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Four drift accumulations have been identified on the continental margin of northern Norway; the Lofoten Drift, the Vesterålen Drift, the Nyk Drift and the Sklinnadjupet Drift. Based on seismic character these drifts were found to belong to two main groups; (1) mounded, elongated, upslope accretion drifts (Lofoten Drift, Vesterålen Drift and Nyk Drift), and (2) infilling drifts (Sklinnadjupet Drift). The drifts are located on the continental slope. Mainly surface and intermediate water circulation, contrary to many North Atlantic and Antarctic drifts that are related to bottom water circulation, and sediment availability have controlled their growth. Sediments were derived both from winnowing of the shelf and upper slope and from ice sheets when present on the shelf. The main source area was the Vøring margin. This explains the high maximum average sedimentation rate of the nearby Nyk (1.2 m/ka) and Sklinnadjupet (0.5 m/ka) Drifts compared with the distal Lofoten (0.036 m/ka) and Vesterålen (0.060 m/ka) Drifts. The high sedimentation rate of the Nyk Drift, deposited during the period between the late Saalian and the late Weichselian is of the same order of magnitude as previously reported for glacigenic slope sediments deposited during glacial maximum periods only. The Sklinnadjupet Drift is infilling a paleo-slide scar. The development of the infilling drift was possible due to the available accommodation space, a slide scar acting as a sediment trap. Based on the formation of diapirs originating from the Sklinnadjupet Drift sediments we infer these sediments to have a muddy composition with relatively high water content and low density, more easily liquefied and mobilised compared with the glacigenic diamictons.  相似文献   
A detailed relative sea-level (RSL) record was constructed for the time interval 600–1600 AD, using basal peat to track sea level and containing 16 sea-level index points that capture ~60 cm of RSL rise. The study area is in the Mississippi Delta where the spring tidal range is ~0.47 m, the impact of ocean currents on sea-surface topography is limited, and crustal motions are well constrained. Age control was obtained by AMS 14C dating and most ages represent weighted means of two subsamples. Sample elevations were determined by combining differential GPS measurements with optical surveying. All index points were plotted as error boxes using 2σ confidence intervals for the ages, plus all vertical errors involved in sampling and surveying, as well as the indicative range of the samples. A striking clustering of sea-level index points between ~1000 and ~1200 AD suggests a possible acceleration in the rate of RSL rise. Removal of the long-term trend (0.60 mm yr?1) allows for the possibility of a sea-level oscillation with a maximum amplitude of ~55 cm. However, given the size of the error boxes the possibility that oscillations did not occur cannot be entirely ruled out. Comparison of the new RSL record with various proxy climate records suggests that sea level in this area may have responded to hemispheric temperature changes, including the Medieval Warm Period and the Little Ice Age. However, given the error margins associated with this reconstruction, it is stressed that this causal mechanism is tentative and requires corroboration by high-resolution sea-level reconstructions elsewhere.  相似文献   
New single-grain and within-grain U-Pb zircon ages from the central Tauern Window help sorting out the time dimension among the various Variscan and pre-Variscan basement components that were strongly overprinted by Alpine orogeny. Single-grain isotope dilution (ID-TIMS) U-Pb zircon geochronology of three Basisamphibolit samples yield protolith formation ages of 351±2, 349±1 and 343±1 Ma. Laser ablation ICP-MS and ID-TIMS U-Pb detrital zircon dating of the Biotitporphyroblastenschiefer constrained the maximum time of sedimentation to between 362±6 Ma and 368±17 Ma. Paragneisses from the Zwölferzug yield maximum sedimentation ages from 345±5 Ma (ion microprobe data) to 358±10 Ma. Zircons from gabbroic clasts and detrital zircons from a meta-agglomerate from the Habach Phyllite give an upper intercept age of 536±8 Ma and a near-concordant age of 506±9 Ma, respectively. Hence, apart from the Habach Phyllite, the maximum sedimentation ages of the metasediments investigated range from Upper Devonian to Lower Carboniferous. Consequently, the Basisamphibolit, the Biotitporphyroblastenschiefer, and the paragneisses of the Zwölferzug form parts of the Variscan basement series. The Basisamphibolit (351-343 Ma) is distinct both in space and time of formation from the Zwölferzug garnet amphibolite (c. 486 Ma), which forms part of the pre-Variscan basement.  相似文献   
Quaternary sea‐level cycles have caused dramatic depocentre shifts near the mouths of major rivers. The effects of these shifts on fault activity in passive margin settings is poorly known, as no studies have constrained passive margin fault throw‐rate variability over 103 to 105 year time scales. Here we present 11 mean throw rates for the Tepetate–Baton Rouge fault zone along the northern Gulf of Mexico coast in southern Louisiana. These data were obtained by optically stimulated luminescence dating over time scales spanning the last interglacial to the late Holocene. The mean throw rate is ca. 0.22 mm year?1 during the late Holocene, ca. 0.03 mm year?1 during the last glacial and at least 0.07 mm year?1 during the last interglacial. Throw rates averaged over the late Pleistocene to present are spatially uniform within our study area. The temporal variability in throw rates suggests that shifts of the Mississippi River depocentre relative to this fault zone, driven by Quaternary sea‐level cycles, may have imposed a significant control on fault activity. The late Holocene throw rate is at least in the order of magnitude smaller than the rates of land‐surface subsidence in the Mississippi Delta, indicating that this fault zone is not a dominant contributor to subsidence in this region.  相似文献   
Restricted areas of acid to intermediate gneisses in northernmost Sweden are known to be Archaean and several other gneissic granodioritic to tonalitic massifs have been suggested to be of this age. To delimit the western border of the Archaean province of the Baltic Shield, and to characterize the Swedish Archaean, we have studied the 2.83 Ga old Soppero gneiss and 8 of the proposed Archaean massifs in northern Sweden by Sm-Nd isotopic analyses, U-Pb zircon dating (in two cases), and geochemistry.Of the Archaean gneisses proposed thus far, only those from the Soppero and Kukkola areas have Archaean ages (2.83 and 2.67 Ga, respectively). These gneisses have geochemical characteristics such as LREE-enrichment, low U-contents, and low K/Na-ratios, which are typical of Archaean TTG (tonalite-trondhjemite-granodiorite) rocks worldwide. The REE results indicate that the Soppero and the Kukkola gneisses were generated by partial melting of basic rocks, presumably amphibolites. According to the Sm-Nd isotopic data for the Soppero gneiss, this process occurred only a short time after initial segregation from the mantle ( Nd values between +0.9 and +3.5). The Kukkola gneiss, however, has longer crustal residence time as indicated by negative Nd values (–1.0 and –2.5) at the U-Pb zircon age of 2.67 Ga. Evidence in support of an important event at that time is given by secondary overgrowth on zircon cores in the 2.83 Ga old Soppero gneiss.The Sm-Nd isotope results show that the Proterozoic granitoids in northern Sweden have a decreasing involvement of Archaean source material with increasing distance from the Archaean areas. Before the Proterozoic reworking, the rather small Archaean areas in northern Sweden presumably belonged to a large continuous Archaean craton. The western palaeoboundary of this craton in Sweden probably follows approximately a line extrapolated from the western limit of the Archaean of central Finland, passing west of Kukkola, and then continues to the Lofoten area in northern Norway.  相似文献   
The dendrochronological use of the parameter maximum density (MXD) in Pinus Sylvestris L., at high latitudes, has provided valuable insights into past summer temperature variations. Few long MXD chronologies, from climatically coherent regions, exist today, with the exception being in northern Europe. Five, 500-year-long, Fennoscandian, MXD chronologies were compared with regard to their common variability and climate sensitivity. They were used to test Signal-free standardization techniques, to improve inferences of low-frequency temperature variations. Climate analysis showed that, in accordance with previous studies on MXD in Fennoscandia, the summer temperature signal is robust (R 2?>?50 %) and reliable over this climatically coherent region. A combination of Individual standardization and regional curve standardization is recommended to refine long-term variability from these MXD chronologies and relieve problems arising from low replication and standardization end-effects.  相似文献   
The heat flow content in vitrinite reflectance (VR) observations is studied based on a simple model of burial at a constant rate. The model is made dimensionless, and it has just one parameter except for the paleo heat flow. The question of existence and uniqueness of a solution is studied, and there exist in general no paleo heat flow that will reproduce a given VR-depth curve. But a solution is unique if it exists. A computed VR-depth function is shown to be smooth, even for piecewise constant heat flow histories. The paleo heat flow can be obtained from a VR-depth function after two times with derivations. It is also shown how the present day thermal gradient can be obtained by derivation of a VR-depth representation. The one-parameter model allows for approximate expressions for the optimal paleo heat flow as a step function. The results obtained from the one-parameter model is also compared with similar results from a real case study from the North Sea using a state-of-the-art basin simulator.  相似文献   
We use the global mercury model published by Bergan et al. (1999) to evaluate the potential role of ozone and the hydroxyl radical as gas phase oxidants for the oxidation of elemental mercury in the atmosphere. The magnitude of natural and man-made mercury emissions are taken from recent literature estimates. We consider only two mercury reservoirs, elemental mercury, Hg0, and the more soluble divalent form, HgII. Wet and dry deposition of HgII is explicitly treated.Applying monthly mean fields of ozone for the oxidation of gas phase Hg0 and using the reaction rate by Hall (1995) yields a global transformation of Hg0 to HgII which is too slow to keep the simulated concentration of Hg0 near observed values. This shows that there must be additional important removal processes for Hg0 or that the reaction rate proposed by Hall (1995) is too slow. A simulation in which the oxidation rate was artificially increased, so that the global turn-over time of Hg0 is one year and the simulated average concentration of Hg0 realistic, produces latitudinal and seasonal variations in Hg0 that do not support the hypothesis that gas phase reaction with O3 is the major oxidation process for Hg0.Recent studies indicate that OH may be an important gas phase oxidant for Hg0 (Sommar et al., 2001). Using OH as the sole oxidantand applying the oxidation rate by Sommar et al., we calculate aconcentration of Hg0 well below (about a factor of three) the observations. By prescribing a slower rate, corresponding to a turn-over time of Hg0 of one year, we calculate concentrations of both Hg0 in surface air and HgII in precipitation which correspond reasonably well, both in magnitude and temporal variation, with seasonal observations in Europe and North America. This result supports the suggestion that the oxidation by OH is an important pathway for the removal of Hg0. In view of the uncertainties associated with our calculations, this conclusion should still be regarded as tentative.  相似文献   
In this study, summer rainfall contributions to streamflow were quantified in the sub‐arctic, 30% glacierized Tarfala (21.7 km2) catchment in northern Sweden for two non‐consecutive summer sampling seasons (2004 and 2011). We used two‐component hydrograph separation along with isotope ratios (δ18O and δD) of rainwater and daily streamwater samplings to estimate relative fraction and uncertainties (because of laboratory instrumentation, temporal variability and spatial gradients) of source water contributions. We hypothesized that the glacier influence on how rainfall becomes runoff is temporally variable and largely dependent on a combination of the timing of decreasing snow cover on glaciers and the relative moisture storage condition within the catchment. The results indicate that the majority of storm runoff was dominated by pre‐event water. However, the average event water contribution during storm events differed slightly between both years with 11% reached in 2004 and 22% in 2011. Event water contributions to runoff generally increased over 2011 the sampling season in both the main stream of Tarfala catchment and in the two pro‐glacial streams that drain Storglaciären (the largest glacier in Tarfala catchment covering 2.9 km2). We credit both the inter‐annual and intra‐annual differences in event water contributions to large rainfall events late in the summer melt season, low glacier snow cover and elevated soil moisture due to large antecedent precipitation. Together amplification of these two mechanisms under a warming climate might influence the timing and magnitude of floods, the sediment budget and nutrient cycling in glacierized catchments. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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