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The regions where the divergence of vertically integrated water vapor flux, averaged over a season or a year, is positive (negative) are sources (sinks) of moisture for the atmosphere. An aerial river is defined as a stream of strong water vapor flux connecting a source and a sink. Moisture flux, its divergence, and sources and sinks over the tropics of South and Central America and the adjoining Atlantic Ocean are obtained for dry years and for wet years in the Amazon Basin. Results show that the Amazon Basin is a sink region for atmospheric moisture in all seasons and that there are two source regions for the moisture in the basin, one situated in the South Atlantic and the other in the North Atlantic, both located equator-ward of the respective subtropical high-pressure centers. The convergence of moisture increases over the Amazon Basin in austral summer, and at the same time it decreases in the Pacific and Atlantic ITCZs. Box model calculations reveal that the wet years, on the average, present about 55 % more moisture convergence than the dry years in the Amazon Basin. A reduction in the moisture inflow across the eastern and northern boundaries of the basin (at 45°W and at the Equator, respectively) and an increase in the outflow across the southern boundary (at 15°S) lead to dry conditions. The annual mean contribution of moisture convergence to the precipitation over the Amazon Basin is estimated to be 70 %. In the dry years, it lowers to around 50 %. The net convergence of water vapor flux over the basin is a good indicator of the wet or dry condition.  相似文献   
Rainfall series at 18 stations along the major rivers of the Brazilian Amazon Basin, having data since 1920s or 1930s, are analyzed to verify if there are appreciable long-term trends. Annual, rainy-season, and dry-season rainfalls are individually analyzed for each station and for the region as a whole. Some stations showed positive trends and some negative trends. The trends in the annual rainfall are significant at only six stations, five of which reporting increasing trends (Barcelos, Belem, Manaus, Rio Branco, and Soure stations) and just one (Itaituba station) reporting decreasing trend. The climatological values of rainfall before and after 1970 show significant differences at six stations (Barcelos, Belem, Benjamin Constant, Iaurete, Itaituba, and Soure). The region as a whole shows an insignificant and weak downward trend; therefore, we cannot affirm that the rainfall in the Brazilian Amazon basin is experiencing a significant change, except at a few individual stations. Subregions with upward and downward trends are interspersed in space from the far eastern Amazon to western Amazon. Most of the seasonal trends follow the annual trends, thus, indicating a certain consistency in the datasets and analysis.  相似文献   
Controversies around the Messinian salinity crisis (MSC) are because of the difficulties in establishing genetic and stratigraphic relationships between its deep and shallow‐water record. Actually, the Sicilian foreland basin shows both shallow and deep‐water Messinian records, thus offering the chance to reconstruct comprehensive MSC scenarios. The Lower Gypsum of Sicily comprises primary and resedimented evaporites separated in space and time by the intra‐Messinian unconformity. A composite unit including halite, resedimented gypsum and Calcare di Base accumulated between 5.6 and 5.55 Ma in the main depocentres; it records the acme of the Messinian Salinity Crisis during a tectonic phase coupled with sea‐level falls at glacials TG14‐TG12. These deposits fully post‐date primary gypsum, which precipitated in shallow‐water wedge‐top and foreland ramp basins between 5.96 and 5.6 Ma. This new stratigraphic framework results in a three‐stage MSC scenario characterized by different primary evaporite associations: selenite in the first and third stages, carbonate, halite and potash salt in the second one associated with hybrid resedimented evaporites.  相似文献   
Eutrophication is considered the most important water quality problem in freshwaters and coastal waters worldwide promoting frequent occurrence of blooms of potentially toxic cyanobacteria. Removal of cyanobacteria from the water column using a combination of coagulant and ballast is a promising technique for mitigation and an alternative to the use of algaecides. In laboratory, we tested experimentally the efficiency of two coagulants, polyaluminium chloride (PAC) and chitosan (made of shrimp shells), alone and combined with two ballasts: red soil (RS) and the own lagoon sediment, to remove natural populations of cyanobacteria, from an urban brackish coastal lagoon. PAC was a very effective coagulant when applied at low doses (≤8 mg Al L?1) and settled the cyanobacteria, while at high doses (≥16 mg Al L?1) large flocks aggregated in the top of test tubes. In contrast, chitosan was not able to form flocks, even in high doses (>16 mg L?1) and did not efficiently settle down cyanobacteria when combined with ballast. The RS itself removed 33–47 % of the cyanobacteria. This removal was strongly enhanced when combined with PAC in a dose-dependent matter; 8 mg Al L?1 was considered the best dose to be applied. The lagoon sediment alone did not promote any settling of cyanobacteria but removal was high when combined with PAC. Combined coagulant and ballast seems a very efficient, cheap, fast and safe curative measure to lessen the harmful cyanobacteria bloom nuisance in periods when particularly needed, such as around the 2016 Olympics in Jacarepaguá Lagoon.  相似文献   
In natural resource exploration, Ca–Cl basinal brines are important for understanding the origin and spatial and temporal distribution of hydrocarbons and sedimentary ore deposits. Little attention has been paid to the possible connection between fossil basinal brines and paleo-seawaters and to the implications for reconstructing paleo-seawater compositions. Secular variations of Ca/Mg and Ca/Sr ratios in seawater have been documented mainly using fluid inclusions in halite, calcareous fossils and mineral analyses. However, brines and other sedimentary records connected to paleo-seawater or its evaporated residues may be chemically affected by burial diagenesis or the effects of continental waters of meteoric origin, thus complicating interpretations of the analytical results. To investigate these effects on fluids and minerals related to the Messinian salinity crisis of the Mediterranean basin, we re-evaluate published data from: (1) brackish-to-brine waters from onshore (Northern Apennine foredeep; Levantine basin) and offshore (porewaters from the Deep Sea Drilling Project); (2) Messinian parental seawater deduced from calcareous fossils, fluid inclusions and sulfate minerals; (3) meteoric waters dissolving evaporites. The compositional trends related to seawater evaporation, diagenesis and mixing that affect the Ca/Mg and Ca/Sr molar ratios of the basinal brines are effectively discriminated on a binary plot depicting the proper fields for seawater and meteoric-derived fluids. Brines showing stronger dolomitization start from Ca/Mg and Ca/Sr molar ratios of Messinian seawater deduced from the published analysis of fluid inclusions and open ocean fossils, that are therefore here validated ex post.  相似文献   
We propose a revised age calibration of the Messinian salinity crisis onset in the Mediterranean at 5.971 Ma based on the recognition of an extra gypsum cycle in the transitional interval of the Perales section (Sorbas basin, Spain) and the revision of the magnetostratigraphy of the Monticino section (Vena del Gesso basin, Italy). This age re‐calibration allows to state more accurately that: (i) the interval encompassing the MSC‐onset is continuous, thus ruling out any erosional feature or stratigraphic hiatus related to a major sea‐level fall affecting the Mediterranean; (ii) the first gypsum was deposited during the summer insolation peak at 5.969 Ma associated with an eccentricity minimum and roughly coincident with glacial stage TG32; (iii) the MSC‐onset was preconditioned by the tectonically‐driven reduction of the hydrological exchanges with the Atlantic Ocean and finally triggered by glacial conditions in the northern hemisphere and by arid conditions in northern Africa.  相似文献   
We present the Messinian evaporite suite (Mediterranean region) and the Solfatara hydrothermal system (Phlegraean Fields volcanic province, Italy), discuss their implications for understanding the origin of sulfates on Mars and show preliminary sets of VNIR laboratory and in situ reflectance spectra of rocks from these geologic systems. The choice was based on a number of evidence relative to Mars: (1) the chemistry of the Martian sulfates, suggesting fluid interactions with possibly alkali-basaltic rocks and/or regolith; (2) close range evidence of sulfates within sedimentary formations on Mars; (3) sulfate spectral signatures associated to large-scale layered patterns interpreted as thick depositional systems on Mars. The Messinian evaporites comprise three units: primary shallow-water sulfates (primary lower gypsum: PLG), shallow- to deep-water mixed sulfates and clastic terrigenous deposits (resedimented lower gypsum: RLG), and shallow-water associations of primary sulfates and clastic fluvio-deltaic deposits (upper evaporites: UE). The onset of the Messinian evaporites records the transition to negative hydrologic budget conditions associated with the Messinian Salinity Crisis, which affected the entire Mediterranean basin and lasted about 640 kyr. The Solfatara is a still evolving hydrothermal system that provides epithermal deposits precipitated from the interaction of fluids and trachybasaltic to phonolitic rocks. Thermal waters include alkali-chloride, alkali-carbonate and alkali-sulfate endmembers.The wide spectrum of sedimentary gypsum facies within the Messinian formation includes some of the depositional environments hitherto identified on Mars and others not found on Mars. The PLG unit includes facies associations correlated over long distances, that could be a possible analog of the stratified rock units exposed from Arabia Terra at least as far as Valles Marineris. The facies cycles within the UE unit can be compared to the sequences of strata observed in craters such as Holden and Eberswalden. The UE unit records paleoenvironmental changes which are ultimately controlled by terrestrial climatic variations. They can be considered as a reliable climatic proxy and may be useful for the reconstruction of climatic events on Mars. The intermediate Messinian RLG unit has not, at present, a well-defined depositional counterpart on Mars, although there are some similarities with the northern lowlands and Vastitas Borealis Formation. The dramatic variation of hydrologic budget conditions at the onset of the Messinian evaporites may provide criteria for the interpretation of similar variations on Mars.The volcanic rocks at the Solfatara bear some similarities with the “alkaline magmatic province” observed at the Gusev crater on Mars, and the assemblages of hydrothermal phases resulting from the Solfatara's parent rocks could be analogues for processes involving Gusev-type rocks.The Messinian sulfates have a prevalent Ca-sulfatic composition and wide textural variability. Preliminary laboratory reflectance spectra of rock samples in the VNIR region reveal the signature of sulfates and mixtures of several Fe-bearing phases. At the Solfatara, in situ reflectance measurements of epithermal minerals close to active fumaroles showed the presence of Fe-bearing sulfates, hematite, Al- and K-sulfates and abundant amorphous fraction. XRD analysis supported this interpretation.The range of depositional facies observed in the Messinian units and the variety of minerals detected in the Solfatara will be useful for the interpretation of close range data of Mars. The spectral characterization at various scales of the Messinian sedimentary facies and the Solfatara hydrothermal minerals will both help in the exploration of Mars from orbit and with close range inspection.  相似文献   
This is a study of the annual and interannual variability of regional rainfall produced by the Center for Weather Forecasts and Climate Studies/Center for Ocean, Land and Atmospheric Studies (CPTEC/COLA) atmospheric global climate model. An evaluation is made of a 9-member ensemble run of the model forced by observed global sea surface temperature (SST) anomalies for the 10-year period 1982–1991. The Brier skill score and, Relative Operating Characteristics (ROC) are used to assess the predictability of rainfall and to validate rainfall simulations, in several regions world wide. In general, the annual cycle of precipitation is well simulated by the model for several continental and oceanic regions in the tropics and mid latitudes. Interannual variability of rainfall during the peak rainy season is realistically simulated in Northeast Brazil, Amazonia, central Chile, and southern Argentina–Uruguay, Eastern Africa, and tropical Pacific regions, where the model shows good skill. Some regions, such as northwest Peru–Ecuador, and southern Brazil exhibit a realistic simulation of rainfall anomalies associated with extreme El Niño warming conditions, while in years with neutral or La Niña conditions, the agreement between observed and simulated rainfall anomalies is not always present. In the monsoon regions of the world and in southern Africa, even though the model reproduces the annual cycle of rainfall, the skill of the model is low for the simulation of the interannual variability. This is indicative of mechanisms other than the external SST forcing, such as the effect of land–surface moisture and snow feedbacks or the representation of sub-grid scale processes, indicating the important role of factors other than external boundary forcing. The model captures the well-known signatures of rainfall anomalies of El Niño in 1982–83 and 1986–87, indicating its sensitivity to strong external forcing. In normal years, internal climate variability can affect the predictability of climate in some regions, especially in monsoon areas of the world.  相似文献   
This integrated study (field observations, micropalaeontology, magnetostratigraphy, geochemistry, borehole data and seismic profiles) of the Messinian–Zanclean deposits on Zakynthos Island (Ionian Sea) focuses on the sedimentary succession recording the pre‐evaporitic phase of the Messinian salinity crisis (MSC) through the re‐establishment of the marine conditions in a transitional area between the eastern and the western Mediterranean. Two intervals are distinguished through the palaeoenvironmental reconstruction of the pre‐evaporitic Messinian in Kalamaki: (a) 6.45–6.122 Ma and (b) 6.122–5.97 Ma. Both the planktonic foraminifer and the fish assemblages indicate a cooling phase punctuated by hypersalinity episodes at around 6.05 Ma. Two evaporite units are recognized and associated with the tectonic evolution of the Kalamaki–Argassi area. The Primary Lower Gypsum (PLG) unit was deposited during the first MSC stage (5.971–5.60 Ma) in late‐Messinian marginal basins within the pre‐Apulian foreland basin and in the wedge‐top (<300 m) developed over the Ionian zone. During the second MSC stage (5.60–5.55 Ma), the PLG evaporites were deeply eroded in the forebulge–backbulge and the wedge‐top areas, and supplied the foreland basin's depocentre with gypsum turbidites assigned to the Resedimented Lower Gypsum (RLG) unit. In this study, we propose a simple model for the Neogene–Pliocene continental foreland‐directed migration of the Hellenide thrusting, which explains the palaeogeography of the Zakynthos basin. The diapiric movements of the Ionian Triassic evaporites regulated the configuration and the overall subsidence of the foreland basin and, therefore, the MSC expression in this area.  相似文献   
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