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Conodonts were small, thin, elongate jawless creatures that were a common component of the marine fauna from the late Cambrian, throughout the Palaeozoic and into the Triassic. For the majority of conodont research history, speculations on conodont affinity were restricted to the histology and arrangement of their mineralized tissues—‘conodont elements’. These conodont elements comprise millimetre‐scale phosphatic microfossils that superficially resemble teeth, and are commonly recovered from the residues of appropriately aged, disaggregated sedimentary rocks. It has only been in the last three decades, since the discovery of exceptionally preserved soft tissues, that the debate on conodont affinity has been refined, though it has hardly been less vigorously debated. Despite being studied extensively for over more than a century and a half, conodonts retain significant enigmatic qualities. Although many geologists today are familiar with the name, knowledge of conodont biology and ecology are often surprisingly lacking or confused, and conodonts remain as largely disembodied microfossil curiosities. Despite this, conodont elements are extensively and variously used in biostratigraphy, thermal maturation studies and palaeoenvironmental reconstructions, while conodonts themselves occupy a potentially critical position in the evolutionary tree of our own phylum—the chordates.  相似文献   
This paper presents a new concept for enhancing the seismic ductility and damping capacity of diagrid structural frames by using shear-link fuse devices and its seismic performance is assessed through nonlinear static and dynamic analysis.The architectural elegancy of the diagrid structure attributed to its triangular leaning member configuration and high structural redundancy make this system a desirable choice for tall building design.However,forming a stable energy dissipation mechanism in diagrid framing remains to be investigated to expand its use in regions with high seismicity.To address this issue,a diagrid framing design is proposed here which provides a competitive design option in highly seismic regions through its increased ductility and improved energy dissipation capacity provided by replaceable shear links interconnecting the diagonal members at their ends.The structural characteristics and seismic behavior(capacity,stiffness,energy dissipation,ductility) of the diagrid structural frame are demonstrated with a 21-story building diagrid frame subjected to nonlinear static and dynamic analysis.The findings from the nonlinear time history analysis verify that satisfactory seismic performance can be achieved by the proposed diagrid frame subjected to design basis earthquakes in California.In particular,one appealing feature of the proposed diagrid building is its reduced residual displacement after strong earthquakes.  相似文献   
In this paper, we found some new anisotropic charged models admitting generalized polytropic equation of state with spherically symmetry. An analytic solution of the Einstein–Maxwell field equations is obtained through the transformation introduced by Durgapal and Banerji (Phys. Rev. D 27:328, 1983). The physical viability of solutions corresponding to polytropic index \(\eta =1/2\), \(2/3\), 1, 2 is analyzed graphically. For this, we plot physical quantities such as radial and tangential pressure, anisotropy, speed of sound which demonstrated that these models achieve all the considerable physical conditions required for a relativistic star. Further, it is mentioned here that previous results for anisotropic charged matter with linear, quadratic and polytropic equation of state can be retrieved.  相似文献   
Detrital zircon U/Pb geochronology is a common tool used to resolve stratigraphic questions,inform basin evolution and constrain regional geological histories.In favourable circumstances,detrital zircon populations can contain a concomitant volcanic contribution that provides constraints on the age of deposition.However,for non-volcanic settings,proving isolated detrital zircon grains are from contemporaneous and potentially remote volcanism is challenging.Here we use same grain(U-Th)/He thermochronology coupled with U/Pb geochronology to identify detrital zircon grains of contemporary volcanic origin.(U-Th)/He ages from Cretaceous zircon grains in southern Australia define a single population with a weighted mean age of 104±6.1 Ma.indistinguishable from zircon U/Pb geochronology and palynology(~104.0-107.5 Ma).Detrital zircon trace-element geochemistry is consistent with a continental signature for parent rocks and coupled with detrital grain ages,supports derivation from a2000 km distant early-to mid-Cretaceous Whitsunday Volcanic Province in eastern Australia.Thus,integration of biostratigraphy,single-grain zircon double-dating(geochronology and thermochronology)and grain geochemistry enhances fingerprinting of zircon source region and transport history.A distal volcanic source and rapid continental-scale transport to southern Australia is supported here.  相似文献   
Understanding the development of sedimentary systems during continental rifting is important for tracking environmental change and lithospheric processes. Conceptual models have been developed for the sourcing, routing and facies architecture of sediments in rift-settings, driven in part by quantitative sediment tracking. Here, we present laser ablation split-stream detrital zircon U/Pb geochronology and Hf-isotopes for post-rift (Cretaceous-Paleogene) clastic sediments from Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) wells and Plio-Pleistocene palaeoshoreline material, from the southern margin of Australia. Provenance results are contextualized through comparison with well-characterized source regions and regional pre- and syn-rift sediment reservoirs to track changes associated with Australia-Antarctica separation during East Gondwana break-up. The provenance character of the post-rift sediments studied are distinct from pre-existing sediment reservoirs and demonstrate termination of previously stable sediment routing systems and a dominance of local basement of the Proterozoic Madura and Coompana provinces (~1.2 Ga and CHUR-like Hf-signatures; Moodini Supersuite) in offshore ODP wells. A composite post-rift Cretaceous?-Eocene sample in the easternmost well expresses characteristic Phanerozoic zircon age signatures associated with source regions in eastern Australia that are interpreted to reflect inversion in the Ceduna Sub-basin to the east. Detrital zircon signatures in Plio-Pleistocene palaeoshoreline sediment are also relatively distinct, indicating derivation from coastal erosion in the Leeuwin Complex (~0.5 and 0.7 Ga subchondritic grains) and Albany–Fraser Orogen (~1.2 Ga subchondritic grains) several hundred, to over a thousand kilometers to the west. Collectively, results highlight the fundamental geological processes associated with rifting that dramatically change the character of sediment provenance via (a) isolation of pre-existing primary and secondary sources of detritus, (b) development of new source regions in basin compartmentalized highs and localized fault scarps, and (c) establishment of marine and coastal currents that redefine clastic sediment transport.  相似文献   
The experiments were conducted in open top chamber system installed at the University of the Punjab, Quaid-e-Azam Campus, Lahore, Pakistan. The mungbean (Vigna radiata (L.) Wilczek var.M28) seeds were sown in earthen pots and were kept in filtered air, unfiltered air and ambient air. The ozone concentration was monitored daily during 1000hrs till 1600 h. The data for light intensity and relative humidity was also regularly collected. The sets of plants growing in FA chambers (without ozone and dust particles) responded well as regards growth and yields are concerned. Unfiltered air reduced the number of nodules, their biomass and nitroginase activity in mungbean plants. The present study documents that the species of mycorrhizal fungi sensitive to tropospheric ozone failed to reproduce in ambient air and unfiltered air chambers (without dust particles). Out of a total of 24 species, eighteen species belonged to the genus Glomus, two each to Sclerocystis, to Acaulospora and one each to Gigaspora and Scutellospora. The total number of species was variable during the growth phase. The total number of species reduced in soil of UFA chambers with the passage of time. Species richness reduced to almost half in UFA plants as compared to FA plants. Species of the Genus Glomus were highly abundant species at various harvests in all air treatments. Amongst most abundantly recovered Glomus species were G. fasciculatum, G. mosseae, G. aggregatum, G. caledonicum, G. deserticola, G. geosporum, and G. monosporum. The pattern of abundance kept on varying at various harvests for different air and mycorrhizal treatments. In the case of plants of UFA treatment, only two species of Glomus were abundant namely G. fasciculatum and G. geosporum. Species of Acaulospora and Gigaspora in particular and Scutellospora and Sclerocystis in general were sensitive to polluted air.  相似文献   
Human health is strongly influenced by water quality which is threatened by the poor quality of polluted groundwater. In this study, the groundwater quality and its suitability for drinking have been studied in Lenjanat plain aquifer, Iran. Fifty-nine groundwater samples from study area were evaluated based on WHO and Iranian standards for drinking water. Groundwater samples from selected monitoring sources were sampled seasonally during 2009–2010. Physical and chemical parameters of groundwater such as electrical conductivity, pH, total dissolved solids, Ca2+, Na+, K+, Mg2+, HCO3 ?, SO4 2?, Cl?, F? and NO3 ? were determined. During the water quality index calculating process, the weight of each parameter is usually given by experts according to their practical experience, which is subjective, so much useful and valuable information about the water quality gets lost. In order to avoid personal judgments about the weight of parameters, an information entropy method was used to assign weight to each parameter. Calculation of entropy weighted water quality index (EWQI) for groundwater samples showed that in the wet season, over 57 and 74 % of samples were in the range of “excellent” to “medium” quality based on WHO and Iranian standards, respectively. Due to groundwater quality reduction during dry season, 42 and 62 % of samples were in the range of “excellent” to “medium” quality based on WHO and Iranian standards, respectively. The results indicate that application of the EWQI is very useful to help the public and decision-makers will be able to identify and to evaluate groundwater quality in Lenjanat, Iran.  相似文献   
While cap dolostones are integral to the Snowball Earth hypothesis, the current depositional model does not account for multiple geological observations. Here we propose a model that rationalises palaeomagnetic, sequence‐stratigraphic and sedimentological data and supports rapid deglaciation with protracted cap dolostone precipitation. The Snowball Earth hypothesis posits that a runaway ice‐albedo can explain the climate paradox of Neoproterozoic glacial deposits occurring at low palaeolatitudes. This scenario invokes volcanic degassing to increase atmospheric greenhouse gases to a critical threshold that overcomes the albedo effect and brings the planet back from the ice‐covered state. Once this occurs, Earth should shift rapidly from a snowball to an extreme greenhouse. However, cap dolostone units overlying glacial sediments, typically interpreted as transgressive deposits, exhibit multiple magnetic reversals indicating they accumulated in >105 years. By reviewing modern post‐glacial systems, sequence stratigraphic concepts and principles of sedimentology, we suggest that cap dolostones are not restricted to the transgression but rather represent sediment starvation following a major landward shoreline migration associated with the demise of Snowball Earth. Thus, the duration in which cap dolostone accumulated is not directly coupled to the timescale of the Snowball Earth deglaciation.  相似文献   
Tertiary sandstones collected from southwest Sarawak, Malaysia, were analyzed to decipher their provenance, weathering, and tectonic setting. The studied sandstones have a sublitharenite composition and are dominantly composed quartz with little mica and feldspar, and a small amount of volcanic fragments. These sandstones were generally derived from quartz-rich recycled orogenic sources. They have relatively high SiO2 content with low Na2O, CaO, MnO, and MgO contents. Values of Chemical Index of Alteration (CIA) of these rock samples vary from 71 to 93, with an average of 81, implying intense chemical alteration during weathering. A felsic igneous source is suggested by a low concentration of TiO2 compared to CIA, enrichment of Light Rare Earth Elements, depletion of Heavy Rare Earth Elements, and negative Eu anomalies. A felsic origin is further supported by a Eu/Eu* range of 0.65–0.85 and high Th/Sc, La/Sc, La/Co, and Th/Co ratios. This work presents the first reported geochemical data of Tertiary sandstones of the Sarawak Basin. These data led us to conclude that the sandstones were dislodged from recycled orogenic sources and deposited in a slowly subsiding rifted basin in a passive continental tectonic setting.  相似文献   
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