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We present new insights on the time-averaged surface velocities, convergence and extension rates along arc-normal transects in Kumaon, Garhwal and Kashmir–Himachal regions in the Indian Himalaya from 13 years of high-precision Global Positioning System (GPS) time series (1995–2008) derived from GPS data at 14 GPS permanent and 42 campaign stations between $29.5{-}35^{\circ }\hbox {N}$ and $76{-}81^{\circ }\hbox {E}$ . The GPS surface horizontal velocities vary significantly from the Higher to Lesser Himalaya and are of the order of 30 to 48 mm/year NE in ITRF 2005 reference frame, and 17 to 2 mm/year SW in an India fixed reference frame indicating that this region is accommodating less than 2 cm/year of the India–Eurasia plate motion ( ${\sim }4~\hbox {cm/year}$ ). The total arc-normal shortening varies between ${\sim }10{-}14~\hbox {mm/year}$ along the different transects of the northwest Himalayan wedge, between the Indo-Tsangpo suture to the north and the Indo-Gangetic foreland to the south indicating high strain accumulation in the Himalayan wedge. This convergence is being accommodated differentially along the arc-normal transects; ${\sim } 5{-}10~\hbox {mm/year}$ in Lesser Himalaya and 3–4 mm/year in Higher Himalaya south of South Tibetan Detachment. Most of the convergence in the Lesser Himalaya of Garhwal and Kumaon is being accommodated just south of the Main Central Thrust fault trace, indicating high strain accumulation in this region which is also consistent with the high seismic activity in this region. In addition, for the first time an arc-normal extension of ${\sim }6~\hbox {mm/year}$ has also been observed in the Tethyan Himalaya of Kumaon. Inverse modeling of GPS-derived surface deformation rates in Garhwal and Kumaon Himalaya using a single dislocation indicate that the Main Himalayan Thrust is locked from the surface to a depth of ${\sim }15{-}20~\hbox {km}$ over a width of 110 km with associated slip rate of ${\sim }16{-}18~\hbox {mm/year}$ . These results indicate that the arc-normal rates in the Northwest Himalaya have a complex deformation pattern involving both convergence and extension, and rigorous seismo-tectonic models in the Himalaya are necessary to account for this pattern. In addition, the results also gave an estimate of co-seismic and post-seismic motion associated with the 1999 Chamoli earthquake, which is modeled to derive the slip and geometry of the rupture plane.  相似文献   
Natural Resources Research - This work integrates seismic and well log data to establish a 3D reservoir model of the Q-Field, which is a prolific onshore hydrocarbon field situated in the Central...  相似文献   
Bioturbation is a typically small scale yet potentially significant geological process altering rock properties by reworking. For many years, bioturbation studies found application in exploration geology to estimate paleobathymetry, interpreting depositional environment and identifying key stratigraphic surfaces. These act as vital inputs to the geological models, for determination of source rock potential, reservoir quality and modeling of petroleum systems. Recently geologists extended the application of bioturbation studies to address production related challenges. Recognizing the bioturbation effects and incorporating them in reservoir simulation models can improve production predictions and enhanced oil recovery operations. This paper discusses bioturbation and its effects on reservoir quality, its performance and production.  相似文献   
Natural Resources Research - Pore pressure modeling has proven and direct implications in oil and gas exploration and development. Abnormal pore pressure leads to drilling complexity and well...  相似文献   
North Karanpura coal field is the western most marginal coal bearing segment of east-west trending Damodar valley basin. It consists of middle Permian Barakar Formation with sandstone, siltstone, coal and shale being the dominant lithofacies, deposited in a fluvial meandering environment, giving rise to repetitive fining upwards cycles. Study of geophysical logs, the drilled core holes were used to identify lithofacies, correlate coal seams with splitmerge behavior; which has been used to understand lateral and vertical facies disposition. Geophysical logs have been employed to compute various coal assay parameters–ash, fixed carbon, moisture, volatile content, cleat porosity, vitrinite reflectance seam wise. Study of log based coal assay parameters, calibrated with lab based values depicts lateral coal quality variation, i.e. decreasing ash content, higher fixed carbon from east to west, which can be a great proxy for future development of field or mine planning.  相似文献   
Natural Resources Research - The Albertine Graben, an active sedimentary petroliferous basin, has gained global attention as the unexplored areas are recently being targeted for hydrocarbon...  相似文献   
Das  Usha  Ghosh  Souvik 《Natural Hazards》2020,102(3):1419-1434
Natural Hazards - Climate and its inevitable symptoms of change are now becoming a part of people’s life. They have realised the related potential threats and magnitude of skewed pace of...  相似文献   
Zildat Ophiolitic Mélange (ZOM) of the Indus Suture Zone, Himalaya, represents tectonic blocks of the fragmented oceanic metasediments and ophiolite remnants. The ZOM is sandwiched between the Zildat fault adjacent to a gneissic dome known as Tso Morari Crystalline (TMC) and thin sliver of an ophiolite called as the Nidar Ophiolitic Complex. The ZOM contain chaotic low-density lithologies of metamorphosed oceanic sediments and hydrated mantle rocks, in which carbonates are present as mega-clasts ranging from 100 meters to few centimeters in size. In this work, calcite microstructures, fluid inclusion petrography and stable isotope analyses of carbonates were carried out to envisage the emplacement history of the ZOM. Calcite microstructure varies with decreasing temperature and increasing intensity of deformation. Intense shearing is seen at the marginal part of the mélange near Zildat fault. These observations are consistent with the mélange as a tectonically dismembered block, formed at a plate boundary in convergent setup. The δ18O and δ13C isotope values of carbonates show bimodal nature from deeper (interior) to the shallower (marginal, near the Zildat fault) part of the mélange. Carbonate blocks from deeper part of the mélange reflect marine isotopic signature with limited fluid–rock interaction, which later on provide a mixing zone of oceanic metasediments and/or hydrated ultramafic rocks. Carbonates at shallower depths of the mélange show dominance of syn-deformation hydrous fluids, and this has later been modified by metamorphism of the adjacent TMC gneisses. Above observations reveal that the mélange was emplaced over the subducting Indian plate and later on synchronously deformed with the TMC gneissic dome.  相似文献   
The Raniganj Formation (late Permian) forms the uppermost economic coal-bearing unit of the Gondwana succession. The dominant facies interpreted from analysis of cores from the Raniganj formation are classified as Sandstone dominated facies, Sandstone - shale heterolith facies, Shale facies and Coal facies. The natural Gamma response of Raniganj Formation shows predominance of repetitive fining upwards cycles. Integration of core analysis and geophysical log data of the Raniganj formation indicates meandering fluvial environment. The lower part of Raniganj Formation is channel dominated which corresponds to thick amalgamated sand bodies while the upper part represent overbank shows predominance of channel avulsion indicating a gradual change in accommodation space. Five major fining upward depositional sequences, bounded by sub-aerial unconformities (sequence boundaries) have been dentified in Raniganj formation, based on changes in depositional style that are correlated regionally. Each sequence comprises of Low accommodation system tract (LAST) at base and high accommodation system tract (HAST) at top. LAST is characterized by vertically stacked, multistory amalgamated channel sandstone dominated facies, while floodplain dominated facies characterize HAST. The coal seams deposited in LAST are thicker and relatively more continuous than the frequent thin seams of HAST. Such facies distribution study would be helpful for the development strategy for CBM blocks based on production priority.  相似文献   
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