究确定了獐子岛集团虾夷扇贝Patinopecten yessoensis育苗过程中幼体大规模死亡的病原菌。采用TCBS培养基从患病幼体中分离弧菌,其数量为1.12×104 CFU/g,以V1菌株和V2菌株为优势菌,占总弧菌数的64.3%和32.1%。用血琼脂平板测定V1菌株和V2菌株的溶血性,2株菌分别呈β溶血和α溶血。用2株菌分别感染扇贝幼体,幼体的死亡率显著高于对照组(P<0.05),症状与自然状态下的发病症状一致,并且从感染死亡的幼体中分离到原感染菌株,确定V1菌株和V2菌株是造成扇贝幼体大规模死亡的病原菌。对2株病原菌进行致病基因分析,结果发现V1菌株含有胞外金属蛋白酶基因。经16S rRNA基因测序分析,V1菌株(GenBank登录号KR232924)和V2菌株(GenBank登录号KR232925)与Vibrio splendidus ctt 31/5 和 Vibrio tasmaniensis 007的相似度分别为99.9%和99.2%。用药敏纸片扩散法检测病原菌对常见抗生素的敏感性,结果表明利福平、氟苯尼考和磺胺异恶唑均能有效抑制病原菌的生长。  相似文献   
登陆台风内降水效率变化对降水增幅影响的分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在应用高分辨率数值模式WRF(Weather Research & Forecasting model)对台风“海葵”(2012)发展演变成功模拟的基础上,研究登陆台风内降水效率变化对降水增幅的影响。通过物理场配置、水成物的分布和收支演变的诊断分析表明:在台风登陆后内部次级环流减弱,环境场水汽供应稳定并有所减少的条件下,台风内六种水成物粒子(水汽、云水、云冰、雪、雨和霰)在眼墙和螺旋雨带区域发生配置变化,对于提高台风系统降水效率,维持整体降水强度具有重要作用。将六种水成物按照水汽、云和降水的属性分为三类,分别进行收支诊断分析,发现不同水成物的分布与转化过程对于台风登陆后的降水效率变化具有重要影响,冰相粒子的减少、云体的消耗、以及霰粒子的转化,使得台风内部产生了空间范围更加集中、大值中心更贴近地面的降落型水成物,是台风登陆后降水维持和增幅的直接原因。因而,分析水成物的分布与转化过程对降水效率的影响,对于台风登陆后降水维持或增幅的预报具有重要价值。  相似文献   
The effects of nitrogen(N) addition on microbial biomass, bacterial abundance, and community composition in sediment colonized by Suaeda heteroptera were examined by chloroform fumigation extraction method, real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction, and denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis(DGGE) in a salt marsh located in Shuangtai Estuary, China. The sediment samples were collected from plots treated with different amounts of a single N fertilizer(urea supplied at 0.1, 0.2, 0.4 and 0.8 g/kg(nitrogen content in sediment) and different forms of N fertilizers(urea,(NH_4)_2SO_4, and NH_4NO_3, each supplied at 0.2 g/kg(calculated by nitrogen).The fertilizers were applied 1–4 times during the plant-growing season in May, July, August, and September of 2013. Untreated plots were included as a control. The results showed that both the amount and form of N positively influenced microbial biomass carbon, microbial biomass nitrogen, and bacterial abundance. The DGGE profiles revealed that the bacterial community composition was also affected by the amount and form of N.Thus, our findings indicate that short-term N amendment increases microbial biomass and bacterial abundance,and alters the structure of bacterial community.  相似文献   
文章依据2018年8月长岛海域表层海洋沉积物调查数据,分析了表层沉积物主要污染物的时空分布特征及主要来源,通过单因子和潜在生态风险指数法评价了沉积物中各种元素的污染程度和潜在的生态风险。结果显示,长岛表层沉积物各污染物的单因子指数P均值由高到低依次排列为:As、Cr、Cu、Cd、Zn、Pb、有机碳、石油类、硫化物、Hg,重金属指标污染情况较理化指标严重;全部站位综合潜在生态风险指数RI<105,属低生态风险;Cd对综合潜在生态风险指数的贡献率为47.0%,为主要潜在生态风险因子。长岛海域表层沉积物中重金属污染元素的主要来源包括:①大气沉降、海上交通排污带来的重金属污染;②周边区域的养殖面源、生活污水污染等带来的重金属污染;③煤矿和金矿等矿产资源开发等重金属污染。  相似文献   
Based on a successful simulation of Typhoon Haikui (2012) using WRF (Weather Research & Forecasting) model with the WSM6 microphysics scheme, a high-resolution model output is presented and analyzed in this study. To understand the cause of the average gridded rainfall stability and increases after Haikui’s landfall, this research examines the fields of the physical terms as well as the vapor and condensate distributions and budgets, including their respective changes during the landing process. The environmental vapor supply following the typhoon landfall has no significant difference from that before the landfall. Although Haikui’s secondary circulation weakens, this circulation is not conducive to typhoon rainfall stability or increases, although the amounts of the six kinds of water substances (vapor, cloud water, cloud ice, snow, rain, and graupel) increase in the outer region of the typhoon. This reallocation of water substances is essential to the maintenance of rainfall. The six kinds of water substances are classified as vapor, clouds (cloud water and ice) and precipitation (snow, rain, and graupel) to diagnose their budgets. This sorting reveals that the changes in the budgets of different kinds of water substances, caused by the reduced mixing ratios of snow and ice, the water consumption of clouds, and the transformation of graupel, induce increased concentrations of precipitation fallout, which occur closer to the ground after typhoon landfall. In addition, this pattern is an efficient way for Haikui’s rainfall to remain stable after its landfall. Thus, the allocation and budget analyses of water substances are meaningful when forecasting the typhoon rainfall stability and increases after landfall.  相似文献   
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