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There is an abundance of literature on attachment to the residential neighbourhood and satisfaction with it. Efforts to explain variation in such attachment emphasise the relevance of population characteristics to the neglect of factors affecting attachment which are external to the neighbourhood's population. This article suggests a wide framework for analysis. The suggestion is made that a hierarchy of neighbourhood contexts could be used in order to reach a more complete explanation and understanding of attachment and variation in it to the residential neighbourhood.  相似文献   
The major advantage of the oxygen in phosphate isotope paleothermometry is that it is a system which records temperatures with great sensitivity while bone (and teeth) building organisms are alive, and the record is nearly perfectly preserved after death. Fish from seven water bodies of different temperatures (3–23°C) and different δ18O (values ?16 to +3) of the water were analysed. The δ18O values of the analysed PO4 vary from 6 to 25. The system passed the following tests: (a) the temperatures deduced from isotopic analyses of the sequence of fish from Lake Baikal are in good agreement with the temperatures measured in the thermally stratified lake; (b) the isotopic composition of fish bone phosphate is not influenced by the isotopic composition of the phosphate which is fed to the fish, but only by temperature and water composition.Isotopic analysis of fossil fish in combination with analysis of mammal bones should be a useful tool in deciphering continental paleoclimates.  相似文献   
We investigated the Sea-Rain-Lake relation during the Last Glacial-Holocene in the East Mediterranean region by comparing the δ18O and δ13C records of authigenic aragonite deposited in Lake Lisan, the Dead Sea, Mediterranean foraminifera, and speleothems. The Lisan Formation data display long- and short-term variations of δ18O, representing steady-state conditions of the lake (e.g., 5.6‰ ± 0.5‰ and 4.5‰ ± 1‰ in the Upper and Lower Members of the Lisan Formation, respectively), and short-term excursions reflecting large floods and droughts. The long-term (steady-state) δ18O values of the Lisan aragonites show similarity to the corresponding time-equivalent records of the Eastern Mediterranean foraminifera and Judea Mountain speleothems: The Last Glacial deposits are in all of them 2‰-3‰ heavier than the Holocene ones. We interpret this similarity as reflecting the significance of the source effect on the long-term behavior of isotopic reservoirs: Speleothem δ18O is strongly influenced by the marine reservoir that contributes its vapor to rain formation; the lake δ18O is dominated by the composition of the inflowing water. Short-term variations in the isotopic composition of rainfall are dominated by the amount effect and the temperature and those of the Lake’s upper water mass by the lake’s water balance.δ13C values are more variable than δ18O in the same Lisan sequences (e.g., δ13C in the Lower Member is 1.0‰ ± 1.7‰, whereas δ18O is 4.6‰ ± 0.7‰) and are 1‰ to 1.5‰ higher in the Upper Member than in the Lower and Middle Members of the Lisan Formation. These variations reflect significant increase in primary productivity of the lake and algal bloom activity. It appears that the hypersaline-saline lakes were not as “dead” as the Dead Sea is and that algal activity had an important impact upon the geochemistry of Lake Lisan.The δ18O data combined with independent geochemical and limnologic information (e.g., level fluctuations) indicate that Lisan time was characterized by high precipitation-high lake stands-high atmospheric humidity, whereas the Holocene Dead Sea shows the opposite behavior. This paleoclimatic reconstruction is consistent with independent evidence for significantly wetter conditions in the East Mediterranean region during the Last Glacial period.  相似文献   
The geochemical history of Lake Lisan, the Pleistocene precursor of the Dead Sea, has been studied by geological, chemical and isotopic methods.Aragonite laminae from the Lisan Formation yielded (equivalent) Sr/Ca ratios in the range 0.5 × 10?2?1 × 10?2, Na/Ca ratios from 3.6 × 10?3 to 9.2 × 10?3, δ18OPDB values between 1.5 and 7%. and δ13CPDB from ?7.7 to 3.4%..The distribution coefficient of Na+ between aragonite and aqueous solutions, λANa, is experimentally shown to be very sensitive to salinity and nearly temperature independent. Thus, Na/Ca in aragonite serves as a paleosalinity indicator.Sr/Ca ratios and δ18O values in aragonite provide good long-term monitors of a lake's evolution. They show Lake Lisan to be well mixed, highly evaporated and saline. Except for a diluted surface layer, the salinity of the lake was half that of the present Dead Sea (15 vs 31%).Lake Lisan evolved from a small, yet deep, hypersaline Dead Sea-like, water body. This initial lake was rapidly filled-up to its highest stand by fresh waters and existed for about 40,000 yr before shrinking back to the present Dead Sea. The chemistry of Lake Lisan at its stable stand represented a material balance between a Jordan-like input, an original large mass of salts and a chemical removal of aragonite. The weighted average depth of Lake Lisan is calculated, on a geochemical basis, to have been at least 400, preferably 600 m.The oxygen isotopic composition of Lake Lisan water, which was higher by at least 3%. than that of the Dead Sea, was probably dictated by a higher rate of evaporation.Na/Ca ratios in aragonite, which correlate well with δ13C values, but change frequently in time, reflect the existence of a short lived upper water layer of varying salinity in Lake Lisan.  相似文献   
Hydrogen isotopic compositions in seven carbonaceous chondrites lie in the range ?70 to +771‰ relative to SMOW. These values decrease, to a range from ?145 to +219‰, after low-temperature oxidation in an oxygen plasma. Deuterium enrichment is therefore concentrated in the organic matter, the hydrous silicates probably lying close to the terrestrial range for such material. Calculated values for δD of the organic fraction are +450 ‰ for Orgueil and Ivuna and up to +1600‰ for Renazzo. These enrichments, at least for Orgueil and Ivuna, suggest equilibration with protosolar hydrogen at very low temperatures. Assuming a value of 2.5 × 10?5 for the protosolar D/H ratio, nominal equilibration temperatures of 230°K for silicates and 180°K for organic matter may be derived.  相似文献   
The behavior of U during the diagenetic formation of marine phosphorite has been modelled. The model examines a dissolution-reprecipitation replacement of skeletal hydroxyapatite, calcium carbonate and earlier generated francolite by francolite. The amount of organic matter consumed relative to the mass of francolite formed, the replacement reaction progress, and the concentration of U in the replaced phases are the important parameters which dictate the concentration of U in the phosphate rock.A partition coefficient between apatite and interstitial solution was calculated, and is λUF = 0.57.Natural phosphorites have been examined and are discussed in the light of the proposed model. The U mass-balance in a Recent phosphorite is in good accord with theoretical predictions. Differences in U concentrations between sea-floor phosphorites are explained either by the (original) variation in the organic matter distribution in the corresponding sediments and/or by mineralogical differences (CaCO3vs. hydroxyapatite) therein.Senonian phosphate rocks which were formed via the francolite → francolite transformation, demonstrate that during that process the organic matter content in the sediment was approximately 50%.The model supports the idea that phosphorite rock formation is a multistage process.  相似文献   
An attempt was made to determine the absolute age of faulting by measuring fission track ages of epidotes from mineralization veins along fault and joint planes. The method was applied to epidotes from along faults and fissures in the Sinai Peninsula, which cut Precambrian rocks. Most samples yield Tertiary ages (32-11 m.y.) An Early Cretaceous event is also recorded (120-103 m.y.). Samples from country rocks (igneous and metamorphic) give ages older than 325 m.y. The results are compatible with previous geological information, and suggest that the method can be potentially useful for dating faults.  相似文献   
The abundant silt and sand along the coastal plain of Israel have long been considered susceptible to liquefaction, but previous searches have failed to find field evidence for it. We report the first finding of typical liquefaction features and silty sand injections in trenches that were excavated behind a fourth century Byzantine dam on the Taninim Creek, some 850 m inland of the Mediterranean shore. The trenches revealed a series of flame-shape injections of silty sand that penetrate the overlying clay-rich soil. The injections are largest and most frequent within several meters of the point where the dam is badly damaged on the seaward side, which we interpret as a possible result of a large wave. Three features make the sand injections special: (1) their lower extent is commonly asymmetric with dominant southeastward vergence, away from the breach in the dam, (2) zigzag shapes characterize the upper parts of many injections, and (3) the size and frequency of the injections diminish gradually with distance from the dam until they completely disappear some 100 m away from it. We suggest that the sand injections can be explained by overpressure that was induced either directly by earthquake shaking or by a tsunami wave that breached the dam, filled the reservoir behind the dam and increased the pressure on the water-saturated silt and sand layers and triggered liquefied sand injections. The movement of water sloshing back and forth in the lake accounts for the zigzag shape of the injections. The similarity to structures that were observed in Thailand after the great 2004 tsunami and other palaeotsunami observations lead us to prefer the tsunami origin of the liquefaction features. Based on the stratigraphic position, the archeological context, and the historical accounts, we suggest that an earthquake of November 25, 1759 is the most plausible trigger of the sand injections, either directly or via earthquake-induced tsunami. The observations demonstrate the vulnerability of the densely populated coastal plain to liquefaction.  相似文献   
The isotopic composition and mass balances of sources and sinks of sulfur are used to constrain the limnological–hydrological evolution of the last glacial Lake Lisan (70–14 ka BP) and the Holocene Dead Sea. Lake Lisan deposited large amounts of primary gypsum during discrete episodes of lake level decline. This gypsum, which appears in massive or laminated forms, displays δ34S values in the range of 14–28‰. In addition, Lake Lisan’s deposits (the Lisan Formation) contain thinly laminated and disseminated gypsum as well as native sulfur which display significantly lower δ34S values (−26 to 1‰ and −20 to −10‰, respectively). The calculated bulk isotopic compositions of sulfur in the sources and sinks of Lake Lisan lacustrine system are similar (δ34S ≈ 10‰), indicating that freshwater sulfate was the main source of sulfur to the lake. The large range in δ34S found within the Lisan Formation (−26 to +28‰) is the result of bacterial sulfate reduction (BSR) within the anoxic lower water body (the monimolimnion) and bottom sediments of the lake.

Precipitation of primary gypsum from the Ca-chloride solution of Lake Lisan is limited by sulfate concentration, which could not exceed 3000 mg/l. The Upper Gypsum Unit, deposited before ca. 17–15 ka, is the thickest gypsum unit in the section and displays the highest δ34S values (25–28‰). Yet, our calculations indicate that no more than a third of this Unit could have precipitated directly from the water column. This implies that during the lake level decline that instigated the precipitation of the Upper Gypsum Unit, significant amounts of dissolved sulfate had to reach the lake from external sources. We propose a mechanism that operated during cycles of high-low stands of the lakes that occupied the Dead Sea basin during the late Pleistocene. During high-stand intervals (i.e., Marine Isotopic Stages 2 and 4), lake brine underwent BSR and infiltrated the lake’s margins and adjacent strata. As lake level dropped, these brines, carrying 34S-enriched sulfate, were flushed back to the shrinking lake and replenished the water column with sulfate, thereby promoting massive gypsum precipitation.

The Holocene Dead Sea precipitated relatively small amounts of primary gypsum, mainly in the form of thin laminae. δ34S values of these laminae and disseminated gypsum are relatively constant (15 ± 0.7‰) and are close to present-day lake composition. This reflects the lower supply of freshwater to the lake and the limited BSR activity during the arid Holocene time and possibly during former arid interglacials in the Levant.  相似文献   

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