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Lavas from Akutan Island, located in the eastern Aleutian arc at the transition between continental and oceanic crust, show a gradual change in their petrologic and chemical characteristics over the last 4 million years. The oldest lavas exposed on the island, the Hot Springs Bay Volcanics (HSBV), range from magnesian basalt to dacite (45%–62% SiO2). The most mafic basalts contain salitic clinopyroxene, Cr- and Al-rich spinel, and pargasitic amphibole suggesting that they were derived from relatively hydrous magmas at greater pressures than lavas from the younger Akutan Volcanics (AKV) and the modern volcano (MOD). AKV lavas also range between basalt and dacite (46%–63% SiO2), but contain no hydrous phenocrysts and seem to have fractionated within a shallow level magma chamber. Lavas from the modern volcano are andesitic (52%–57% SiO2) and have a mineral assemblage similar to that of AKV lavas of similar composition. With the exception of clinopyroxene and spinel in the most mafic lavas, the compositions of plagioclase (An92?45), olivine (Fo88?51), orthopyroxene (En69?56), and titanomagnetite (15%–21% TiO2) phenocrysts found in these lavas are within the range observed in lavas from other Aleutian volcanoes. Variations in the major element chemistry of the older lavas can be reproduced by fractional crystallization of the observed mineral assemblages, however closed system crystal fractionation models are inadequate to explain the trace element variations. During the last 4 million years, La/Yb ratios have decreased (6.5–3.3 for HSBV lavas and 2.9–1.9 for MOD lavas) whereas Ba/La ratios appear to have increased slightly (37–43 for HSBV and AKV, and 41–45 of MOD). The lower La/Yb ratios of MOD lavas correspond with lower total abundances of the REE and slightly higher Sr and Pb isotopic ratios. The increased87Sr/86Sr ratios and Pb isotopic ratios in the MOD lavas, the less enriched LREE, and the higher Ba/La ratios may result from partial melting of an arc source which has experienced previous melting events but has continued to be contaminated by a component from the subducting slab. It may also indicate a change in the degree of partial melting of the underlying mantle, which corresponds to a different percentage of a slab derived component being incorporated into the overlying mantle.  相似文献   
The orbital state of a satellite in a central force field can be uniquely described by its velocity hodograph, a circle, rather than the Keplerian conic. Also, its coordinate-frame rotation about the attracting center is definable, without singularity, by the four-parameter set of Euler parameters. A unified state model of orbital trajectory and attitude dynamics has previously been developed by use of state variables of the orbital velocity hodograph and Euler parameters. The dynamical constraint equations of this orbital state model are especially effective in advanced techniques of state estimation, used for orbit determination and prediction. External observations of orbital vehicles, such as provided by optical and radar sensors of tracking systems, are transformable into corresponding velocity state maps, as presented in this paper. These transformations and the consequent state maps are essential for development of the orbit observation matrix used with the unified state matrix, in recursive estimators such as the Kalman filters. Line-of-sight rays and range spheres (or hemispheres) of observations map conformally into orthogonal spherical surfaces in velocity space, as the result of the point-contact transformations. In bispherical coordinates, the field of observation maps for a ground-based tracking system site is shown to be a reduced (or degenerate) form of the general field of observation maps for a satellite-based tracking site. These orbital state maps and transforms are directly useful in development of observation matrices for candidate observation sets, such as range only, angle only, or range plus range-rate tracking schemes. Also, surface coverage patterns can be generated for proposed new tracking systems, in mission analysis and system synthesis studies.  相似文献   
Physical universals in problem of precursor soliton generation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Six physical universals and two general relations in the problem of locally forced precursor soliton generation are found thcoretically in terms of the AfKdV equation derived by authors. These six universals and two general relations are examined by experiment and numerical calculation of two-layer flow based on the canonical character of the coefficients of tlie fKdV equations. From comparisons among the theoretical, numerical and experimental results, it is shown that they are in good agreement. There is not any free parameter in this theory, so the theory of the present paper can be used to predict thc wave properties of locally forced precursor soliton generation. Project supported hy Foundation of the State Education Commission for The Dynamics of Upper Ocean and grants of Physical Oceanography Laboratory of Ocean University of Qingdao.  相似文献   
Based on the high abundance of fine‐grained material and its dark appearance, NWA 11024 was recognized as a CM chondrite, which is also confirmed by oxygen isotope measurements. But contrary to known CM chondrites, the typical phases indicating aqueous alteration (e.g., phyllosilicates, carbonates) are missing. Using multiple analytical techniques, this study reveals the differences and similarities to known CM chondrites and will discuss the possibility that NWA 11024 is the first type 3 CM chondrite. During the investigation, two texturally apparent tochilinite–cronstedtite intergrowths were identified within two thin sections. However, the former phyllosilicates were recrystallized to Fe‐rich olivine during a heating event without changing the textural appearance. A peak temperature of 400–600 °C is estimated, which is not high enough to destroy or recrystallize calcite grains. Thus, calcites were never constituents of the mineral paragenesis. Another remarkable feature of NWA 11024 is the occurrence of unknown clot‐like inclusions (UCLIs) within fine‐grained rims, which are unique in this clarity. Their density and S concentration are significantly higher than of the surrounding fine‐grained rim and UCLIs can be seen as primary objects that were not formed by secondary alteration processes inside the rims. Similarities to chondritic and cometary interplanetary dust particles suggest an ice‐rich first‐generation planetesimal for their origin. In the earliest evolution, NWA 11024 experienced the lowest degree of aqueous alteration of all known CM chondrites and subsequently, a heating event dehydrated the sample. We suggest to classify the meteorite NWA 11024 as the first type 3 CM chondrite similar to the classification of CV3 chondrites (like Allende) that could also have lost their matrix phyllosilicates by thermal dehydration.  相似文献   
The Kern Mountains plutonic complex is composed of multiple intrusions referred as the Cove, Tungstonia and Hoodoo Canyon plutons, whose emplacement was structurally controlled. The plutons are members of the calc-alcaline granite series, leucogranite type that are relatively alkali rich. The complex is of epizone (4–10 km) and was emplaced during Jurassic time into the carbonates and quartzite of Paleozoic age. Trace and major element data indicate that the complex was derived from the partial melting of rocks similar to Canadian Shield rocks. Analysis of variance of chemical data suggets that hydrothermal solutions carried K2O, Na2O and SiO2 and raised the levels of original oxides in the plutons. Hydrothermal activity is evidenced by the occurrence of second generation muscovite, potassium feldspar and quartz in the complex and tungsten and sulphide mineralization in the area.
Zusammenfassung Der plutonische Komplex des Kerngebirges besteht aus mehrfachen Instrusionen, genannt Cove-, Tungstonia- und Hoodoo Canyon-Pluton, deren Platznahme tektonisch kontrolliert wurde. Die plutonischen Gesteine gehören zu den Kalkalkaligraniten; sie sind leucogranitisch und damit ziemlich alkalireich. Der Komplex ist epizonal (4–10 km), er drang während des Jura in die Karbonate und Quarzite des Paläozoikums ein. Spuren- und Hauptelementmeßwerte zeigen an, daß der Komplex von aufgeschmolzenen Gesteinen abgeleitet werden kann, die den Gesteinen des Kanadischen Schildes ähneln. Die Analyse der Variation von chemischen Meßwerten deutet an, daß hydrothermale Lösungen K2O, Na2O und SiO2 enthielten, die das Niveau der ursprünglichen Oxide in den plutonischen Gesteinen erhöhten. Die hydrothermale Tätigkeit wird durch das Vorhandensein von Muskowit, Kaliunifeldspat und Quartz der zweiten Generation innerhalb des Komplexes und durch Wolfram- und Sulfidmineralisation in der Umgebung bewiesen.

Résumé L'ensemble plutonique des montagnes de Kern, consiste en de nombreuses intrusions dénommées plutons du »Cove«, de »Tungstonia«, et du »Hoodoo Canyon« dont la mise en place a été tectoniquement controlée. Ces plutons font partie de la série granitique calco-alkaline; ce sont des leucogranites relativement riches en alcali. L'ensemble est épizonal (4–10 km), et s'est mis en place au cours du Jurassique dans des Calcaires et quartzites d'âge paléozoique. Les données analytiques relatives aux élements majeurs et en trace indiquent que cet ensemble peut provenir de la fusion partielle de roches similaires à celles du Bouclier Canadien.L'analyse de la variation des données chimiques suggère aussi que l'enrichissement de ces plutons en K2O, Na2O, et SiO2 s'est fait à partir de solutions minéralisantes hydrothermales, comme en témoignent non seulement la présence d'une deuxième génération de muscovite, de feldspath potassique et de quartz, mais aussi par la mineralisation en tungstène et en minerais sulfurés à leur voisinage.

, Cove, Tungstonia Hoodoo Canyon, . - ; , , . (4–10 ); . - , , . , K2O, Na2O SiO2, . , .
Recently, strong top-down (consumer) control of cordgrass (Spartina alterniflora) has been demonstrated. Here, we manipulated the densities of cordgrass consumers, acridid grasshoppers (Melanoplus bivittatus and Melanoplus femurrubrum), to examine their impact on cordgrass in the Plum Island Estuary (PIE), MA, USA. After 1 month, there was no detectable effect of grasshopper density on S. alterniflora biomass and grasshoppers at the highest densities (34 individuals per square meter) consumed only ~14% of the standing stock biomass. However, significant impacts of grasshopper density on grazing damage were seen. For example, plant damage and scarring length increased by 160% and 6,156%, respectively, at the highest grasshopper densities relative to exclusion (zero grasshoppers) densities. Plant height was significantly reduced with increasing grasshopper densities, although this may be a function of leaf tip removal instead of reduced plant growth. No other strong consumers of cordgrass (e.g., Littoraria irrorata, Prokelisia marginata) were observed in PIE and we suggest that consumer regulation of cordgrass is weak in this system.  相似文献   
We test the hypothesis that flexural isostatic compensation of the mass removed by enhanced Quaternary erosion is responsible for uplift of the Western European Alps and their forelands. We use two well‐preserved and well‐dated (1.8 Ma) abandonment surfaces of foreland basin remnants in SE France (the Chambaran and Valensole plateaux) as passive benchmarks for tilting of the foreland. Estimating their initial slope from morphometric scaling relationships, we determine bulk post‐depositional tilting of 0.5–0.8% for these surfaces. The calculated isostatic response of the Alpine lithosphere to erosional unloading, using the method recently proposed by Champagnac et al. [Geology 35 (2007) 195–198] , yields a predicted tilting of 0.3–0.4% in the considered areas, explaining approximately half of the determined post‐depositional tilting. Such long‐term deformation being insensitive to cyclic loading/unloading because of glaciations, we suspect the other half to be related to as yet undetermined long‐wavelength and long‐lived tectonic process(es).  相似文献   
Carbonate cementation in the surface layer of reefs and beachrock eliminates porosity and partially replaces detrital quartz grains. The uptake and release of CO2 by photosynthesis and respiration in reef communities cause a shift in the carbonate buffer system of seawater. Field studies and experimentation simulating the natural settings show minimum values of CO2 (1.9 mmoles 1?1) and HCO3? (2.4 meq 1?1) in association with maximum values of pH (9.8) and O2 (> 100% oxygen saturation) in waters covering corals and algae prior to sunset. The converse is true for these variables prior to sunrise, when minimum values of pH (7.6) and O2 (<66% oxygen saturation) occur with maximum values of CO2 (2.7 mmoles 1?1) and HCO3? (2.7 meq 1?1). Experimental tanks containing plain seawater showed almost no diurnal variability in pH (a constant 7.5–7.6) or O2 (80–90% oxygen saturation) measurements. Seawater adjacent to reef biomass, with elevated pH and supersaturated with calcium carbonate, is periodically pumped into the underlying reef and beach sediments due to pressure-buildups between the reef framework or algal zones and open waters. Carbonate precipitation and quartz dissolution follow. As the system equilibrates, pH values progressively decrease.  相似文献   
U-Pb isotopic thermochronometry of rutile, apatite and titanite from kimberlite-borne lower crustal granulite xenoliths has been used to constrain the thermal evolution of Archean cratonic and Proterozoic off-craton continental lithosphere beneath southern Africa. The relatively low closure temperature of the U-Pb rutile thermochronometer (~400-450 °C) allows its use as a particularly sensitive recorder of the establishment of "cratonic" lithospheric geotherms, as well as subsequent thermal perturbations to the lithosphere. Contrasting lower crustal thermal histories are revealed between intracratonic and craton margin regions. Discordant Proterozoic (1.8 to 1.0 Ga) rutile ages in Archean (2.9 to 2.7 Ga) granulites from within the craton are indicative of isotopic resetting by marginal orogenic thermal perturbations influencing the deep crust of the cratonic nucleus. In Proterozoic (1.1 to 1.0 Ga) granulite xenoliths from the craton-bounding orogenic belts, rutiles define discordia arrays with Neoproterozoic (0.8 to 0.6 Ga) upper intercepts and lower intercepts equivalent to Mesozoic exhumation upon kimberlite entrainment. In combination with coexisting titanite and apatite dates, these results are interpreted as a record of postorogenic cooling at an integrated rate of approximately 1 °C/Ma, and subsequent variable Pb loss in the apatite and rutile systems during a Mesozoic thermal perturbation to the deep lithosphere. Closure of the rutile thermochronometer signals temperatures of 𙠂 °C in the lower crust during attainment of cratonic lithospheric conductive geotherms, and such closure in the examined portions of the "off-craton" Proterozoic domains of southern Africa indicates that their lithospheric thermal profiles were essentially cratonic from the Neoproterozoic through to the Late Jurassic. These results suggest similar lithospheric thickness and potential for diamond stability beneath both Proterozoic and Archean domains of southern Africa. Subsequent partial resetting of U-Pb rutile and apatite systematics in the cratonic margin lower crust records a transient Mesozoic thermal modification of the lithosphere, and modeling of the diffusive Pb loss from lower crustal rutile constrains the temperature and duration of Mesozoic heating to 𙡦 °C for ₞ ka. This result indicates that the thermal perturbation is not simply a kimberlite-related magmatic phenomenon, but is rather a more protracted manifestation of lithospheric heating, likely related to mantle upwelling and rifting of Gondwana during the Late Jurassic to Cretaceous. The manifestation of this thermal pulse in the lower crust is spatially and temporally correlated with anomalously elevated and/or kinked Cretaceous mantle paleogeotherms, and evidence for metasomatic modification in cratonic mantle peridotite suites. It is argued that most of the geographic differences in lithospheric thermal structure inferred from mantle xenolith thermobarometry are likewise due to the heterogeneous propagation of this broad upper mantle thermal anomaly. The differential manifestation of heating between cratonic margin and cratonic interior indicates the importance of advective heat transport along pre-existing lithosphere-scale discontinuities. Within this model, kimberlite magmatism was a similarly complex, space- and time-dependent response to Late Mesozoic lithospheric thermal perturbation.  相似文献   
Alluvial groundwater from springs and bore wells, used as the major source of water for drinking and other domestic purposes in the semi-urban informal settlements of Douala, Cameroon, has been studied. Six representative springs, four bore wells and two hand dug wells, situated in the Phanerozoic basin were selected, from which a total of 72 water samples were analyzed for chemical characteristics and indicators of bacterial contamination. The results showed anthropogenic pollution, evident from high concentrations of organic (up to 94.3 mg NO3/l nitrate) fecal coliform and fecal streptococcus detected in the springs and bore wells (with values of 2,311 and 1,500 cfu/100 ml, respectively). The pH ranged from 3.4–6.5, which is lower than the guidelines for drinking water. Groundwater samples from background upstream inland natural areas W1 and W2 had low electrical conductivity (54.2 and 74.8 μs/cm, respectively) and major ions, which increased downstream in the valleys, peaking in the more densely settled areas. An acceptable concentration of solutes was observed for the bore wells except for a single sample from B4. The bore-well sample B4 registered the highest microbial content (2,130 cfu/100 ml) and nitrate level(26 mg/l), which could be due to the bottom of this well lying just at or close to the zone of mixing between sewage and groundwater. The absence of a direct correlation between nitrate and fecal matter suggests multiple sources of contamination. The shallow alluvial aquifer consists of unconsolidated deposits of gravel, sand, silt and clay. The springs, therefore, receive direct recharge from the ground surface with limited contaminant attenuation, which leads to water quality deterioration, especially during the rainy season. This shows the urgent need to put basic service infrastructures in place. The local population should be sensitized to the importance of chlorinating and boiling drinking water to prevent health hazards.  相似文献   
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