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The Upper Miocene Cerro Morado Andesites constitutes a mafic volcanic field (100 km2) composed of andesite to basaltic andesite rocks that crop out 75 km to the east from the current arc, in the northern Puna of Argentina. The volcanic field comprises lavas and scoria cones resulting from three different eruptive phases developed without long interruptions between each other. Lavas and pyroclastic rocks are thought to be sourced from the same vents, located where orogen-parallel north-south faults crosscut transverse structures.The first eruptive phase involved the effusion of extensive andesitic flows, and minor Hawaiian-style fountaining which formed subordinate clastogenic lavas. The second phase represents the eruption of slightly less evolved andesite lavas and pyroclastic deposits, only distributed to the north and central sectors of the volcanic field. The third phase represents the discharge of basaltic andesite magmas which occurred as both pyroclastic eruptions and lava effusion from scattered vents distributed throughout the entire volcanic field. The interpreted facies model for scoria cones fits well with products of typical Strombolian-type activity, with minor fountaining episodes to the final stages of eruptions.Petrographic and chemical features suggest that the andesitic units (SiO2 > 57%) evolved by crystal fractionation. In contrast, characteristics of basaltic andesite rocks are inconsistent with residence in upper-crustal chambers, suggesting that batches of magmas with different origins or evolutive histories arrived at the surface and erupted coevally.Based on the eruptive styles and lack of volcanic quiescence gaps between eruptions, the Cerro Morado Andesites can be classified as a mafic volcanic field constructed from the concurrent activity of several small, probably short-lived, monogenetic centers.  相似文献   
The Ebro catchment, the largest river basin in Spain, includes various heavily industrialized areas. Among these is the Flix site, where a chemical plant has been operating since the beginning of the 20th century. This extended operational period, together with the construction of a dam next to the factory around 1960, resulted in the accumulation of large amounts of heavily polluted sediments in the adjacent riverbed, many of which are contaminated by mercury. Pollutants from Flix are carried downstream by the Ebro River to its delta. In order to assess the transfer of mercury to the complex river estuary ecosystem, we studied the ecology of the tern community living there as these birds segregate into a range of habitats. For this purpose, first we used stable isotope analysis (SIA) (δ34S, δ13C, δ15N) of eggs to determine the trophic ecology and habitat partitioning of several tern species (Common, Sandwich, Little, Gull-Billed and Whiskered Tern) breeding sympatrically, in order to link their foraging ecology with habitat types. Next we measured mercury concentrations in eggs to monitor the input of this metal into the diverse habitats. With the exception of the Little Tern, the other terns used a restricted habitat range in the Ebro Delta, as shown by C and S isotopes; the Gull-Billed and Whiskered Tern foraged in freshwater habitats, while the Common and Sandwich Tern used marine habitats. This restricted feeding behavior of the Gull-Billed and Common Tern contrasts with previous reports in other breeding sites. The Little Tern, which showed a wide range of isotopic values, was found to be an opportunistic forager but fed mainly in saltpans, a feeding habitat not reported previously for this species in this area. We found that mercury concentrations are related to foraging habitat and diet, and are unexpectedly higher in species feeding on demersal prey in marine habitats and also higher in birds feeding in saltpans than in those feeding in freshwater habitats. The mercury concentrations found in the Little and Common Tern eggs sampled in “Punta de la Banya” may be sufficiently high to endanger breeding success.  相似文献   
In many arid and semi-arid areas, intensive cultivation is practiced despite water commonly being a limiting factor. Often, irrigation water is from local aquifers or imported from out-of-area aquifers and surface reservoirs. Irrigation return flows become a significant local recharge source, but they may deteriorate aquifer water quality. La Aldea valley, located in the western sector of Gran Canaria Island (Atlantic Ocean), is a coastal, half-closed depression in altered, low-permeability volcanics with alluvium in the gullies and scree deposits over a large part of the area. This area is intensively cultivated. Irrigation water comes from reservoirs upstream and is supplemented (average 30 %) by local groundwater; supplementation goes up to 70 % in dry years, in which groundwater reserves are used up to exhaustion if the dry period persists. Thus, La Aldea aquifer is key to the water-supply system, whose recharge is mostly from return irrigation flows and the scarce local rainfall recharge on the scree formations, conveyed to the gully deposits. To quantify the hydrogeological conceptual model and check data coherence, a simplified numerical model has been constructed, which can be used as a tool to help in water management.  相似文献   
The Cuzco region, which is located above a change in subduction geometry, appears to be characterized by a variable Plio-Quaternary tectono-sedimentary evolution essentially located along the major fault system that separates the High Plateaux from the Eastern Cordillera. After the higher surface formation of the High Plateaux, a set of Neogene basins were filled by Miocene “ fluvio-torrential” series and by Plio-Pleistocene fluvio-lacustrine deposits. The Neogene series have been affected by compressional tectonic forces attributed to the Late Miocene. This compression is followed by roughly E-W trending syn-sedimentary extensional tectonics attributed to the Pliocene; it is related to reactivation of the pre-existing major faults, basin evolution, and volcanic activity concentrated along the faults. In the Early Pleistocene, fluvio-lacustrine deposits are affected by syn- and post-sedimentary compressional tectonism it is characterized by shortening that trends both N-S and E-W and produces folding and faulting of the sedimentary cover. Extensional tectonism trending roughly N-S has been taking place from the Middle Pleistocene to the Present; it is coeval with shoshonitic volcanic activity, and with sedimentation of fluvio-lacustrine terraces, torrential fans and moraines. Quaternary and active normal faults due to this tectonism, are located in a narrow zone more than 100 km-long between the High Plateaux and the Eastern Cordillera, and two 15 km-long fault sectors in the Eastern Cordillera. Characteristic Pleistocene scarps, 400 m or more high, are due to the cumulative normal offset, and there are also little scarps, with heights ranging between 2 and 20 m, which are related to Holocene fault reactivations. Recent fault reactivation on the Cuzco fault system, during the April 5, 1986 earthquake (mb = 5.3), is due to the N-S trending extension. This state of stress, located at a mean elevation of roughly 3730 m, is generally homogeneous to different scales. The active Cuzco normal faults may be a consequence of adjustment between the compensated Western Cordillera and the undercompensated Eastern Cordillera, this latter being uplifted higher than its isostatic equilibrium due to compression acting on its eastern edge. The variation of the state of stress, during the Plio-Quaternary is in agreement with the variations of the compressional boundary forces. It may be explained by variation of the convergence rate or by the variation of pull-slab forces.  相似文献   
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