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The multi-scale weather systems associated with a mei-yu front and the corresponding heavy precipitation during a particular heavy rainfall event that occurred on 4 5 July 2003 in east China were successfully simulated through rainfall assimilation using the PSU/NCAR non-hydrostatic, mesoscale, numerical model (MM5) and its four-dimensional, variational, data assimilation (4DVAR) system. For this case, the improvement of the process via the 4DVAR rainfall assimilation into the simulation of mesoscale precipitation systems is investigated. With the rainfall assimilation, the convection is triggered at the right location and time, and the evolution and spatial distribution of the mesoscale convective systems (MCSs) are also more correctly simulated. Through the interactions between MCSs and the weather systems at different scales, including the low-level jet and mei-yu front, the simulation of the entire mei-yu weather system is significantly improved, both during the data assimilation window and the subsequent 12-h period. The results suggest that the rainfall assimilation first provides positive impact at the convective scale and the influences are then propagated upscale to the meso- and sub-synoptic scales.
Through a set of sensitive experiments designed to evaluate the impact of different initial variables on the simulation of mei-yu heavy rainfall, it was found that the moisture field and meridional wind had the strongest effect during the convection initialization stage, however, after the convection was fully triggered, all of the variables at the initial condition seemed to have comparable importance.  相似文献   
王迪  张熠  储可宽  王新敏 《大气科学》2022,46(2):346-358
本文利用WRF理想斜压波模式模拟了理想湿大气中温带气旋的快速发展过程,采用拉格朗日轨迹筛选方法识别了气旋内部冷、暖输送带结构,分析了沿着输送带轨迹的物理量演变特征,探究了输送带气流对气旋降水结构的影响。本文在再现前人研究结论的基础上,发现了更精细的输送带结构特征,尤其是对冷输送带特征有了进一步认识。研究表明,根据相对气旋中心运动特征可将暖输送带划分为“前倾上升”和“后倾上升”两支。两支气流均起始于对流层低层冷锋前暖区内,旋转上升到对流层中高层出流区后分别向气旋中心的下游和上游运动,并在中高层产生负位涡扰动,促进高空系统发展。同时,暖输送带向上层输送水汽,影响锋面附近降水中心的形成和维持。在对冷输送带的研究中,本文证实了前人研究描述的上升类和低层运动类特征,而且发现其可以更精细地呈现出四支气流结构。“前倾上升”和“后倾上升”两支气流的初始位置靠近暖锋,上升运动到对流层中层后分别向气旋中心的下游和上游运动,利于促进暖锋附近降水形成;而“环气旋前倾”和“环气旋后倾”两支气流始终在对流层低层运动,初始远离暖锋朝向气旋中心运动,水汽含量增加,随后环绕气旋中心缓慢上升运动到气旋西侧后分别向气旋下游...  相似文献   
The adjoint sensitivity related to explosive cyclogenesis in a conditionally unstable atmosphere is investigated in this study.The PSU/NCAR limited-area,nonhydrostatic primitive equation numerical model MM5 and its adjoint system are employed for numerical simulation and adjoint computation,respectively.To ensure the explosive development of a baroclinic wave,the forecast model is initialized with an idealized condition including an idealized two-dimensional baroclinic jet with a balanced three-dimensional moderateamplitude disturbance,derived from a potential vorticity inversion technique.Firstly,the validity period of the tangent linear model for this idealized baroclinic wave case is discussed,considering different initial moisture distributions and a dry condition.Secondly,the 48-h forecast surface pressure center and the vertical component of the relative vorticity of the cyclone are selected as the response functions for adjoint computation in a dry and moist environment,respectively.The preliminary results show that the validity of the tangent linear assumption for this idealized baroclinic wave case can extend to 48 h with intense moist convection,and the validity period can last even longer in the dry adjoint integration.Adjoint sensitivity analysis indicates that the rapid development of the idealized baroclinic wave is sensitive to the initial wind and temperature perturbations around the steering level in the upstream.Moreover,the moist adjoint sensitivity can capture a secondary high sensitivity center in the upper troposphere,which cannot be depicted in the dry adjoint run.  相似文献   
韩峰  储可宽  刘浩铄  张熠 《气象科学》2018,38(5):637-647
针对2015年2月12—16日发生在东亚的一次预报过度的温带气旋开展了资料同化及资料影响性观测等研究。此次温带气旋的发展与各个主要数值模式的预报相差甚大,并未出现预期中的爆发性增长。针对此次过程,采用WRF模式及其变分同化系统开展了模拟与同化试验,主要同化了NCEP全球地面和高空观测资料,修正了此次温带气旋过度预报的问题。经过同化后,减弱了系统的气旋性环流,同时南北温差的减弱也导致了环境场的斜压性的减弱,使得气旋爆发性增长延后,强度减弱,更符合实际观测。与此同时,还利用WRF伴随模式WRFPLUS和观测资料影响性模式WRFDA-FSO开展了观测资料影响性的研究,并发现三类资料SOUND、SYNOP、GEOAMV在减小预报误差中的作用最大。进一步的敏感性试验表明仅同化这3种资料可以取得更为理想的预报。  相似文献   
This paper investigates the effects of surface drag on upper-level front with a three-dimensional nonhydrostatic mesoscale numerical model (MM5). To this end, a new and simple potential vorticity intrusion (PVI) index is proposed to quantitatively describe the extent and path that surface drag affects upper-level front. From a PV perspective, the formation of the upper-level front is illustrated as the tropopause folding happens from the stratosphere. The PVI index shows a good correlation with the minimum surface pressure, and tends to increase with the deepening of the surface cyclone and upper-level front. The surface drag acts to damp and delay the development of upper-level front, which could reduce the growth rate of the PVI index. However, the damping presents different effects in different development stages. It is the most significant during the rapid development stage of the surface cyclone. Compared with no surface drag cases, the tropopause is less inclined to intrude into the troposphere due to the surface drag. Positive feedback between the surface cyclone and upper-level front could accelerate the development of the frontal system.  相似文献   
本文利用WRF模式及其伴随模式研究了2005年发生在西北太平洋的一对双台风玛娃和古超的移动路径与强度的伴随敏感性特征,一方面探讨了环境场对双台风的影响,另一方面也讨论了双台风之间的相互影响过程的差异.首先,利用双台风初始化技术准确地模拟了双台风的演变过程,并以此模拟结果为背景场计算了台风的中心扰动气压和引导气流的伴随敏感性.研究结果表明:伴随敏感性不但能反映环境场对双台风的影响,还能指示双台风之间相互影响过程的差异.从台风强度的敏感性来看,影响台风强度变化的高影响区均位于台风中心附近,弱台风古超的强度敏感性的量级要大于强台风玛娃的强度敏感性,表明双台风中较弱的那个更容易受到外部环境变化的影响.台风引导气流的敏感性分布也存在较大差异,强台风玛娃的移动主要受到其西北侧的高空槽,其自身环流以及台风古超的影响,而弱台风古超的引导气流的敏感性主要位于其自身环流附近以及双台风之间的区域.最后,通过在理想试验中增加初始时刻高空槽的强度以及弱台风古超的强度,证实了台风玛娃的移动路径的变化与伴随敏感性的分析一致.  相似文献   
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