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The distribution of fractures and its dependence on lithology and petrophysical properties of rock in the Asmari Formation were examined using three wells data of one of the largest oil fields of southwestern Iran. Fractures were measured on cut cores. Mineral content and petrophysical data were obtained through thin section study and core plug measurement respectively. Influence of mineral composition and petrophysical property of rocks on fracture density was explored statistically. Increasing quartz (sand) and anhydrite content of rocks decrease and dolomite increases the threshold of fracture densities, however no significant relation was observed between calcite content of rock and fracture density. Increasing porosity and permeability of rock decrease the threshold of fracture density in some of the defined lithology groups. There are significant differences between the lithology groups in terms of fracture density, although the results in the three wells are not the same. In whole data, the highest fracture density can be observed in dolostone. Limestone and impure carbonates hold broader spaced fractures and sandstones display the least fracture density. The average fracture densities in the wells are strictly different. These differences are the result of the structural position of the wells and also the trend of the well and fractures. The distribution of fractures in most lithology groups can be explained by the function: , where F is relative frequency, D is fracture density and a, b, and c are constants.  相似文献   
Sungun mine is the largest open-cast copper mine in northwest of Iran and is in the primary stages of extraction. The influence of mining activity on the quality of regional groundwater has been taken in to consideration in this study. Accordingly, sampling was done from 22 springs in the study area. The concentrations of major anions and cations as well as Al, Cu, Cd, Cr, Fe, Mn, and Zn were determined for all 22 spring samples in mid-August 2005. The results showed that the concentrations of most of these elements were below the USA Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) limits; however, Al and Fe concentrations are considered to be more than limits in a couple of samples. Despite the fact that geological formations are highly weathered and fractured, the dissolution of minerals within the study area is low. This may be justified by the relatively high alkalinity of local underground water which keeps metals in solid phase and does not let them enter dissolved phase. Additionally, this may be attributed to the high velocity of groundwater flows, which do not give enough time for minerals to dissolve. Correlation coefficients among water chemistry components were determined and the weighted-pair group method was chosen for cluster analysis. Accordingly, high correlation among Al, Fe and Cr, Cd ,and Cu, sodium absorption ratio (SAR) and Na as well as total hardness (TH), Ca, and Mg were observed. The chemical characteristics of water compositions on the basis of major ion concentrations were evaluated on a Schoeller and Piper diagram. Accordingly, the dominant type of water in the region is considered to be Ca-HCO3 (calcium-bicarbonate type). However, this type of water is also rich in Na, K, and especially Mg. Regarding Schoeller diagram, the current status of local underground water is good for drinking purposes. By commencing mining excavation with designed capacity in near future, the minerals will come into contact with air and water resulting in dissolution, especially in ponds, which, in turn, will increase the concentration of toxic metals in groundwater. Considering future uses of this water including for drinking, irrigation, industrial purposes, etc., precautions must be taken in to consideration.  相似文献   
A weight vector representing the relative importance of various characteristics of ground motions (GMs) and a conditioning intensity measure (IM) are required to be able to use the generalized conditional IM framework for the purpose of GM selection. An inappropriate weight vector may result in the biased distributions of some important characteristics of GMs and, consequently, the bias in the structural responses. This article aims to provide the analyst with the understanding of which properties of GMs are important in capturing the accurate structural responses, to specifically assign a suitable weight to them and to select an appropriate conditioning IM as well. To this end, 4 reinforced concrete buildings, located at the site in which the seismic hazard is dominated by shallow crustal earthquakes, are considered. The findings reveal that the appropriate weight vectors depend on the characteristics of the employed structural systems. In addition, the role played by each IM in capturing the true structural responses changes over different earthquake intensity levels implying that different weight vectors are required over different earthquake levels. Furthermore, this study shows that, even in case of shorter‐duration GMs from shallow events, GM duration should be incorporated in GM selection as it has effects on the peak‐based structural responses in the earthquake levels beyond the level of 2%‐in‐50‐years. Specifically, the findings reveal that in case of shallow events, unlike large magnitude earthquakes, the shorter the duration of GM the more rapid release of energy and, consequently, the larger the peak‐based structural responses.  相似文献   
In this study, a set of charts are developed to estimate shear wave velocity of soils in the New Madrid seismic zone (NMSZ), using the standard penetration test (SPT) N values and soil depths. Laboratory dynamic test results of soil samples collected from the NMSZ showed that the shear wave velocity of soils is related to the void ratio and the effective confining pressure applied to the soils. The void ratio of soils can be estimated from the SPT N values and the effective confining pressure depends on the depth of soils. Therefore, the shear wave velocity of soils can be estimated from the SPT N value and the soil depth. To make the methodology practical, two corrections should be made. One is that field SPT N values of soils must be adjusted to an unified SPT N′ value to account the effects of overburden pressure and equipment. The second is that the effect of water table to effective overburden pressure of soils must be considered. To verify the methodology, shear wave velocities of five sites in the NMSZ are estimated and compared with those obtained from field measurements. The comparison shows that our approach and the field tests are consistent with an error of less than of 15%. Thus, the method developed in this study is useful for dynamic study and practical designs in the NMSZ region.  相似文献   
This paper discusses a newly developed high-quality integrated dataset of shallow earthquake ground motions that occurred in Iran, from 1976 to 2013. A total of 860 three-component strong motion records are processed from 183 earthquake events, moment magnitudes 5.0?≤?M w ?≤?7.4, and rupture distances of R RUP   120 km. Strong motion data from Iran having special tectonic features and shallow earthquakes with depths less than 35 km are included. This paper presents a thorough procedure used to collect and to generate a database following the Next-Generation Attenuation-West research projects. This database can be used in the development and ranking of ground motion models and for seismological and engineering hazard and risk analyses. Unprocessed strong motion records are obtained from the Iranian Strong Motion Network (ISMN). The time series collected were thoroughly examined through several rounds of quality reviews. The newly generated database includes the peak ground acceleration, peak ground velocity, and pseudo-spectral acceleration for the 5% damped with periods ranging from 0.01 to 10 s. The database also includes ground motion information and source characterization and parameters. This study is the near-source compiled ground motion database that can be used for Iran, and it is consistent with standard worldwide databases.  相似文献   
Attenuation characteristics in the New Madrid Seismic Zone (NMSZ) are estimated from 157 local seismograph recordings out of 46 earthquakes of 2.6?≤?M?≤?4.1 with hypocentral distances up to 60 km and focal depths down to 25 km. Digital waveform seismograms were obtained from local earthquakes in the NMSZ recorded by the Center for Earthquake Research and Information (CERI) at the University of Memphis. Using the coda normalization method, we tried to determine Q values and geometrical spreading exponents at 13 center frequencies. The scatter of the data and trade-off between the geometrical spreading and the quality factor did not allow us to simultaneously derive both these parameters from inversion. Assuming 1/R 1.0 as the geometrical spreading function in the NMSZ, the Q P and Q S estimates increase with increasing frequency from 354 and 426 at 4 Hz to 729 and 1091 at 24 Hz, respectively. Fitting a power law equation to the Q estimates, we found the attenuation models for the P waves and S waves in the frequency range of 4 to 24 Hz as Q P?=?(115.80?±?1.36) f (0.495?±?0.129) and Q S?=?(161.34?±?1.73) f (0.613?±?0.067), respectively. We did not consider Q estimates from the coda normalization method for frequencies less than 4 Hz in the regression analysis since the decay of coda amplitude was not observed at most bandpass filtered seismograms for these frequencies. Q S/Q P?>?1, for 4?≤?f?≤?24 Hz as well as strong intrinsic attenuation, suggest that the crust beneath the NMSZ is partially fluid-saturated. Further, high scattering attenuation indicates the presence of a high level of small-scale heterogeneities inside the crust in this region.  相似文献   
This study investigates the number of real ground motions (GMs) required to accurately capture the structural responses when using code-, intensity-, and risk-based seismic assessment frameworks. A key consideration is the use of as-recorded hazard consistent GMs, which appropriately characterize the seismic hazard of the site, for performing response history analysis. A comparison of the structural responses of 3 steel moment resisting buildings using different sets of GMs is made with results obtained using a large set of GMs. The empirical results demonstrate that, in most cases, a risk-based assessment needs a larger number of response history analyses than an intensity-based assessment method to accurately capture the seismic demand on the structural systems. Also, given the same number of GMs, the structural responses from a risk-based assessment are more reliable and stable than those for an intensity-based method. Moreover, the results help to quantify the uncertainty in the structural responses due to using different sample sets of GMs given the applied number of GMs. In addition, the results indicate that a significant bias in structural responses is likely when following the recommendations from several seismic design codes, which suggest utilizing the maximum structural responses if 3 GM pairs are used for response history analysis. A detailed statistical analyses show that the application of 7 GM pairs are sufficient to accurately and reliably estimate structural responses.  相似文献   
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