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基于BP人工神经网络的枯水径流预报方案研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
缪益平  邓俊 《水文》2008,28(3):33-37
介绍了BP人工神经网络的桔水径流预报方法,编制了锦屏一级水电站枯水径流预报方案.根据枯水径流预报方案的预报精度评定成果,总结了应用BP人工神经网络进行枯水径流预报的特点.研究表明基于BP人工神经网络的枯水径流预报方案能够满足水文情报预报规范,具有较好的实用性和可行性.  相似文献   
基于ArcIMS的城市小区信息发布系统的设计与实现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用ESRI公司新一代Web GIS产品Arc IMS9.0,结合ASP及IIS6.0、SQL Serve、ArcSDE等网络、空间数据库方面技术,建立了城市小区信息发布系统。总结了ArcIMS的特点和体系结构,提出了基于ArcIMS的城市小区信息发布系统的设计思路和方案,阐述了系统的具体实现方法。  相似文献   
一种基于双重距离的空间聚类方法   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
传统聚类方法大都是基于空间位置或非空间属性的相似性来进行聚类,分裂了空间要素固有的二重特性,从而导致了许多实际应用中空间聚类结果难以同时满足空间位置毗邻和非空间属性相近。然而,兼顾两者特性的空间聚类方法又存在算法复杂、结果不确定以及不易扩展等问题。为此,本文通过引入直接可达和相连概念,提出了一种基于双重距离的空间聚类方法,并给出了基于双重距离空间聚类的算法,分析了算法的复杂度。通过实验进一步验证了基于双重距离空间聚类算法不仅能发现任意形状的类簇,而且具有很好的抗噪性。  相似文献   
1993年中甸M5.8地震前后区域尾波衰减研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
秦嘉政  钱晓东 《地震研究》2002,25(3):214-219
以Aki,K和Chouet^[1]提出的地方震尾波散射理论为基础,利用1993年7月17日中甸MS5.8地震的前震和余震资料,研究了该次地震前后的尾波振幅衰减率β和QC^-1值的时空变化。结果表明,主震前后区域尾波振幅衰减率β和QC^-1值发生了明显的变化。主震前,区域平均β值为0.0122s^-1,相应的QC值为111;主震后,区域平均β值为0.023s^-1,相应的QC值为60。主震前后的QC值变化为1.85倍,表明在以主震为中心,半径约50km的小范围内主震前后的介质背景发生了明显变化。用释放的地震应变能ε(t)的空间分布特点分析,表明主震前高QC值地区与高应变能释放地区是相一致的。中甸地震序列的尾波振幅衰减β和QC值显示了具有前兆意义地空变化的过程,并以力学观点分析解释了产生这种变化的成因。  相似文献   
The Global Rainforest Mapping (GRFM) project was initiated in 1995 and, through a dedicated data acquisition policy by the National Space Development Agency of Japan (NASDA), data acquisitions could be completed within a 1.5-year period, resulting in a spatially and temporally homogeneous coverage to contain the entire Amazon Basin from the Atlantic to the Pacific; Central America up to the Yucatan Peninsular in Mexico; equatorial Africa from Madagascar and Kenya in the east to Sierra Leone in the west; and Southeast Asia, including Papua New Guinea. To some extent, GRFM project is an international endeavor led by NASDA, with the goal of producing spatially and temporally contiguous Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) data sets over the tropical belt on the Earth by use of the JERS-1 L-band SAR, through the generation of semi-continental, 100m resolution, image mosaics. The GRFM project relies on extensive collaboration with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), the Joint Research Center of the European Commission (JRC) and the Japanese Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI) for data acquisition, processing, validation and product generation. A science program is underway in parallel with product generation. This involves the agencies mentioned above, as well as a large number of international organizations, universities and individuals to perform field activities and data analysis at different levels.  相似文献   
Converting farming slope land into artificial forestland or grassland is a major measure of soil/water conservation. Five conversion practices, namely, 1) a control plot still tilled with a crop (maize), 2) a folder grass-growing plot seeded with Lolium perenne , 3) a young alder tree-growing plot, 4) a pear orchard plot and 5)a bamboo plot intercropped with folder grass, were monitored to compare the soil conservation efficiency of those changes in Ya'an, Sichuan for 3 years between September 1998 and August 2001. Results showed that the 5 designed converting models functioned differently in erosion control. The most effective model was bamboo groves intercropped with folder grass (Lolium perenne). The folder grass (Lolium perenne) growing model was more effective than the pure pear orchard model. The least effective model was the young alder tree-growing slope, which was even less effective than the control (a slope without converted cultivation). Meanwhile, changes in the soil's physical properties r  相似文献   
We use 23298 Pn arrival-time data from Chinese national and provincial earthquake bulletins to invert fine structure of Pn velocity and anisotropy at the top of the mantle beneath the Sichuan-Yunnan and its adjacent region. The results suggest that the Pn velocity in this region shows significant lateral variation; the Pn velocity varies from 7.7 to 8.3 km/s. The Pn-velocity variation correlates well with the tectonic activity and heat flow of the region. Low Pn velocity is observed in southwest Yunnan, Tengchong volcano area, and the Panxi tectonic area. These areas have very active seismicity and tectonic activity with high surface heat flow. On the other hand, high Pn velocity is observed in some stable regions, such as the central region of the Yangtze Platform; the most pronounced high velocity area is located in the Sichuan Basin, south of Chengdu. Pn anisotropy shows a complex pattern of regional deformation. The Pn fast direction shows a prominent clockwise rotation pattern from east of the Tibetan block to the Sichuan-Yunnan diamond block to southwest Yunnan, which may be related to southeastward escape of the Tibetan Plateau material due to the collision of the Indian Plate to the Eurasia Plate. Thus there appears to be strong correlation between the crustal deformation and the upper mantle structure in the region. The delay times of events and stations show that the crust thickness decreases from the Tibetan Plateau to eastern China, which is consistent with the results from deep seismic sounding.  相似文献   
介绍了基于局域网络开发的垂线测量数据管理软件的组成、原理、功能、操作及应用,该软件操作简单、使用方便、极易掌握,并能通过多方位、直观的图形表示来反映监测对象的挠度、倾斜、水平位移状态。  相似文献   
2003年6月青岛崂山4级震群序列初步分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从震群监测、地震影响、地震地质构造、序列特点及性质判定等方面对2003年6月青岛崂山王哥庄发生的4级震群进行了介绍及初步分析。此次地震的活动强度、频次、持续时间均为青岛历史上所罕见。地震时整个青岛市普遍有感,震中区有一定破坏,造成较大的社会影响。  相似文献   
中国兴凯湖北岸平原晚全新世花粉记录及泥炭沼泽形成   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
通过兴凯湖北岸平原泥炭剖面高分辩率花粉分析研究,对晚全新世花粉划分4个组合带。XKH-4组合时期(1857~1746aB.P.)为沼泽发育前期,这一时期花粉浓度小,陆生草本植物占优势,气候干冷。XKH-3组合时期(1746~1287aB.P.)为沼泽发育早期,这一时期花粉浓度较大,且水生植物花粉含量为剖面最高,喜温落叶阔叶植物大发展时期,气候温和湿润。XKH-2组合时期(1287~602aB.P.)为沼泽发育中期,这一时期花粉浓度最小,但以陆生草本植物为主,木本植物为辅,水生植物急剧减少,针叶植物出现两次高峰,气候向冷干方向发展。XKH-1组合时期(602aB.P.至今)为沼泽发育盛期,这一时期花粉浓度最大,陆生草本植物大发展时期,气候波动较大。  相似文献   
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