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Dakhla Oasis is located in the Western Desert of Egypt. Groundwater exploited from the Nubian Sandstone aquifer is the only available water resource in this area. This resource has been heavily exploited since 1960, which has led to a substantial decline in the potentiometric surface of the aquifer. A regional numerical groundwater flow model, calibrated under unsteady-state conditions, has been developed and used to investigate the hydrodynamic impacts of different groundwater management options on the potentiometry of the aquifer. To account for local details and to allow a precise analysis of pumping and the resulting drawdown in Dakhla Oasis, a local-scale model was developed by refining the grid cells in the calibrated regional model. The local-scale model gave a detailed picture about the expected drawdown due to the different groundwater management options in the next 100 years. The simulated results indicated that the planned increase in groundwater extraction will have a major impact on groundwater flow patterns in the whole area located southwest of Dakhla Oasis.
Resumen El oasis Dakhla está situado en el gran desierto occidental de Egipto. El agua subterránea que se extrae del acuífero de roca arenosa nubia es la única fuente de agua disponible en esta área. Este recurso ha sido explotado en medida considerable desde 1960. Este hecho he causado una disminución sustancial en la superficie potenciométrica del acuífero. Se ha desarollado un modelo de flujo de agua subterránea numérico regional calibrado bajo condiciones de estado variable. Este modelo se ha utilizado para investigar el impacto hidrodinámico que diferentes opciones de manejo de aguas subterráneas tienen sobre la potenciometría del acuífero. Se desarolló un modelo de escala local mediante el refinamiento de las células de malla en el modelo regional calibrado con el objecto de involucrar los detalles locales y de permitir un análisis preciso del bombeo y disminución del nivel de aqua resultante en el oasis Dakhla. El modelo de escala local proporcionó un imagen detallada de la disminución de nivel esperada según las diferentes opciones de manejo de agua subterranea en los próximos 100 años. Los resultados simulados indican que el incremento de extración planificado en la agua subterránea tendrá un gran impacto en el patrón de flujo de agua subterranea en toda el area ubicada al suroeste del oasis de Dakhla.

Résumé Loasis de Dakhla est située dans la partie occidentale du désert dÉgypte. La seule source deau disponible dans la région provient de lexploitation de laquifère gréseux de Nubian. Cette ressource a largement été exploitée depuis 1960, résultant en la diminution significative de la surface piézométrique de laquifère. Un modèle numérique découlement régional de leau souterraine, calibré en régime transitoire, a été développé et utilisé afin détudier les impacts hydrodynamiques de différents scénarios de gestion de laquifère sur la surface piézométrique. Afin dinclure les particularités locales et de réaliser une analyse précise du pompage et du rabattement qui y est associé dans lOasis de Dakhla, un modèle local découlement a été développé en raffinant le maillage dans le modèle régional préalablement calibré. Le modèle local découlement fournit une image détaillée du rabattement prévu pour les cent prochaines années selon les différents scénarios de gestion de laquifère. Les résultats obtenus par simulation numérique indiquent que laugmentation prévue dans lexploitation de leau souterraine aura un impact majeur sur les patrons découlement de leau souterraine dans toute la région située au sud-ouest de loasis de Dakhla.
Demand for irrigation water increases day by day along with meteorological vagaries and extension of irrigated area in the drought-prone Barind area of Bangladesh. This increasing stress on water resource is gradually making the area water scare. The study is aimed at studying the morphometric parameters of the Atrai-Sib river basin in the Barind area and on their relevance in water resource management based on satellite images and SRTM DEM. Computation and delineation of linear and areal aspects of the river basin and its morphometric components reveals that stream order ranges from first to eighth order showing dendritic drainage pattern. The basin represents homogeneity of soil texture; possibility of flash flood after heavy rainfall with low discharge of runoff; and is not largely affected by structural disturbance. Moderate drainage density of the river basin area indicates semipermeable soil lithology with moderate vegetation. Mean bifurcation ratio of the basin is calculated as 3.92 and elongation ratio 0.75, which indicate elongated shape of the river basin with low to moderate relief bounded in the east and west by ‘moderate to steep’ sloping land area. It reveals a flatter peak of runoff flow for longer duration and gravity flow of water. The gentle but undulating slope of the basin represents ‘excellent’ category for groundwater management as the site is favorable for infiltration due to maximum time of runoff water percolation. The east facing slopes of the basin show higher moisture content and higher vegetation than the west-facing slope. The land use pattern of the area shows that major part (95.29%) comes under the cultivated land which will support future river basin development and management. Results obtained from the study would be useful in categorization of river basins for future water resource development and management, and selection of suitable sites for water conservation structures such as check dam, percolation tank, artificial recharge of groundwater through MAR technique etc.  相似文献   
Mohamed Riad 《GeoJournal》1986,13(3):201-210
The Geopolitics of the Arab Gulf region stems out of its geographic location on world important crossroads, and is dominated by its oil wealth which is sought after world-wide. Strategically, the Gulf is in the friction zone of world power. It is also located in the shatter zone of regional power, that is, Arabia, Persia, and India. Active membership in a non-aligned organization represents the official framework of Gulf politics, i.e., the Arab League, Islamic Congress, and the Arab Gulf Co-operation Council. *** DIRECT SUPPORT *** ABI02027 00002  相似文献   
Conventionally, red clay is used for agricultural purposes in southern China. Fertilizers, especially urea, are commonly introduced into the red clay to improve the crop yields. However, due to the rapid urbanization in China, large areas of lands with red clays have been converted into sites for domestic and industrial constructions. Nevertheless, few researchers focused on the effect of urea on the strength and compressibility of red clay. In this research, the shear strength and compressibility of the red clay saturated by different concentrations of the (NH4)2CO3 solution (urea's hydrolysates) were experimentally investigated using direct shear as well as oedometer tests, respectively. It was noticed that both the shear strength and stiffness of the red clay significantly decreased after exposure to the urea solution. In addition, the micromechanisms of the strength and compressibility of the red clay treated by the (NH4)2CO3 were studied by the scanning electron microscope test and X-ray diffraction test. Based on the test results, a new model was developed to simulate the chemomechanical behavior of saturated clayey soil by modifying the Barcelona basic model (BBM) for unsaturated soils. The proposed model introduces four additional parameters, compared to the BBM, to account for the nonlinear shear strength behavior of the red clay. This model accounts for most of the complex features related to the strength and stiffness behavior of clayey soils. The parameter calibration procedures, by using the oedometer and direct shear test results, are also presented. To validate the proposed model, experimental results from the literature are considered in which illite clay samples were either mechanically or chemically or both mechanically and chemically loaded. Part of the experimental results is used to calibrate the model parameters and the other part along with the calibrated parameters is used to verify the proposed model. A comparison between experimental data and predicted results demonstrated that the proposed model is able to capture the main features related to the chemomechanical coupling behavior of saturated soils.  相似文献   
The average composition and seasonal variations of atmospheric organic particulates with respect to n-alkanes, n-alkanoic acid, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAHs), and nitrated polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (N-PAHs) were determined at the biggest municipal waste landfill in Algeria located in Oued Smar, 13 km east of downtown Algiers. Samplings were carried out from August 2002 to February 2003, and organic compounds adsorbed in air particles having an aerodynamic diameter lower than 10 μm (PM10) were characterized using gas chromatography coupled with mass spectrometric detection (GC/MSD). Total concentrations ranged from 828 to 11,068 ng per cubic meter of air for n-alkanes, from 1714 to 21,710 ng per cubic meter of air for n-alkanoic acids, from 13 to 212 ng per cubic meter of air for PAHs and from 93 to 205 pg per cubic meter of air for N-PAHs. n-Alkanoic acids accounted for 85 and 56% of the total organic composition of the aerosol measured in summer and winter, respectively, were the biggest fraction. The distribution profiles and the diagnostic ratios of some marker compounds allowed to identify the combustion and microbial activity as the major sources of particulate organic pollutants associated with direct emission. The year-time dependence of organic fraction content of aerosol in Oued Smar appeared to be related to average meteorological conditions as well as variability of rate and nature of materials wasted into the landfill.  相似文献   
Long‐term changes and variability in river flows in the tropical Upper Suriname River Basin in Suriname (2–6°N, 54–58°W) are analysed, including the relation to sea surface temperatures (SSTs) in the tropical Atlantic and Pacific Ocean. To analyse variability, lag correlation and statistical properties of the data series are used. Long‐term changes are analysed using parametric and non‐parametric statistical techniques. The analyses are performed for the period 1952–1985. The results show that both river discharge series at Semoisie and Pokigron are non‐stationary and have a negative trend. The negative rainfall trend in the centre of Suriname may be responsible for the negative trend in the annual river discharges in the basin. The highest correlation (Pearson's coefficient c) is obtained when the Tropical North Atlantic (TNA) SSTs lags the monthly discharges at Pokigron by 3–4 months (c = 0·7) and when the Tropical South Atlantic (TSA) SSTs lags the discharges by 4 months (c = ? 0·7). It also follows that the high (low) monthly flows, from April–August (September–March) are associated with increasing (decreasing) SSTs in the TNA and with decreasing (increasing) SSTs in the TSA. The results also reveal that years with low (high) discharges are more related to warmer (colder) SSTs during the year in the TNA region and a southward displacement of the Inter‐Tropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ). However, the Pacific El Niño (La Niña) events may also be responsible for low (high) flow years in this basin. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
In Morocco, no operational system actually exists for the early prediction of the grain yields of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). This study proposes empirical ordinary least squares regression models to forecast the yields at provincial and national levels. The predictions were based on dekadal (10-daily) NDVI/AVHRR, dekadal rainfall sums and average monthly air temperatures. The Global Land Cover raster map (GLC2000) was used to select only the NDVI pixels that are related to agricultural land. Provincial wheat yields were assessed with errors varying from 80 to 762 kg ha−1, depending on the province. At national level, wheat yield was predicted at the third dekad of April with 73 kg ha−1 error, using NDVI and rainfall. However, earlier forecasts are possible, starting from the second dekad of March with 84 kg ha−1 error, at least 1 month before harvest. At the provincial and national levels, most of the yield variation was accounted for by NDVI. The proposed models can be used in an operational context to early forecast wheat yields in Morocco.  相似文献   
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