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Formation of pockmarks by pore-water escape   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
During the course of a North Sea rig site investigation, a number of seabed depressions were observed on side-scan sonar records, some of which may be identified as pockmarks. Others are described as pits. A pockmark evolutionary series is proposed on the basis of all these features with a suggested mechanism which would favor release of pore water, but does not exclude gas escape. Acoustic voids are considered to be a related phenomenon.  相似文献   
Pluto and the chaotic satellite system of Neptune may have originated from a single encounter of Neptune with a massive solar system body. A series of numerical experiments has been carried out to try to set limits on the circumstances of such an encounter. These experiments show that orbits very much like those of Pluto, Triton, and Nereid can result from a single close encounter of such a body with Neptune. The implied mass range and encounter velocities limit the source of the encountering body to a former trans-Neptunian planet in the 2- to 5-Earth-mass range.  相似文献   
The Spring Well volcanic complex in the Eastern Goldfields Province of Western Australia, is a relatively fresh and well exposed Archaean felsic volcanic centre that is preserved in a synclinal structure at the top of the local greenstone succession. Subaerial acid pyroclastic deposits and subordinate lava flows, intruded by anastomosing intermediate‐acid dykes and sills, comprise the near‐vent facies. In the distal regions of the centre, subaqueous crystal tuff and other tuff units are intercalated with epiclastic sediments.

Geochemical modelling indicates that the acid rocks are unlikely to have been derived by batch partial melting of probable crustal sources. However, differentiation from intermediate parents is compatible with the available geochemical data. The intermediate rocks, in turn, have critical geochemical characteristics comparable with all other studied intermediate calc‐alkaline rocks in the Yilgarn Block. Since it can be demonstrated that many of these rocks have an ultimate mantle source (through differentiation of LIL element enriched mafic primary magmas) it follows that such an origin is applicable in the Spring Well rocks. Therefore, it is concluded that the Spring Well volcanic complex represents a mantle‐derived, calc‐alkaline differentiation series, in which the more silicic members of the suite predominate. Apart from the diagnostic geochemical characteristics of these acid volcanic rocks, their spatial association with intermediate rocks distinguishes them from anatectic acid volcanic rocks that also occur in the greenstone sequences of the Yilgarn Block.  相似文献   
桐柏碰撞造山带及其邻区变形特征与构造格局   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
桐柏碰撞造山带及其邻区可以划分为九个大地构造单元,自北向南分别是:华北克拉通南缘岩石构造单元——宽坪岩群、具弧后盆地性质的二郎坪岩石构造单元、具岛弧性质的秦岭杂岩单元、龟山岩组和南湾岩组构成的俯冲前缘楔构造带、构造混杂岩带、桐柏北部高压岩片单元、桐柏核部杂岩单元、桐柏南部高压岩片单元以及随州构造变形带。根据详细的构造解析以及新的地质年代学资料,本文将中生代以来的构造变形划分为五幕,前两幕变形主要发育在构造混杂岩带以南的各个岩石构造单元中,之后的三幕变形则波及整个研究区。第一幕变形的时间约为255~238Ma,以发育区域上透入性的片理及北西西向的拉伸线理为主,并导致了高压岩片早期自西向东的挤出。第二幕变形的时间约为230~215Ma,以自北向南的逆冲推覆构造为主,使得高压岩片进一步垂向抬升。第三幕变形应早于下侏罗统,以近北西西向的宽缓褶皱为主要特征,该幕变形期间桐柏核部杂岩及其两侧高压岩片单元发生同步的抬升。第四幕变形大致发生在140~130Ma之间,主要表现为桐柏核部杂岩两侧走滑型韧性剪切带的活动,桐柏核部杂岩表现出向东的挤出。第五幕变形发生在120~80Ma,表现为北西向及北东向的脆性断裂活动,并切割以上所有构造形迹。桐柏高压岩片的抬升剥露受多幕变形控制,呈阶段性的抬升。  相似文献   
Detailed field sampling and analyses and laboratory-based diffusion-cell experiments were used in conjunction with 3-D reactive transport modeling (MODFLOW and MT3D99) to quantify the fate and long-term (10 ka) transport of As in the Rabbit Lake In-pit Tailings Management Facility (RLITMF), northern Saskatchewan, Canada. The RLITMF (300 m × 425 m × 90 m thick) was engineered to ensure solute transport within the RLITMF is dominated by diffusion. Concentrations of As in the tailings pore fluids ranged from 0.24 to 140 mg/L (n = 43). Arsenic speciation analyses indicate 90% of this arsenic exists as As5+. This observation is supported by pH–Eh measurements of pore fluids (n = 135). Geochemical analyses yielded a strong inverse correlation between the Fe/As molar ratio in the tailings solids and the corresponding concentration of dissolved As, which is attributed to the adsorption of As to secondary 2-line ferrihydrite present in the tailings. Diffusion-cell testing yielded values for the effective diffusion coefficient, sorption coefficient, and effective porosity of As in the tailings of 4.5 × 10−10 m2/s, 2–4 cm3/g and 0.36, respectively. Reactive transport simulations using the field and laboratory data show adsorption of As to the tailings and diffusive transport of dissolved As in the tailings should reduce the source term concentration of As to between 40% and 70% of the initial concentrations over the 10 ka simulation period. Based on these simulations, the As concentrations in the regional groundwater, 50 m down gradient of the tailings facility, should be maintained at background concentrations of 0.001 mg/L over the 10 ka period. These findings suggest the engineered in-pit disposal of U mine tailings can provide long-term protection for the local groundwater regime from As contamination.  相似文献   
The behavior of As in the subsurface environment was examined along a transect of groundwater monitoring wells at a Superfund site, where enhanced reductive dechlorination (ERD) is being used for the remediation of groundwater contaminated with chlorinated solvents. The transect was installed parallel to the groundwater flow direction through the treatment area. The ERD technology involves the injection of organic C (OC) to stimulate in situ microbial dechlorination processes. A secondary effect of the ERD treatment at this site, however, is the mobilization of As, as well as Fe and Mn. The concentrations of these elements are low in groundwater collected upgradient of the ERD treatment area, indicating that, in the absence of the injected OC, the As that occurs naturally in the sediment is relatively immobile. Batch experiments conducted using sediments from the site inoculated with an Fe(III)- and As(V)-reducing bacterium and amended with lactate resulted in mobilization of As, Fe and Mn, suggesting that As mobilization in the field is due to microbial processes.  相似文献   
Two environmental tracer methods are applied to the Ti-Tree Basin in central Australia to shed light on the importance of recharge from floodouts of ephemeral rivers in this arid environment. Ground water carbon-14 concentrations from boreholes are used to estimate the average recharge rate over the interval between where the ground water sample first entered the saturated zone and the bore. Environmental chloride concentrations in ground water samples provide estimates of the recharge rate at the exact point in the landscape where the sample entered the saturated zone. The results of the two tracer approaches indicate that recharge rates around one of the rivers and an extensive floodplain are generally higher than rates of diffuse recharge that occurs in areas of lower topographic relief. Ground water 2H/1H and 18O/16O compositions are all depleted in the heavier isotopes (delta2H = -67 per thousand to -50 per thousand; delta18O = -9.2 per thousand to -5.7%o) compared with the long-term, amount-weighted mean isotopic composition of rainfall in the area (delta2H = -33.8 per thousand; delta18O = -6.3 per thousand). This indicates that recharge throughout the basin occurs only after intense rainfall events of at least 150 to 200 mm/month. Finally, a recharge map is developed to highlight the spatial extent of the two recharge mechanisms. Floodout recharge to the freshest ground water (TDS <1,000 mg/L) is approximately 1.9 mm/year compared with a mean recharge rate of approximately 0.2 mm/year to the remainder of the basin. These findings have important implications for management of the ground water resource.  相似文献   
James W. Harrington Jr   《Geoforum》1985,16(4):349-356
Analysis of locational patterns and change within an industry may be assisted by division of industry participants into groups based on corporate and business strategies. These strategies reflect the assets of the companies and the characteristics of the industry. They affect the locational needs, behavior and impact of the companies. Hypothesized effects of strategy are explored in a brief study of U.S. semiconductor manufacturers. Of the possible strategic considerations, corporate diversification and integration, and business scale and cost/price position seem to be the most relevant for this industry.  相似文献   
Ecklonia maxima dominates kelp beds on the west coast of southern Africa, and is commercially and ecologically valuable. Some plants lose all their secondary blades (fronds), leaving only the gas-filled bulb and short primary blade at the top of the stipe. These ‘bald’ kelps may persist for months or longer, occupying substratum space but contributing little to productivity. We investigated natural causes of balding in five kelp beds in False Bay, South Africa, and the effect of simulated commercial frond-harvesting on loss of fronds. Densities of sporophytes with and without fronds were measured at the water surface during low tides. Generalised linear modelling analysis showed a significant relationship between balding and site (whether sheltered from or exposed to swell/wind), position in the kelp bed (shoreward or seaward) and total E. maxima density. We conclude that balding is caused mainly by drying of meristematic basal regions of fronds during emersion of kelp heads at low tide. After partial harvesting of fronds, kelp heads floated higher out of the water, but after 95 days frond loss was significantly higher only when fronds were cut too close to the primary blade, possibly because of damage to meristematic tissue. Nevertheless, increased emersion that results from frond-harvesting may increase desiccation and blade loss and we suggest caution in setting harvest limits for this kelp.  相似文献   
The hydraulic gradient between aquifers and rivers is one of the most variable properties in a river/aquifer system. Detailed process understanding of bank storage under hydraulic gradients is obtained from a two‐dimensional numerical model of a variably saturated aquifer slice perpendicular to a river. Exchange between the river and the aquifer occurs first at the interface with the unsaturated zone. The proportion of total water exchanged through the river bank compared to the river bed is a function of aquifer hydraulic conductivity, partial penetration, and hydraulic gradient. Total exchange may be estimated to within 50% using existing analytical solutions provided that unsaturated zone processes do not strongly influence exchange. Model‐calculated bank storage is at a maximum when no hydraulic gradient is present and increases as the hydraulic conductivity increases. However, in the presence of a hydraulic gradient, the largest exchange flux or distance of penetration does not necessarily correspond to the highest hydraulic conductivity, as high hydraulic conductivity increases the components of exchange both into and out of an aquifer. Flood wave characteristics do not influence ambient groundwater discharge, and so in large floods, hydraulic gradients must be high to reduce the volume of bank storage. Practical measurement of bank storage metrics is problematic due to the limitations of available measurement technologies and the nested processes of exchange that occur at the river‐aquifer interface. Proxies, such as time series concentration data in rivers and groundwater, require further development to be representative and quantitative.  相似文献   
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