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In this paper, the process of oasis-desert circulation (ODC) is simulated by MM5V3.5 model through designing an ideal oasis-desert scheme and assuming that initial atmosphere is at rest (V = 0). The findings showed that the key of forming special oasis boundary structure is the difference of energy and water between oasis and desert. The evaporation of oasis surface consumes heat energy, and the low temperature of oasis causes an oasis breeze circulation (OBC), which drives an ODC with a downdraft over the oasis and an updraft over the desert. Later, the cold, dry and stable boundary over oasis is gradually formed, on the contrary,the atmospheric boundary over desert on the edge of oasis is hot, humid and unstable and its height is about 600 hPa. The updraft over the desert forms a wet ring that acts as a vertical wall weakening the low-level moisture exchange between the oasis and desert. The downdraft of OBC increases the atmospheric stability that reduces the oasis evaporation. The low-level outflow from the oasis (into the desert) prevents the dry, hot air flowing from the desert into the oasis.Thus an oasis self-preservation mechanism may be formed due to OBC. The horizontal area influenced by oasis is twice as oasis area and the vertical range is four times as oasis. The ODC is strong in the daytime and reaches the strongest at 17:00, and the influenced area is the largest at 20:00.  相似文献   
为了进一步检验和修改本文部分作者先前初步提出的影响夏季西北干旱气候形成的因子及如何相互作用形成西北干旱气候的物理图像,本文继续用一全球大气环流谱模式,设计了5组试验,利用ECMWF 的格点分析值资料,进行了数值模拟。结果表明,青藏高原隆升和环流差异是形成西北干旱气候的重要因子,已提出的西北干旱气候形成的物理图像大体是正确的。  相似文献   
藏北高原陆面过程的模拟试验   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12       下载免费PDF全文
张宇  吕世华 《大气科学》2002,26(3):387-393
利用NCAR陆面过程模式(Land Surface Model)和1998年"青藏高原能量与水分观测实验"加强观测期(GAME/Tibet IOP)的观测资料对青藏高原地区陆面过程进行了模拟研究.结果表明,在观测资料的强迫下模式能够较好地模拟出地表特征量的变化趋势,深层的土壤温度的模拟对初始场在0℃左右的变化敏感.模拟的感热通量、潜热通量以及地表反射的太阳辐射较观测值偏大.在高原地区地表类型分布状况的真实描述及植被、土壤参数的选取可能是提高该地区效果的首要问题;草地下垫面的陆面特征有待进一步研究;对土壤水热运动的真实描述,及冻土过程的加入对大气环流模式(GCM)跨季节的数值模拟会有所改进.  相似文献   
鼎湖山自然保护区大气气溶胶中的PAHs   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
多环芳烃(PAHs)是环境中分布广泛、危害人类健康的有机化合物,通过对鼎湖山自然保护区自然地理和大气气溶胶中苯并(a)芘分析认为,春季样品中大气气溶胶中PAHs主要来源于高等植物排放,夏季来源于珠江三角洲经济区化石燃烧排放。  相似文献   
分析了巴丹吉林沙漠周边17个常规气象测站1951—2005年的逐月降水量及沙尘暴频次和东亚夏季风指数。(1)沙漠周边地区降水量的空间分布明显受地形影响:紧靠沙漠的区域地势低、干旱,各季降水量都小;沙漠外围较远处(特别是受祁连山影响的西南边)地势高、湿润,各季降水量都大;地形增高会使降水量增多1个量级以上,但对其季节配额无明显影响。夏季降水量配额最大,平均高达61.6%。(2)依据各站降水量年际变化间的相关系数及测站间的地域关系和地貌相似程度,可将该区域划为4个分区:一为地势较低、紧挨沙漠、极为干旱的沙漠西北缘区,二为气候较湿、受祁连山影响的沙漠西南缘区(或称祁连山影响区),三为位于巴丹吉林沙漠和腾格里沙漠之间的民勤区,四为远离沙漠、但与其周边地区地貌相似的沙漠东侧区。(3)1951—2005年的各个年代,4个分区各季降水量由大到小的顺序均为:祁连山影响区、沙漠东侧区、民勤区和沙漠西北缘区,与其平均海拔由高到低的顺序一致;就各季降水量及其配额的年代际演变位相而言,祁连山影响区可以代表整个区域。(4)1971—2005年各分区年降水量呈增大趋势,春季降水量增加尤为显著(增幅约为0.41mm·a-1),夏季降水量有减小趋势;随海拔增高,春季及年降水量增幅加大,夏季降水量减幅减小;祁连山影响区对全区年降水量增大的贡献最大。(5)各季及年降水量与东亚夏季风的强弱间均呈复相关;其中冬、夏季及年降水量与夏季风间的负相关随海拔升高而加大,说明夏季风对沙漠以南高海拔处的降水影响更为显著。(6)各季沙尘暴与降水量间以负相关为主,各分区冬、春季降水量偏多时,其冬、春季及夏季沙尘暴的发生频次一般偏少。  相似文献   
马迪  吕世华  鲍艳  奥银焕  韩博  赵林 《中国沙漠》2017,37(4):749-754
利用陆面过程模式BATS,引入地表发射率及两种大气发射率参数化方案,同时引入不同的地表粗糙度参数化方案,对比各种参数化方案对沙漠下垫面地面温度及能量收支的模拟状况。结果表明:采用Van Bavel等发展的地表发射率及Chung等发展的大气发射率方案可以明显改进地面温度及向上长波辐射的模拟,Chung等方案在夜间与正午的模拟效果更好,减小了1 ℃左右的地面温度模拟偏差,减小了10 W·m-2左右的向上长波辐射模拟偏差。晴天地面温度及向上长波辐射的模拟结果优于阴天。利用Zhang等发展的裸土粗糙度参数化方案也会提高模式对地表感热通量模拟的准确性。  相似文献   
区域暴雨增强数值预报业务系统及其预报效果分析   总被引:3,自引:7,他引:3  
该文介绍了区域暴雨增强数值预业务系统的设计思想,主体结构及主要的关键技术,并总结了该系统业务试验的情况和效果。该系统以YH模式为基础,对其从坐标系、水平和垂直分辨率及物理过程等方面进行了改进,并结合实时资料处理系统,图形处理等形成了一个比较完整的数值预报业务体系。  相似文献   
针对辽宁省的教育与产业之间的关联程度,本文借助灰色关联模型,探究了辽宁省的教育与产业结构之间的关联度。结果表明:辽宁省城市综合实力越强,产业系统与教育系统之间的关联程度就越大;辽宁省正在逐步趋于合理地调整和优化产业结构的布局,逐渐注重第三产业的发展,并以此为动力来推动第一和第二产业的发展前进;教育结构是否合理会对产业结构产生直接或间接的影响,调整和优化产业结构需要长时间来寻找一条最优路径,需要逐步引导教育结构与之相适应。  相似文献   
本文针对国家重点牵引力动力实验室的机车车辆整车滚动振动试验台的特点,探讨了一套适合试验台安装和养护的精密测量方法,实践证明,这套方法能满足试验台安装所需的精度要求。  相似文献   
This study aims to explore the condensation and fractionation trends of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) in the karst soils. The tiankeng is a karst surface expression that can act as a focal point for introduction of contaminants to a karst aquifer, which may serve both as condenser for vapor phase POPs and as barrier/sink for particulate associated less volatile POPs. The fractionation of POPs in soils from the upper rim and floor of tiankeng is of interest in understanding the role of tiankeng in the long-distance transport of POPs. In the present study, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in the surface soils from the upper rim and floor of Dashiwei tiankeng in Southern China were analyzed. The total PAH concentrations in soils were 23.40–190 ng g−1, with phenanthrene being the most abundant. The distribution patterns of PAH compounds in the soil samples matched well with their properties. It indicated the heavy PAHs were susceptible to retention by the floor soils of tiankeng than light PAHs. A plot of Cfloor/Crim against PAH molecular weight gave a good positive relationship in the molecular weight range of 152–276. It is suggested that the floor soils can be focal points of more concentrated PAH and deserve attention. The concentrations of total PAHs in the floor soils (43.40–190 ng g−1, mean 87.76 ng g−1) were higher than those in the upper rim (23.40–88.94 ng g−1, mean 57.74 ng g−1). In addition, there was a shift in compound pattern with an increase in the proportion of light PAHs (2–3 rings), a decrease in heavy PAHs (5–6 rings) and a relatively stable content of 4-ring PAHs. A combination of particulate scavenging and cold condensation is proposed as the major mechanism for the compositional fractionation of PAHs in the soils from the upper rim and floor of tiankeng.  相似文献   
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