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Finnish Lapland is known as an area where numerous sites with sediments from Pleistocene glacial and interglacial periods occur. Recent sedimentological observations and dating call for reinterpretation of the record, which shows a complicated Mid‐Weichselian ice‐sheet evolution within the ice‐divide zone. Here, a large, previously unstudied section from a former Hannukainen iron mine was investigated sedimentologically and dated with optically stimulated luminescence (OSL). Ten sedimentary units were identified displaying a variety of depositional environments (glacial, glaciolacustrine, fluvial and aeolian). They are all – except for the lowermost, deeply weathered till – interpreted to be of Mid‐ or Late Weichselian/Holocene age. Five OSL samples from fluvial sediments give ages ranging from 55 to 35 ka, indicating two MIS 3 ice‐free intervals of unknown duration. The Mid‐Weichselian interstadial was interrupted by a re‐advance event, which occurred later than 35 ka and caused glaciotectonic deformation, folding and stacking of older sediments. This new evidence emphasizes the importance of the Kolari area when unravelling the complex Late Pleistocene glacial history of northern Finland and adjacent regions.  相似文献   
An 8000-year record of palaeoproductivity, based on the chemical and chironomid stratigraphies from Lake Päijänne, S. Finland, was assessed with respect to known morphometric, climatic and anthropogenic events. A gradual trend of dystrophication and an associated decrease in aquatic production was detected during the Holocene, with the following exceptions: (1) high diatom and chironomid production around 8000-6000 cal yr BP, (2) eutrophication around 2000 cal yr BP, and (3) an anthropogenic signal during the last few decades.The changes in chironomid assemblages, before the past few decades, have mainly been shifts in concentration, but not in species composition. Variation in chironomid production was mainly explained by the accumulations of biogenic silicon, carbon and organic matter. Nutrient availability seems to be important in controlling biogenic silicon, which we use to infer past diatom production. The high production ca. 8000-6000 cal yr BP and the fluctuation in chironomid influx after ca. 2000 cal yr BP, however, were probably caused by the proposed warm/dry and cold/wet conditions during these times, respectively. These results highlight the sensitivity of boreal shield lake ecosystems to climatic forcing. In contrast, the pronounced change in the morphometry of the basin around 7000 cal yr BP had little effect on the trophic state of the lake. The human-induced trophic change during the past few decades has affected the Lake Päijänne ecosystem to an extent never experienced before during the last 8000-years.  相似文献   
The rate of oxidation of different organic matters varied greatly at combustion temperatures lower than 800 °C. While some materials were oxidized rapidly, others produced peaks with extremely long tails which were difficult to integrate accurately. At 550 °C, where calcium carbonate still remained intact, the determination of carbon consumed much more time and yielded a poorer accuracy when compared with combustion at 950°C. Above 550 °C calcium carbonate decomposes and produces peaks which overlap with those of organic carbon. An accurate correction for carbonate in the results of organic carbon analysis cannot thus be established, in practice, and separate determinations of total and inorganic carbon should be carried out, organic carbon being obtained by subtraction. To achieve the most accurate results the use of 950… 1000°C is recommended for the determination of both total, and carbonate, carbon.  相似文献   
An enzyme assay was developed for studies on peroxidase activities in humic lake water. 3,4-Dimethoxybenzyl alcohol (veratryl alcohol, VeraOH) was used as tracer substrate, and peroxidase (EC activity was measured by high-performance liquid chromatography. The chemical stability of VeraOH and its application as peroxidase substrate was tested under light and dark conditions, different hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) concentrations and humic matter contents. VeraOH was stable under low UV radiation at in situ conditions in lake water (<0.010...0.25 kJ m–2 d–1), laboratory conditions (<0.05...0.30 kJ m–2 d–1), and low (1...100 μM) H2O2 concentrations. However, peroxides oxidized VeraOH above 1...10 mM H2O2 concentration in sterile Millipore-Q and humic lake water. Dark incubations showed little VeraOH oxidation products. The developed peroxidase assay was tested in the growth medium of Phanerochaete chrysosporium and a bacteria isolate (P.M.D. from mesohumic lake Pääjärvi. Peroxidase activities were also measured in natural microbial communities under standard laboratory and under in situ conditions in humic lake water. Incubation times of about 5 to 12 days were usually needed to record significant (P < 0.05) peroxidase activities, in lake waters. In situ peroxidase activities varied in pelagial surface water (0...0.5 m) on a seasonal scale between 74 nmol L–1 h–1 and 273 nmol L–1 (mean: 176 nmol L–1 h–1) and within the water column between 110 nmol L–1 h–1 and 800 nmol L–1 h–1 (mean: 500 nmol L–1 h–1) in polyhumic lake Mekkojärvi.  相似文献   
Quantitative measures of accessibility are increasingly used in land cover change modeling and in assessing human pressure on the environment. In riverine Amazonia the significance of physical accessibility for biodiversity, land use patterns and economic livelihoods is widely acknowledged, but attempts to quantify accessibility in practice have been few in number. In this study we compare different distance- and frequency-based measures of spatial accessibility and develop a quantitative model of accessibility patterns for the north-eastern Peruvian Amazonia where rivers form the core of the transportation network. We model accessibility between the rural areas of the Loreto region and the capital city of Iquitos, using different distance algorithms in a geographic information system, and complement the distance model with information on river boat frequencies and transport capacities. Patterns of accessibility are visualized in terms of potential production zones for different types of agricultural and non-timber forest products.This study demonstrates how results from different accessibility measures vary considerably. The mean Euclidean distance to Iquitos is almost 270 km, the mean network distance nearly 760 km and the mean travel time 70 h. Observed network distances from validation points to Iquitos are on average 1.6 times longer than Euclidean distances, and for the whole study area, the average ratio between modeled network distances and Euclidean distances is 3.1. The correlation between network distances and time distances is very strong, but time distances are relatively shorter along the major channels where boat traffic is considerably faster than along narrow, tightly meandering rivers. Measures of boat frequency and transport capacity show that availability of transport possibilities is highly varying across the region. These measures provide insights into the ’thickness’ of trade, indicating the level of market integration for riverine settlements. We conclude that quantifying accessibility in an environment like Peruvian Amazonia requires measures that take into account the spatial structure and dynamic nature of the riverine transportation network. Time as a unit of distance provides the most relevant measure of accessibility in the Amazonian context, where many human actions and traditional livelihoods are controlled by travel times between the regional core and the hinterland.  相似文献   
The internal load of phosphorus can be treated with chemicals improving a sediment's phosphorus binding capacity. Gypsum (CaSO4?2H2O) is a novel material to be applied for this purpose. In the hypereutrophic Lake Enäjärvi, southern Finland, sediments were treated with gypsum in test basins. The basins were isolated from open water to create artificial anoxia, which allowed the effects of the treatment on the internal load to be measured. The results indicate that gypsum treatment decreases the sediment's release of nutrients under anoxic conditions. This was demonstrated as less increased total-P and total-N concentrations and decreased chlorophyll-a concentrations in the water column of treated basins as compared with the control basins. Because the gypsum treatment prevents internal load, it has potential in lake restoration in cases where the internal load of phosphorus is accelerated by anoxic conditions at the sediment/water interface.  相似文献   
This study presents a detailed analysis of geochemical and biotic proxies in a lake sediment profile to assess the effects of local and regional environmental drivers on the Holocene development of Lake Loitsana, situated in the northern boreal forest of NE Finland. Multi-proxy studies, in particular those that include a detailed plant macrofossil record, from the part of the northern boreal zone of Fennoscandia which has not been affected by treeline fluctuations, are scarce and few of these records date back to the earliest part of the Holocene. A 9-m sediment sequence of gyttja overlying silts representing the last c. 10,700 cal year, allowed for a high-resolution study with emphasis on the early to mid-Holocene lake history. The lacustrine sediments were studied using lithology, loss-on-ignition and C/N ratios, micro- and macro-fossils of aquatic and wetland taxa, diatoms, chironomids and accelerator mass spectrometry 14C dating on terrestrial plant macrofossils. Our study shows that the local development at Loitsana was complex and included a distinct glacial lake phase and subsequent drainage, a history of fluvial input affected by nearby wetland expansion, and lake infilling in an eventual esker-fed shallow lake. Enhanced trophic conditions, due to morphometric eutrophication, are recorded as Glacial Lake Sokli drained and open water conditions became restricted to a relatively small Lake Loitsana depression. pH appears to have been stable throughout the Holocene with a well-buffered lake due to the local carbonatite bedrock (Sokli Carbonatite Massif). The fossil assemblage changes are best explained by a complex mixture of drivers, including water-body conditions (i.e. depth, turbidity and turbulence), rate of sediment input, and the general infilling of the lake, highlighting the need to carefully evaluate the possible influence of such local factors as palaeoenvironmental conditions are reconstructed based on aquatic proxies.  相似文献   
The objectives of this study were to (1) investigate whether the availability of suitable zooplankton prey limits the distribution of the coastal larval areas of pike (Esox lucius) in two archipelago areas of the northern Baltic Sea and (2) compare the availability of zooplankton prey in spring between different types of coastal littoral habitat. According to the results, reed belt habitats formed by Phragmites australis constitute hot spots for zooplankton prey in the coastal ecosystem. During the spring, reed-covered shores of the inner archipelago maintained more than 10 times higher densities of copepods and cladocerans, the preferred prey for larval pike, compared to the other studied shores. Temperature conditions were also most favourable in the reed belt habitat. Thus, the reed belts of the inner and middle archipelago were shown to form the best habitat for larval pike in the coastal area of the northern Baltic Sea, and this was also the only habitat where pike larvae were found. Our results suggest that the poor survival and recruitment of pike in the outer archipelago, however, cannot exclusively be explained by sub-optimal feeding conditions of the larvae. There are also other important factors, presumably connected to the exposure to the open sea, that affect the distribution of the pike larvae. Our results, however, highlight the importance of sheltered coastal reed belt shores as reproduction habitat for spring-spawning fish in the northern Baltic Sea. Further, this study disproves the assumption that the seaweed bladder wrack (Fucus vesiculosus) forms a reproduction habitat for pike in the coastal area.  相似文献   
Human activity and climatic forcing have influenced sedimentation in three of Finland's deepest lakes during the last centuries. High-resolution sediment sequences of Lake Päijänne, Lake Pääjärvi and Lake Pyhäjärvi represent records of the last 440 years, 839 years and 633 years, respectively. The accumulation rates of dry matter, organic carbon and biogenic silica refer to changes in human activity in the catchments. However, they also reveal the importance of climatic forcing on lake sediment deposition. A significant correlation was found between instrumentally measured records of temperature (163 years) and precipitation (148 years), and varve thickness. Warm winter months indicating a short ice-cover period have the strongest control on varve thickness. This shows that wind-driven resuspension of littoral material is the forcing mechanism of climate on lake sediments. The long-term human-induced erosion pulses observed may even have magnified the climatic signals in some cases. Nevertheless, increased anthropogenic field erosion in the catchment, and the associated leaching of bioavailable nutrients, hampers the observation of climate signals, especially during the last 50 years, in the lakes studied.This is the second paper a series of papers published in this issue on high-resolution paleolimnology. These papers were presented at the Sixth International Palaeolimnology Symposium held 19-April, 1993 at the Australian National University, Canberra, Australia. Dr A. F. Lotter and Dr. M. Sturm served as guest editors for these papers.  相似文献   
Different grain-size fractions of 12 lithologically defined and 2 non-defined Weichselian glacial stage diamicton units from Nordaustlandet, Svalbard were studied for their mineral magnetic properties. The applied measurements included magnetic susceptibility (χ), anhysteretic remanent magnetization (ARM), saturation isothermal remanent magnetization (SIRM), ‘backfield’ isothermal remanent magnetization (IRM) and several of their parametric ratios. The results indicated a poor correlation between the magnetic fingerprint of dry-sieved and wet-sieved diamicton samples. The dry-sieved samples had higher χ, ARM and SIRM values, suggesting a higher concentration of ferrimagnetic grains. This was probably because washing of the samples resulted in the loss of the most fine-grained ferrimagnetic material. Both sieving methods seem to be capable of discriminating different diamictons, but they cannot be used contemporaneously. The results only partially support previous findings of the chronostratigraphic correlation of diamictons. They indicate that in suitable conditions and within a limited area it is possible to discriminate (and group) glacigenic sequences based on the magnetic signature of their fine-grained fractions in the sample. For example and based on the mineral magnetic fingerprint, a diamicton unit that was described from the marine core (MUR 09/sor1/125–150) obtained from Isvika region most probably represents diamicton material that were derived from provenance areas related to the Middle Weichselian glacial stage. It was also noted that certain mineral magnetic parameters, such as SIRM/χ and SIRM/ARM ratio, had greater potential in discriminating diamicton units than others.  相似文献   
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