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A set of Pennsylvanian coals from the North American coal basins, ranging in vitrinite reflectance from 0.65% to 1.75%, was examined, with special emphasis on the optical properties of pseudovitrinite. The results suggest that pseudovitrinite originates from the same material as telocollinite. Slits in the pseudovitrinite seem to have originated in situ due to low-temperature oxidation of woody material; their opening might have been facilitated by devolatilization during coalification. The dominant orientation of the slits is perpendicular to bedding. The intensity and orientation of the slits in pseudovitrinite could be important factors in predicting coalbed gas extraction from coal.  相似文献   
The influence of the North Atlantic on the margins of Europe means the region is particularly sensitive to changes in the ocean–atmospheric system. During the Last Glacial–Interglacial Transition (16–8 cal ka bp ) this system was repeatedly disrupted, leading to a series of abrupt and short-lived shifts in climate. Despite much research, the number and magnitude of these ‘centennial-scale’ events is not well understood. To address this, we expand upon investigations at Quoyloo Meadow, Orkney, Scotland, one of the best chronologically constrained palaeoclimate records in northern Britain. By coupling stable isotope and chironomid fossil analyses with existing data, this study identifies multiple phases of centennial-scale disturbance at: c. 14.0, 11.1, 10.8, 10.5, 10.45 and 10.3 cal ka bp , with the events at 14.0 and 10.3 exhibiting a particularly pronounced cold-climate signature. During the Holocene, the strongest response to climate forcing was at c. 10.3–10.0 cal ka bp , expressed as a two-stage drop in mean July temperatures, a shift in pollen spectra indicative of ‘less-stable’ climatic regimes, and a depletion in δ18O values. We interpret this as the first reliably dated incidence of the ‘10.3-ka event’ in the British Isles and consider the wider impact of this climatic reversal in other Holocene records.  相似文献   
Mountain regions are sensitive to climate changes, which make them good indicators of climate change. The aim of this study is to investigate the spatial and temporal variability of air temperature and precipitation in the Polish Carpathians. This study consists of climatological analyses for the historical period 1851-2010 and future projections for 2021-2100. The results confirm that there has been significant warming of the area and that this warming has been particularly pronounced over the last few decades and will continue in the oncoming years. Climate change is most evident in the foothills; however, these are the highest summits which have experienced the most intensive increases in temperature during the recent period. Precipitation does not demonstrate any substantial trend and has high year-to-year variability. The distribution of the annual temperature contour lines modelled for selected periods provides evidence of the upward shift of vertical climate zones in the Polish Carpathians, which reach approximately 350 meters, on average, what indicates further ecological consequences as ecosystems expand or become extinct and when there are changes in the hydrological cycle.  相似文献   
When entering information about changes of settlements in time into a database, we are dealing with direct facts from historical sources and with interpretations. The source information generally relates to an event or situation at a specific time. This means that we only fill in the parts of the timeline with data objects called (partial) manifestations; however, lack of data does not mean that settlement did not exist. It would take a lot of time to interpret and enter missing information manually. In this article we present a database schema, database procedures and algorithms to generate aggregated settlement unit manifestations in an automated way from their partial manifestations. As a result, it is possible to obtain a continuous history of a given settlement so as to present it on a map.  相似文献   
海南石碌铁矿独居石的成因类型、化学定年及地质意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
海南石碌铁矿是我国最大的富赤铁矿矿床,同时伴生有钴、铜等多金属矿产。轴向北西-南东向的复式向斜是石碌铁、钴铜矿体的主要控矿构造,富铁矿和钴铜矿的形成与该褶皱变形及伴随的韧性剪切和高温塑性流动有着密切的关系。为获得该构造变形的年代学信息和证实构造变形对成矿物质的富集影响,本文开展了石碌铁矿近矿围岩—石碌群第六层透辉石透闪石岩中独居石的显微结构观察和电子探针化学Th-U-Pb定年(CHIME法)。显微结构观察发现独居石往往沿岩石面理定向分布,且具典型的球冠结构,表现为围绕独居石核部向外依次出现磷灰石、褐帘石、绿帘石同心环。电子探针分析结果表明这些独居石为Ce-La-Nd磷酸盐[(Ce,La,Nd,Th)PO4],具富钍独居石端元组分。ThO 2含量范围(0.78%~4.61%)、稀土特征以及独居石的产出特征均暗示了其为同构造变质成因。电子探针CHIME化学定年结果表明独居石的年龄变化范围为614~397Ma,并具有两个峰值年龄:即主峰值ca.455Ma和次峰值ca.564Ma。低的ThO 2(0.78%~1.65%),PbO(0.02%~0.04%)和CaO(0.50%~0.97%)含量,以及高的Th/U比值(23.06~53.11)暗示了构成ca.564Ma的独居石是早期剪切变形事件的产物。而在随后剪切变形过程中独居石在低角闪岩相变质条件下以及碱性变质流体诱导下发生了溶解-再沉淀,形成了具ca.455Ma年龄的补丁状成分区。该过程引起了U-Pb体系的局部重置,形成的独居石具有变化较大的ThO 2(0.92%~4.61%)、PbO(0.01%~0.08%)和CaO(0.28%~1.58%)含量范围以及Th/U值(24.83~52.86)。在剪切变形之后,早期变质成因的独居石在绿片岩相退变质作用过程中及富Ca、Fe、Si、Al流体参与的条件下,经不平衡反应形成了磷灰石-褐帘石-绿帘石球冠物,反应机制以独居石和球冠矿物间的元素扩散动力学为主。该反应暗示了REE、Y、Th等元素发生了迁移,并可能引起边部独居石的部分Pb丢失。结合华南的构造演化,年龄谱主峰值455Ma代表了与华南加里东造山运动有关的区域变质和动力变质作用事件年龄,是加里东运动在海南岛的响应;次峰值年龄564Ma对应着冈瓦纳泛非事件,暗示了华南在晚新元古代-早古生代与冈瓦纳大陆具有亲缘性,华南加里东运动引起陆内造山过程可能与冈瓦纳大陆的聚合碰撞事件有关。因此,晚新元古代-早古生代造山事件对海南岛构造演化历史具重要影响。此外,该构造运动使石碌群发生褶皱变形,伴随产生的变质流体使铁、钴铜成矿元素进一步活化和富集,对石碌铁、钴铜矿的富集有着重要影响。  相似文献   
The concentration of airborne spores of Cladosporium spp. and Alternaria spp. has been investigated at three monitoring stations situated along the west-north and central-east transect in Poland (Szczecin, Olsztyn, Warszawa,) i.e. from a height of 100 m to 149 m above sea level. The aerobiological monitoring of fungal spores was performed by means of three Lanzoni volumetric spore traps.Cladosporium spp. spores were dominant at all the stations. The highest Cladosporium spp. and Alternaria spp. numbers of spores were observed at all the cities in July and August.Statistically significant correlations have been found between the Cladosporium spp. and Alternaria spp. concentration in the air and the mean air temperature, amount of precipitation, air pressure and relative air humidity. The spore count of Cladosporium spp. and Alternaria spp. is determined by the diversity of local flora and weather conditions, especially by the air temperature. The identification of factors, which influence and shape spore concentrations, may significantly improve the current methods of allergy prevention.  相似文献   
Deforestation is expanding and accelerating into the remaining areas of undisturbed forest, and the quality of the remaining forests is declining today. Assessing the climatic impacts of deforestation can help to rectify this alarming situation. In this paper, how historical deforestation may affect global climate through interactive ocean and surface albedo is examined using an Earth system model of intermediate complexity (EMIC). Control and anomaly integrations are performed for 1000 years. In the anomaly case, cropland is significantly expanded since AD 1700. The response of climate in deforested areas is not uniform between the regions. In the background of a global cooling of 0.08 °C occurring with cooler surface air above 0.4 °C across 30° N to 75° N from March to September, the surface albedo increase has a global cooling effect in response to global-scale replacement of forests by cropland, especially over northern mid-high latitudes. The northern mid-latitude (30° N–60° N) suffers a prominent cooling in June, suggesting that this area is most sensitive to cropland expansion through surface albedo. Most regions show a consistent trend between the overall cooling in response to historical deforestation and its resulting cooling due to surface albedo anomaly. Furthermore, the effect of the interactive ocean on shaping the climate response to deforestation is greater than that of prescribed SSTs in most years with a maximum spread of 0.05 °C. This difference is more prominent after year 1800 than that before due to the more marked deforestation. These findings show the importance of the land cover change and the land surface albedo, stressing the necessity to analyze other biogeophysical processes of deforestation using interactive ocean.  相似文献   
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