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This paper is the continuation of a previous work [6] in which we have obtained the set of all possible equilibria of a gyrostat satellite attracted by n points mass by solving two algebraical equations P1=0 and P2=0. It results that there is a maximum of 24 isolated equilibrium orientations for the satellite. Sufficient conditions of stability for these relative equilibria are given.Here we consider only the elementary case n=1. We show that the coefficients of the two algebrical equations depend on four parameters j1, j3, K and v2. The two first parameters depend only on the direction of the internal angular momentum of the rotors, the third being only function of the principal moments of inertia of the satellite and the last parameter is a decreasing function of one of the components of . We show that the two polynomials P1 and P2 are unvariant within two transformations of the parameters j1 and j3. It is then possible to reduce the range of variation of these parameters.For some particular values of the parameters, it is possible to give the minimum number of real roots of equations P1=0 and P2=0. In general cases, a computing program is written to obtain the number of real roots of these equations according to the values of the parameters. We show that among the roots found, few of them corresponds to stable equilibrium orientations.  相似文献   
It is shown that, to any change of variables:q i=qi(r, t) (i=1,..., n; =1,...,n+m; mn) increasing the number of variables, it is possible to associate a Mathieu's transformation and conversely. The results are applied to the theory of the osculating plane of motion.
Resumé On montre qu'à toute transformation:q i=qi(r, t)(i=1,..., n; =1,...,n+m; mn) augmentant le nombre de variables, on peut associer une transformation de Mathieu et réciproquement. Les résultats sont appliqués à la théorie du plan osculateur du mouvement.
Due to favorable conditions of preservation, sedimentary basins provide rich records of human behavior and its environmental context. The conditions for the preservation of archaeological material however vary between basin types (large, river‐fed or small, closed basins), while conditions also differ within a particular basin environment. The goal of this paper is to understand how the dynamics of a small postglacial basin such as Neumark‐Nord 2, a context that dominates the Eemian archaeological record, affected the archaeology situated at its basin margin. The approach used here is to correlate the archaeological record with reconstructions of patterns of deposition and the water conditions within the basin, using lithology, micromorphology, pollen, and macroremains from a transect running from the basin center to the margin. The results show that (1) find levels were exposed to overland flow‐induced winnowing, which vertically concentrated finds but did not cause significant transport, (2) find levels correspond to phases of increased water presence in the basin, and (3) lateral shifts in hominin activity areas may reflect adjustments in the water level. The research shows the importance of large‐scale archaeological excavations and a multidisciplinary sampling strategy that covers both the basin center and the margins, when studying postglacial basin localities like Neumark‐Nord 2.  相似文献   
The MedFlux project was devised to determine and model relationships between organic matter and mineral ballasts of sinking particulate matter in the ocean. Specifically we investigated the ballast ratio hypothesis, tested various commonly used sampling and modeling techniques, and developed new technologies that would allow better characterization of particle biogeochemistry. Here we describe the rationale for the project, the biogeochemical provenance of the DYFAMED site, the international support structure, and highlights from the papers published here. Additional MedFlux papers can be accessed at the MedFlux web site (http://msrc.sunysb.edu/MedFlux/).  相似文献   
Recent geological observations in the northern mid-latitudes of Mars show evidence for past glacial activity during the late Amazonian, similar to the integrated glacial landsystems in the Dry Valleys of Antarctica. The large accumulation of ice (many hundreds of meters) required to create the observed glacial deposits points to significant atmospheric precipitation, snow and ice accumulation, and glacial flow. In order to understand the climate scenario required for these conditions, we used the LMD (Laboratoire de Météorologie Dynamique) Mars GCM (General Circulation Model), which is able to reproduce the present-day water cycle, and to predict past deposition of ice consistent with geological observations in many cases. Prior to this analysis, however, significant mid-latitude glaciation had not been simulated by the model, run under a range of parameters.In this analysis, we studied the response of the GCM to a wider range of orbital configurations and water ice reservoirs, and show that during periods of moderate obliquity (? = 25-35°) and high dust opacity (τdust = 1.5-2.5), broad-scale glaciation in the northern mid-latitudes occurs if water ice deposited on the flanks of the Tharsis volcanoes at higher obliquity is available for sublimation. We find that high dust contents of the atmosphere increase its water vapor holding capacity, thereby moving the saturation region to the northern mid-latitudes. Precipitation events are then controlled by topographic forcing of stationary planetary waves and transient weather systems, producing surface ice distribution and amounts that are consistent with the geological record. Ice accumulation rates of ∼10 mm yr−1 lead to the formation of a 500-1000 m thick regional ice sheet that will produce glacial flow patterns consistent with the geological observations.  相似文献   
The intercumulus liquid of a crystal mush fills pore spaces,and typically solidifies to form overgrowths on cumulus grainsand poikilitic post-cumulus minerals. If the liquid is immobile,solidification produces zoned intercumulus minerals, as a resultof progressive fractionation of the residual liquid. Convectionwithin the mush results in buffering of the liquid composition,and thus limits mineral zonation. For fully solidified cumulates,‘fossil’ changes in liquid composition or porosityare difficult to identify. However, detailed study of immobileminor components of plagioclase overgrowth rims can provideinformation about the progressive solidification of intercumulusmaterial. Ti contents of plagioclase overgrowths, in samplesfrom the lowermost parts of the Skaergaard Intrusion, show strongvariations with anorthite content. With decreasing XAn, Ti concentrationsfirst rise and then fall, consistent with changing TiO2 contentsof the intercumulus liquid during solidification. TiO2 in plagioclasedecreases sharply at An55, reflecting local saturation of Fe–Tioxides. Ti in clinopyroxene oikocrysts also falls rimward, butzoning in faster diffusing species (Fe, Mg) is limited. Otherthan slight reverse zones that may occur on the plagioclasemargins, XAn falls continuously during crystallization. Thereverse zoning is interpreted as the result of compaction-drivendissolution and reprecipitation of plagioclase. The continualdecrease in XAn is exploited, together with back-scattered electronimages of the cumulates, to produce calibrated images showingregions of progressive crystallization. This allows the regionscrystallizing at each stage of solidification to be visualized.These images show that the final remnants of interstitial meltwere present in triangular pockets and as thin grain-boundarymelt films. This approach can provide information about theprogressive reduction of porosity during cumulate solidification. KEY WORDS: residual liquid; cumulate; plagioclase; porosity; Skaergaard  相似文献   
Aliphatic (AHs) and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) were analyzed in dissolved and particulate material from surface microlayer (SML) and subsurface water (SSW) sampled at nearshore observation stations, sewage effluents and harbour sites from Marseilles coastal area (Northwestern Mediterranean) in 2009 and 2010. Dissolved and particulate AH concentrations ranged 0.05–0.41 and 0.04–4.3 μg l−1 in the SSW, peaking up to 38 and 1366 μg l−1 in the SML, respectively. Dissolved and particulate PAHs ranged 1.9–98 and 1.9–21 ng l−1 in the SSW, amounting up 217 and 1597 ng l−1 in the SML, respectively. In harbours, hydrocarbons were concentrated in the SML, with enrichment factors reaching 1138 for particulate AHs. Besides episodic dominance of biogenic and pyrogenic inputs, a moderate anthropisation from petrogenic sources dominated suggesting the impact of shipping traffic and surface runoffs on this urbanised area. Rainfalls increased hydrocarbon concentrations by a factor 1.9–11.5 in the dissolved phase.  相似文献   
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