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A statistical study of the dependence between various critical fusion temperatures of a certain kind ofcoal and its chemical components is carried out.As well as using classical dependence techniques(multiple,stepwise and PLS regression,principal components,canonical correlation,etc.)together withthe corresponding inference on the parameters of interest,non-parametric regression and bootstrapinference are also performed.  相似文献   
The program SOL1,written in Turbo-PASCAL for use on a personal computers(IBM-PC orcompatible),has been developed for calculating the equilibrium concentrations of the species inmulticomponent ligand-metal mixtures of up to 21 components and 150 species.The main features arethe easy data input system,the possibility of three different tasks(calculating the composition of a singlesolution,simulating titration curves and calculating the species distribution as a function of pH)andprocedures for drawing the calculated curves on Roland DXY plotters.The program has been tested by astudy of six different complex systems.  相似文献   
—According to the energy equation,the relation between reflection and energy losses for shortwaves from mild beaches is established and analysed.A reflection coefficient varying with position and en-ergy losses is proposed.Different reflection tests are conducted to check the theoretical analysis.A modi-fied method to estimate the reflection coefficient at varied water depths is suggested based on the linearwave theory.The study indicates that the reflection coefficient from mild beaches has a changing trend forshort waves approaching shoreline.  相似文献   
SEXIA is an expert system that uses a new methodological approach to identify foods,particularly oliveoils according to varieties,olive zones and denominations of origin.The methodological approachprovides identification tools,associating a confidence degree or a belief interval to the final hypotheses.The certainty factor and the Dempster-Shaffer theory,with some modifications,have been implementedin SEXIA.The computer can work with 50 chemical parameters whose data have previously beenacquired by the food analyst via a dialogue in the Spanish language.The system has been verified with144 olive oil samples.In this paper some results obtained for distinguishing the Arbequina variety fromother varieties using SEXIA and the BMDP stepwise discriminant analysis program are presented.Finally,promising directions for future research are suggested.  相似文献   
The usefulness of the Kalman filter as an algorithm for calibration in a real system is shown. Results arecompared with classical least squares and pure component calibration. The prediction of four prioritypollutant chlorophenols in binary, ternary and quaternary mixtures was also carried out by Kalmanfiltering. The condition number, standard deviation and prediction error have been employed to choosethe most suitable wavelength range. Comparison of the standard error of prediction in the validation setshows significant differences between the evaluated chlorophenols, the best results being obtained withKalman multivariate calibration.  相似文献   
Non periodic ordered sequences obtained by production rules in formal grammars are applied to the analysis of the multi-periodicity of the δ-Scuti type variable star V784 Cas. An artificial light curve for V784 Cas is generated by a non deterministic derivation in a context-sensitive grammar by concatenation of two sinusoidal fragments following certain word sequences. The two basic building blocks represent temporal segments in a golden ratio and the number of long and short segments in a word are also in a golden ratio.  相似文献   
Sealing characteristics of the caprock to the Main Buntsandstein reservoir sands in the P blocks in the Dutch offshore are assessed based on a core from the P15 well. The core which represents the Main Buntsandstein, Solling, Röt, and Muschelkalk interval has been analyzed using standard geologic and petrophysical techniques including mercury-injection capillary-pressure tests. The caprock to the Main Buntsandstein reservoir sands consists of anhydritic and/or dolomitic sandstone to argillaceous siltstone, silty shale, and dolostone. Early emplacement of nodular anhydrite followed by cementation and replacement by anhydrite, dolomite, and siderite has resulted in tight, submicroporous pore geometries which act as good to excellent seals. Capillary entry pressures of the best caprock lithologies are such that gas columns of the order of 300 m could potentially be trapped. The actual column height in P15 is about 125 m as indicated by RFT data. The presence of significant gas accumulations in the Main Buntsandstein in the P12, P14, P15, P18 and adjoining Q8 and Q16 blocks suggests that the P15 top-seal quality may be representative for that area.  相似文献   
Summary In 1974 and 1975 deep seismic sounding experiments were carried out in the area of the Betic Cordillera in southern Spain. A network of crustal seismic profiles was established with shotpoints at sea close to Cádiz, Adra and Cartagena and on land at Alquife near Guadix. The lengths of the profiles range from 50 km near Alquife to 440 km for the main profile between Cádiz and Cartagena parallel to the strike of the Betic Cordillera. The main profile was supplemented by a reversed recording line close to the Mediterranean coast between Adra and Cartagena and another one perpendicular to the main tectonic strike from Adra towards the north. The first interpretation of the data indicates considerable variation in the crustal thickness. A preliminary inversion leads to a three-layered model of the crust. The mean compressional velocity is about 5.1 km/s down to a depth of 4 km. Below this the velocity is 6.13 km/s from 4 to 16 km where it increases to 7.14 km/s. TheP n-velocity is 8.18 km/s. The crust-mantle boundary is reached at a depth of 27 km near Cartagena and lies 32 km deep near Adra, Underneath the gravity minimum of the Betic Cordillera the crust-mantle boundary is found at a depth of about 36 km. Below the Betic zone a pronounced zone of low velocity with 7.7 km/s seems to exist in the depth range from 40 to 60 km.Contribution No. 4, Grupo de Trabajo de Perfiles Sismicos, Comisión Española del Proyecto Geodinámico, C.S.I.C., Madrid, Spain.Contribution No. 139, Geophysical Institute, University of Karlsruhe, Hertzstrasse 16, D-75 Karlsruhe 21, Germany.Contribution No. 217, Institut de Physique du Globe, Université Paris VI, 4 Place Jussieu, F-75230 Paris Cedex 05, France.Contribution No. 11, Instituto y Observatorio de Marina, San Fernando (Cádiz), Spain.Contribution No. 163, Institute of Geophysics, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, ETH-Hönggerberg, CH-8093 Zürich, Switzerland.  相似文献   
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